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Chapter 77 Three Questions to Fan Shouyun

Everyone took the evil servant downstairs and threw it on the ground. The evil servant was already confused. When the thief came, he knew that the thief did not follow common sense and did not follow the right path.

When you meet officers and soldiers, you still have to fight. When you meet thieves, fighting back is just a waste of energy and useless. It is better to surrender. He has already collapsed to the ground with fear, and is as soft as mud. He is thrown to the ground, like a piece of cow shit, with his face

It also looked pale under the light of the torch, making people unable to look directly at it, lest they have nightmares and wake up in the middle of the night.

He was trembling at the foot of the wall. After he was drunk, the wine was so frightened that he turned into beads of sweat, and he was sweating all over his body.

"Bold evil servant! Do you know your guilt?" the bandit leader shouted.

The evil servant looked up and saw that all the people in black took off their masks and clothes. They were all wearing the uniforms of county government agents. The "bandit leader" was none other than the county magistrate Jin Shan.

The evil servant had never seen County Magistrate Jin Shan. He had just been transferred here not long ago. It was reasonable for the evil servant to have never seen him before. Unexpectedly, Jin Shan's words were like ringing a bell, which made people scared and their courage was shattered.

He saw Jin Shan's serious face and elongated face, looking like he was doomed, so he burst into laughter.

"You brave and evil servant, you are about to die, but you still laugh? Tell me quickly, what have you done?" Jin Shan asked.

"Haha, it's because I'm going to die that I can laugh. I've done all the bad things I should do. I'm satisfied and have fun." The evil servant laughed.

"You are really a freak! If you come, there will be no need for a trial, and you will be taken directly to the county office and put on death row." Jin Shan ordered.

Jin Shan comforted Zhang Dahu and his wife, then comforted their son and daughter-in-law, and then led the police officers to leave.

Zhang Dahu wanted to give Jin Shan property, but Jin Shan refused, saying: "The county government has allocated money for the property, and does not need funding from local wealthy households. You must strictly manage your family and avoid causing trouble again. Why didn't I agree to come and arrest you during the day?"

Criminal, you are just worried that the evil servant will harm your son and daughter-in-law. Once a serious case of human life occurs, it will be a small matter if I have to take off my official hat, but it will be a big thing if you lose your son. Of course, the life of your wife is also your life, and nothing can go wrong. So.

The purpose of scolding you and telling you to go home is actually to bring a message to the evil servant, asking the evil servant to relax and not be in a tense state, so that he can control it. Once he loses control, the consequences will be disastrous. I hope you can understand my good intentions."

"So that's it! Thank you for your concern for the people. You are really a parent official with a parent's heart and always consider the people. Without your careful arrangements, I am afraid that my family would still be in grief and unable to get out of the dark clouds and welcome the sun." Zhang Dahu said.

, started crying.

"Old man, don't cry! Go and see your son and daughter-in-law quickly. Later, I will ask the scribe to record it. You sign it so that it can be filed and stored. Evil servants will be dealt with according to the law and punished severely." Jin Shan said.


After saying that, the clerk came over and handed the transcript to Zhang Dahu. Zhang Dahu signed it without even looking at it, and then asked Zhang Dahu's wife to also sign. Zhang's wife was raised as a son since she was a child, regarded as a treasure, and received education.

Able to read and write.

She also took a look at the confession written by the scribe and signed it immediately. She didn't expect that she had always been unkind to her servants, but some servants would repay kindness with hatred. She was ungrateful and instead became jealous. Jealousy breeds hatred, and hatred breeds harm.

The behavior of the evil servant was disgusting. She thought to herself that she was lucky to have met a good official. If she met a reckless one, her son's life would be in danger and there would be nothing to say.

The evil servant was sentenced to death.

The case spread and was very popular. People praised and gave thumbs up, praising Jin Shan for solving the case, saving the lives of the hostages, and punishing the evildoers.

On this day, the evil servant was executed in a hurry. He laughed loudly, and people threw things on him. They hated him for committing the following crimes. This was a challenge to the rich. All wealthy households would not tolerate and would never tolerate the servants who committed the following crimes.

Forgive. After Jin Shan concluded the case and pronounced the verdict, he won the support of all the wealthy households in and outside the city, and his reputation spread like wildfire. Soon another habitual theft criminal was arrested and imprisoned in the Tanghe County government office.

Similarly, the habitual criminal's name is Fan Shouyun.

He was cunning, treacherous and cruel, so he landed in Tanghe County and was imprisoned until the trial was over. The problem was that during the interrogation, Fan Shouyun always avoided the important and ignored the easy. His confession was full of contradictions and inconsistencies, and there were many doubts. There was insufficient evidence for conviction and his confession was not good enough.

