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Chapter 181 Time and Space Castle (8)

What a pity, we almost knew what the Duke wanted to say.

However, this also shows that the being who killed the Duke was afraid that the Duke would expose its identity, so he wanted to kill "Gui" to silence him.

Although the clues about the "monster" mentioned in the main mission are broken here, maybe the secret room in the Duke's study will have some clues that she wants to get.

The study room is no different from when Jian Yao first came in. The letter paper is still in its original position, and there are no more or less books on the bookshelf.

It seemed that no one else entered the study after her during this time.

Jian Yao glanced at the various furniture quietly placed in the study one by one. The more suspicious ones were the lamp on the desk that could not be moved and the book on the bookshelf that could not be taken out.

Maybe one of them is the mechanism that opens the secret room.

Jian Yao tried to turn the desk lamp on the table and was surprised to find that although the desk lamp could not be picked up from the table, it could be rotated left and right.

Would an ordinary desk lamp be like this? Obviously this should be the mechanism of the secret room.

It's just that Jian Yao waited for a while but didn't see any strange movement in the study. Could it be that she guessed wrong?

Jian Yao pressed the book on the bookshelf that couldn't be pulled out into the wall again.

After the book was pushed into the wall, a subtle buzzing sound came from one of the walls in the study room.

With the sound of this sound, one wall of the study slowly revealed a dark secret room behind it.

There were several unlit torches placed on the wall of the secret room. As the outside air entered, these torches also ignited with blazing fire, illuminating the secret room.

This secret room is filled with books, and the contents inside are basically about the effects of herbs and magic. Some pages that record the effects of "immortality and rejuvenation" have been dog-eared.

There were various bottles and jars placed in the secret room, with a little unknown liquid left at the bottom of the bottles.

It seems that the Duke really made the potions according to the contents of these books and drank them, but they probably did not have the effect the Duke wanted.

However, there are no magic circles drawn in the books on the floor of the secret room, which means that the Duke did not perform these strange rituals in the secret room.

Or perhaps, the Duke held these ceremonies, but he was very angry to find that he had been deceived by these made-up books.

These books are more like fantasy novels, which have no other effect except bringing fatigue and false expectations to the Duke.

So, if the abnormality in the castle and the Duke's death have nothing to do with the contents of these books, then the Duke must have done other things to cause the current situation.

But, what on earth did the Duke do?

[Players please note that this secret room has special clues and must meet certain conditions to unlock it]

[The system is being judged, please wait patiently...]

[The system has checked that the player has the status of a "believer of the God of Fools and Lies" and meets the triggering conditions for special clues]

She didn't expect this title to have such an effect. Jian Yao was shocked in her heart. It seemed that the title "trash" was of some use.

However...since her identity as a believer is used as a trigger for a special clue here, does that mean that this trash god has mixed things up in the dungeon again?

After Jian Yao stood there and waited for a few seconds, a golden light flashed in her eyes, as if a golden stream of light was attached to the surface of her eyeballs.

It was this change that made Jian Yao see a beige scroll in the corner where there was nothing before, and it was still emitting a little white light.

But the most important thing is that there is a huge arrow pointing in the sky, and there is an elegant font next to it: "Surprise".

Jian Yao: Stone hammer, it’s Him who did this, I’m going to shock you.

The scroll gives Jian Yao the feeling of touching a piece of delicate human skin, and even has a faint fragrance that makes people feel dizzy after smelling it.

Jian Yao opened the smooth scroll in her hand against the firelight. There was a line of words written on the beige scroll with dark red paint.

[Those who have obsessions and desires, my God will guide you in a new direction, draw formations, offer your sacrifices, and the benevolent God will realize your wishes]

This line of font looked particularly familiar. Jian Yao looked up at the two characters still floating in the air, then looked down at the elegant and ugly font on the scroll, and was silent for a while.

The characters in these two places are very ugly. If Jian Yao couldn't recognize that they were written by the same guy, he would be really blind. But how could he have the nerve to show off such ugly characters?


The being who was watching videos everywhere in the void suddenly shook his irregular entity. For some reason, he just felt the power of complaining, as if someone was complaining about him behind his back.

However, his invisible eyes scanned around and saw no suspicious person, so he regarded this matter as a feeling caused by other gods, did not take it to heart, and continued the "prank" he was currently doing.

After Jian Yao secretly complained about the God of Fools and Lies, she continued to look at the pattern under the words.

A strange formation pattern is drawn below this passage. The dark red paint outlines a circular pattern, and there are many incomprehensible complex runes in the middle, which looks very strange.

Jian Yao was inexplicably dazzled when she looked at this formation pattern.

For some reason, this formation pattern looked familiar to her, but for a while she couldn't find any impression of this pattern in her memory.

Forget it, wait until she gets back and think about it slowly.

Jian Yao glanced at the clock in the study room and saw that the time was already seven o'clock in the evening.

In half an hour, the maid would knock on her door and bring her fresh meals. It would be embarrassing if she was not found in the room.

She searched carefully in the secret room for a while, and after confirming that the only useful clue was this scroll, she reset the mechanism in the study.

After Jian Yao saw that the secret room was hidden behind the wall of the study room again, she stuffed the scroll into her system backpack and left quickly.

After returning to the guest room, Jian Yao did not go out for more walks, but chose to stay in the room.

When the clock in the guest room turned to half past seven, the guest room door was knocked on time, neither earlier nor later.

Jian Yao opened the door and saw that the person knocking on the door was the maid she had seen in the living room before.

I saw a delicate woman wearing a black and white maid uniform pushing a small food station at the door of her room. There were several covered plates on the dining car, as well as a wine glass and a bottle of old wine.

The maid bowed respectfully to Jian Yao, and after getting Jian Yao's permission, she placed the dinner plate in the trolley on the dining room table in the guest room.

She opened the cork of the red wine for Jian Yao and poured half a glass of wine before leaving. After all, the housekeeper had told Jian Yao that she did not like others to serve her while eating.

After the maid left the room, she closed the door for Jian Yao. Now Jian Yao was the only one left in the guest room.

The long white candle on the dining table had just been lit by the maid, and the red-orange candlelight was swaying. There were all kinds of delicacies on the table. The ingredients looked particularly high-end, making people feel appetizing just by looking at them.

[As a fun-loving person: Great! The takeaway just arrived, so you can watch the anchor eat and enjoy your meal.]

This chapter has been completed!
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