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Chapter 122 Insect City (End)

【xx year x month

My experiment is about to succeed. I only need to complete the most important step next, which is to spread the Zerg evolution powder in this city, and then spread it to the whole world...]

【xx year x month

The medicinal powder has been released. In just a week, those insects will evolve to a level beyond human imagination. We are about to usher in the insect age. It is time to say goodbye to the era when humans rule the world]

【xx year x month

My own transformation experiment was successfully completed, and the insects in the city also evolved as smoothly as I thought. It's just that why this group of humans haven't revealed their true colors in this situation? Is it possible?

Shouldn't they frame each other, push each other into danger, and then exchange for the chance of survival? Why are most of them helping each other in this situation? 】

【xx year x month

I seem to have forgotten something important. Just in case, I decided to write it down in my diary. I found that we cannot leave this city. No matter how we go, we will eventually return to this city, just like this world.

This is the only city left on the Internet... What am I writing? Strange, why is it a set of garbled characters?

I have forgotten a lot of things recently, and sometimes I forget to write a diary. Maybe it is a sequelae of the experiment? I decided to leave the diary password on the computer]

【xx year x month

The noble bloodline of the great Zerg needs to be reproduced, but none of them are suitable to be the mother of the Zerg. Maybe I should find a suitable human being, and she will be honored to be chosen as the mother of the Zerg.]

【xx year x month

Just in case, I have planted bombs in every corner of the city. If there is any problem with humans or Zerg, I will be able to blow them up in time]

【xx year x month

I think I have found the right person, now I just need to guide her to me... Just be careful of those humans who seem to have super powers...]

The diary ends here. It seems that this is the whole truth about the insect plague in this city.

Although I don’t know what Dr. Chong went through, the things he did were already based on his so-called “human heart”. He also hurt this person because of his “human heart”.


The president and vice-president of the Tyrant Guild, who were squatting outside the factory area, were sweating hotly. Suddenly they felt a violent vibration coming from the ground, and there seemed to be buzzing sounds in the distant sky.


"President, I feel bad. How about we...?"

The vice-president felt a chill running down his back. He no longer had any intention of killing President Ba Tian. The danger radar in his mind was fiercely reminding him of the imminent danger.

But President Ba Tian still looks big-hearted, thinking that he has tools in his hand that can save his life, and he will not die no matter how he tries to die.

The magician and the resident game player used some means to prevent other players from following the bugs to the vicinity of the factory area, and also prevented them from taking advantage of the opportunity to earn points.

The resident gamer was floating in mid-air, looking in the direction of the factory with a pair of eyes as bright as glass beads: "I hope the performance later will not disappoint us, but there seem to be two rat droppings over there, do you want to take care of them?"


Obviously the rat shit he was referring to was the president and vice-president of Ba Tian.

"Don't worry, they can't do anything, they can't change the overall situation, don't worry about them." The magician played with a burning red rose in his hand, not paying attention to the two players over there at all.

After all, in his eyes there are only interesting things and uninteresting things.

The dense swarm of insects blocked the sky above the factory area. President Ba Tian also felt that the sunlight above their heads disappeared instantly, and the surrounding environment instantly became dark due to the loss of the sun's rays.

Liquid with a strong fishy smell was still dripping from their heads.

"Is it raining?" President Ba Tian raised his head in confusion, but saw a huge insect lying on top of his head. What he thought was "rainwater" was actually flowing out of its mouth.

No wonder the saliva has a strong fishy smell.

The insect opened its mouth wide, as if it wanted to use its mouth to measure the size of the human being in front of it. President Ba Tian could still see the circles of sharp teeth inside, as well as the half-mouthed words in its mouth that were stuck together with the teeth and mucous membranes.

Transparent saliva.

Jian Yao found out through the monitoring screen that all the Zerg in the city had arrived near the factory area, so she pressed the button to control the explosion.

At that moment, white light spread from the central area of ​​the factory to the surrounding areas. Looking at the factory in other urban areas was like looking at a glowing sphere.

As the white light appeared, an explosion loud enough to deafen the eardrums of humans near the factory also spread from the direction of the white light to all directions, and at the same time there was a shock wave caused by the explosion.

The resident game player stood in mid-air, his clothes swinging violently in the air due to the shock wave, and his hood was blown over by the strong wind.

"What an earth-shattering explosion." He blew out a joking whistle, and Xiao enjoyed the beauty caused by the explosion in the distance with interest.

The magician was also shocked and speechless by this ball of light. Spots of light reflected in his dark eyes: "This is the beauty I want to create..."

The underground research institute where Jian Yao was located was also shaking due to the explosion above, and many debris fell from the ceiling.

After the aftermath of the explosion outside completely disappeared and the smoke dissipated, the vice-president of Ba Tian Guild covered his mouth and nose and crawled out of the mound, holding a severed finger in one hand. It was Ba Tian.

Left by the president.

Fortunately, he had already replaced the life-saving props in President Ba Tian's hands, otherwise he would have been shattered to pieces in the explosion. Next...he only needs to blame all the death of President Ba Tian on that Jian Yue.


Jian Yao, who was in the underground research institute, didn't know that someone was trying to make her take the blame. She was now in the laboratory and found a report hidden in the corner, which recorded a set of experimental data and the information of a test product in black and white.

in conclusion.

[This medicinal powder can inactivate insect eggs and worms, and should not be used except as a last resort]

"Pharmaceutical powder?" Jian Yao took this thin piece of paper and searched on the control keyboard, and she actually found the activation mechanism for launching the powder.

No? This Dr. Zerg is too considerate, isn't it? Is this a back-up left behind for fear that he will not be able to subdue the Zerg men?

Then... Jian Yao is so grateful to him! He directly helped her solve all the subsequent problems. What kind of peerless good person is he... No, a peerless good bug.

Jian Yao thought about its corpse still lying quietly in her system backpack, and the emotion in her heart turned into the corner of her mouth that she couldn't suppress.

After Jian Yao pressed the switch, a kind of fine white powder floated in the air of the whole city. There was a circle of white light around the edge of the powder. From a distance, it looked like a rain of light falling from the sky.


The medicinal powder that fell on the eggs directly caused the originally plump eggs to dry up. Some insects that did not have time to crawl to the factory also suffered the same fate as the eggs, as if they had been exposed to the sun for several months.

Like mummies.

This chapter has been completed!
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