, it is difficult to impose a sentence without conviction. This stumped the Tanghe County magistrate. He heard about Jin Shan's abilities and knew that Jin Shan was a student of Bu Huishu, and he and the current saint were classmates. What a coincidence. Invite Jin Shan to come

, it is definitely true. If the trial is wrong, it is not the county magistrate's business. It is also a way out to pass it on to Jin Shan, so as not to cut off the food and salary for the rest of his life.

Jin Shan arrived at the invitation. As soon as he arrived at the county government office, he asked the county magistrate some information. After the magistrate finished speaking, he just shook his head and said: "This Fan Shouyun is too cunning. I don't know who he is. What I just said before, he

I don’t admit it anymore. Now that I’m here, I’ll definitely have a way, but I can’t do anything to him.”

After listening to this, Jin Shan thought to himself that he had never encountered such a case before.

"Brother, don't be afraid. There are other evidences in his case. All that's left is his confession. Once the confession is confirmed, the case will be closed immediately. There are rules and regulations on how to punish him. You can find the basis from them. Don't worry."

"Oh, that's right! I understand, he likes to make trouble, so I will accompany him to make trouble. Look at me, don't be nervous, there will be a result soon," Jin Shan said.

After hearing what Jin Shan said, Magistrate Tanghe murmured in his heart, thinking, in these years of wandering around the world, I have walked more bridges than you have walked, and eaten more salt than you have eaten. Why are you so confident?


He thought so in his heart but did not say it out loud. He knew that Jin Shan had a good way to solve the case, and he expected success. It was said that Jin Shan solved the case, but in reality it was still his fault, so why not?

Jin Shan said: "The interrogation will begin tomorrow, but I need to place the interrogation room in a teahouse or wine shop."

"This is easy to handle!" said the magistrate of Tanghe County.

"If it's easy, go and do it quickly. If it's done, go home. If it's not done well, you won't be able to sleep or eat well," Jin Shan said.

"What you said is absolutely true, please be patient and don't be impatient. Brother Yu, let me go and see which tea house and restaurant is suitable."

"Don't be afraid, just do as you are told. Don't ask why, just be prepared. I will be responsible for the following things. The results of the case will be announced soon. Just wait for the good news." Jin Shan said.

The next day, the magistrate of Tanghe County indeed arranged a teahouse. People came in and out as usual, including opera singers, storytellers, chatters, and braggarts. This entertainment venue, including Jin Shan, was not a frequent visitor.

.I used to read books about sages and sages, and in order to obtain fame, I neglected many beautiful things, including teahouses and restaurants. Ordinary people can come to these places, but students from all over the world rarely visit them. It’s either that I don’t want to, or I can’t. I don’t have time, and I am pressed for time. After the big exam, I will become famous.

, you can come here to have fun in your free time. Under such circumstances, he can sometimes enjoy such time when he is on business.

The county magistrate made preparations and arranged an elegant seat in the teahouse according to Jin Shan's requirements.

The furnishings inside are the same as those at home. They are antique, elegant and unique. There are pens, inks, paper and inkstones on a coffee table. There is a lamp behind it, and ancient wooden crutches are hanging on it. I don’t know what it means? There are tassels under the lamp, which looks unique. There is a bed next to it.

, you can sit or lie down, whatever you want.

There is a fire in the middle of the house, and a lamb is roasting. Next to it is a pot of wine. The aroma of meat and wine fills the room with warmth.

When Fan Shouyun was brought in, he took off his cloak and saw that he was tied up like a rice dumpling. When he got to the room, he realized that he had been tied up and everyone else seemed to be invited guests.

.The difference in status made Fan Shouyun a little frustrated.

Seeing the wine and meat, Fan Shouyun swallowed secretly. It tasted so good! He couldn't wait to feast on it.

The two detectives, also in civilian clothes, sat next to Fan Shouyun, one on the left and one on the right.

Fan Shouyun has been released from the rope, and his whole body feels relaxed. He sees this formation as entertainment, but how does it look like an interrogation?

Jin Shan was lying on the couch, sometimes ordering people to play music, sometimes drinking, and sometimes making tea, feeling uneasy. He asked Fan Shouyun to drink some wine too, but after drinking, he would not continue until a certain time.

Up, that’s how it started. It seemed like leisure and entertainment, but for Jin Shan, it was just work.

Where can I find such a comfortable job? Such an interrogation is unheard of and unheard of.

"Fan Shouyun, are you from Tanghe?"

"Master Qi, I am a villain." Fan Shouyun replied, murmuring in his heart. He didn't know how many times he was asked by the county magistrate, and he asked, "Isn't this just pretending?"

"Don't be polite, don't talk about lords and villains, we are friends, you can talk directly, there is no need to be polite, remember, don't be polite!" Jin Shan said.

