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Chapter 118 Insect City (23)

The position of the red dot on the light screen was right next to the hall where she was, which meant that there were only two walls between her and Dr. Insect.

Jian Yao walked in front of a wall in the hall, and the cold temperature of the wall came through Jian Yao's palm. This should be a mechanical door with a mechanism, but Jian Yao couldn't find the switch for a while.

Even if she found it, the sound of the door opening would attract Dr. Insect's attention.

She doesn't want to spend too much time here, nor does she want to use the Thunder Sword to directly destroy the wall. The huge movement will attract Dr. Chong's attention, and all the efforts Hongyan and Wujiu have made for her will be in vain.


Maybe something can be used to quickly corrode a big hole in the wall.

Jian Yao took out a bottle of corrosive agent that had not been used up last time from the system backpack, and then poured the remaining liquid on the wall.

White gas with a pungent smell emerged from the wall, and the part of the wall that was touched by the corrosive liquid quickly became charred black, and then turned into charred powder like an extremely fragile dry leaf with just a little movement.

, there is a layer of black powder on the ground.

The big hole in the wall also revealed a new space hidden behind it. A laboratory with jars of various strange liquids appeared in front of Jian Yao, but this laboratory was not the experiment where Dr. Chong was.

It is a breeding laboratory simply used to cultivate various special Zerg species.

A large number of fine bubbles can be seen floating in the yellow-green liquid, and cold white light shines down from above, illuminating the liquid tank with a strange cold feeling.

There was a group of black spheres floating in the liquid, which looked like special insect eggs being hatched. There were many bottles of medicine on the table not far away, with the words "Hatch Nutrient Medicine" on them.

Jian Yao paused in front of the table for a few seconds. All the potions on it were put into her system backpack. After all, she still had a spider egg that she needed to raise.

There is no other way. Dr. Chong must be able to understand the pressure of life. After all, these are also his compatriots.

After Jian Yao quickly swept through the things in the laboratory, she stood in front of a slightly cracked wall. This should be the wall that Dr. Chong had just obtained. She could still feel the cracks coming from the wall.

The air blown out.

And the white point on the light screen is getting closer and closer to the red point.

Jian Yao took out another bottle of corrosive potion from the system backpack, and poured it on the wall without any concern. Soon, a big hole was corroded, and through this big hole, Jian Yao could see the opposite side at a glance.

Dr. Insect with her.

At this time, all its attention was on Hong Yan and Wu Jiu, and it did not notice the danger coming quietly behind it, nor did it notice that Jian Yao in the other shot had long since disappeared.

Jian Yao was once again proud of her extremely good eyesight, because she could clearly see that Hong Yan and Wu Jiu had easily dealt with so many bugs, seemingly effortlessly, and even had the energy to do other things.


Until she saw Dr. Insect raising his paw to press another red button, Jian Yao immediately used her mind to control the thunder and lightning, turning it into an arrow and inserting it straight into the middle of Dr. Insect's paw, nailing it to death.

on the desktop.

"Looking at it this way, there is nothing special about the Zerg race." Jian Yao looked at Dr. Zerg's eyes full of anger and pain and secretly mocked.

After a brief shock, Dr. Chong let out bursts of weird laughter, and then tore off his own arm in front of Jian Yao without blinking.

Sticky blood spurted out from its wound, making people feel painful just by looking at it. After the arm discarded by Dr. Insect left its owner, it still twitched a few times before stopping.

Dr. Insect's wound also quickly grew a new arm, which looked sharper than the previous one.

"I only need to control the nerves so that the pain will not be transmitted to my brain, and I will not feel pain. Can humans do this?" Dr. Chong also turned his body 180 degrees and said with a grin.

Jian Yao's hand holding the Thunder Sword tightened a little. She knew that there would be a fierce battle next, and she had to be careful.

Sure enough, Dr. Insect rushed over from where he was standing in the next second, and the nearby papers were blown everywhere by the strong wind it brought up.

So fast!

Jian Yao didn't expect it to be so fast. It barely managed to dodge Dr. Chong's "scythe" that rushed towards it, but the "scythe" still cut off several strands of Jian Yao's hair.

The black hair fell in the air according to gravity, and finally fell to the ground, messily dividing some irregular patterns on the ground.

Jian Yao touched her head. Although she knew that the lost hair would be restored immediately after the dungeon ended, it did not stop her from feeling angry at Dr. Chong's behavior.

"Did you know that a beautiful girl's hair should not be messed up?"

Dr. Chong had lived as a human being for decades and didn't understand why Jian Yao cared so much about her hair, but that didn't affect him being frightened by Jian Yao's aura at this moment. It was just that the words he said didn't comfort Jian Yao.

On the contrary, the anger in Jian Yao's heart grew stronger and stronger.

"Don't worry, after you become a Zerg, you don't need to worry about hair, because none of us Zerg have hair, at most we only have two tentacles on our heads."

[Just a fun-loving person: Hahahahaha! No hair, just two tentacles at most. I’m really not a fan, I just imagined what the anchor looks like, pfft]

Jian Yao didn't expect that Dr. Zhong had not given up his plan to turn her into a Zerg.

"No, you can keep it for yourself, I have no interest in becoming a Zerg." Jian Yao once again clearly rejected Dr. Zerg, and the Thunder Sword in her hand became more powerful because she felt the fluctuation of the master's energy.

Several thunderbolts directly hit Dr. Insect, splitting it into a humanoid insect whose whole body was charred and smelled of barbecue. However, Jian Yao did not relax and still looked at Dr. Insect with vigilant eyes.

She took out a bottle of insecticide from the system backpack and threw it at Dr. Chong's feet. The iron pressure tank directly hit Dr. Chong's feet and made a soft sound.

After Dr. Chong knew that he couldn't trick Jian Yao into approaching, he slowly opened its red eyes. The charred shell on its body looked like a snake peeling off its skin, or like a cracked nut shell, and gradually transformed from the insect.

The Doctor's body fell off, revealing a brand new green shell underneath.

"I'm not as easy to deal with as those ordinary bugs."

This chapter has been completed!
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