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Chapter 15 200 meters?

National Department of Sport.

At this time, a special meeting was taking place in the conference room. The General Administration's deputy director in charge of track and field Zhang attended the meeting in person. The subordinates' Department of Competitive Sports and Director of the Personnel Department also attended the meeting. It can be said that the standards were quite high.

On the other side were He Jun, the director of the Track and Field Management Center and Su Feng's head coach, and Sun Hai, Liu Yuxiang's head coach.

"That's it for Liu Yuxiang. His main focus is the 110-meter hurdles. Coach Sun will continue to train him through competitions. All he needs to do is make arrangements for overseas competitions. In terms of procedures, the Field Management Center will actively cooperate." Deputy Zhang

After the director said this, he closed the folder about Liu Yuxiang, placed his fingers on it and tapped it a few times.

"What we mainly want to discuss now is Su Feng. After Su Feng broke ten and won the bronze, and Liu Yuxiang broke the world record and won the gold, the atmosphere in track and field in our country can be said to be extremely enthusiastic, and a national craze has formed.

The top leaders were a little surprised, and they have told the General Administration more than once that they must use this corporate style to fully stimulate the sports enthusiasm of our people and make more contributions to building a national sports power.

I have read the report on Su Feng's injuries and there are no problems.

Coach He, I want to ask now, can you see if Su Feng can add some more competition events, such as 200 meters, which is not much different from 100 meters.

However, one thing should be noted, that is, not to affect his performance in the 100 meters. This time, he was only two hundredths of a second behind Gatlin, who ranked first in the 100 meters. Our country is looking forward to a world flying man, but we are looking forward to it.

It’s been too long.”

Deputy Director Zhang's words have a clear meaning, that is, whether Su Feng can achieve another good result in the 100 meters, and whether he can add another 200 meters.

He Jun pondered for a moment.

Now He Jun can be said to have won the Fan Jin Examination. After returning to China, he not only followed Su Feng to collect awards, but his work within the system was also directly transferred from the District Sports Bureau to the National Sports Bureau. Moreover, it was a formal transfer, not a temporary secondment.


Even upgrading to the third level is not enough to describe it.

However, he is a relatively determined person and has not been dazzled by these things. He has his own plans for Su Feng, a once-in-a-lifetime seedling. He cannot make big talk or disrupt his training steps just because of the leader's expectations.

After thinking for a moment, He Jun replied: "Director Zhang, quite a few of the black athletes in Europe and the United States are trained in both 100 meters and 200 meters. But Su Feng is different from them after all. He is a yellow race. Everyone is

Anyone who engages in sports knows that there are indeed differences in the physiques of yellow and black people. For example, the amount of sweat in the pores can make a lot of difference in the performance of athletes.

If we add another 200 meters, I dare not say what impact it will have on Su Feng's results, so I think I should be more cautious.

Moreover, the 200 meters is different from the 100 meters. It also requires cornering skills. Practicing the 200 meters will consume a lot of time, energy and physical strength of the athletes, so I have to go back and ask Su Feng what he meant."

Deputy Director Zhang nodded, and immediately everyone began to discuss the supporting content surrounding the two athletes.

The key point is the establishment of Team Su and Team Liu.

The original Team Liu was formed after the Shanghai Track and Field Management Center was established in 2006.

Xu Zheng, the team doctor of the Shanghai Track and Field Team, directly became Liu Yuxiang's personal rehabilitation therapist. Liu Yuxiang trained in the morning and went to Xu Zheng in the afternoon for post-training recovery, including physical therapy and relaxation, which became Liu Yuxiang's daily routine.

And at the same time, Liu Yuxiang was assigned a logistics officer named Li Wei. For some chores outside of training and competition, such as receiving people from all walks of life, coach Sun Ping used to allocate some energy to do it himself. Later, Li Wei became the second

If he couldn't solve a hurdle, Sun Ping would step in. In this way, the two masters and apprentices Liu Yuxiang and Sun Ping, who had been greatly affected, could concentrate on training to the greatest extent.

In addition, the former deputy director of the Sports Science Institute of the Shanghai Track and Field Team has also become the leader of Liu Yuxiang's logistics support team, mainly providing support in terms of nutrition and the body's physiology and biochemistry. For example, Liu Yuxiang is regularly tested for physiological and biochemical indicators.

