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Chapter 106 Insect City (11)

The centipede's head stopped in the air, intending to take a break. His eyes looked straight in the direction of the bright light, as if he was thinking about why there was such a bright light in front of him.

But before it could figure it out, it saw three dark figures behind the light, and it felt that there was an obvious human scent in the wind blowing from that direction.

It seems that this is the living person my mother was talking about.

But before it could get closer, it saw a long sword taken out from the hand of the figure, and the blade of the sword was emitting a glimmer of light even in the dim environment.

It watched the human being walking towards it with his back to the light, and the long sword in his hand looked even more dazzling under the white light.

The centipede tilted its head and had no desire to attack because its mother had told it that although humans were weak in front of them, they should still be careful that their weapons would blind their eyes.

Could this be the human weapon my mother was talking about? What a pity. Its shell is very hard, so it’s not that easy...

The scenery in its field of vision suddenly spun around, and finally it was level with the ground. The red light in its eyes also disappeared. Its wide-open eyes still didn't seem to understand what happened just now. Why did it suddenly become like this?

Jian Yao chopped off the centipede's head with lightning speed. In fact, the centipede's original idea was not wrong. Ordinary weapons could not leave a single scratch on its body, let alone its head.

It was cut down, but unfortunately what it encountered was not an ordinary weapon, but a magic weapon produced by the system.

When the centipede's head fell to the ground, it made a loud sound, and it felt like the ground, walls and roof of the tunnel were shaking together.

The insect eggs stuck to the roof of the tunnel swayed visibly to the naked eye. Several eggs fell from the top and cracked when they hit the ground. The yellow-green mucus inside flowed out from the cracks, and the meat balls shriveled.

Oupili squirmed in the direction of Jian Yao and the others, then stopped moving completely.

The circle of centipede body also moved briefly for a few times and then stopped completely because it lost control of its head. However, it was still stuck to the wall and the top of the tunnel, so Jian Yao and the others still had to crawl across the ground.

Only the corpse can reach the other end of the tunnel.

Jian Yao and the others crawled for several minutes before they saw the very end of the centipede's body. There was a pool of water on the abdomen and the ground at the end of the centipede. It didn't look like mucus dripping from the roof of the tunnel, but from the top of the tunnel.

It comes out of the centipede's tail.

"It should be its urine. Centipede urine is poisonous. Be careful." Jian Yao carefully walked around the puddle of water, and she felt the wind blowing from the front more clearly. It seemed that they

We are almost at the exit of this tunnel.

A white semicircular light appeared in front of Jian Yao's eyes. It seemed that they were getting closer to the exit of the tunnel.

Jian Yao and the others no longer wanted to stay in this dim environment even with a flashlight on, so they quickened their pace and walked towards the bright place ahead.

When Jian Yao came out of the dimly lit tunnel, the dazzling sunlight outside made her eyes burst into tears, and a strong stimulation made her quickly close her eyes.

After her eyes were able to adapt to the sunlight, she slowly opened her eyes. Her black crow-feather eyelashes were wet with tears, and her eyes were covered with a layer of water. She looked pitiful.

The sunlight hitting Jian Yao's fair face gave her a shining sense of sight.

The audience in the live broadcast room saw the moment when Jian Yao slowly opened her eyes, a tear slipped from the corner of her eye. The woman's eyes were confused, as if she was a goddess who didn't understand the world but fell into it, and they all sank in.

In Jian Yao's flourishing beauty, this scene was also made into an animated picture and circulated on the Internet.

Jian Yao didn't know that the viewers in her live broadcast room had turned into her cute dogs at this time, so she just used a tissue to wipe away the water splashing in front of her eyes.

After she wiped it clean, she could see the scenery in front of her clearly. She was now standing on a large piece of grass, and directly in front was a large jungle. The green surrounded them. It seemed that they had entered the scope of the botanical park.


At the other end of the tunnel, the members of Ba Tian Guild also came to the entrance of the tunnel. President Ba Tian accidentally stepped on the rotting crow corpse on the ground, making a sticky sound under his feet.

It sounds disgusting.

President Ba Tian kicked the crow corpse away in disgust, and then wiped the dirt on the soles of his shoes on the ground.

"President, do we really want to go in here? I feel that something is not good inside, otherwise we should..." the president's most capable younger brother suggested in a low voice.

When President Ba Tian heard his younger brother's disappointing words, he immediately slapped him in the face, and bright red palm prints soon appeared on his younger brother's face.

"We're all here, can we still retreat? Moreover, where do you want to put the face of our Ba Tian Guild like this?!" Guild Ba Tian cursed angrily, and the saliva in his mouth spurted out because of his excitement.

It sprayed directly onto his little brother's face.

The atmosphere in President Ba Tian's live broadcast room is also full of hostility. It seems that any kind of people will attract the same type of people. The barrages in the live broadcast room are full of smoky atmosphere. Many viewers support President Ba Tian to continue.

Go forward and knock the female anchor down.

"You don't need to say any more, I am your president, you must listen to me and keep moving forward!"

President Ba Tian is obviously on top. He also knows what the audience in his live broadcast room likes to watch, so even if there is a small danger ahead, he has to leave, not to mention that he still has these guild members as his shield.

The other members of the guild looked like they dared not speak out. They had been grudged against such a guild leader for a long time. However, due to his family background and massive props, they dared not let go at all. Only the deputy of Ba Tian Guild

A dark light flashed in the president's eyes, as if he was planning something.

There was a strong stench in the tunnel. President Ba Tian covered his nose with a fragrant handkerchief, frowned and asked other members to walk in front of him to explore the way.

Foul-smelling mucus dripped from the top of his head onto President Ba Tian's body, causing him to let out a loud curse.

The sound directly caused several insect eggs above the head to fall down, and some eggs even hit the guild members directly.

The insect eggs exploded immediately after being hit on the ground, and some of the meat balls inside also bounced onto the heads of the surrounding guild members, and quickly covered their entire faces.

The guild members whose heads were wrapped scratched the fleshy ball on their faces, trying to get it away from their faces, but its flesh stretched out from their facial features like tentacles, as if it wanted to pull them away.

The body becomes a new incubator.

This chapter has been completed!
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