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Chapter 168 Doll Manufacturing Factory (14)

This passage leads to no other place, but to the core of this factory - the "melting furnace", which is the "melting furnace" mentioned in the ballad sung by the doll last night.

They can neither retreat nor advance now.

After all, if you go back, there is no way out, but if you continue to go forward, you will really die.

No wonder there is such thick ash accumulated in the passage. It seems that these are the traces left by the flames that are constantly burning in the furnace.

And if they continue to move forward, the oxygen deep in the channel will become thinner and thinner, because the flames will grow their strength by consuming oxygen and produce a large amount of carbon monoxide.

Humans live by breathing oxygen, and other gases will only accelerate human death.

Just when Jian Yao and the others were hesitating, the black gray around them seemed to be attracted into the air by an unknown entity, slowly forming large black characters.

[Brave, the heart of the witch you are looking for is in the furnace of this factory]

[If you move forward, you will have a chance to kill the witch]

[If you retreat, you will be burned alive by the flames from the furnace]

[Now it’s up to you to choose]

No? What is the difference between the two choices you gave me? The first one is to die, but isn’t the second one still to die?!

After losing control, Hei Hui fell to the ground again.

There was also some black dust floating in the air that uncontrollably got into their eyes and nostrils, causing Jian Yao to close her eyes and sneeze several times.

At the same time, her own system also sounded a prompt in her ears.

[Option 1, since God wants to see me having fun so much, then I will not obey His will. I will leave from this passage. Anyway, the tour process does not say that I have to go to the furnace to be burned in person.

The reward title "Rebel of the Gods". After wearing the title, you will get the disgust and disgust of the gods. Sometimes disgust and disgust do not mean a bad thing. Maybe the love of the gods is more terrifying than you think]

[Option 2, kill the witch, give this "story" the ending you want, and be rewarded with the title "God Believer Pretender".

After wearing the title, you can disguise yourself as a believer of various gods. Neither monsters nor gods can see through the effect of this title, except for some high-ranking high-ranking gods]

The reward for the first option is of course giving her some hints about the information about the gods to some extent.

But now this reward is of no use to her, and may only make her road to clearance more twists and turns.

Thinking about it this way, the second reward is more cost-effective. When she is strong enough to compete with the gods, she will choose the first one.

Jian Yao turned to the others and said, "If we go back, there will be no way out. And depending on what He means, if we go backward, the flames in the furnace will immediately rush into this passage."

Wu Jiu nodded in agreement and said in agreement: "Indeed, between dying early and dying late, I choose to die later."

Jian Yao: No, are you already so pessimistic?!

Little did they know that the audience in the live broadcast room did not have any expectations that Jian Yao and the others could kill the "witch".

After all, the only sword that can kill the "witch" was broken by Jian Yao, and it also angered the gods who were suspected of being on the player's side.

There was still some progress in the matter, but now it seems to them that it is completely dead.

Jian Yao and the others continued to walk deeper into the passage, and the smell of burning things and white smoke in the air became increasingly thicker.

The surrounding temperature is incredibly high. It's not like you're near a furnace, but more like you're near a volcano.

The factory manager who was hiding behind the monitor screen let out horrifying laughter one after another, the pitch was so high that it seemed like he was going to break the ceiling.

The laughter echoed in this space, making the animals who heard it feel frightened.

A big rat with gray fur also heard the scary laughter coming from the sewer hole. It was so frightened that it turned around and dragged its long and thick tail in an attempt to escape.

But before it had even taken a few steps, it was grabbed by the factory director's slender fingers and pulled out of the narrow hole in the sewer.


The mouse was struggling in pain and making sharp and harsh sounds, but the factory director's hand did not relax at all and directly tore off all the skin and flesh on its body.

The factory director raised the bloody corpse of the rat in front of him, as if he saw the fate of the four living people through the rat's corpse, and let out a sharper and more joyful laugh than before.

Jian Yao, who continued walking in the passage, shuddered subconsciously. She didn't know why she suddenly felt a wave of malice welling up from inside her body.

"There is light ahead!"

Wujiu's words directly called back the attention of everyone present.

I saw a large area of ​​obvious orange-red light in front of the passage, and this light was surging like water in the sea.

Although it represents light and exit, to Jian Yao and the others, it feels like they are looking at a life-threatening talisman.

Wu Jiu looked at the swaying light and swallowed hard.

Jian Yao put away the flashlight in her hand, because now they no longer need the flashlight for lighting.

Where the firelight came in was a semicircular opening, and inside was a bottomless cave.

Looking up, I can only see an iron ring at the top of the cave, which seems to be the factory chimney.

However, it is not recommended for patients who are afraid of heights to lower their heads and look down, because there is no end in sight below, and they can only see a group of burning flames.

Jian Yao did not dare to easily reach out to test the flames in the cave. After all, any piece of gravel that slipped from her feet was immediately burned to dust when it fell into the flames.

Isn't it? So exaggerated? The effect is almost the same as that of magma.

If she takes another step forward, she will either fall directly into this bottomless cave, or she will be directly burned to ashes by the flames and fall to the ground into a box.

The heart of "Witch" is a dark purple heart.

It was surrounded by a ball of flame, but the flame did not burn it to ashes. Instead, it seemed that the flame gave it the energy to continue beating.

There are many bright red hearts in the flames that are being burned by the flames. Some are intact, some are scarred, and some are already missing a few pounds.

These hearts should be the original hearts of those dolls.

Just... how can she fly through these flames and abyss to the heart of the "witch", and then kill it?

She is not a superman who can fly! Nor is she a god born with supernatural powers!

This chapter has been completed!
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