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Chapter 38: The Mental Fright (1)

Except that Lingwei needed to stay for follow-up processing, Jian Yao and the others had no need to stay, so they returned to the dormitory first.

As soon as I opened the door to the dormitory, I found that my second son had come back.

"Where have you been? Why did you come back so late? We didn't reply to our calls or messages."

The second child had just returned to the dormitory not long ago. At this time, she had just plugged in the power of her mobile phone. She looked a little frightened and said blankly: "I worked overtime tonight, and then my mobile phone just ran out of battery. I don't know."

You called me and sent me messages."

Jian Yao breathed a sigh of relief. For her, it was the best thing that nothing happened to her roommate.

Although Jian Yao barely wiped it with a tissue, she still felt that her body was very sticky and went to take a shower first. The other roommates took advantage of Jian Yao to take a shower and told the only one who was not at the scene about what had just happened.


In the bathroom, the reddish water flowed into the sewer along the slightly sloping floor. Jian Yao did not notice that a bright red mole appeared on her back, which appeared on the white warm jade.

I have some heart palpitations.

As soon as Jian Yao came out of the bathroom, she heard that her roommates planned to go out for some relaxation tomorrow. Although Jian Yao was now afraid that she would encounter various things as soon as she went out, she finally smiled and agreed after seeing the worried eyes of her roommates.

The time gradually entered the early morning, and the dormitory was silent. Occasionally, snoring could be heard, but Jian Yao was still unable to fall asleep. Her mind was still replaying everything that happened tonight, every place.

The details were constantly magnified in her mind.

Jian Yao had always believed that the man she met tonight was also the murderer of the previous human skin case, but the previous human skin looked intact, with no discoloration or blood stains, and the method of committing the crime tonight was completely different.

, the only similarity may be that the murderers want to eat their victims.

The more she thought about it, the more something was wrong. Could it be that there was more than just this dangerous person around them? The murderer of the previous case was actually someone else?

Jian Yao turned on her phone, and the dazzling white light shone on her face, just as she was feeling a little flustered at the moment.

Finger swiped quickly on the screen. After leaving a message to the Soul Removing Guard, Jian Yao felt that she had completed a major task in her heart and fell asleep quickly.

After waking up the next day, Jian Yao received a reply from the Soul Removal Guards that they were still investigating further. She couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The Soul Removal Guards are a group of players who are ranked in the middle or top of the horror game or have special abilities.

It was obvious that all aspects of the composition were above hers. There was no reason why they couldn't think of anything she could think of, so Jian Yao felt relieved.


After having fun with her roommate for a few days, Jian Yao felt that she could no longer show off, so she struggled to memorize several practical talismans from the science of talismans, and even carved them on her ordinary small wooden sword.

A few, just waiting to enter the dungeon to see if it works.

[Copy Name: Horror in the Mourning Hall

Copy level: D level

Number of copies: 4

Main mission: Survive until 5 a.m. the next day]

[Note: Some of your props have been temporarily banned and cannot be used. They will be unlocked in the next copy]

[I’m a girlfriend fan: Hey, are you guys watching the live broadcast again? 】

[Just a fun-loving person: The anchor finally went live. I feel uncomfortable if I don’t watch the anchor all day]

Here is a mourning hall with elegiac couplets and wreaths, and there are several players with equally nervous expressions standing around her.

As expected, it is a D-level dungeon. The main quest is relatively short and clear and simple. The only thing you need to worry about in this dungeon is the strange things that may appear at night.

Jian Yao observed the surrounding environment. It was dark outside and it was still raining heavily. The cold wind coming in from the door carried the cold rain and drifted into their collars.

The only candle in the mourning hall swayed with the wind outside, as if it might be extinguished at any time.

The most unforgettable thing in this entire mourning hall is the black and white photo hanging on the wall and the black wooden coffin on the ground.

There was also a strong smell of rot in the air, like the smell of meat that had rotted for a long time at room temperature.

"Let's search here first to see if there are any clues."

Jian Yao turned her head and looked at the middle-aged man who had just spoken. The nickname on his head was "Uncle Wang", his face was full of flesh, and he looked fierce.

"Then, do we need to search the coffin as well?" The female player nicknamed "Moonlight Miaomiao" timidly looked at the coffin not far away and asked in a low voice.

The lid of the black wood coffin is not closed, but placed on the edge of the coffin. As long as the player gets closer, they can see the body lying inside.

"There is a book here, come over and take a look."

The bespectacled man, whose nickname is "Bespectacled Not Bald", found a booklet with a pure black cover from the table. It recorded the amount of money an old man had saved to support students, and also wrote the name of the student she was sponsoring. It was...

The game nicknames of several of their players.

"It seems that we are playing the role of poor students supported by an old man. Because the old man passed away, we should keep vigil for her." The spectacled man adjusted the glasses on his face, and a wise light flashed in his eyes.

As soon as he finished speaking, a gust of cold wind blew at the door. The candle in front of the photo swayed with the wind, making the old man's face in the photo a bit strange.

"The meaning of the elegiac couplets hanging here is also about how good the old man was during his lifetime." Jian Yao looked at the words on the elegiac couplets around her and reported her own conclusion.

"Then, that means she won't harm us?" Yueguang Miao meowed, trying to stay as close to Jian Yao as possible, with her feet facing the door, and her eyes occasionally glancing at the coffin not far away.

Uncle Wang took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, smoked a cigarette in silence, and then walked to the coffin. When he saw the appearance of the corpse inside, his expression became obviously worse.

Jian Yao also walked over. The corpse in the coffin was bulging unnaturally. The body was covered with corpse spots. Maggots could be seen crawling around in the holes on the blue-purple face. A pair of bulging eyes.

She stared at the two players looking at her outside the coffin.

"Something's wrong, this... something's wrong." Uncle Wang took a few steps back with an ugly expression on his face, as if he was worried about something, but he still didn't say the word after all.

He just took out another cigarette from the cigarette case, and his hand that lit the cigarette was trembling slightly.

Jian Yao looked at the body in the coffin silently and couldn't help but frown. What she saw in front of her made her overturn her previous thoughts. If the old man was really a well-liked and good person, then her body would not be exposed.

Such a situation emerges.

The unnatural bulging of the body meant that it was at least several days before she was discovered, as was also evident from the stains and degree of decomposition on the body.

And the resentment remaining in that eye is not an illusion.

What happened on the day she died? Does it have anything to do with them, the players?

The mystery behind this did not surface with the appearance of the booklet, but instead became deeper.

Jian Yao's eyes scanned the inside of the coffin that was visible to the naked eye, but still found nothing.

[Can only beep blindly: I’m sorry, my family, I vomited again]

[I’m a technology fan: You’re okay, I was reading while eating, and now I can’t eat at all, what should I do?]

[For those who love fun: give it to me! 】

"Can we put the lid on her?" Jian Yao tapped the coffin lid with her chin. She thought it might be safer to close the lid.

Other players also felt a little frightened by the old man's terrifying appearance, so Uncle Wang and Mr. Glasses worked together to close the lid of the coffin.

After the coffin lid was closed, Moonlight Miaomiao obviously relaxed a little.

"Then what are we going to do next?"

"Let's take turns keeping watch."

The order of the vigil was quickly decided, and Jian Yao followed Yueguang Miaomiao, so she could now lean against the wall and sleep for a while.

The rain outside fell on the ground, and the noisy rain blocked out all noise. The mourning hall was like an "isolated island" isolated by the heavy rain. Coupled with the overly nervous spirit, Jian Yao gradually fell asleep.

This chapter has been completed!
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