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Chapter 36 World Champion (2)

At this time, Su Feng stood in front of the starting line, briefly moving his wrists and ankles, and at the same time looking to the left and right.

On the left are Obikwelu, Green, Sean Crawford, and Walter Dix.

On the right are Gatlin, Koros, and Walter Dix.

None of them are famous players, but some have been famous for a long time, and some are rookies who have just debuted.

Seeing Su Feng looking over, Gatlin and Su Feng looked at each other, but instead of smiling heartily or making a joke like ordinary black athletes do when meeting someone they know, they gave Su Feng a serious look.

He gave a thumbs up, then turned his head and looked calmly at the track in the distance.

Su Feng was slightly startled when he saw Gatlin's reaction, and then smiled.

He is a man with a tough heart and extremely persistent pursuit of the runway. At the same time, his personality is unusually calm among black people.

It's rare for a person like this to make a joke, and the thumbs he just gave already represented his approval.

"This is a friend we can make." Su Feng nodded secretly, then calmed down his thoughts and turned his attention to the track in front of him.

The competition is about to begin, and you will definitely win!

"on your marks!"

Hearing the sound of everyone taking their places, Su Feng took two steps back, then leaned over, pressed his hands in front of the starting line, and stepped firmly on the starting block with both feet.

The noisy cheering sounds at the scene gradually fell silent as the instructions sounded.

The stadium with tens of thousands of people seemed particularly empty and silent at this moment, and everyone's eyes were focused on the eight figures in front of the starting line.

This is the men's 100m race!

It can attract everyone's attention instantly. In just ten seconds, it represents the limit of human beings!

In front of the starting line, after taking the starting position, Su Feng slightly adjusted his posture to put his body in the most advantageous position.

This game is by no means simple.

Especially Gatlin's expression just now, I'm afraid he has already adjusted his condition to the best. Coupled with his persistent and tenacious character and super strength, no one is absolutely sure to beat him at this time.

Even for the Jamaica Lightning, Su Feng doubted that once they met Justin Gatlin at his peak, the outcome between them would be unpredictable.

Lightning's talent is undoubtedly superior to Gatlin's, but his willpower is far behind. Even if he loses one or two games when Lightning suddenly breaks out, Gatlin may not be able to surpass him in the subsequent time.

Therefore, in this game, he must push his limits, even exceed his limits, and go all out to let the Chinese flag fly on the field of the World Championships.

Outside the competition field at this time, He Jun held his hands tightly on both sides of his body. Because the starting line was not far from him, he had just clearly seen Gatlin's movements and expressions when facing Su Feng, and what happened after that.

Su Feng's reaction.

Constantly adjusting his position on the starting block is already a rare performance for Su Feng. This proves that he really put all his energy into it and grasped every chance of winning.

Judging from Su Feng's temperament, this is not necessarily nervousness, but it is definitely attention, and it is attention that has no absolute chance of winning.

Because he had the most contact with Su Feng, he could feel Su Feng's mood more clearly at this time, which made his chest feel like a big stone was pressing down, making him a little breathless.

At the same time, the atmosphere at the scene seemed to have solidified, as if tens of thousands of people were caught in some kind of tense mood.



"Game start!"

In front of the TV, the audience who had just fallen into a certain atmosphere were startled by Yang Jian's sudden voice. Especially in the early hours of the night, some people almost jumped up.


To the naked eye, the eight people made starting movements almost at the same time at the sound of the gun. Their hands lifted off the ground, and the muscles on their legs swelled, releasing explosive force and flying off the starting block in an instant.

Ran out.

"Start and accelerate!"

Facing Justin Gatlin and veterans like Maurice Green in such a state, even Su Feng's physical fitness at this time was not enough to gain any advantage at the beginning.

Ten meters, twenty meters, thirty meters.

In the first thirty meters of the starting acceleration phase, no one among Gatlin, Su Feng, Green, and Sean Crawford had a clear advantage, not even half a body position.

As soon as the thirty meters passed, the memory in Su Feng's body led him to instinctively raise his head and stand up, and began the acceleration phase of the run, which was also the acceleration phase of the second phase of the 100-meter run. What he competed for here was absolute strength.

The strength of Justin Gatlin and Su Feng was instantly displayed here. With their super acceleration ability, in the eyes of the audience, the two began to distance themselves from everyone around them, and gradually stood out.

"Wow!" The atmosphere of the stadium was instantly ignited here. The depression just before the competition was not released in the first thirty meters. But at this time, seeing the two people stand out, the tone that had been suppressed in everyone's hearts finally finally

I found an outlet and burst out all of a sudden.

Forty meters, fifty meters, sixty meters.

At this time, Gatlin and Su Feng had already gained an advantage over the people behind them. One meter behind them were Maurice Green and Sean Crawford, who were neck and neck. Obikewelu was still two meters away.

The position of a body behind a person.

There were no distracting thoughts in Su Feng's mind at this moment, and he couldn't even see anything with his eyes, only the finish line not far away.

At this time, without looking, just feeling, he could feel the heavy pressure Gatlin brought to him. Without absolute concentration, he would never be able to win.

At this moment, Green and Sean Crawford, including Obi Kwelu, who was gradually catching up with them, were also gritting their teeth and running. But what was disappointing was that no matter how fast they accelerated, the distance between Su Feng and Gatlin was still there.

The distance between them still did not get shorter, but instead continued to increase.

At this time, we have reached the highest speed stage of running on the road. If we can't catch up at this time, it means an absolute speed difference, and there is no other reason at all.

However, the three of them were by no means the ones to give up easily. This actually aroused the fighting spirit of the three of them, and their speed actually increased further.

Gatlin had a ferocious expression on his face at this time. After the Olympics, he finally reached the position of the world's number one flyer.

However, not long after the time passed, first Su Feng tied the world record, and then Powell broke the world record. This undoubtedly greatly reduced his status as the world's number one flyer.

So in this World Championships, he will not allow himself to fail. Whether it is Powell, Su Feng, or Maurice Green, no matter who is here, he will be the first to cross the finish line. From the time he set foot on the 100-meter

After winning the first medal on the track, he said to himself that he would never let this track down!

Seventy meters, eighty meters, ninety meters.

During the highest speed stage of running along the way, Gatlin and Su Feng were at least two meters ahead of everyone behind them, but the gap between the two did not widen, and it was impossible to tell with the naked eye who was ahead and who was behind.

One hundred meters, crossing the line!

The two crossed the finish line almost neck-and-neck. Even as athletes themselves, they couldn't tell who had won just now.

After the two crossed the finish line, they were almost pushed by inertia and ran for twenty meters before stopping. The people behind them were also about the same. This was a sign of the extreme speed and uncontrollable speed.

After everyone stopped, no one paid attention to this. Instead, they turned their heads to look in the direction of the screen at the same time. They wanted to see their results.

Not only them, but also the audience at the scene. The director also focused the camera on the distant screen.

9 seconds 77!

Behind it is the name and nationality of the athlete, Su Feng, China!

However, the subsequent results changed, because Gatlin's time was also 9.77 seconds, so the thousandth point must be displayed to determine the outcome of the two.

Su Feng, 9 seconds 766, Gatling, 9 seconds 767.

Powell's world record is 9 seconds 767. In terms of thousandths, Su Feng broke Powell's world record, while Gatlin tied Powell's world record!

There are two world record results in one competition, which is definitely extremely rare!

This chapter has been completed!
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