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Chapter 305 The Situation

"We saw that Su Feng and coach He Jun were having a friendly conversation. As expected of coach He, he remained calm when the rest of the Su team were excited. He should be explaining something to Su Feng.

This time in the men's 100 meters, three members of the Chinese team entered the semifinals. I believe everyone was relieved for the time being.

Especially through Su Feng's time of 9.80 seconds, we can clearly see that Su Feng is in good condition at this time, and he is more confident about facing Bolt in the final.

Well, we saw that after having a cordial and friendly conversation, Coach He patted Su Feng on the shoulder and led a group of people back to the corridor, probably back to the lounge to pack things."

Fortunately, lip readers were not brought along during the explanation, otherwise Yang Jian would never have said such completely contradictory words.

Although Su Feng's explanation had been given at this time, He Jun was still hesitant and continued to criticize Su Feng from beginning to end. In short, the master's majesty could never be defeated at this time.

After returning to the lounge, it was still the usual procedure. Wang Zongfang first gave Su Feng a full massage while his muscles had not cooled down, and then Su Feng went to take a shower and change clothes.

During this process, people from Team Su were waiting outside or inside the door, but no one had any impatient thoughts.

Just kidding, this is Su Feng's team, and there are countless people who have just graduated or have graduated who want to join, but there is no way.

Since they followed Su Feng, they have risen to at least three levels in the past few years, twice as fast as others. They have good benefits, can travel around the world for free, and most importantly, can apply what they have learned.

Contributing to the country, this perfect job, what else could they be dissatisfied with.

What's more, compared with Su Feng's daily efforts that they saw in their eyes, this was nothing. If anyone really expressed his impatient thoughts, the other people's eyes would turn him to shame.

Time flies. After half an hour of massage, ten minutes of bathing and changing clothes, Su Feng had packed himself neatly in forty minutes. The group got on the bus and returned to London soon.

Olympic village.

"There will be no training today. You have a good rest. When you have nothing to do, you can take a walk outside and relax. Tomorrow there will be two hours between the semi-finals and the final. It is a tough battle and cannot be taken lightly." Send Su Feng away

After arriving at the dormitory, He Jun gave some more instructions before leaving with everyone.

Su Feng returned to the room and looked at the other bed. Zhang Paimeng hadn't come back yet, and he didn't know where he was "playing". Su Feng turned on his phone, looked at Qian Mengli online, and started video chatting with her.


"What a great run."

As soon as the video was opened, Qian Mengli's clean and white face appeared on the phone, and then Su Feng heard her proud words.

Not only this sentence, but even Qian Mengli's face was full of pride at this time.

"Haha, it's good to run well, but I still got a lesson from the coach, saying that I shouldn't run so fast. It's just the beginning and I need to save my strength to face the next competition."

"That's true. You still have several games ahead of you, but everything is difficult at the beginning. You've already won the first game, so the pressure will be much less in the future, right?"

Qian Mengli naturally feels deeply about the pressure Su Feng faces, especially since she is now in China. The Chinese people can immediately feel the concern for Su Feng, and she knows Su Feng very well, so she is worried about it.

A question.

"Well, it's much better. Actually, there's nothing to be nervous about. I've long been used to it, so you don't have to worry about me. What about you, how are you doing recently?"

Then, the two of them chatted like this for several hours. Although they were only chatting on the phone, they were always happy and there was no feeling of boredom.

It wasn't until Zhang accompanied Meng back to the dormitory that Su Feng hung up the phone.

"I'm chatting with your wife again. Do you want us singles to live anymore?" Zhang Paimeng said exaggeratedly as he watched Su Feng hang up the phone.

To be honest, knowing the news that Su Feng and Qian Mengli are getting married, these insiders are all jealous. It's really abominable to have to show off their affection again.

Su Feng rolled his eyes at him. This guy talked too much and he didn't have any time to waste with him, so he just said something sarcastic.

