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Chapter 2 10 seconds 16


Following the final command, Su Feng took a starting position, arched his body, and his body shape was as smooth as a cheetah about to pounce on prey, but in his eyes, there was only the 100-meter track in front of him.


The firing of the starting gun sounded.

Su Feng's legs kicked hard on the starting block almost instantly, and his whole body was immediately ejected.

The athletes' starting data immediately appeared on the big screen.

The first track, Maldives, Ali Sharif, reacted in 0.18 seconds.

In the second lane, Aman, Abdullah Suli, reacted for 0.172 seconds.

The third lane, Britain, Edgar, responded 0.152 seconds.

Channel 4, United States, Davis Patton, responded 0.132 seconds.

Lane 5, France, Bonon, response time is 0.145 seconds.

Channel 6, United States, Walter Dix, reaction 0.152 seconds.

Channel 7, Bulgaria, Ganev, reaction time is 0.185 seconds.

Channel 8, Nigeria, Metu, reaction time is 0.233 seconds.

Ninth channel, China, Su Feng, reaction time is 0.142 seconds.

Su Feng's reaction time was 0.142 seconds, which was not the fastest, but it definitely didn't hold him back. It was considered an above-average result.

Because Su Feng knew that his physical limit could rank among the top even among black athletes, he learned Alpha Powell's violent starting mode, which was to accelerate as hard as possible from the beginning. There were no top experts in this group, so he was immediately let down.

He ran to the first position.

As soon as the race started, all Su Feng could see was the finish line not far away.

Ten meters, twenty meters, thirty meters.

The ultimate potential of 9.88 seconds and Alpha Powell's violent acceleration put Su Feng in the first position almost from the beginning.

At thirty meters, Su Feng stepped forward and accelerated. Su Feng's speed entered the acceleration stage of running on the road. At this time, the situation on the track gradually became clearer.

Su Feng was first, followed by Davis Patton of the United States and Bonon of France. Only they could barely keep up.

Anyone who has run 100 meters knows that even professional athletes will be sweating profusely after running a short 100 meters, because this is the release of extreme speed and the consumption of athletes is very huge.

Therefore, most athletes with excellent strength will slow down their speed in the second half of the race when they determine their advantage.

However, Su Feng had no such idea. At this time, he was facing a nationwide audience that was paying attention to the Olympics, and he was facing the expectations of countless people. Now every step he took was making history, so how could he slow down.

Sixty meters, seventy meters, eighty meters, and finally ninety meters. At this time, Su Feng was already three to four meters ahead of Davis Patton, the American player in second place.

Ninety-five meters, one hundred meters!

Su Feng, Davis Patton and Bonon crossed the finish line one after another.

After crossing the finish line, Su Feng jogged for a short distance. Instead of looking at the coach on the sidelines, he looked up at the results that appeared on the screen.

Not long after, the results were displayed. The top three were: Su Feng with 10.16 seconds, Davis Patton with 10.39 seconds, and third place Bonong with 10.52 seconds.

"Su Feng, we have entered the semi-finals!"

The first Chinese to run in the 100-meter semi-finals at the Olympic Games has appeared!

At this time, on the edge of the field, where the Chinese team was, whether it was the coach, translator, or staff, seeing a Chinese running first in the Olympics, even if it was only the preliminaries, made everyone feel a huge sense of excitement.

Honor and Inspiration.

When Su Feng just started running, He Jun's hands were tightly clenched into fists and he never let go.

When he saw Su Feng crossing the line first, He Jun jumped up with his fists clenched, and his face suddenly turned red.

He was a soldier before becoming a coach, and his deep-seated sense of honor is stronger than that of ordinary people, and his sense of honor for his motherland is also stronger than that of other people.

A soldier protects his family and the country, and what he has been doing after retiring is to train talents for the country until they can bring glory to the country.

However, over the past few decades, because BJ has gathered top players from all over the country, most of the athletes he trained have only retired in the city team. None of them have entered the national team, let alone won glory for the country and competed abroad.

The athletes he coached did not achieve any results, so he continued to work in obscurity at the sports school in the district.

But he never complained.

Those students, they have their difficulties, he understands.

He had never been promoted to an official position, even though he had worked diligently for decades. It was not until this time that Su Feng accumulated a lot of hard work and won the national championship with a sudden surprise, reaching the Olympic A standard, that he was urgently promoted to the national team.

, but it’s only temporary. If Su Feng’s grades are not good, he might not become a regular employee.

But he never cared about this. Soldiers are about giving, not rewards.

In the military camp, they listened to the stories of the martyrs every day. Compared with those people, how could he ask for more.

