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Chapter 162 Doll Manufacturing Factory (8)

Jian Yao didn't know about the undercurrents happening in the outside world. After they walked a few steps on the third road, they saw a red button raised on the floor not far away.

She glanced at the button and immediately turned to look at the others, her eyes seeming to ask whether she should press this button.

"Press it. If it is the right button, we have just hit it. If it is the wrong button, then we also know what will happen if we press the wrong button."

Hong Yan wanted to press this button. She wanted to know through trial and error whether there was any pattern, and to see if she could find any difference between the correct button and the wrong button.

The button is made of plastic, and the dim red color immediately turns into fluorescent red after being pressed.

And as the button was pressed down all at once, a "click" sound seemed to come from the distance of the maze.

"Is that correct? This sound should be the sound of the door mechanism opening, right?" Wu Jiu frowned and carefully identified the direction from which the sound came.

But the distance the sound came from was too far, and it couldn't tell which direction it was from, so it was as if it hadn't heard it.

However, after pressing the button, there has been no "punishment" so far. It seems that the button should be correct.

But is there any difference in this correct button?

Jian Yao squatted on the ground and carefully observed the button that had been pressed. Surrounding the edge of the red button was a silver metal layer with no engravings or scratches on it.

The middle of the button emits a faint fluorescent red light through the red plastic case. The inside is also red, and there is nothing special about it.

Jian Yao looked at it for a long time and couldn't see anything special about this button, nor could she see where there were any markings.

It seems they can only find another button to compare.

She stood up with difficulty on her knees. Ever since she woke up from the iron frame bed early this morning, everything was wrong with her whole body, but nothing could be seen on the surface.

Wait, maybe you can try using that prop.

Jian Yao suddenly remembered a prop that was left in her system backpack. She had never had the opportunity to use this prop before. Now she should have the opportunity to use it, but she didn't want this opportunity.

Jian Yao took out a full-length mirror from the system backpack. The mirror that could reflect the scenery was surrounded by a circle of gold and inlaid with many gems, making it look particularly gorgeous.

And Jian Yao happened to be standing in front of the mirror. Jian Yao's appearance in the mirror was indeed different from what they saw with their naked eyes.

I saw in the mirror that Jian Yao's body had obvious doll joints, and even her face looked a lot stiffer.

Other players have also changed to a greater or lesser extent, and the change at Noon 9 is the most obvious.

If Jian Yao and the other three look like human Barbie dolls, then Wu Jiu now looks completely like a living doll.

When exactly were they recruited?

Jian Yao's brain is rapidly recalling all the memories from entering this instance to now. The only possibility is those scents.

After all, the aroma was so strange and the amount was so exaggerated, it was almost as if they were being marinated into a salted fish.

After Jian Yao's eyes wandered around the mirror, she suddenly had a bold idea.

Could the changes on them be caused by a negative buff, similar to a "poisoning" buff?

So can my "purification" skill purify the abnormalities in them?

Jian Yao planned to try it on herself, and white and soft light immediately surrounded her whole body.

After the white light dissipated, Jian Yao couldn't wait to look at herself in the mirror, and sure enough she found that all the abnormalities on her body had disappeared.

It seems that her "purification" skill is really useful!

After Jian Yao learned this, she immediately used the "purification" skill on the others. Sure enough, all the abnormalities on them disappeared in less than a while, including the most serious one, Wu Jiu.

The face of the factory manager sitting behind the monitor screen changed. She really didn't expect that her curse buff was casually lifted by the white light emitted by a girl.

The factory director's chin dropped to his chest, his mouth became a bloody mouth, and his eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

The puppet materials she worked so hard to prepare were just gone?

After Jian Yao solved this problem, she stuffed the mirror back into the system backpack and continued moving in the same direction.

On the other side, the "Hunter" doll, who had received instructions from the factory director, also dragged a huge chainsaw towards Jian Yao and the others.

The chainsaw was covered with dark red blood stains, and it made a violent screeching sound when it was dragged on the ground. It looked very scary.

The puppet received clear instructions from the factory director. It walked in the direction of Jian Yao and the others with a clear goal. There was only one instruction from the factory director in its mind.

That is - "Kill the woman named Jian Yue first".

Sure enough, after turning a corner, Jian Yao and the others directly faced the puppet wearing the black death suit.

The doll was wearing a long black coat, with the hem hanging directly on the ground. It was wearing a hood, covering most of its face, making people wonder whether it could see the people and the road in front of it.

It is dragging a huge chainsaw in its hand, and the dark red and black blood stains on it indicate to the player that many people have died under this chainsaw.

The puppet thought that its grand appearance would elicit screams and scared expressions from them, but they didn't even move, and just stood there complaining about its combination.

"No? A doll dressed in death clothes, holding a chainsaw instead of a sickle?"

"It dragged the chainsaw away...could it be that it didn't have the strength to lift it?"

This chapter has been completed!
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