"Okay, old... Oh, no, you're welcome." Fan Shouyun replied, almost making a mistake. His head was running rapidly, like a frightened horse, jumping up and down, very active, and

It's like a big black fish that accidentally got into a school of fish and saw so many small fish and shrimps to eat. It was so excited that it didn't know what to do with it.

"How old are you?"

"38 years old."

"Do you live in Tanghe County or in the countryside?"

"Live in the city."

"Are your parents still alive?"

"Hey, it's really unlucky. I was so unlucky that my parents died when I was young. I'm helpless, just like a duckweed with no roots. I drift with the tide. I have a home all over the world and wander around everywhere. It's really miserable!"

As he spoke, he squeezed out two tears and howled a few times. The clerk next to him was secretly amused. He really wanted to laugh in his heart, but he just held it back because he was worried that Jin Shan would be blamed.

Jin Shan said: "Scribe, what's on your mind? Remember to write down what Fan Shouyun said, and don't write a single word wrong. Do you understand?"

"Understood!" the clerk replied quickly, lowered his head and continued writing.

After finishing writing, Jin Shan said: "Fan Shouyun, look at the confession. What you just said has been written down. Take a look. If there are no problems, just sign and sign it! Doesn't this trouble you?"

"Is it difficult? Is it difficult? It's okay. Okay, let me take a look." Fan Shouyun said, taking the confession handed over by the scribe. If he thought it was okay, he signed and stamped it.

Then, Jin Shan ordered Fan Shouyun to fill a glass of wine, reward him with a piece of mutton, and said: "After you have eaten and drank, you can go and have a rest! I will play here for a while."

Fan Shouyun smiled brightly. No matter what happened to him tomorrow, he just had to eat and drink well and sleep well first. He received the food and wine, and after eating and drinking, he was arrested and tied up again. He put on a cloak and was escorted back by the police on the left and right.

Arrive at the cell.

I had nothing to say that night, so I went to this place early the next morning. This time it was grilled fish. It was fragrant and delicious, and the different delicacies were mouth-watering.

Fan Shouyun is still wondering where the leftover roasted whole lamb from yesterday went. This is purely redundant and must have been consumed. Otherwise, why would it disappear?

"Fan Shouyun, you performed well yesterday. You will continue to perform today and strive for leniency." Jin Shan said straight to the point.

"Thank you sir for the reward."

"Fan Shouyun, you performed well today. We had grilled fish and wine." Jin Shan said.


"Fan Shouyun, how old are you?" Jin Shan asked suddenly, as if he suddenly remembered it inadvertently.

Fan Shouyun was startled and quickly replied: "I am 39 years old."

"Do you live in the city or in the country?"

"Live in the countryside. The countryside has beautiful scenery and fresh air."

"Do you have parents?"

"My father died young, so I followed my mother since I was a child and was raised by my mother," Fan Shouyun said.

The clerk didn't dare to laugh, thinking, isn't the problem the same as yesterday? He raised his head and secretly glanced at Jin Shan. Jin Shan was staring at the confession he had written. The clerk quickly buried his head to see if he had made a mistake. Sure enough,

The scribe looked at it carefully and found that it was really different from yesterday's content. I don't know if Fan Shouyun was conscious. No matter what, it's better to write it down first and record the original words of the interrogation truthfully, lest Fan Shouyun doesn't sign it.

It would be very troublesome to make a mark.

After finishing the questioning, Jin Shan ordered the scribe to have Fan Shouyun sign and stamp the confession. After finishing all this, he rewarded Fan Shouyun with two grilled fish and two cups of fine wine. Fan Shouyun accepted it and felt very happy.

Then, Fan Shouyun was taken back and continued to be detained. There was nothing to say that night. On the next day, which was the third day, Fan Shouyun was taken back again. Today, rabbits were roasted.

"This rabbit is interesting."

"What?" Fan Shouyun asked.

"I mean this rabbit is fun, what do you think? What are its characteristics?"

"Yeah, it's just that the tail is short." Fan Shouyun said.

"You have good eyesight."

"Thank you for the compliment."

"Come here, prepare the instruments of torture." Jin Shan changed the subject and ordered sternly.

Only then did Fan Shouyun realize that there were a few more people today, all of whom were police officers. They all looked vicious, and none of them had benevolent intentions.

When Fan Shouyun heard the word torture instrument, the flesh on his face began to tremble, and his calves began to move uncontrollably. This made him extremely nervous.

"How old are you?"

"41 years old."

"Do you live in Tanghe County or in the countryside?"

"Sometimes in the city, sometimes in the country."

"Are your parents alive?"

"I am still alive. My life is good. My parents are still here. I am very lucky." Fan Shouyun said.

"Scribe, please write down what Fan Shouyun said." Jin Shan said.

"Okay! Master!"

The clerk was writing hard next to him. He wrote quickly and well, and he was talented!

This chapter has been completed!
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