"I said, don't talk about me. How about it? I haven't been back for such a long time. How are the Chinese women's diving, swimming, and synchronized swimming? How many gold medals have they won? Why don't you tell us who have families?


"Hey, how did you know I went to the aquatic gym? Maybe I went to watch basketball?"

"This is the picture Wang Zongfang sent me two hours ago. See for yourself who this wretched figure is?" Su Feng showed no mercy and directly clicked on a picture on his phone.

This is the picture Wang Zongfang sent him. Since the seats reserved for the Chinese delegation are all in one area, the corner of Wang Zongfang’s selfie just shows Zhang Peimeng’s figure.

This guy was stretching his neck to look into the field. He looked quite vulgar. Wang Zongfang's inadvertent capture was also amazing.

So the two of them fought for mobile phones for a long time, and finally ended up with Su Feng deleting the photo. As for how many people have saved the photo, there is no way to count it. After Zhang Peimeng figured it out, he no longer had the photo.

The joy of successfully deleting it turned out to be a lot of melancholy.

"I won't argue with you anymore. You went to the water gym anyway. How about it? Is the Chinese team's performance good?"

"That's good, I won another gold medal in freestyle." Speaking of the Chinese team's results in the Olympics, Zhang Peimeng also became serious.

This is also true. After all competitions on August 4, the Chinese team ranked second in the gold medal list and medal list with 25 golds, 16 silvers, and 12 bronzes, for a total of 53 medals.

The first place is still the United States team. They still rank first with 26 gold medals, 13 silver medals, and 15 bronze medals, for a total of 54 medals.

It can be said that at a time when medals in track and field competitions have not been successful, the performance of the Chinese team is indeed worthy of the powerful style of a big country.

The two of them read the list through the computer. Zhang Paimeng was a little disappointed at first, and then a little excited. Su Feng was even confused.

"What's wrong with you? The Chinese team's results are already very good, right?"

"No." Zhang Peimeng shook his head, and then said: "I just feel that the medals in the next 100 meters and 200 meters have nothing to do with us, so I am a little disappointed. But with our current results, we will still be able to compete in the relay.

There is a chance.”

"To be honest, the relay will be arranged in the last few days. The 100 meters and 200 meters will depend on you these days. Although we have made it to the 100 meter semi-finals, with the current lineup, I'm afraid that's it.

That's it, whether you can get a gold medal or a medal still depends on you."

Su Feng nodded cautiously when he heard this, "Indeed, in this Olympics, old acquaintances such as Usain Bolt, Gatlin, Powell, and Tyson Gayin are in good condition, as well as Blake from Jamaica, and that Bei from the United States.

Li, this guy squeezed Walter Disco out of the Olympic trials. Together with Tobago's Richard Thompson, these seven people can be said to have blocked the way for most people to enter the finals. If you and Su Bingtian want to

It’s really difficult to reach the finals.”

"Hey, if you don't want to hit us like this, I'll say it myself. Why don't you give me some encouragement? And it's not seven, it's eight, and there's yourself. Plus, aren't you blocking everyone's way?


And you guys, with you and Bolt here, you and these people not only blocked the way for everyone else, but also blocked the way for Powell and the others to win the gold medal in the final. So, in this case, it’s just you and Bolt.

Erte is not qualified to say that." There was pride in Zhang Peimeng's tone, and there was also some yin and yang in him.

"What you said is correct, but with this tone, are you proud or are you trying to hurt me?" Su Feng said with some uncertainty.

"Of course, we have it all. We are proud because you are Chinese. If you go to a smaller level, you are on our track and field team. Chinese track and field, or even smaller, Chinese sprinting can be said to be responsible for the country.

As for being sore, I am sore. What can you do? You are all practicing sprinting. Why can you give those who have entered the finals a headache? It is impossible for us to even enter the finals.

But forget it, I'm used to being sour, so it's not worth being angry about.

But you have to run hard. During the relay, I hope our last leg will be the world 100-meter champion, so that we can feel confident."

This chapter has been completed!
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