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Chapter 14 Marriage (1)

"Ah, you are finally here. I have been waiting for you for a long time." Granny Wu appeared out of nowhere and stared at the players with her cloudy eyes.

For some reason, Jian Yao feels that Granny Wu’s eyes are more on her. If this is not Jian Yao’s illusion, it means that this is a dangerous signal, which means that among this group of players, she

He is the one that Grandma Wu likes the most.

[Unconsciously: My misunderstanding? I always feel that the boss is looking at the anchor]

[Professional player of thriller games: It’s not your imagination, it seems that our host’s face is very suitable for the boss]

【I am a wife fan: No!】

[I am a girlfriend fan: Woo hoo hoo, the anchor is indeed very good-looking. Even if the thriller game changes her appearance, it can be seen that she must be a beauty in the real world! 】

"My grandson is already waiting at home. He will be very happy to see so many beautiful girls." Grandma Wu happily took the player to her home with a wooden crutch.

The female players didn't have any special reaction when they heard Granny Wu's words. Only Wu Jiu couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth. He seemed to want to defend himself, but in order to complete the task, he still suppressed the feeling in his heart.

Impulsively, pretending to be a beautiful girl.

Manghong Village is a standard remote mountain village. There is only one country road leading to the outside world. It is surrounded by mountains. Manghong Village is located on the only flat land in the mountains. Most of the houses here are made of wood and thatch.

Every villager had various patches on their clothes, and some even only used cloth to cover their lower bodies.

However, here in Manghong Village, the players did not see any young or middle-aged female villagers, only little girls, which is not consistent with common sense.

Jian Yao and the others could feel the gazes of the surrounding male villagers resting on them for a few seconds, but after seeing Granny Wu in the lead, they all withdrew their gazes on the players. Obviously they were all afraid of Granny Wu.


Grandma Wu is worthy of being the priest of the village. Her home has the largest and best yard in the entire village, and the wood used in it is also the best in the village.

There was also a ferocious monster pattern painted on the door of her house. This pattern made Jian Yao feel familiar, but for a while she couldn't remember where she had seen it before.

"Haha, everyone is sitting down."

Grandma Wu pushed open the door to the living room, and there was a wooden doll with a strange face placed on the table inside. Their eyes were still facing the direction of the door, as if they were waiting for their arrival.

The puppet is made of white wood, with a ghost face painted on it with red and black paint, as if it has a pair of black eyes shedding blood and tears, which looks weird and terrifying.

Jian Yao, like everyone else, randomly picked a seat to sit down, but no player sat on the chair closest to Granny Wu.

"Oh, you are welcome to come to Manghong Village as a guest. If you can accompany this bad old woman like me, you can live in my house with peace of mind for the next few days, and you can look around and play as you please, haha."

Grandma Wu said cheerfully, still stroking the puppet on the table with gentle and affectionate movements. It can be seen that she loves and attaches great importance to this wooden puppet.

Jian Yao stared at the wooden doll on the table opposite and activated the "Appraisal" skill, but did not get any information.

Is she overthinking it? Is this just an ordinary puppet? But would an ordinary puppet receive such obvious attention and favor from Granny Wu?

They chatted with Grandma Wu in the living room for a while. Because it was raining harder and harder outside and it was difficult to go out to visit the village, Grandma Wu decided to take them to allocate rooms first so that the players could rest in the room.

"This is my grandson's room. However, my grandson has always been in poor health and cannot see the light and wind, so he can't come out to meet you. However, he also doesn't like others to disturb him, so he won't go in to see him."

Grandma Wu pointed to the room at the end of the corridor and introduced it to the player.

The door of her grandson's room was closed tightly. From the outside, one could not see anything inside, nor could one hear the slightest movement inside. It was as if no one actually lived inside, but Grandma Wu was just imagining it.

The layout of the players' rooms is basically the same, with furniture made of wood, and a puppet of the same model in the living room placed on the table.

Grandma Wu asked Wang Ying to live in the first room in the corridor, followed by Hongyan, Aike, Wujiu, and finally Jian Yao. She lived in the room closest to Grandma Wu’s grandson. If this was arranged by Grandma Wu

If there was no selfishness at all, Jian Yao would not believe it at all.

After closing the room, Jian Yao used the "Appraisal" skill again on the weird puppet on the table, but the skill still didn't respond. Could it be that she had made a mistake? Isn't this puppet with such a weird appearance weird?

Jian Yao decided not to think about it for the time being. She opened the only window in the room. It was still raining heavily outside, and the rain was like a bead curtain blocking the view in front of her.

She discovered that behind the window was an endless mountain forest, and a temple-like building could still be vaguely seen in this mountain forest.

It's just that the rain is too heavy now and the distance is a bit far away. Jian Yao can't see the specific appearance of the building, so she can only write down the general location of the building.

The sky outside was gloomy and it was raining heavily. There was really nothing to see, and she always felt like something was looking at her outside the window. This sight made Jian Yao feel very unhappy for some reason.

She turned her gaze back from the temple in the distance and suddenly saw a woman wearing a red wedding dress standing in a forest. The woman disappeared in the blink of an eye, as if the sight just now was Jian Yao's illusion.

Could it be that the line of sight just now belonged to this woman?

After closing the window, Jian Yao placed her hand on the edge of the window. The wood under her hand was partially uneven, and when she touched it carefully, it seemed that there were several words carved on it.

She lowered her head and moved her hand away. There were indeed some scratches on the window sill. At first she thought they were just accidental scratches, but now the more she looked at them, the more they looked like four words.

"Escape...go home?"

Why are there words engraved in the guest room of Grandma Wu's house? And judging from the extent of the damage and the blackened marks inside, it should have been carved bit by bit by someone's fingernails a long time ago.

She could imagine that in this dark and small room, there was someone kneeling in front of the window, using his fingernails to carve these words little by little, stubbornly trying to finish carving these words regardless of the bleeding on his fingers.

I just don’t know if the person who carved these words wants to warn those who come after me, or if he wants to remind himself who carved these words?

Jian Yao looked around the room carefully, but except for the first few carvings, she couldn't find any useful clues.

At this time, Jian Yao suddenly remembered the special camera she obtained in the last dungeon. It can capture things that players cannot see. Using this camera may bring her some unexpected gains.

She took out the special camera from the system backpack. It looked no different from an ordinary camera. It seemed to be just an ordinary camera.

Jian Yao turned on the camera and filmed every corner of the room, refusing to let go of any place where clues might appear.

However, there is nothing unusual in the room in the camera lens. We can only see the writing on the window sill and the puppets on the table, which have a slightly black atmosphere.

This chapter has been completed!
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