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Chapter 207 The Second Team of Su

"You don't know, I am very optimistic about Xiaotian's potential, and he will definitely be able to achieve results in the future. Some minor injuries may not seem like anything now. Some athletes will be fine after they retire. At most, they will develop some problems as they get older.

But at least it won't have much impact on your career.

But according to Jiang Yun and I's observations, Xiaotian's performance can break 10 seconds for 100 meters. In this case, if he doesn't pay attention to these problems early, once his performance improves, these small injuries may turn into serious injuries at any time.

Then it will be too late.

And my plan is that Xiaotian’s winter training will only last three months like Liu Yuxiang, and then he and Jiang Yun will go to international indoor competitions. After March and April, they will participate in low-level international outdoor competitions.

It took more than half a year, the fatigue of traveling and training, and the intensity of training and competition, so I need a qualified and stable physical therapist."

He Jun did not tell Wang Zongfang what he and Jiang Yun predicted about Su Bingtian. He was such a big talker. Telling him would be like making it public. If reporters knew about it, the trouble would be even greater.

However, what He Jun said about breaking ten has already shocked Wang Zongfang. After all, no one in the Chinese team has broken ten except Su Feng. Only Zhang Peimeng seems to have this ability, but he has not yet achieved it. He did not expect why

The army is so optimistic about Su Bingtian.

"Okay." Wang Zongfang understood what He Jun meant by inviting him to drink. When it came to business, he was very serious and started to think about it immediately.

This thought was not short, so He Jun was not in a hurry and just waited.

"By the way, there really is a suitable one." Wang Zongfang said with eyes shining.

Seeing He Jun looking over, Wang Zongfang explained: "That's right, Li Guoliang of the Heb Province Sjz City Team, he and I are both descendants of traditional Chinese medicine families, and they are still my peers. He is two years older than me, and he is also very handsome.

Stable, it gives me the same feeling as Lao He.

Their family's bone-setting skills were also very famous in Xinglin during the Qing Dynasty, only ranking first compared to those of the imperial doctors.

In short, his ability is very good and it is definitely sufficient.

Moreover, this old boy is also career-oriented. He is devoted to his career, so he will definitely be willing to come.

With your current relationship, it's not difficult to bring him here. The rest is up to you.

Also, you asked me to help and you were sarcastic about me, what do you mean by finding a stable physical therapist? This means that I am not stable, right? When have I ever fallen out of line?"

He Jun glanced at Wang Zongfang, this guy had never fallen out of control, but he was leading the team, and he was just a physical therapist.

This time when Jiang Yun and the others went out, one was under twenty and the other was under thirty. The physical therapist was also responsible for the team leader. If there was someone like Wang Zongfang, no one would be able to worry about it. Of course he would have to find a stable one.


"Okay, that's him. You contact him first, and then I'll contact him. As for his job transfer, there should be no problem."

He Jun no longer struggled with the issue of stability with Wang Zongfang, but Wang Zongfang recommended it and he had to take a look.

After dinner, the two of them went home.

Wang Zongfang worked very quickly and found He Jun at noon the next day.

"It's done. He also wants to join the national team. Here is the phone number. You can contact him."

On the third day, He Jun went directly to SJZ to see Li Guoliang. With Wang Zongfang's guarantee on his medical skills, he left it alone. He mainly wanted to see people.

He Jun and Li Guoliang chatted all over the world for several hours, and finally found that this man was indeed a stable person and had no problem being a team leader, so he formally invited Li Guoliang and asked him to wait for news.

Back at bj, He Jun gave the report directly to the director of the field management center that Su's team wanted to recruit more people, and the director in turn gave the report to the general administration.

This is a time when the national track and field team is recruiting and establishing personnel, so it is natural to be cautious.

However, He Jun or Su Feng's reputation is also very useful in the National Sports Administration. The deputy director made a symbolic phone call to ask, then approved the report and agreed to the transfer.

After settling this matter, Su Feng, Su Bingtian and the members of the Su team, including the three members of the relay team, prepared for a day and then flew to Chenggong, Yunnan the next day to start this year's winter training.

In the evening of that day, Coach He Jun and Tian organized a dinner party for everyone. On the one hand, the subsequent training was not easy, so this was a reward from before.

On the other hand, when training later, the diet is specially matched, and it is impossible to eat so freely again.

What’s more, Li Guoliang has just joined the national team. We will all work together in the future, which can be regarded as a formal acquaintance.

"Lao Li, I've also told you about my future plans. When you go abroad, it won't be a problem if Jiang Yun is here to speak English. But the two young men are definitely not doing things well, so you have to help make decisions.

." He Jun clinked glasses with Li Guoliang and gave them careful instructions.

"Don't worry, Coach He, I will pay attention." He Jun had told him about his mission before, and he already knew it in his mind. However, when he looked at Su Bingtian, he couldn't help but feel a little shocked.

He knew He Jun's judgment of Su Bingtian, but he couldn't help but be a little shocked at this time.

He is also engaged in sports, so he naturally knows what the level of 9.80 seconds for 100 meters is domestically and even internationally. No matter how you look at this little young man, he doesn't look like someone who can run that fast.

But He Jun recruited him specifically for this young man, so it was obviously not a joke.

Thinking of this, even though he was no longer young, Li Guoliang felt a little excited in his heart.

Everyone who works has his or her own circle.

Wang Zongfang is now the most famous person in their circle, Su Feng's professional physical therapist! Even though some newspapers have reported on it, he is completely beyond the circle, let alone in their circle.

After working in sports all his life, he never expected that he would have such an opportunity in the last ten years. If this young man named Su Bingtian can really achieve such results, his life's work will be considered worthwhile.

In this way, the team of Su Bingtian, Jiang Yun, and Li Guoliang has been officially formed. Although they are training together now, in the game after training, they will be divided into two teams with Su Feng's Team Su, and they will be regarded as the second team of Su.


Su Feng himself was happy to see the success of this, and his suggestions were actually included in it.

Su Bingtian suffered several injuries on and off, and almost chose to retire directly in 2019. This is all related to the lack of attention when the results did not improve.

This is also a helpless move.

When there are no results, it is impossible for the state to send a dedicated physical therapist to everyone.

Moreover, most athletes are not at the level where they need a dedicated physical therapist, and the competition intensity is not that high.

But on Su Bingtian's side, although his training is now very scientific, Su Feng knew that he had a time of 9.83 seconds in his thirties, so this person naturally had to match him in advance to prevent any problems in the future.

This chapter has been completed!
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