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Chapter 116 Bolt

The athletic training base of the University of California, Domingo.

It is known as one of the best sports training bases in the United States.

The base has a football field, a tennis hall, complete track and field venues and facilities, an indoor cycling training ground, four tennis courts, two football training fields, two beach volleyball courts and a two-kilometer long track.

It is also the training headquarters for the United States Soccer Federation and the United States Cycling Federation.

US Open Training and Advanced Performance Training Center.

Training base for the U.S. track and field team and the U.S. Olympic sports team.

The sports center is operated by the world-renowned venue operating group AEG.

In addition to the professional teams that can move in, this place is also open to accommodate the surrounding people for fitness and training. It can be said that civilians and professionals pay equal attention to it. As soon as you enter it, you can experience a sufficient sports atmosphere.

There is both the struggle and passion of professional athletes and the positivity and leisure of ordinary people.

At this time, on the track and field track at the training base, a black figure was running fast, covering a distance of 200 meters in less than 20 seconds.

"Coach, how are you?" Bolt looked at his coach, Glenn Mills, with some anticipation.

"19 seconds 65, that's it, Bolt, you can go and shock the world." Of course Glen Mills knows the character of his apprentice. He has led many athletes in his life, with all kinds of characters, but in his hands

They are all obedient because he can grasp their characters and become their friends. Although he is not Chinese and does not understand Chinese culture, he can be said to be able to teach without discrimination.

This Bolt is like a docile donkey, he needs less criticism and more praise, and even exaggerated praise.

Of course, it is not a baseless compliment. Bolt just simply tested a lap by himself. He is not in a complete competitive state. Under such circumstances, he can achieve this result. His words have no basis at all.


"Okay coach, I've been frustrated this year. This time I want everyone to see my style in the youth competition!" Sure enough, Bolt jumped up happily. Following the next steps, Glenn

Mills can ask Bolt to run a few extra laps.

But today's situation is a bit special. Before Glen Mills finished watching Bolt's performance with a smile, the other party stopped the car directly, came to Mills's side with a look of excitement and said: "Coach, how about I

A lap of 100 meters. You know, the influence of 200 meters is far different from that of 100 meters. And this year, Su Feng and Powell stole the limelight in the world. I don’t know how much money they made, so let me try

Try it.”

Mills's face turned dark when he heard this. Although he teaches without distinction, he must teach students according to their aptitude. Bolt is 1.95 meters tall. Isn't it a joke to run 100 meters?

But facing Bolt, he couldn't simply lose his temper, so he could only soften up and explain patiently: "I know that a lot of news this year revolves around Su Feng and Powell. They

Their reputation has indeed increased a lot, and their income from various sponsorships and advertising has also been huge, but you cannot be influenced by them.

100 meters is really not suitable for you. You started with 400 meters. Running 200 meters is not a big problem, but running 100 meters is too difficult.

Let’s not talk about height.

The technical requirements for 100 meters are completely different from those for 400 meters. From the start, almost every step must be precise, the starting reaction must be quick, and the distance of each step must form precise muscle memory. Those 100-meter

For good players, the number of steps taken in each game is the same, which requires too much skill.

In a 200-meter race, if you start slowly and your pace is messed up, you still have a chance to make up for it, but you don't have this opportunity at all in the 100-meter race.

Finally, let’s talk about height. You are indeed too tall. If you want to compete with players like Su Feng and Powell, you will be pulled away from the beginning. You have also watched their games. As long as you are pulled away by them, no one can.

After chasing her back, it almost became a one-man show for the two of them in the end."


After Glen Mills finished speaking, he said no more and quietly waited for Bolt to figure it out and change his mind.

He has experience. As long as the other party does not object strongly at the beginning when he speaks, he will always listen to what he says.

But this time Glen Mills miscalculated. He slightly underestimated Bolt's strong desire for the 100 meters.

Over the past year, as long as you open the newspaper, even if it is not on the front page, you can see news about Su Feng and Powell. Even Tyson Gay, who was not well-known at first, has almost become an American hero after Gatlin was suspended.

If he hadn't defeated Su Feng all this time, he might have actually done it.

Besides, Obikewelu, who is far away in Europe, has actually come under the radar of the mainstream media in the United States. His exposure is quite high, and I heard he is still making a lot of money in the United States.

These all increase Bolt's desire to run 100 meters.

Therefore, after thinking for a long time, Bolt raised his head and said a little stubbornly: "Coach, since I started practicing running, I was not a professional coach at that time. He was the sports coach of my school. He said that I was too tall.

, not suitable for running 100 meters.

And I have indeed regarded Michael Johnson as my idol since I was a child. His strongest events are the 400 meters and 200 meters.

However, I still want to give it a try, which does not conflict with my regarding Michael as my idol."

After this year of recovery training, new training plans, new doctors and treatment plans, his body has become much stronger. Whether it is 200 meters or 400 meters, he runs extremely easily, just like a black

cheetah running on the track.

He didn't believe that he would have no chance to compete with those two people.

"Okay." To Bolt's surprise, Glen Mills actually agreed. It seemed that every time he would change his mind before he had a rebellious mood, but Bolt only felt it and did not sort out this idea.

I just feel that the coach still understands me very well.

Glen Mills indeed saw the persistence in Bolt's heart, and it would not be good for both parties to continue the dispute, so he agreed to Bolt's request, but by the way, he also put forward his own supplementary conditions.

"Yes, you can run 100 meters, but at least you can't fall behind in training for 200 meters. Believe me, even Su Feng won't be your opponent in the 200 meters as long as you train harder!

"Finally, Greenmills did not forget to give Bolt a tough fight. Almost none of today's sprinters, especially those in the Americas, can bear the temptation of defeating Su Feng.

"Okay, coach, don't worry, I will run a few more 200-meter laps to over-fulfill today's training, and then you will train me to run 100 meters." After saying that, Bolt had turned around and quickly turned into

A dark shadow appeared on the track.

"This kid seems to be unable to let go of this idea without some setbacks. Well, let's use this to let him train more, and then run a few small 100-meter races. The impact will not be too big."

Glen Mills shook his head.

How could he, as a sprint coach, not watch the games between Su Feng and Powell, especially the games in which both of them participated? He definitely watched each game more than ten times.

This is not all for Bolt. After all, he believes that Bolt's main goals are still the 200 meters and 400 meters, becoming the new Michael Johnson and the new Forrest Gump. Isn't this tempting?

When he watched the competition between the two, he naturally wanted to see some changes in world track and field technology. After all, these top sprinters had to be trained using scientific training methods.

On the other hand, I also want to enjoy myself. After all, these two people are driving the craze for track and field around the world. As coaches, they are the beneficiaries and are absolute sprint practitioners. Naturally, they have to take a good look at this rare thing in the world.

See the grand spectacle of track and field.

But it was also because he had seen it that he had no idea about Bolt running the 100 meters.

Powell and Su Feng were not only fast enough, but also started in the same fast mode, which was not suitable for Bolt's height.

This means that even if Bolt competes with these two people on the same stage, the gap will be widened at the beginning. Later, as he said before, he has watched so many games and has never seen anyone able to overtake him again.

, Bolt is naturally impossible.

This chapter has been completed!
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