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Chapter 235 Su Feng breaks the record, Zhang Peimeng breaks ten!

"Wow!" At this time, the auditorium was already boiling. There were tens of thousands of spectators, some shouting loudly, some jumping on the spot, and some throwing drinks and snacks in their hands.

The camera swept across the private rooms on the field. Some were officials from the IAAF and some were local celebrities. Even inside, people could be seen dancing.

Everyone knew that this would be a fierce competition, but no one was really mentally prepared for breaking the record!

But the record was really broken at this time, which made the audience excited and gave them a feeling of witnessing history.

But the most exciting thing is undoubtedly the Chinese audience, whether in the venue or in front of the TV, some people's movements are bigger than those of the audience at the scene.

In China, many people have even smashed their own TV sets, and many have been complained by neighbors because of the noise, but it doesn't matter.

"Su Feng, Su Feng once again broke the world record created by himself, bringing the human 100-meter record to a height of 9 seconds 58.

At the same time, this game has another surprise for the Chinese audience, that is Zhang Paimeng.

When 100 meters and 10 seconds are basically monopolized by black people, Zhang Peimeng once again hit the 10-second mark for yellow people after Su Feng! This is really an incredible feat. This is Chinese sprinting, the take-off of Chinese track and field, and also the development of China.

Proof of takeoff.

I have never been more proud of our athletes and our country than I am right now!

Su Feng, he overcame a lot of pressure and stood on top of the world again, representing China and proving to the world who is the real king of 100 meters! The yellow race, the Chinese, are the kings of the world!"

At this time, Su Feng's eyes were a little distracted, but they quickly focused, but he was still looking at the big screen, as if he was reminiscing about something.

"9 seconds 58! I finally reached the level of your previous life!" Su Feng solemnly said to himself in his heart.

9 seconds 58! It can be said to be the nightmare and natural chasm of all 100-meter athletes in previous lives. Even Su Feng, who traveled through time, was inevitably shrouded in this terrible result!

And now, this achievement has been achieved by Su Feng himself! What does he have to fear about Bolt?

Thinking of this, Su Feng couldn't help but look for Bolt with his eyes. Due to his size, he found him quickly.

At this time, Bolt seemed to be sleepwalking, as if he was still recovering from losing to Su Feng and Su Feng breaking the world record again.

But he still sensed Su Feng's gaze. When Su Feng looked at him, his eyes also met.

The two looked at each other for a while, and then their eyes changed one after another.

A reporter happened to take this shot at the right angle, and named it "Peak Gaze." It was bought by European and American media at a large price. Many experts commented on the meaning of the two people's gaze.

Later, many reporters and fans asked Su Feng and Bolt what they meant when they looked at each other. However, both Bolt and Su Feng were hesitant and had no clear answer.

Because the two of them didn't know the meaning of the original look at each other. They just glanced at each other under such circumstances. There may be many meanings, but no one can tell the reason.

"Su Feng, please come and take a photo with your world record." The staff at the gymnasium waited for Su Feng to completely calm down before walking over and saying excitedly.

This is because the Germans are more stable in their work. If in other gyms, the 100 meters broke the world record, the staff might have blocked the athletes while they were running all over the field. It would look worse than the world champion.

Runs pretty fast.

"Okay." Su Feng nodded. The excitement just now was almost exhausted by looking at Bolt. Moreover, this record breaking was actually not that exciting for Su Feng.

On the contrary, after I ran 9 seconds 58, a natural and relaxed feeling took over my heart, as if I had let go a lot all of a sudden.

Under the attention of the audience, Su Feng sat on the world record board with a smile and took a photo with his own world record. When he came down, he looked carefully to make sure that he had read it correctly, 9 seconds 58!

It took more than ten years for me to finally escape.

"Su Feng, congratulations." As soon as Su Feng finished taking the group photo, Zhang Peimeng squeezed into the crowd and hugged Su Feng. Su Feng took a look and saw that Zhang Peimeng's face seemed to have traces of tears. He must have cried.

"Congratulations to you, after more than ten years of training, you finally broke through." Su Feng could feel the excitement and complex emotions in Zhang Paimeng's heart at this time, and patted his shoulder and said.

Competitive athletes may practice hard for more than ten years without achieving results, and they may disappear without anyone noticing.

The same is true for 100-meter athletes, and the requirements are even higher. It can be said that they have been practicing hard for more than ten years, and they still don’t know the results. Those who can survive are those who can really endure hardship or love this sport.


As for breaking ten, for Chinese athletes, they have always listened to the topic mentioned by old coaches since they first joined the market team or even in the ordinary school sports team. You know, the age of an athlete may be just over ten years old.

It is the age to cultivate dreams.

So breaking ten is the dream of all Chinese sprinters since they were young. Generation after generation of sprinters have accumulated stories about the 100 meters one after another. By the time of Zhang Peimeng and Su Feng's generation, they have accumulated a lot, and all of them ended up

He drank his hatred within ten seconds, but now Zhang Paimeng has done it. He has realized the dreams of many people, and he has also realized his own dream. It is natural that he is emotionally complicated and excited at this moment.

"We saw that the two fastest runners in China were hugging each other. Su Feng's expression was filled with emotion and relief, as if someone from the past was looking at someone from behind. Zhang Paimeng, after bursting into tears just now, started crying again.

Chinese athletes are unknown when they have no results. It is because of the dedication and dedication of these unknown athletes that the outstanding and bright fruits on the huge trees finally emerge.

But this tree also needs the hard watering of the country and the nation.

Zhang Peimeng and Su Feng are both lucky. They were born in a good era. The Chinese nation is making great strides with a high-spirited attitude and stands among the nations of the world.

The country's investment in sports is increasing every year, and its attention to athletes is also increasing every year.

It was under this circumstance, coupled with the hard training and strong talents of the two, that this glorious moment finally appeared.

While no one from the powerful European and American whites and powerful neighbors such as Japan has yet broken ten, China has already seen two athletes break ten! This is enough to prove the strength and resilience of the Chinese nation.

We firmly believe that we will stand on the earth as an absolutely powerful person just like we have in the past thousands of years."

This chapter has been completed!
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