Ask a Chinese doctor to take a pulse to judge his physical condition, and then make appropriate supplements or consumptions.

There is also a dedicated three-person team to provide scientific data analysis for Liu Yuxiang and Sun Ping from the aspect of sports medicine, and share the corresponding software with the National Institute of Physical Education to provide support for the two to better understand and analyze Liu Yuxiang's performance.


This is only the main staff, some errand staff are not included.

It can be seen that the establishment of the so-called Liu's Team is not simple, and it consumes a lot of money. The manpower and resources consumed by Liu Yuxiang alone were dozens of times that of ordinary athletes.

Therefore, it was definitely not easy to make this decision at the beginning, so it was postponed until 2006.

But now Su Feng and Liu Yuxiang are so popular. Su Feng directly defeated the white people and took the lead to break the ten-second barrier, while Liu Yuxiang also directly broke the world record and won the championship.

Now in China, no celebrity is more popular than these two.

In less than ten days since the two returned to China, the General Administration has received more than 100 business invitations, including from the world's top 500 companies or from domestic super-large central enterprises.

It can be said that any enterprise nowadays, as long as it is commercial, will not want to have something to do with these two people.

Under this circumstance, the leaders of the General Administration directly made a decision through negotiations to form Team Su and Team Liu.

On Liu Yuxiang's side, the Shanghai Track and Field Management Center, which was originally established in April 2006, immediately began preparations to be responsible for the establishment of Liu's team. This was mainly because Liu Yuxiang belonged to the Shanghai Sports Bureau, and the relationship between the local government and the General Administration was complicated. On the one hand,

, Local Sports Bureaus are administratively subordinate to the National Sports Bureau.

On the other hand, local sports bureaus also need results, and most of their finances are supported by local governments, so the General Administration cannot directly grab people. After all, the General Administration alone cannot train so many athletes.

As for Su Feng, it's easy to say. He belongs to the capital's household registration and is directly under the management of the General Administration. All personnel can be allocated within half a month.

In this meeting, we didn’t talk much about pure training issues. After all, the head coach was there.

The main discussion is about the personnel issues of Team Su and Team Liu. This is not only for the two athletes to train better, but also to provide an example for the commercial operation of athletes.

No matter which level the field management center is, most of its funds come from finance at all levels. If it can realize independent commercial operations, it will be a great achievement for leaders of units at all levels, and it will also be a great achievement for the country.

It can alleviate some of the burden.

Finally, He Jun and Sun Ping came with a folder that recorded the training arrangements of Su Feng and Liu Yuxiang.

When leaving, He Jun and Sun Ping, in addition to folders, also carried a bag of contracts. These were the contracts with the best conditions selected by the General Administration. They needed to discuss with the two athletes to make the final decision.


"200 meters? Coach, I think there is no problem. You don't have to worry about my health."

In the athletes' apartment in the field management center, Su Feng looked at He Jun and said.

As for the issue that He Jun was worried about affecting 100 meters, Su Feng thought it had nothing to do with it.

In his previous life, Su Fei rarely ran 200 meters. By 2022, his personal best record for 200 meters is 21.15 seconds. However, everyone thinks this is the reason why he did not try his best. The real strength of Su Fei in 200 meters is at least 20.70 seconds.

However, this is still the result of not concentrating on practicing 200 meters.

For an athlete who can reach the ten-second barrier of 100 meters five times a year after the age of thirty, his score of 200 meters will not be much worse.

The reason for this is not that he doesn't want to run 200 meters, but that his physical condition does not allow it.

At the Athens Olympics, in addition to winning the men's 100 meters, Gatlin also finished second in the men's 200 meters.

For black people, participating in two games at the same time will not affect their performance, but for yellow people, this is indeed very difficult.

Therefore, in the original history, we have almost never seen Su Fei people run 200 meters in large-scale competitions, and the Asian record and national record of 200 meters have not been broken by Su Fei people. This has to be said to be a pity.

But this is not a problem for Su Feng at all. According to the system, his physical limit is set against Usain Bolt, who is also a legend among black people. In addition, he is definitely more self-disciplined than Bolt.

His ability, let alone 200 meters, he dared to participate in even 400 meters at the same time, and he also had to leave a historical record that is difficult for ordinary people to surpass, so that his rebirth would not be in vain.

So even if the coach doesn't tell him, he still has to run the 200 meters.

This chapter has been completed!
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