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Chapter 118 Mercedes-Benz


"Coach He."

Su Feng and Su Bingtian had already finished running as a group and were resting. When they saw He Jun coming in, they immediately shouted.

"Okay, you practice yours. These two days will focus on recovery. We will discuss the systematic training plan in a few days. Xiaotian, I heard Jiang Yun tell you about your results. Keep up the good work."

"Su Feng, that's all for your training this morning. Take a shower and make an appointment with the leader at two o'clock in the afternoon. You can rest at noon."

"Okay coach, I understand."

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Su Feng and He Jun arrived at the conference room of the General Administration on time.

All the top leaders and deputy leaders of the General Administration were present.

"Hey, our world champion is here, sit down quickly."

"Su Feng, good job. You caused rivers of blood in Europe and the United States this time. You are so ambitious."

"Come on, come on, let's sit down first."

"Lao He, your deputy head coach procedure has been completed. All that's left is for you to sign. You finish signing first, and then we'll talk about Su Feng."

This was all decided long ago, and He Jun signed his name after taking one look at it.

Seeing He Jun finish signing, the smile on the leader's face became even brighter.

For Su Feng, they really have no prizes. As for athletes, the international master level is the limit. There is nothing more to give. But Su Feng's results are too dazzling, so he can only work hard from He Jun.


"Su Feng, it's like this. For several of your advertisements, the manufacturers have asked for contract renewal, and the conditions are very good. Our opinion is to renew the contract, but you need to look at it again.

As for the several new advertisements, Jiang Yihan should have already told you. You can choose and take photos of the advertisements before you go to Yunnan. Those businesses are waiting for you.

In addition, Mercedes-Benz wants to ask you to shoot an additional commercial for US$3 million, which is very sincere, and I also want to see your opinion."

This is the only thing the General Administration can do for Su Feng, which is to try to find advertisers based on Su Feng's wishes and reject any advertisements that Su Feng doesn't want.

"Mercedes-Benz?" Su Feng had already heard Jiang Yihan say the first few things. As for the latter one, he was a little surprised. This was 3 million US dollars before 2008. Whether it was RMB or US dollars, it was very valuable at this time.

Su Feng clearly remembered that 2008 years ago, beef in the capital was only about fifteen yuan a pound at the wet market.

3 million US dollars, equivalent to more than 20 million yuan, Mercedes-Benz has spent a lot of money.

"Yes, Mercedes-Benz." The leader smiled proudly. The money itself is considered a political achievement, not to mention the fact that the money can be obtained because of the athletes' achievements, which is even more political achievement.

Moreover, to be able to allow a foreign company like Mercedes-Benz to pay so much money to the Chinese people, even a man in his fifties like the senior leader feels quite proud.

"Well, didn't you break the world record? For Mercedes-Benz, this is a bit like winning the F1 championship. It is very consistent with its corporate culture, so they want to shoot a special set of commercials for this purpose."

On September 26, in the studio of bj Tianxiang Culture Company.

At this time, the protagonist has not shown up yet, but apart from the absolutely clean shooting space, the rest of the scene is already full of people. They are all employees of Tianxiang Company, both men and women, and one of them is holding a small book in his hand.

Zhong Jie looked at the current situation helplessly. It was true that he was the director, but he only signed a temporary contract with Tianxiang Company for this advertisement. Moreover, even the photographers in his team now carry a small notebook with them. Here are some What could he do with the staff sent by Mercedes-Benz?

However, he was very excited to be selected as the director of Su Feng's commercial. It would be okay if he wasn't excited. Why is Su Feng so popular now?

Gu Jie

He is now thinking about filming the commercial, and then using this performance to find a script, he will see if he can find investors to invest in filming a TV series.

"Wow, Su Feng!"

"Su Feng, I love you."

While Director Zhong was meditating, the crowd suddenly started to boil. A passage was vacated outside the crowded area, and a tall and well-proportioned young man in sportswear slowly walked in.

"Hello everyone, thank you for your support." Su Feng was more able to cope with this kind of scene. He responded, signed autographs, and came to the shooting location.

At this time, in addition to the director, there was also a silver-gray Mercedes-Benz in the filming studio.

After communicating with the director, Su Feng started to do some actions, nothing more than running, starting and so on.

After a day of tossing like this, we continued the next day, but it was an outdoor scene, and Su Feng needed to make running movements on the runway.

For the sake of authenticity, of course I ran for real, but because it was for filming, I focused on the coolness of the movements rather than the speed.

Shooting on location was more difficult than imagined. Even with a large number of cameras set up, the director still couldn't find the ideal feeling.

Two days later, the shooting of this commercial was completed, and the rest was post-production, which had nothing to do with Su Feng.

On September 30, Su Feng and members of Team Su, including Su Bingtian, came to the Chenggong Sports Training Base in Yunnan again.

In his dormitory, Su Feng carefully let Ying Duan out.

"Meow", as soon as the door of the pet box was opened, the kitten turned into an afterimage and ran out. Su Feng could not see the movement clearly.

The kitten first rushed to Su Feng's table in the direction in which the box was opened. After looking around, he jumped directly onto the table and then onto the bookshelf.

"Sigh." Su Feng sighed. Fortunately, he still had some preferential treatment in the dormitory, and the place was relatively large.

He found a corner and placed the pet bed, cat litter and other items accordingly. There was no training today, so Su Feng turned on the computer directly.

"Already arranged?" As soon as Su Feng went online, Yingduan sent a message.

"It's been arranged. But why do you have to ask me to bring the cat over? Do you know how troublesome it is?"

"What, you can't do it?"

"It's not that, it's just very troublesome. Wouldn't it be nice to keep it at home?"

"But you're not at home. You'll have to go for half a year. Wouldn't it be nice to have Xiaoying with you? Besides, I gave Xiaoying to you, not to my aunt. If aunt wants it, I'll give her another one. alright."

Su Feng was a little surprised, these words were almost the same as what his mother meant.

After chatting with Yingtan, Su Feng first prepared a bowl of cat food for the kitten in front of him, and then went to eat by himself.

At this time, the Chenggong base has ushered in the peak of athlete training. Especially most athletes, who did not have the opportunity to participate in foreign competitions, came to the base early for training. At this time, there was a busy scene everywhere.

Su Feng naturally has a very high status here. Everyone greeted Su Feng one after another, and Su Feng responded one by one.

After eating, he returned to the dormitory. Su Feng looked at the kitten who was still staring at him on the bookshelf as if he was guarding against an enemy. He then looked at the cat food that was missing half of the cat food on the floor, and shook his head speechlessly.

I bought all this cat food myself, and the ones I originally brought have been eaten long ago. This guy has such an attitude after eating his own food. I don’t know when he will be able to feed it.

This chapter has been completed!
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