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Chapter 108 Two crowns

"On your marks!" The prompt sounded, and Su Feng concentrated seriously. Maybe it was because he broke the world record, or maybe he knew that the system had raised his physical limit to 9 seconds 68.

Therefore, although he still attaches great importance to the game in front of him, the tension in his heart is just right, the pressure is not too big, not too small, just enough to stimulate the nerves to make the sharpest response, without the feeling of being out of breath.



Game start.

When the eight people heard the gunshot, their leg muscles immediately exerted force, and their bodies ejected, followed by rapid acceleration.

Su Feng took the first few steps, and each step was very powerful. This required extremely high leg strength and a huge load, but at the same time it brought about faster and more complete acceleration.

Thirty meters later, with his chest raised and his head raised, Su Feng started the second stage of short acceleration. The other athletes were similar. Everyone's speed suddenly began to increase. The audience's calls to keep down immediately became louder.

This kind of pure high-speed competition can best stimulate people's adrenaline secretion and make people's hearts boil.

Forty meters, fifty meters, sixty meters.

Su Feng ran very smoothly without any hesitation. After fully accelerating in the second stage of the run, his speed reached the peak smoothly.

Seventy meters, eighty meters.

This was Su Feng's peak of 20 meters. At this time, he showed an indomitable and unstoppable momentum.

Ninety meters, one hundred meters, crossing the line!

The score was 9 seconds 80.

After ten seconds, look at the big time sign again.

First place, Su Feng, China, with a time of 9.80 seconds.

Second place, Asafa Powell, Jamaica, time 9.82 seconds.

The third place was Obiviclu, Portugal, with a time of 9.88 seconds.

Fourth place, Tyson Gay, USA, time 9.89 seconds.

"Wow!", the audience once again gave Su Feng a storm of applause, 9 seconds 80, although it is not a world record, it is exciting enough.

It was a feast for the eyes to see several great flying figures competing on the same field.

Moreover, plus this one, Su Feng has won six consecutive Golden League games in Europe. As long as he wins the championship again in the finals, he can win the Golden League men's 100-meter Grand Slam as never before. This is enough to make people proud.

People are excited.

Half of the people who can come to the scene at this time bought their tickets before Su Feng's track and field broke out in Europe. They are all track and field enthusiasts. Now these people have begun to plan their itinerary for the finals.

After the competition, Su Feng refused all interviews and went directly back to the lounge to rest. Wang Zongfang also came to massage Su Feng's muscles. The 200-meter competition was about to start in two hours. There must be no slacking off at this time.

Do everything well.

After lying on the chair, Su Feng covered his face with a towel, as if everything in the outside world was far away.

This is also his habit.

"Sean Crawford" Su Feng recited this name silently in his mind.

Sean Crawford, formerly fifth in the men's 100 meters and champion in the men's 200 meters at the Athens Olympics, also came to Berlin this time. After the last World Championships, Sean Crawford has been sidelined for nearly a month due to a groin strain.

I haven’t participated in a public competition this year, but this time I appeared in the penultimate tournament of the Golden League.

Valley hawk

Maybe he wanted to use the Golden League as a stepping stone for his comeback, but this time he really came.

In the 200 meters, at this stage, Sean Crawford is a stronger player than Tyson Gay.

His characteristic is the perfect acceleration that is close to the technical limit in the first half of the curve, and after exiting the curve, he has the absolute fifth place in the world in the Olympic 100-meter straight line. Gatlin, who won the 100-meter championship at the time, was devastated and only got the silver medal in the 200-meter.

Although Su Feng's main event is the 100 meters, especially in this league, the 100 meters is absolutely dominant, but as a competitive athlete, he does not want to lose in a game. Without this spirit, he cannot compete at the top level. athlete.

And Sean Crawford is now the biggest competitor behind Su Feng in the 200-meter event.

He didn't want to hear the domestic media defending him after the game. He could imagine those words himself. "Su Feng won the 100-meter championship with a strong attitude, but his time for the 200-meter race was short and he ultimately lost." Sean Crawford, the men’s 200m champion at the Athens Olympics.”

This is an excuse that only a loser would make for himself. If he wants to run away, he will naturally want to win the championship.

Su Feng was currently measuring the strength of himself and Sean.

The back straight is his domain and he has absolute confidence.

As for the curve in front, he had to avoid being pulled too far away by Sean, otherwise the opponent's 100-meter run was no joke, and he might not be able to catch up.

As for Sean's status, Su Feng has been focusing on Europe recently and has not heard any news from the United States. I don't know if he ran some small-scale competitions there, and I don't know the results.

But since the opponent dares to come to the Golden League, I'm afraid he is in excellent condition.

Two hours passed in a blink of an eye. When Su Fengjian finished recording and came to the corridor, he saw Sean Crawford.

Su Feng was ranked in the fifth lane, and Sean Crawford was ranked in the second lane.

In the 200-meter race, because of the curve, each starting line has a forward reach number, and the forward reach numbers in each lane are different, probably between 3 and 4 meters.

Because Su Feng was in the fifth path, there were four people behind him and three people in front of him.

Before the starting line, Su Feng turned back and glanced at Sean without trace. This was actually a bit disadvantageous to him. Once he started running, he could not determine the distance between him and Sean.

Shaking his head, Su Feng looked at Tyson Gay in the sixth lane. His current strength should be weaker than Sean's, but it should be good to regard him as a symbol of competition.

"on your marks!"

After following the instructions and bending down, Su Feng looked up at the curved track ahead, then lowered his head, looked at the starting line in front of him, and concentrated his attention completely.

"Set!" the starter's preparation sound sounded.


Game start!

"Run!" With a concentrated and slightly excited spirit and strong lower body strength, Su Feng's legs pushed his body out the moment the race started.

Acceleration on a curve is different from that on a straight road. Because of the centrifugal force, you need to control your body better during the acceleration phase, which naturally requires more force.

Once the game started, apart from watching Tyson Gay out of the corner of his eye to confirm his performance, Su Feng's eyes were mainly focused on the track in front of him, and every step he took was accurately calculated.

At the beginning of the curve, he controlled his body to be close to the inside of the runway. As he continued to accelerate, when he reached the maximum area of ​​the arc, his body began to slowly move outward, which could offset part of the influence of centrifugal force, and

When turning into a straight line, you can keep your body in the center of the track without affecting the final sprint.

This chapter has been completed!
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