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Chapter 249 Cancer (11)

The mutants on the 18th floor have been cleaned up, but the walls and floors have not become normal due to the disappearance of the mutants. It seems that the abnormality and pollution of this building have deepened due to the appearance of the mutants.

It doesn't matter.

Rather, it is the emergence of building anomalies and pollution that has led to the emergence of a large number of mutants.

It's just that Jian Yao is still not sure what is the cause of the abnormality here, but she already has a rough guess in her mind, and she is just waiting to get more evidence to confirm her guess.

But what's more important now is to go back to the 19th floor and take a look at the situation upstairs.

Jian Yao placed her hand on her chest. She didn't know why this thought did not gradually dissipate over time. Instead, it became more intense over time and gradually occupied a large position in her heart.

"I want to go back to the 19th floor to see how the other team is doing." Jian Yao turned around and said to the NPC.

The NPC's expression has become very dull since he just saw Jian Yao purifying the needle monster, as if he was frightened by Jian Yao's operation.

After all, he has never seen anyone who can treat these mutants submissively. Even when he encountered powerful mutants, he always thought of dying together.

So this was the first time he saw a mutant being able to be purified, and it was also the first time he saw a mutant showing such a dog-licking attitude to please others.

He could only say that his worldview was completely shattered after meeting Jian Yao, and it was to the point where he could not get it back no matter how hard he tried.

Jian Yao glanced at the middle-aged man who had not responded yet, stretched out her hand and waved it in front of him, but she still didn't get the slightest reaction from him, as if she was stupid.

"Hello? Hello? Hello? Wake up!"

The npc suddenly trembled and looked at Jian Yao standing in front of him, looking at her with inexplicably eager eyes.

Maybe Jian Yao's existence is here to change all this, maybe this time she can reverse the war between them and the mutants here.

She is their hope.

Thinking of this, the npc couldn't help but clenched his hand into a fist. Let alone return to the 19th floor now, as long as she can solve the anomaly here, even if Jian Yao asks him to fly to the sky, he may not be able to do it.

Can fly directly.

"Okay, I'll go back soon." The npc's attitude changed visibly. It no longer had the cold and arrogant attitude before. It was more similar to the current expression of the hospital bed, but it was not as cold and arrogant as the hospital bed.

So obscene.

After Jian Yao received a positive reply from the npc, she was planning to return to the nineteenth floor with her group when she suddenly heard the somewhat obsequious words from the bed ghost.

The expression on the patient's bed looked a bit pitiful, and the tone of his words sounded very cautious. Jian Yao only heard it say, "Then I don't have to follow you up there, right? So as not to affect your performance, boss."

On the surface, the hospital bed looked weak and spoke to Jian Yao, but in fact, it could hardly suppress its laughter.

As long as Jian Yao agreed to let it stay on the eighteenth floor, it would immediately find the mutants on other floors, and then they would openly attack Jian Yao and his party.

Even if Jian Yao and his gang were so powerful, they would not be powerful enough to defeat thousands of mutants.

Moreover, there is a mutant in this building that will automatically split when attacked. Even if the attack power of this mutant is not very strong, in the later stage, it can crush Jian Yao and the others to death or tire them out with their numbers.


And he took advantage of Jian Yao's siege to save Jian Yao, so that Jian Yao and the others would not have any doubts about their loyalty to him, and he could use this trust to kill them quietly behind their backs.

At that time, Jian Yao's soul body will be its own. Since she has such a powerful ability, her soul body must also have a particularly powerful power, and what it likes to eat most is this kind of soul body with huge energy.

At that time, after it successfully absorbs the energy inside, it will definitely become the master of this space, and even expand the territory of this space to other places.

When the sick man in the hospital bed thought about the day in the future when he would be able to control the world and recruit younger brothers like crazy, he couldn't help but reveal a strange smile. Unfortunately, except for a dark red wall of flesh, no one could see the distorted expression on this smile.

Hey hey hey, little fellow, human being, you are still too young.

The more it thinks about it, the more excited it becomes, and can't wait to hear Jian Yao's answer later.

Jian Yao did open her lips after hearing the sick bed's words, ready to say a word, but unfortunately, the words Jian Yao said were not in line with the sick bed's intention.

"No, you can just follow us."

Hum hum, very good, it knows... what?! How come this is different from what it thought!

The sick man in the hospital bed had an expression of disbelief, his eyes were wide open, his mouth was wide open, and his expression was full of doubts about his ears and the strange feeling he had had so far.

It was in disbelief at first, but then a strong fear and suspicion came up from the depths of the soul. Could it be... Jian Yao, did she know what she was thinking?

No way? No way? This human girl doesn’t look that big, and she looks silly and sweet. How could she see through its plan?!

But if she really sees through all her thoughts, wouldn't she look like a clown now?!

Maybe this human being is secretly laughing at it in his heart, just waiting for it to show an expression of disbelief.

It was scary. It was so scary. She not only guessed its thoughts, but also guessed what kind of expression it would show. It was as if she was teasing it like a clown.

But does it dare to say anything? No, it doesn't dare to say anything. If Jian Yao really knows the plot it just thought of, wouldn't it just blow up this disguised relationship?

If Jian Yao didn't know the plan in his heart, wouldn't he just throw himself into a trap? This would directly expose his wolfish ambitions, so how could he realize his plan secretly?!

In short, regardless of whether this human being really doesn't know what it's planning in its heart or is pretending not to know what it's planning in its heart, it has to pretend to be stupid and pretend it doesn't know anything.

As for what Jian Yao, who was thought to be scheming, was really thinking, I'm afraid only she herself knows.

She simply felt that it was a pity to let go of this weirdo who both understood mutants and could be used as a means of transportation so easily.

This chapter has been completed!
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