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Chapter 140 Yucheng Serial Murder Case (13)

Wujiu covered his aching head, unable to figure out where he had offended the two of them.

Only then did he realize that the person who knocked on the door last night was not a weird person, but Jian Yao was worried that something had happened to him, so she came over to ask.

Jian Yao looked at Wu Jiu with a smile and praised: "Actually, you are doing the right thing. If it is really weird outside, it has nothing to do with me wanting to beat you up."

After the three of them exchanged a few words, they set off together toward the theater located in the old town of Yucheng.

Beautiful flowers can be seen everywhere along the way, and even the air seems to be carrying the sweet fragrance of flowers. No wonder Xu Guang chose Yucheng as the base for developing his perfume company.

The old town of Yucheng is different from the new town. It seems to be separated from the rapid development of steel and concrete outside.

Most of the houses here are traditional wooden houses and brick houses, and the highest floors are only two or three floors.

The shops here also sell items made with traditional crafts, and the people living here are also elderly people and young children.

The old people were sitting under the eaves, chatting casually and playing chess, while children were running around in groups on the street corners and alleyways. The place seemed full of fireworks and vitality.

The theater Jian Yao is looking for is located at the end of this street.

Maybe it’s because times have changed and fewer people are willing to listen to opera, or maybe it’s also influenced by the rumors from decades ago.

This theater looked very deserted. Except for a little boy sweeping the floor with a broom at the entrance of the theater, no one else was seen.

On the plaque is written "Yucheng Grand Theater" in golden fonts. From the simple mahogany door, you can still vaguely see how the theater was extremely popular decades ago.

The little boy noticed three strangers standing at the door of the theater. The emotion in his eyes was a bit confused and a bit surprised, but it was more of an accident.

"Are the three beautiful sisters here to see the show?" The little boy put the broom in his hand aside and ran over with his eyes shining.

Wu Jiu subconsciously twitched the corners of his mouth, repeatedly telling himself not to care about the child.

Jian Yao hesitated for a second, then looked down at the little boy who only reached her waist, but immediately met the boy's big eyes, as if he was releasing a pitiful ray attack on Jian Yao.

"Okay, we are here to watch a show, and we want to ask the owner of the theater some questions." Jian Yao touched the little boy's furry head and did not deny it.

After all, if she directly asked the theater owner something about the dried tangerine peel, she might not be willing to tell her.

After collecting the ticket money, the little boy pushed open the theater door and greeted Jian Yao and the others to come in first.

The inside of the theater is much larger than what you see from the outside. It is indeed a theater that was very popular decades ago. There are at least dozens of mahogany tables and mahogany chairs under the stage, and only a few elderly people are sitting there.

Waiting for the show to start below the stage.

Even though there are not many audiences in the theater, there is not a trace of dust on the tables and chairs. The smooth tabletop can still reflect the light from the ceiling. It seems that someone has wiped it with a rag every day to prevent the tables and chairs from becoming dusty.

A layer of dust remains on the surface.

But there are no traces of famous actors from the past anywhere here.

Jian Yao and the other three chose to sit down closer to the stage, and the little boy immediately gave them three cups of hot tea.

Before the chair under my buttocks was warm, the heavy curtain on the stage was slowly opened and the performance began.

The opera performance prepared by the theater this time should be Yucheng's classic music. Several old people sitting in the audience shook their heads slightly to the tune and tapped their fingers rhythmically on the table. It seemed that they were completely intoxicated.

Went in.

After a performance, the stage curtain fell again, and the old people either supported each other to leave the theater, or walked away slowly with a wooden cane.

Jian Yao and the three of them were still sitting in their seats and did not leave because they still remembered that they came to the theater just to ask for the name of the famous actress who made a sensation in Yucheng decades ago.

"Aren't you from Yucheng? Are you visiting Yucheng? It's rare to see young people who like to listen to opera." An old voice came from the side of the stage. There was a side door there, and the door was opening at this time.

There stood an old man with gray hair.

Although the old man's face is full of wrinkles left by the years, his beauty when he was young can still be vaguely seen in his facial features and overall temperament.

Jian Yao stood up from her chair. She guessed that this old man was probably the owner of this theater, and based on his age, he most likely knew the name of the famous actress.

"We are indeed here to travel to Yucheng. We have heard some stories about Yucheng before and are very curious about it."

Jian Yao did not directly say that she was here to investigate a serial murder case. The case was already a weird murder case that was beyond their understanding. If she had said that she was here to investigate, I am afraid the old man would be even more reluctant to say it.


"Are you the owner of this theater? I have a question to ask you." Jian Yao looked into the old man's eyes and said.

The old man didn't think too much and nodded kindly, waiting for Jian Yao to ask that question.

"Do you know the name of the famous actress who made a sensation in Yucheng decades ago?"

And just after the last word in Jian Yao's voice fell, the entire theater seemed to fall into an eerie silence.

Even the little boy on the side couldn't help but slow down his breathing after hearing this question, as if he was afraid of disturbing some unknown existence.

The old man's pupils shrank slightly, and his expression looked a bit dazed.

How many years has it been since he heard anyone mention his senior sister?

Since the death of his senior sister during childbirth, a series of murders have occurred. Almost everyone in Yucheng believed that his senior sister had come back to claim her life, and no one dared to mention her existence.

Even the theater where my senior sister once stayed became deserted in an instant, for fear that she would be targeted after visiting the theater.

Although his master didn't say anything, he would still sigh secretly from time to time. Perhaps he was feeling sorry for his excellent apprentice who left so early, or perhaps he was sad that the people in Yucheng were willing to listen to the wind.

He was still young at that time, and he only knew that the senior sister who had always been shining in his heart suddenly became an existence that no one dared to mention and everyone was afraid of.

Decades have passed, and he thought he would forget it, but Jian Yao's words seemed to erase the layer of gray fog that had covered his memory.

It turned out that he still remembered so clearly the first time he saw his senior sister on the stage. The way she sparkled on the stage made people feel at a glance that she was born for the stage.

If she had not chosen to retire, if she had not passed away, would things have developed differently?

This chapter has been completed!
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