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Chapter 149 Visiting Aunt

After returning to the real world, Jian Yao was just about to lie down on the bed to relieve her inner fatigue when her parents grabbed her from the bed.

The two of them said that she had been back from school for a while and it was time to visit relatives.

Otherwise, they would say behind her back that she did not go to see them even after she finally got home, otherwise she would be rude.

"We have already called them to tell them that we are going. We have already made an appointment and we have to go."

"When you arrive at your aunt's house, remember not to say anything you shouldn't say. In the final analysis, she is still your aunt and your elder after all."

Perhaps it was because Jian Yao had quarreled with her aunt on her mobile phone last time, so when she was going to her aunt's house this time, Jian Yao's parents had discussed with Jian Yao in advance and told her not to say anything too harsh to her aunt.

If you rush.

Jian Yao resisted the urge in her heart to roll her eyes wildly.

As long as her aunt would stop mentioning those unpleasant things, she wouldn't say those unpleasant things.

After all, she is still a good child who understands politeness, but she does not use politeness to those who should not use it.

There is no shadow of the sun in the sky above the city. Gray clouds cover most of the sky. The temperature is much cooler than the previous few days. You have to wear a thicker coat to block the waves of waves from outside.

of cold wind.

The howling cold wind blowing against the face was like an icy knife blade against the cheek, making people shiver uncontrollably.

Jian Yao's family turned into the underground parking lot and planned to take the elevator on the first floor to their aunt's house upstairs.

The footsteps of three people echoed in the silent parking lot. The cold white light shone on their faces, forming a swaying light and shadow. The vehicle became a unique decoration in the underground parking lot.

The corridor in front of the elevator was dark, and the original voice-activated light did not light up due to their footsteps for some reason, as if it was broken.

The red numbers are constantly beating on the screen. The elevator climbs down slowly from the top of the building, so it will take some time.

In this almost completely dark space, there was only the red light emitted from the screen, which looked a little strange on their faces.

There was a sound of footsteps coming from the depths of the parking lot, and it sounded like a corpse walking stiffly outside. However, Jian Yao and the others' sight was blocked by a wall, and they could not see what was going on inside the parking lot.

However, Jian Yao's parents didn't think much about it. After all, this was not a horror game. Maybe it was just a person with difficulty walking walking from the other side of the parking lot.

Only Jian Yao glanced at the direction where the sound came from with some sensitivity.

Soon, the elevator went down to the first negative floor, and the white light in the square space illuminated the area at the elevator door.

At the same time, there was also a sound of mechanical operation from inside the elevator, which sounded a bit loud in the empty underground parking lot.

The owner of the footsteps outside seemed to have heard the sound coming from here.

Because the footsteps obviously paused for a moment, and then suddenly sped up, it sounded like they were walking quickly towards where Jian Yao and the others were.

But at this time, Jian Yao's family had already gotten into the elevator.

The elevator door slowly opened into a crack along with the sound of the machine being used.

And a second before it was completely closed, Jian Yao seemed to see an unknown creature suddenly rushing towards the elevator door.

Because there was only a short second, Jian Yao was not sure what she just saw.

Jian Yao only remembered that she saw the same pale skin color as the monster in the horror game copy.

She also felt a sense of crisis that can only be experienced in thriller games.

Is it an illusion?

Or is it because I am too sensitive and haven’t gotten out of the thriller game yet?

Jian Yao always felt that something was wrong. It couldn't be that the monsters in the horror game had escaped into the real world, right?

The monsters in horror games only exist in dungeons. Even if players want to summon low-level monsters in the real world, it will take a lot of time, props and points.

Moreover, the lethality of low-level monsters is not high, and they can be easily dealt with by a player with more props or stronger abilities.

The harsh and thankless conditions have directly deterred players who want to summon monsters into the real world.

The elevator soon reached the floor where Aunt Jian Yao was located. A white warm light enveloped the floor, temporarily dispelling Jian Yao's uneasiness.

Jian Yao's father knocked on the door of Jian Yao's aunt's house, and soon there was a sound of footsteps inside.

A middle-aged woman with wrinkles on her face opened the door. The way she looked at others gave people an uncomfortable feeling, and her face also looked acerbic.

Probably because Jian Yao criticized her directly on the phone last time, she looked at Jian Yao with a bit of displeasure.

But I don't know what she was worried about. She didn't accuse Jian Yao right away. This was completely inconsistent with her character.

Aunt Jian Yao had a bright smile on her face and said with a smile: "You are here, come in and sit down. Come in and sit down."

What is the saying?

The weasel pays New Year greetings to the rooster, is he not being kind?

Or, to be courteous for nothing is to commit adultery or theft?

After Jian Yao saw her aunt showing such an expression, this paragraph immediately flashed through her mind.

In short, based on her understanding of her aunt, nothing good will happen next.

Aunt Jian Yao walked towards the living room, and a burst of laughter came from that direction.

After they walked around the shoe cabinet at the entrance, they saw Jian Yao's uncle talking to a man who looked a bit mature.

There was a couple sitting next to the strange man. They both had the same appearance, with thin eyebrows and small eyes, and the corners of their eyes were raised. They looked like they were not easy to get along with.

When they saw Jian Yao, they subconsciously looked at Aunt Jian Yao, as if they were completing some mysterious ritual.

They don't know what information they got from Aunt Jian Yao's eyes.

They looked at Jian Yao more carefully, as if they were assessing how much she was worth and whether she would be able to have children.

After they looked at Jian Yao, their eyes changed again, as if two hyenas had seen their food.

If Jian Yao could no longer see what she was doing when faced with this situation, she might really be blind, or her brain might be damaged.

Unexpectedly, her aunt would challenge her bottom line again and again.

Her aunt actually arranged a disguised blind date for her!

And that’s without telling her!

This chapter has been completed!
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