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Chapter 254 Cancer (16)

Just when these players who didn't quite understand Jian Yao were planning to go upstairs to see if there was any trace of the other team, they suddenly heard one after another strange noises coming from the passage on the 19th floor.

It sounded as if something sticky was being grasped and slowly kneaded in someone's hand. It made a gurgling sound that made people panic.

They looked at the passage where the sound came from. More and more slug-like mutants were crawling out of the corridor on the right. Not only on the ground, but also on the walls and ceiling.

A gray-yellow variant of the crawler was crawling in their direction.


The person who made this sound was Wu Jiu. After all, the scene in front of him could completely arouse a person's physical discomfort. Wu Jiu could not control his body's nausea and retched directly.

Who can see a lot of big noses in front of them and still have an expressionless face?

Oh, Jian Yao did it.

Wu Jiu resisted the vomiting sensation in his stomach and throat. He was afraid that if he continued to watch, he would have to vomit right here.

He turned his head to take a look at Jian Yao to see how she planned to deal with so many "big noses", but he saw her expressionless face as she looked at the mutants that were constantly surging in the passage.

As expected of a sister-in-law who was able to subdue the captain, she didn't even react at all in the face of such a scene, which really impressed him.

Jian Yao's inner activities were not as calm as Wu Jiu imagined, but she was brainwashing herself crazily: "It's all jelly, it's all jelly."

After brainwashing herself for a while, Jian Yao felt much better.

She didn't even dare to speak just now, and endured it with a straight face. She was afraid that the first words she spoke would make her burst into tears.

However, if there are so many of them, if they continue to attack them with various weapons, won't they split into more mutants?

"Do you know anything that can kill them completely?"

Jian Yao estimated that it would still take a long distance for them to climb here, so she didn't need to be too nervous for the time being. She took advantage of this moment to ask the NPC and the bed ghost next to her.

The NPC clenched the weapon in his hand with a heavy expression, and nervously replied to the question Jian Yao had just asked.

He didn't know what the weaknesses of these monsters were, nor did he know how to kill them completely.

After all, it was his first time to come to the 19th floor. The seniors he had brought with him had died on other floors, so he couldn't ask even if he wanted to.

The hospital bed ghost took a look at the seemingly innocuous NPC, and felt bursts of ecstasy in its heart, because this also meant that it could add another honor to this important figure.

Whoever sees it has to praise it for its cleverness?

"Hehe, I know, I know." The bed ghost let out a lewd laugh, successfully getting Jian Yao's attention.

The bedrider held back the bursts of ecstasy in his heart and continued: "Thunder and lightning are what these mutants are most afraid of. Unfortunately, this is indoors, and thunder and lightning are generally unlikely to occur."

"And ordinary lightning will destroy this building."

Of course, the hospital bed ghosts know what the weaknesses of these mutants are. Let alone whether they can summon thunder and lightning, even if they can summon lightning, they can easily cause chaos inside the building.

There is no fooling around here, any small behavior may cause the owner of this body to feel extreme pain.

Although it is none of its business whether the owner of this body is in pain or not, I am just afraid that if it happens too many times, the building will collapse directly. Not to mention what will happen to the owner of this body, they will be gone.

What to do with the living space?

Jian Yao seemed to understand the meaning of the hospital bed's lies, and nodded, looking at the scene in front of her like a tide or a wave of sticky cheese, she seemed to be in trouble.

The bedrider then added: "And these mutants have very low IQs. They can't even understand the words of our kind, so I can't communicate with them."

Its implication is that it cannot communicate with them, so it cannot stop fighting through verbal communication, and even if it has IQ and can speak, it is still afraid of these mutants.

The hospital bed was so weird that he didn't want his rusty iron bed to be coated with a layer of sticky liquid.

Although it dislikes it, if Jian Yao orders it to charge into battle for her, then it can only obey Jian Yao's orders honestly.

After all, it has been Jian Yao's licking dog for a while, and has completed all orders. If it is unable to hug Jian Yao, a big shot, because of its disobedience this time, it will definitely regret giving itself to Jian Yao.

It was smashed into a piece of scrap metal.

[Can only blindly beep: Thunder and lightning! Doesn’t the anchor have a thunder sword? It has the right attribute to restrain it]

[For those who love music: Didn’t you hear what the weirdo said? Thunder and lightning may also destroy the building itself]

Jian Yao looked at the large number of "big noses" getting closer and closer, frowned and took out her thunder sword, but she did not immediately summon the thunder to attack these "big noses".

Apparently he hesitated because of what he said about the strange hospital bed.

[Option 1, directly use the Thunder Sword, and die together, and the bonus skill "die together"

After activating the skill, all existence in the instance (or within one kilometer), including the host using the skill, will disappear]

[Option 2, use the purification skills to test it. Although it is of no use, the bonus skills are "all useless"

After activating this skill, both props and skills will be invalidated, but this skill does not distinguish between friend and foe, that is to say, the user's skills and props will be invalidated.

Come on, you can beat other people with your bare hands]

[Option three, use the purification skill and the Thunder Sword at the same time, the two-sword style hum haha, the bonus skill "Purification" will be directly upgraded

It is no longer limited to only purifying negative buffs. This is a huge update. After the upgrade, this skill can not only purify negative buffs, but also purify monsters, regardless of whether they have negative buffs or not.]

Jian Yao:!

This chapter has been completed!
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