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Chapter 335: Victory

This game is undoubtedly of great significance to everyone on the field.

Xie Zhenye won’t talk about it for now.

Almost everyone else is Su Feng's old rival.

That game in Qatar, seriously.

Before the game, no one knew what Su Feng's condition was.

But after the game, no matter how much the media hypes it.

But as professional athletes, they could naturally see that Su Feng was still so strong.

If it hadn't been for a false start, he might have won the championship.

This time is different. There is no sense of temptation. Just like before, we must be best prepared as soon as possible.

Including Powell and Gatlin, who had just seen Su Feng's expression, they were all ready to give it a go as soon as the electronic sound sounded.

So, in the eyes of the audience, in an instant, the nine figures bent their bodies, as if they had turned into nine cheetahs curling up before pouncing on prey, ready to go!



"Game start!"

"We saw that Su Feng's start was very stable and very fast. The whole set of movements was smooth and natural. He stepped on the ground vigorously, but his start was unusually light!

The starting response has come out, and Su Feng ranked first with 0.122 seconds.

Xie Zhenye is also good. He is an athlete with a big heart. His starting reaction was 0.138 seconds, ranking fourth.

Su Feng was still accelerating, thirty meters! With his chest raised and his head raised, Su Feng and Bolt entered the mid-run almost at the same time!

Now it depends on the absolute speed and acceleration ability of the two!

Several other players were not to be outdone.

Powell, who is particularly good at taking the initiative when running, uses violent acceleration. His starting reaction this time was 0.130 seconds! Only behind Su Feng.

At this time, he and Gatlin were also following Su Feng closely.

Indeed, with their strength, they must be at the world championship level in history. Even if Su Feng and Bolt are extremely talented, they cannot open up the gap here!"

At this time, Su Feng had completely let go. From the quick reaction at the start, to the smooth acceleration at the start, to the process of standing up and raising his head now, every step was natural and smooth. He even felt that he had merged with the wind.


Speed ​​up! Speed ​​up!

Forget everything else and run with all your strength, this is Su Feng's only thought at this time!

Forty meters, fifty meters, sixty meters, Su Feng reached the peak of speed, and so did Bolt!

At the beginning, Gatlin and Powell could still keep up with the two of them, but as they ran harder, the difference in absolute speed became more apparent, and they could no longer keep up.

The only one who has not been separated by the two now is Blake, who is called the second Bolt in Jamaica!

With his speed of 9 seconds 69, in the eyes of many people, he may not have the strength to stage a three-hero competition with Su Feng.

At this time, Blake was gritting his teeth and holding on. If he were not on the playing field but in an ordinary environment, his heavy breathing could be heard even ten meters away.

But that’s all!

After sixty meters, Su Feng and Bolt, who were at their peak speed, began to widen the gap with everyone with their superhuman absolute speed!

Once again, people can see what is the difference between Su Feng Bolt and others on the track and field.

Finally, all audiences around the world can see the super speed battle they have been waiting for!

The cheers on the field suddenly reached its peak at this time!

Peak speed, worthy of peak glory!

At this time, there was no figure in Su Feng and Bolt's sight except the end point.

But they can all feel each other's presence.

That feeling of existence is even stronger than myself.

Seventy meters, eighty meters!

absolute speed

Collision and competition!

As far as Su Feng is concerned, Bolt still puts so much pressure on him that he has surpassed himself several times and then been surpassed by himself again.

So does Bolt.

This is the most torturous part of the game between two people. While their physical strength and oxygen are being violently consumed and cannot be replenished, and lactic acid and other substances in the body are rapidly accumulating and cannot be digested, they have to endure the huge pressure brought by each other.

In the midst of rapid consumption, he used unparalleled willpower to continue to go against the body's need to rest and maintain the ultimate speed!

Sometimes, in the extreme, there is still a slight sprint!

It's not a big move in normal times, but in extreme situations, it requires a lot of perseverance.

Ninety meters!

The two of them still gritted their teeth and maintained the highest speed without giving in at all!

One hundred meters, crossing the line!

The two of them crossed the finish line in a flash. Due to excessive acceleration, they could not hold back their momentum, and they slowly stopped after more than 20 meters.

The entire audience was already excited, and almost all of them stood up.

Because the time board had already shown the result of the first athlete to cross the line, 9 seconds 52!

This is the closest that humans have come to the 9.50 mark after Su Feng and Bolt ran 9.49 seconds and 9.50 seconds respectively at the London Olympics.

Even after eight months, Bolt's fastest speed without Su Feng was only 9 seconds 58.

who is it?

This is the only thought on everyone's mind right now.

However, this time the referee's decision-making time seemed to be extremely long, especially in this anxious situation, even one second seemed extremely long.

"Wow!" Suddenly, the red area that occupied 80% of the scene set off a huge wave, accompanied by a huge noise that seemed to reach into the sky.

And the churning red waves are the clouds in the sky.

"Su Feng, Su Feng defeated Bolt by a thousandth of a second, and won the long-lost championship on China's own soil!"

At this time, the results of all athletes were displayed on the big screen.

First place, fifth lane, Su Feng, China, starting reaction was 0.122 seconds, with a time of 9 seconds 518 (9 seconds 52).

Second place, Lane 6, Bolt, Jamaica, starting reaction 0.142 seconds, time 9 seconds 520 (9 seconds 52).

Third place, Lane 7, Blake, Jamaica, starting reaction 0.140, time 9 seconds 65.

Fourth place, first lane, Gatlin, United States, starting reaction 0.135 seconds, time 9 seconds 78.

Fifth place, second lane, Powell, Jamaica, starting reaction 0.130 seconds, time 9 seconds 80.

Sixth place, lane three, Tyson Guyon, United States, starting reaction 0.140 seconds, time 9 seconds@


Blake looked at Su Feng celebrating with some reluctance.

He obviously followed before sixty meters, but once they reached about sixty meters, when Su Feng and Bolt reached the fastest speed, that is when the distance between them widened.

No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't keep up with their speed!

"Damn it." Blake said bitterly, and then followed Bolt's footsteps back to the corridor.

"Dear viewers, Su Feng has lived up to expectations and won the Shanghai Diamond League championship. I think all of us Chinese can feel relieved. Su Feng is still the same Su Feng, invincible and always worth looking forward to.

The results of Su Feng and Bolt this time are also quite amazing. They are also the only people in the world who can increase the speed of 100 meters to less than 9 seconds 60!

In the past eight months, Su Feng's disappearance made many of us feel regretful.

World Athletics without Su Feng and the dominance of the Bolt family have caused the competition to lose most of its color.

And now, we can say with certainty that Su Feng is back.

I believe that the following games will be even more exciting, and this is what all friends will always look forward to.

As for the world record, judging from the current situation.

In the contest between Su Feng and Bolt, I think there will be a day when it will be refreshed again.

It’s just that we don’t know where this limit will be?”

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