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Chapter 157 Doll Manufacturing Factory (3)

The factory director pointed to the doll in front of him and introduced to the players with a somewhat nostalgic tone: "She used to be my best friend. In order for us to be together forever, I made her into a doll."

In a transparent glass display cabinet, an adult-sized doll sits quietly on a sofa chair. The body and back of the chair are covered with a thick and soft red cushion.

The doll is wearing a complicated dress, and the overall clothing style is luxurious rococo style.

Her black curly hair was tied into a beautiful hairstyle, and the ends of her hair fell directly onto the sofa chair. Her head was covered with various headdresses, which made people worried whether these headdresses would overwhelm the doll's head.

The doll's eyes are inorganic black pupils, which cannot reflect any scenery outside, and can only be seen as a pitch black ink inside the pupils.

Its head was facing the person standing in the corridor, its face had been put on delicate makeup, and its dark red lips seemed to be decorated with blood.

There is a white name tag attached to the bottom of the glass display cabinet, with a string of English words "My First Friend Julie" written on it in black cursive letters.

However, Jian Yao and the others did not focus on this doll, but on what the factory director said.

What does "I made her into a doll" mean?

[As a fun-loving person: This boss is really sincere, he just says what’s in his heart]

The factory director also noticed the inaccuracy in his words and hurriedly added: "No, no, I mean, in order to commemorate her, I made this doll based on her appearance. Don't think wrongly."

[As someone who loves fun: Isn’t this just deceiving others? 】

The expressions on Jian Yao's and others' faces also looked like "See if I believe it or not."

When the factory director saw their expressions, he couldn't help but froze for a moment, his mind racing rapidly.

"Actually, what I mean is that this friend of mine was the friend I dreamed about in my dream. I knew at that time that she was my friend from my previous life."

"It's just that there was a gap between me and her in the previous life, and her soul was trapped in one place and had no way to reincarnate, so I made this doll in memory of her."

The woman turned her head and looked at the player sincerely, as if what she said was true.

"If you have someone you want to commemorate, we can also make an exclusive doll for you."

In order to avoid making the players suspicious and to make them lower their guard, the stiff smile on the director's face became even weirder.

Do you think we believe the nonsense you tell us?

"Now you can feel free to admire the dolls made in our factory here. They are all made by me."

The dolls in the glass display cabinet are either standing or sitting in different postures.

The styles of their clothes are also different. It can be seen that the director of this factory carefully matched the clothes for them according to the appearance of the dolls.

It can also be seen from this that the director of this doll manufacturing factory really likes and cherishes these dolls. It would be better if these dolls were not made by living people.

Jian Yao looked at a doll in the glass cabinet. The joints connected to another part of its body were exposed and slightly covered by a somewhat transparent ribbon.

Although it also wears a beautiful necklace around its neck, a silver thread that shines under the light can be vaguely seen emerging from the necklace.

From the brand introduction below, you can tell that this doll is an early work of the director, so the techniques are not that clean, and there are obvious threads left on the body of the doll.

In addition, some fluff can be vaguely seen on the doll's face, making it look as realistic as a real person.

But this also proves that the raw materials of these dolls are real people.

The factory director clapped her hands and drew the player's attention back to her. She didn't know if she was afraid that the player would discover the secret of the dolls here, or if she was worried about something else.

And her speaking voice was still so gloomy, and she could only hear her using such a low voice to ask the player to follow her and leave here.

"It's too late today. I have prepared a rest room. Tomorrow I will lead everyone to our production workshop to watch the puppet production process."

"By the way, you will have the opportunity to experience the puppet making process in person tomorrow."

The factory director opened a small door on the other side of the corridor, and an air even colder than that in the exhibition hall leaked out from that passage, and some weird fragrance could also be smelled.

If the normal plot had been followed, Jian Yao, as a normal person, would have immediately changed the topic and run away at the speed of light.

But they are players of horror games, and the main missions they receive do not allow them to be normal people. They can only seek death like the characters in those horror movies.

As soon as Jian Yao and the others walked into this passage, they felt that their whole bodies were surrounded by the smell that filled this place.

When no one could be seen in the doll exhibition hall, the dolls sitting in the glass display cabinet slowly turned their heads in the direction of the small door, as if they were alive.

Pupils of various colors rotated in their eye sockets, their eyes fixed on the small door, as if they wanted to catch the player inside through the door.

There is no window visible in this long passage, and the rich smell can be seen floating in the air in its translucent form under the light.

At the end of this passage was a room filled with iron-framed beds. The beds were stained with rust, and it seemed that as long as you turned around at random, the entire bed would suddenly split apart.

The beds here are covered with relatively clean bedding, and you can smell the smell that fills the passage.

The smell emanates from the inside out, as if it has been thoroughly infected with that smell.

"You guys have a good rest. I'm leaving first. There are still dolls... that I need to deal with. After all, some of the raw materials are not very obedient."

When she said this, the smile on the factory director's face looked a little weird, as if she was referring to the feeling of a few little beasts trying to escape from the cage.

After she left these words, she closed the door with a bang, and the dust and cobwebs on the surrounding walls were shaken off by the director's force of closing the door.

Jian Yao tentatively tried to open the door, but found that the door was tightly closed and could not be opened no matter how hard she tried.

Moreover, there is no keyhole on the back of the door. Even if she wants the key to open the door with a 50% chance, there is nowhere to use it.

It seems that they have to wait until the factory director comes to open the door the next day before they can continue to advance the plot. They originally wanted to visit it on their own tonight.

Jian Yao randomly picked a bed, her head facing a wall and her feet facing the corridor.

Hongyan and Aike slept on her left and right sides, while Wujiu slept a little further away, and there was a wide aisle between them, enough for an adult to stand on.

This chapter has been completed!
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