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Chapter 126 Murder Case

Shan Nanxing's figure emerged from the sky, and he sat next to Jian Yao. No one spoke for a while, but quietly enjoyed the rare tranquility.

"Is it because of me? Sorry, if nothing happened to me..." Shan Nanxing was interrupted by Jian Yao before he finished speaking.

Jian Yao suddenly turned her head to look at Shan Nanxing, her dark brown eyes full of disapproval: "This has nothing to do with you at all. This kind of thing is simply not something you can control..."

As she spoke, she felt that her vision became blurry, and even Shan Nanxing's face in front of her seemed to be blurred by a layer of water mist.

"Why are you crying?" A flash of panic flashed in Shan Nanxing's eyes, and her fingers gently wiped away the tears on Jian Yao's face.

Only then did Jian Yao realize that it was her tears that blurred the scenery in her field of vision. The fear caused by Shan Nanxing's disappearance these days was because she was afraid that Shan Nanxing would disappear again to a place where she could not find her. Perhaps it was because of today's

This incident became the last straw that crushed her psychologically.

Her black eyelashes blinked in panic, as if she didn't expect that she would actually cry. She didn't want her tears to cause Shan Nanxing's pressure and guilt.

"I'm fine, I'm just too angry." Jian Yao's fair and delicate hand touched Shan Nanxing's hand touching her face, and she gently shook her head.

In the park, the only sounds that could be heard were the chirping of insects and the gentle breeze blowing through the leaves. The sourness in Jian Yao's eyes had been suppressed by her, and she could only hear her say in her voice that was still slightly choked: "I suddenly regretted coming to the park.

I always feel like mimic bugs or other bugs will suddenly appear here. I feel like I have the ptsd from the last instance."

It was already dark at this time, and there were no roads visible in the park. Jian Yao needed to shine a flashlight to avoid hitting a tree or walking into the grass.

Jian Yao stood up from the stone chair and suddenly heard a rustling sound coming from the grass not far away. It sounded like the sound of some large animal walking through the grass.

But when Jian Yao pointed the flashlight in that direction, she saw nothing. Maybe someone walked by there.

Jian Yao didn't think much and left the park from the main road with a flashlight.

The night was dark, and rich darkness was flowing in the park. There were not many people walking in the park today. Maybe it was because the sky was getting dark too fast. Everyone guessed that it was going to rain heavily, so few people chose to walk in the park.

Sure enough, there were several flashes of lightning in the sky, dark clouds covered the sky, and the sound of heavy objects being dragged on the ground could be heard in the quiet park, which was particularly eye-catching.

The dense rain broke through the shackles of dark clouds and jumped from the sky. Raindrops the size of soybeans hit the leaves and the ground. The violent sound of rain covered up the sounds in the park.

The blood-colored rainwater was flowing on the ground of the park, and it was flowing down the steps of the park. If you look carefully, you can see a large area of ​​blood flowing on the steps of the main entrance of the park, but on this rainy night

Not many people were still outside.

It rained heavily all night, and the noisy rain accompanied Jian Yao's breathing as she fell asleep. Jian Yao slept on the big bed in the room until the next day when the rain stopped.

In the early morning, as the sun just emerged from the clouds, a scream broke the silence above the park.

"Ah——! He's dead!"

By the time Jian Yao struggled to get up from the bed, it was almost half past eight, but the bursts of voices coming from the living room made her very concerned.

In the living room, Jian Yao's parents were chatting about something else. Their voices were much louder than usual, and they even reached Jian Yao's bedroom.

"What are we talking about?" Jian Yao was still yawning and her eyes were still half-closed, as if she hadn't completely gotten rid of her sleepiness yet.

Jian Yao's parents looked at each other, as if they were hesitating whether to tell Jian Yao or not. Finally, Jian Yao's mother said, "Someone died in the park near our home last night."

Jian's mother spoke very softly, as if she was afraid that her voice would disturb something unclean, but this soft voice was like a thunder that "cracked" Jian Yao awake.

"I just went to that park last night." Jian Yao said casually, but her mind was thinking about what was wrong with the park last night.

Speaking of which, the whistling sound she heard last night was indeed strange.

After all, the park is actually paved with stone or cement roads, so most people will not walk into the grass, because no one knows whether there will be any insects or snakes in there. If they are bitten

If so, it will be very bad.

Because of this, Jian Yao felt a little strange, but she didn't think much about it last night, but now that she thought about it, the person walking through the grass was probably the murderer, but she didn't see anyone in the grass at that time.

Jian Yao was lowering her head in deep thought, and didn't notice that because of her casual words, her parents' eyes widened in fright, and she felt a sense of fear in her heart. What if her daughter bumped into the murderer last night and was killed?

What should I do? Do they want people with white hair to send people with black hair?

"What is the specific situation, parents, do you know?"

Jian's mother was still a little scared after hearing Jian Yao's question.

"When I went out to buy groceries this morning, I met Granny Wu from the building in front of me. She had just come back from shopping. I heard her say -"

"A friend she knew who usually walked with her went to the park this morning to exercise, so she climbed up the steps from the main entrance."

"Aren't there two stone lions at the main entrance? As soon as she climbed up, she saw a human head on one of the stone lions!"

According to Jane's mother, the aunt who discovered the body immediately climbed up to the park and saw a human head staring at her on the stone lion. It seemed that it had been soaked in heavy rain all night, and the whole head was wet.

It's like it was just fished out of the water.

However, there was not much blood left on the stone lion and the ground. It was probably washed away by the heavy rain last night, and the traces of the murderer were probably washed away by the heavy rain last night.

Investigators surrounded the park and finally found another part of the body buried in the soil.

It is said that the deceased was a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties. He loved to walk in this park no matter what the weather was, rain or shine, and he never had any conflicts or festivals with anyone. Who would have thought that he would be like this inexplicably?

Died in the park.

After Jian Yao told the investigators what she heard last night, she planned to go back and prepare to download another copy. After all, professionals would be responsible for the rest.

This chapter has been completed!
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