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Chapter 42: The Mental Fright (5)

Jian Yao looked at the time on the clock and fell into deep thought.

It should have been the monster's third attack just now, which means that the monster came and attacked at two o'clock in the morning, and then left again at two and a quarter in the morning, which was the same time as the second attack.

, they all leave at five quarters.

Then based on this, we can guess that the monster's first attack should be at zero o'clock, and its departure should be at quarter past zero. It's just that they were taken to the dream world at that time, and when they woke up again

The time should have been a little faster, so they soon ushered in the second attack of the monster, which was between one o'clock and one quarter past one.

Moreover, the rules of the monster should be that it can only kill one person at a time, so it did not attack other players after killing Moonlight Meow, and it will evolve every other time. At first, it should have no hair on its body.

After the second time, it evolved into black fur, and now it has evolved into green fur, and its strength and speed have been greatly improved.

If her guess is correct, then before five o'clock comes, they will face two more attacks from monsters, and the monsters will become more powerful each time. Now the only weapons in Jian Yao's hand are two wooden swords.

The only defensive wooden sign was turned into pieces of wood in the recent attack.

There was water everywhere on the ground, and the rain outside flooded into the mourning hall. The coffins were filled with turbid liquid mixed with corpse water. A layer of oil stains could be seen floating on the water, and the originally dry wood in the room was also filled with water.

The wood was more or less soaked due to the heavy movement, and the soaked wood is not suitable for further processing.

Jian Yao looked at the wet wood on the ground with some pity. She only had two choices now, one was to reinforce the mourning hall, and the other was to hide somewhere else. But now a big hole had been smashed through the mourning hall's shed, and there was no door at the entrance.

It can be closed, and monsters can just walk in without any hindrance.

The rain outside still seems to have no intention of stopping, as if it wants to cover up all the weirdness and bloodshed that happened here in the heavy sound of rain.

The main mission only told them to live until 5 a.m. the next day, but did not require them to stay in the mourning hall, and the mourning hall was usually located near the place where the deceased lived.

Jian Yao thought about it for a moment, then walked into the heavy rain outside with a nuclear flashlight.

It was dark at night, and this seemed to be an old city. There were almost no street lights in the alleys, and the windows of the surrounding houses were also dark. She needed a flashlight to see the road in front of her. The heavy rain directly soaked her whole body, and her hair stuck tightly to her head.

Her skin and rainwater followed the contours of her body and poured directly into her shoes.

The heavy rain also hindered Jian Yao's vision. Heavy water drops hung on her eyelashes, and the water flowing from her forehead also slid into her eyes. No matter how much Jian Yao wiped the water on her face, it would not help.

The white light from the flashlight illuminated the alley in front of her, and Jian Yao saw a row of mailboxes at a glance. Several of the mailbox doors were open, and she might be able to learn the old man's address from inside.

Sure enough, Jian Yao found some bills from the old man in a mailbox, several letters from "players" and a key. This key may be the spare key that the old man kept here. She may not be able to get it from the old man's

News about her daughter-in-law was found in the house.

Jian Yao quickly found the residential building where the old man lived. At this time, she wiped the water on her face again. Her wet clothes became a bit heavy, and she could still feel the shaking in her shoes.


She couldn't help but frown, looked at the sticker on the key, found the old man's home, and successfully opened the door of the old man's house.

The ancient iron door made a creaking sound when it was opened, and the only sound that could be heard in the corridor was Jian Yao's rapid breathing.

Jian Yao pressed the light switch, but found that there was no response. It seemed that because the old man owed the electricity bill, the power here had been automatically cut off, so he could only use a flashlight to illuminate it. There was still a picture of the day of the old man's heart attack in the living room.

The medicine bottle was lying alone in the corner, and there were traces of the body lying there for a long time on the floor.

Jian Yao did not immediately look for clues about the old man's daughter-in-law. Instead, she looked through the entire house to see if the monster was here. After all, this is where the old man usually lives.

After confirming that the monster was not in the house, Jian Yao breathed a sigh of relief and began to rummage around the room. Finally, she found a note with the name, contact information and home address of the old man's son written on it.

[Yan Aichao, 130xxxxxxxx, Room 402, Fourth Floor, Building 2, Huayuan Community]


After Jian Yao found the clue, she took an umbrella and a watch from the old man's house and left. It was still some time before three o'clock.

She was walking alone under the heavy rain holding an umbrella. Heavy raindrops hit Jian Yao's umbrella like small glass balls, making people worry about whether the umbrella could withstand the heavy rain.

She didn't see the other two players along the way, and she didn't see any trace of anyone else coming into the old man's home. Could it be that they were just hiding somewhere else?

As soon as Jian Yao turned a corner, he saw the glasses hiding in the trash can. He seemed to think that the smell of the trash can could cover up his own smell, but because it was so smelly, he still couldn't help but lift it up.

Open the lid to let some air in, as if you want to hide but can't.

It was obvious that a human face appeared in the trash can, not to mention that the glasses he was wearing would reflect the light of her flashlight. It would be strange for Jian Yao not to see him at a glance.

I have to say, this guy really knows how to "hide".

"Jian Yue? Are you still alive?" The man with glasses blocked the light with his hand. He looked at the figure behind the light and carefully identified it for a while before he recognized it was Jian Yao. His tone sounded like Jian Yao was still alive.

Something unexpected.

[Can only blindly beep: Please! If you die, the anchor may not die, okay? 】

[A person who loves fun: He really knows how to "talk"]

Just as Jian Yao was about to say something, she caught the sound of heavy footsteps that were different from the sound of rain. She subconsciously turned off the light in her hand and hid in a nearby corridor. She held her breath nervously without looking at her glasses.

Seeing Jian Yao's actions, she quickly closed the lid of the trash can.

Both of them nervously looked out through a small gap to observe the monsters that might appear at any time in the darkness. Jian Yao could also feel that her blood was flowing faster, and her heart in her chest was also beating faster.

This chapter has been completed!
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