After entering the sports school and being a gardener at the grassroots level, he was already very satisfied.

But now, decades of hard work have finally yielded a glorious fruit. He is not excited for himself, but for the fact that he has finally trained an athlete for the country who can win honors for the motherland.

He believes that there are countless people at the grassroots level across the country who are working hard all the time, but they may not see the fruits of their efforts in their lifetime, so that they can get the hard-won bright fruits.

And what these fruits bring is not personal glory, but national glory!

"Lao He, you really taught a good apprentice!" Because of the importance of the 100 meters and the early schedule, Zhang Guozheng, the leader of the Chinese team in this Olympics, also came to the scene.

Seeing Su Feng advance, Zhang Guozheng applauded and said to He Jun.

Following Zhang Guozheng's words, several other coaches and staff looked at He Jun differently.

This is natural. Su Feng reached the second shot in the Olympic Games. This is an unprecedented good result for a Chinese player, and it once again proves Su Feng's strength. It is basically a certainty that the master and apprentice will enter the national team together.

Although they are both in bj, their status and status are very different.

"Haha, it's this kid's talent that's good, it's not my fault." He Jun came back to his senses and said modestly.

He doesn't care about the empty stuff. As long as Su Feng can join the national team and don't waste this talent, he will be satisfied.

After Su Feng came back, he was greeted with unanimous applause from everyone, and immediately someone from Yang's mother wanted to come up for an interview.

This is a female reporter who looks to be in her thirties.

"Su Feng, as one of the few Chinese who can run into the second shot of the Olympic Games, and now the first person in China in the 100 meters, what are your expectations for your next results?"

Su Feng thought for a while, "Just like the coach said, every step I take is to create history. I will work hard and strive to achieve a good result."

"Good results, do you mean you can make further progress?"

"Journalist, we understand your mood during the interview, but the athletes have just finished the competition and are most likely to catch a cold at this time. We still need to let them go back to take a shower and rest."

At this time, several staff members of the track and field team came over. After explaining, they took Su Feng out of the stadium.

In this Olympic men's 100 meters, the first shot and the second shot will be held in the morning and afternoon today.

As for the semi-finals and finals, for the sake of the excitement of the competition, they are scheduled to be held at 8:50 and 10:30 tomorrow night.

Since there was no competition in the morning, Su Feng and He Jun left the competition venue directly through the athletes' dedicated passage after cleaning up. After taking a lunch break at noon, they returned to the competition venue in the afternoon.

During this time, neither He Jun nor anyone in the team told Su Feng anything about the game.

At this time, as long as there is no obvious problem with the athletes, no one will bother them, so as not to affect the athletes' mentality.

Before the inspection, Su Feng smiled and said to He Jun: "Old He, don't you have anything to explain?"

"What are you going to tell me? Your achievements have already made history. All that's left is to run as hard as you can."

"Okay, coach, I will get a good result, and maybe I will give you a surprise." Su Feng smiled, then turned and entered the inspection room.

In Lao He's view, Su Feng's current score of 10.16 is already his limit.

After all, he just ran his first record in history at the National Games a few months ago, 10.18.

This score of 10.16 should be an extraordinary performance.

Not just him, but other members of the coaching staff, staff, and leaders all think so.

This time, the score of 10.16 not only entered the second shot of the 100 meters in the Olympics, but also broke the national record of 10.17. For everyone, this is a past score that can be explained to everyone in the country, so everyone is interested in it.

For Su Feng's second shot, the common thought was to just run away casually.

Therefore, neither the Chinese team leader nor the deputy team leader came over for this competition. Only Lao He, another coach and a translator were with them. From this, it can be seen that no one has any requirements for Su Feng's performance.

Of course, there is nothing to look forward to.

"However, my achievements are more than just that."

After going through the complicated inspection procedures including clothing, numbers, and urine tests, Su Feng stood at the side of the field again, took a deep breath, and said to himself.

Looking at the system interface that only he can see, it says that his utilization rate of his body's potential has reached 80%!

Systematic assistance allows him to temporarily use this body in a coordinated manner, but after all, there is still a process. After the round just now, he has taken a step further. I believe that in the subsequent three-gun competition, he will be able to fully exert himself step by step.

With your strength, you might be able to get a medal in the end that no one can even imagine.

You must know that even in Su Feng's previous life before time travel, Su Fei unfortunately failed to win a medal at the Tokyo Olympics. But even so, his superhuman results brought great honor and surprise to the Chinese people.

"What if I could get a medal?"

This chapter has been completed!
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