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Chapter 25 New York Station

"Glory of China, Flying Man of the World, Su Feng equals world record"

"The two track and field heroes shine in the United States, Su Feng and Liu Yuxiang both win the championship"

The photos captured by Jack were sent out after all. After all, interests come first and no one has a grudge against money.

Domestic media paid heavily to reprint this photo.

Not only the photos of the game, but also the scene of Su Feng hugging his coach after winning the championship, were all clearly posted on the front page with large pictures.

According to gossip, the leaders of the general administration clapped the table happily after hearing the news, and later issued a commendation notice to the entire organization, asking all coaches and athletes to learn from Su Feng and Liu Yuxiang.

Privately, the leaders of the General Administration also had a phone call with He Jun. In addition to congratulations, they also asked about breaking the record. After all, whether it can break the world record, the impact is very different.

Naturally, He Jun did not dare to give any guarantee, but said that he and Su Feng would do their best.

As for the Internet, Su Feng and Liu Yuxiang are currently at the top, and due to the special nature of the 100-meter race, after tying the world record, Su Feng has a faint tendency to surpass Liu Yuxiang in the limelight.

After all, this is 100 meters. Starting from Liu Changchun, this is the first time that a Chinese has come so close to this world record.

"I didn't dream, did I? The Chinese had a world record when I woke up?"

"Tell me, slap yourself. If it hurts, tell me. I also suspect that I am sleepwalking."

"Brother Su is mighty, Brother Xiang is mighty, come on China!"

"Strong sports make the country strong. Our country has really become stronger."

The domestic media and the public naturally praised Su Feng and Liu Yuxiang overwhelmingly.

For Asians, after Su Feng tied the world record, Koreans have begun to study Su Feng's family tree.

The Japanese were more pragmatic and directly sent an invitation to Su Feng, wanting to conduct detailed research on his body to see if it could be replicated on Japanese athletes.

Of course, the United States did not let go of the news. After all, it is the men's 100-meter world record. It is a bit like a national aerospace project. Any slightest disturbance will attract attention.

This time someone tied the world record!

The last time humans reached this extreme speed was in 1999, and the person who set this record was American Maurice Green. (Montgomery's result was later cancelled, so it doesn't count.)

This means that records that were originally owned exclusively by Americans are now shared with others.

The front page of the American national movement used the photo taken by veteran reporter Jack. Su Feng and Powell were in front, and a group of famous American generals were chasing behind.

In the United States, race is a taboo topic that no one dares to touch, so although Jack is a white man, he did not directly point the finger at Su Feng's skin color, but instead used the country as the target to raise the topic.

"What is our country's track and field association doing? With so many prestigious schools in the United States, where do the scholarships for track and field go every year? As a powerful country in track and field, when did it become the turn of a foreigner to make waves here? Where is Gatlin, Green?

Where, who can defeat this guy?"

Next, this guy detailed the brilliant achievements of the United States as a powerful country in track and field in previous Olympic Games. In almost every Olympic Games, the number of gold medals won by the American track and field team was around ten, and most of them were more than ten.

If you still have no idea, in the original history, the Chinese team won a total of 51 gold medals in 2008, which was the most.

In 2004, there were 32 medals, and in the 2012 London Olympics, there were 38 medals.

From this we can see how strong the U.S. track and field team's results of around ten medals are.

Jack's article aroused widespread resonance in the United States and was reprinted by many magazines and newspapers.

In fact, no matter which country the people are in, when they hear a new news, the guidance of the news announcer, even if it is only a slight guidance, will bias the people's psychology.

This is the case now. Jack's article did not say anything bad about Su Feng by name, but it led Su Feng to the opposite side of public sentiment.

In terms of influence on Su Feng, is there any?

There really is.

On June 9, Su Feng was conducting regular training at a university stadium in New York to prepare for the Reebok Grand Prix, the 25th IAAF Grand Prix two days later.

As a result, he suddenly received a call. The IAAF wanted to conduct an unannounced inspection on him. The personnel had already arrived in New York, allowing him to keep communication open at all times.

The sudden call made everyone in Su's team a little nervous, including Lao He. Only Su Feng knew that he had never eaten anything illegal. He was very calm inside, but he was also holding back a fire in his heart.

After undergoing an examination that included an on-site urine test, the fire burned even brighter.

"Really, human nature cannot be overestimated. This is not yet 2022 in future generations. It's just that a man's 100-meter record has been caught up, and some people are beginning to be unconvinced.

Thinking of some things in the future, Su Feng could no longer suppress the fire in his heart. It seems that human nature will not change, things are just the same." Thinking of this, Su Feng gritted his teeth.

When he saw Liu Changchun in junior high school history books, he just sighed with emotion, but now he finally understands the will to fight for the nation and the country.

Now that China is taking off, no country can just slap it and bully it casually.

"I can't help much with China's take-off, but with the take-off of national consciousness, let me burn the fire even brighter."

Su Feng murmured as he watched He Jun send off the inspection personnel.

In 2005, in the IAAF Grand Prix, the New York Grand Prix was sponsored by Reebok, so it was also called the Reebok Grand Prix.

Icahn Stadium was also recently renovated and was put into use again in 2005.

This New York Reebok Grand Prix is ​​also the first international competition since the reopening of Icahn Stadium.

And it is worth mentioning that the track here is also one of the five IAAF certified first-level tracks.

On the afternoon of June 11, Icahn Stadium.

New York is one of the largest metropolitan areas in the United States. The Reebok Grand Prix is ​​held here, and the attention is naturally much greater than that of the Eugene Grand Prix.

And due to the fermentation of the news in the past few days, June 11th is also a weekend, so the number of viewers who came to watch was immediately full.

No matter what mentality you have, one of the peak speeds for men, there are only two people in the world who can run 9.79 seconds. Now that such a person is here, naturally you have to take a look.

Su Feng stood on the track and jumped briefly, then began to move his body slowly.

Su Feng had a serious look on his face at this time. Even He Jun thought he was nervous before the game, but in fact it was not like that. There were some things that not the athletes themselves, not even the coaches, could feel.

He slowly looked at the athletes participating in the Reebok Grand Prix this time.

"No one can fight." Su Feng said secretly.

Among these seven people, there are five American athletes. Among them, only Davis Patton and Walter Dix are capable of within ten seconds, and they have just reached ten seconds.

"I'm determined to be the champion this time!"

Seeing that this lineup was not just the championship, Su Feng decided to use all his strength to surpass these people by a large margin, even if it cost all his energy.

Thinking of this, Su Feng seriously started to warm up the joints on his ankles bit by bit.

After a while, he will start running with all his strength, as if he is competing with Gatlin, Green, and Powell. In this case, his feet will be under tremendous pressure at the moment of starting.

So don't slack off at all.

This chapter has been completed!
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