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Chapter 338: A Scary Note

As the parties involved, Su Feng and Bolt discovered each other's existence just by feeling and out of the corner of their eyes.

While the two people's hearts tightened, they were not surprised at all.

That's it, sixty meters later, it's a contest between just two people!

For Bolt, who is no longer as invincible as in his previous life, this 100 meters is even more interesting!


In the top 100-meter competition, there is no distraction and strong concentration ability is the most basic.

Sixty meters, seventy meters, eighty meters, with waves of exclamations from the audience.

Bolt and Su Feng's world-leading speed is clearly revealed.

No one can keep up with them.

The two of them were like two wild horses, standing out from a group of high-speed moving "horses" to compete for the position of "horse king".

The sound of heavy breathing was covered up by the exclamations that filled the sky.

But Su Feng and Bolt can still clearly feel the pressure the other brings to them across several tracks!

Taking long strides, pushing hard and powerfully, the legs rotated rapidly, and the legs were almost blurred.

Only the speed brought by the strong power tells people what kind of speed these two people have.

Ninety meters, one hundred meters, crossing the line!

In the last ten meters, both Su Feng and Bolt only took three and a half steps to fly past!

After crossing the finish line, the two of them ran for more than ten meters before stopping.

"Results!" This was the question that concerned the most about both the parties themselves and all the spectators after the competition between the two men was completed.

Almost everyone on the field, even the staff, raised their heads and looked in the direction of the big screen.

Ten seconds later, the specific results of the eight people were displayed on the big screen.

First place, third lane, Su Feng, China, starting reaction 0.130, time 9 seconds 56.

Second place, Lane 7, Bolt, Jamaica, starting reaction 0.141, time 9 seconds 57.

Third place, second lane, Gatlin, United States, starting reaction 0.132, time 9 seconds 69.

Fourth place, Lane 4, Blake, Jamaica, starting reaction 0.148, time 9 seconds 72.

Fifth place, first lane, Tyson Guyon, United States, starting reaction 0.125, time 9 seconds 75.

Sixth place, lane six, Powell, Jamaica, starting reaction 0.132, time 9.80 seconds.

Seventh place, Lane 5, Lambelli, USA, starting reaction 0.150, time 9.92 seconds.

Eighth place, Lane 8, James Dasaoglu, UK, starting reaction 0.135, time 10.08 seconds.

"Oh, it's Su Feng again. I really don't know how Su Feng, as a yellow man, has such physical abilities." After seeing the results, Morris Green in the studio held his head and said in disbelief.

He himself is a black man, so he doesn't have too many taboos about the topic of race.

In fact, this sentence is also his true inner thought.

You must know that even among black people, most of those who can run under ten seconds are of West African descent. Other black people cannot do it.

But Su Feng simply defeated all the black people, which really made him confused.

"Ahem. We don't discriminate against people of any skin color, but as Green said, Su Feng is indeed an outlier among yellow people. Like we said before the game, he may be a genius who occasionally appears.

In accordance with IAAF Diamond League regulations.

The winner of each station will get 4 points, the second place will get 2 points, and the third place will get 1 point.

Now Bolt has won one first place, two second places, and accumulated 8 points.

Su Feng was second once and first twice, accumulating 10 points.

The score in the seventh final was doubled.

This kind of competition is undoubtedly more competitive.

The points between the two are almost the same, so I’m afraid the next game will become more interesting.”

On the sidelines, after Su Feng won again, everyone on the Su team jumped up, even He Jun raised his hands.

With two victories, they can already declare to the world that Su Feng is back.

The invincible Su Feng is back.

After losing to Bolt in the first race, each of them was under heavy pressure.

Not just because of the mission, but also because of the expectations from people across the country.

Now, all the controversies and conspiracy theories can be over.

Su Feng proved himself again.

June 13, Oslo, Norway.

Because this year is the year of the World Championships, the Diamond League competition schedule is relatively tight.

After the game in the United States, Su Feng was invited by the embassy and consulate to hold a social gathering for friendly people from China and the United States and accepted an interview with ABC.

The interview was conducted under the arrangement of the embassy and consulate. ABC also cherished this opportunity, so they did not ask any excessive questions.

Overall, the interview was conducted in a relatively friendly atmosphere.

In a friendly manner, Su Feng also responded with good words when answering the other party's questions about the United States and American track and field. In the end, the interview also ended on a friendly note.

What surprised Su Feng was that he met Maurice Green this time. He was a guest proposed by ABC, and the embassy and consulate approved it smoothly after understanding it.

This is how Chinese people are, as long as they are friendly to themselves, they will treat them with kindness.

If people like Maurice Green showed up uninvited, they would naturally not have any objections.

Bislet Stadium, Norway's most internationally renowned stadium.

The stadium, which holds more than 50 world records, welcomes its annual grand festival today, the Diamond League.

"Su Feng Bolt once again lands in Europe's Super God Battle!" was written in the most eye-catching position as the title by most media.

Europeans already love track and field better than Americans, and Su Feng and Usain Bolt are now famous around the world.

This game naturally attracted widespread attention from the European media.

No fewer than 150 well-known media companies came.

Because the interview he received in the United States was well received, the Norwegian consulate also made the same request to Su Feng.

Su Feng naturally had no objection to this and also accepted an interview with local Norwegian TV media.

But this interview is interesting.

In Su Feng's original impression, the social atmosphere in Europe was more conservative than that in the United States.

As a result, the host of this interview was a beautiful woman with a height of 1.75 meters, blond hair and blue eyes, and a curvy figure.

During the interview, he frequently made secret glances in front of the camera.

When shaking hands after the interview, they even secretly handed Su Feng a note.

When Su Feng returned to the hotel and saw a string of hotel room numbers on it, he was so frightened that he burned the note to ashes and then breathed a sigh of relief after destroying the body and leaving no trace.

After doing this, Su Feng recalled it.

Although he doesn't know much about the European entertainment industry.

But in his previous life, he loved watching football.

According to the legend on the Internet, Ronaldo changes his girlfriend frequently, and each girlfriend's reputation increases after getting acquainted with him.

It seems that he has been treated as a piece of cake by these people, so he should be careful. He doesn't want to die without a body like the note.

Shaking his head and forgetting the terrifying scene just now, Su Feng looked at the opponent next to him again.

Neither Powell nor Blake came to this game. I wonder if they were shocked.

Gatlin was as persistent as ever, still doing warm-up exercises on the track with a serious and confident expression.

As for Bolt, of course he is here too.

It is said that after the Golden League was changed to the Diamond League, in addition to expanding the scope of the competition.

The attention of that point is indeed very attractive.

After all, in addition to the winner at each stop, the person with the most points in the end will get a championship ring, and will also be recognized by the IAAF as the world number one in a single event for the year!

This is an honor that no athlete can refuse.

So it's no surprise that Bolt is back again.

Soon, with the enthusiastic cheers from the audience, the game started.

In this race, Su Feng's start was as good as ever, and his acceleration during the run and final speed and endurance were not inferior to Bolt's.

But this time neither Su Feng nor Bolt seem to be in their prime.

In the final result, Su Feng won the championship with a time of 9.68 seconds.

Bolt finished second again with a time of 9.70 seconds.

Bolt did not "break 7", which is undoubtedly a pity for the audience who came to watch the battle between the two gods.

However, all the audience still applauded the two after the game.

After all, 9.70 seconds and 9.68 seconds were previously the results of Olympic champions and even world records.

And being able to see Su Feng "break 7" is a worthwhile trip for most viewers.

This chapter has been completed!
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