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Chapter 367 18 seconds 98!

Chapter 367 18 seconds 98!

August 19, 2016, Beijing Studio.

"Director Liu, this men's 200-meter race has attracted particularly high attention due to the unexpected performance of Bolt and Su Feng in the 100 meters.

According to the information we have collected, by then 80% of Chinese viewers will be paying attention to our sports channel and the single event of 200 meters, which can be said to be a rare success since the channel was founded.

Even before the advent of the Internet era, the entire TV station had never seen such a situation."

"Yes, this is competitive sports, everything depends on strength.

And we have to say that it is also a competitive sport, and some projects are inherently attractive.

The men's sprint event is one of them.

Especially when there are superstar athletes, even the NBA's tiebreaker and football's Champions League are difficult to compare with.

The only thing comparable is the World Cup final.

It can be said that these two athletes, Bolt and Su Feng, were born for sprinting.

So many of our coaches, professors, and sports scientists have conducted countless analyzes on them.

To this day, I still can't decipher the real secret of their speed.

The only thing that can be clearly explained is that the bones and muscle lines of their bodies are extremely consistent with the laws of movement and can release the human body's speed potential to the maximum extent."

"So what do you think about this 200-meter final? Is Su Feng more likely to win?"

"I really don't dare to say this. I hope Su Feng can win.

But in the 100-meter race, you must have seen that there was only one hundredth of a second between him and Bolt.

It can be said that we are riding a tiger.

Even if I run another 100 meters, I can't say for sure who can win, let alone the more complicated 200 meters.

After so many years of training, Su Feng's 200-meter cornering is, in Chinese terms, perfect, but Bolt is not bad either.

He started at 200 meters."

"So, when predicting before the game, we can still only give a half-win answer?"

"Yes, I'm afraid that's the case."

"But one of them is Chinese, which should be worthy of our pride. Not to mention that Su Feng's time of 9.44 seconds in 100 meters has been placed on the front page of countless online and print media."

"We saw that the competition venue was starting to clear up the track. According to the time, the 200-meter finals should have started.

The first person to come out was Zhang Peimeng. He got the last ticket for the final with a time of 20.02 seconds, so he was placed in the second lane.

The second person to come out was Xie Zhenye, who entered the final with a time of 19 seconds 99. This athlete is also in very good physical condition, but it is really not easy to get to this point. Of course, there is also the insight of coach He

Because of Zhu, he was directly transferred from the municipal team to the national team and received the best training without wasting his talent.

Just like when Su Bingtian joined the national team, I also handled the information. Even looking back now, I can't see that he can have such a shining point.

It can be said that he was able to enter the national team at that time thanks to Coach He's face, and even Su Feng spoke for Su Bingtian."

"Did Su Feng also speak for Su Bingtian back then?"

"Of course, it doesn't matter now. After all, Su Bingtian also ran out. Su Feng was already a national treasure of the national team. His words carry a lot of weight. If he hadn't also spoken, Su Bingtian would have wanted to join the national team. At that time,

It is simply impossible, after all, it has not even reached the level of a national second-level athlete."

"The next lane is Blake in the fourth lane, Usain Bolt in the fifth lane, Su Feng in the sixth lane, Asafa Powell in the seventh lane, Gatlin in the eighth lane, and Tyson Gay in the ninth lane.


"This is almost a replica of the 100-meter final. But it is normal. A 100-meter athlete also runs the 200-meter. This is normal in the track and field world.

The fact that they can reach the finals in the 100 meters proves that they have such speed, and running the 200 meters will naturally be even more powerful.

It is difficult for ordinary 200-meter runners to compete with them in the final straight-line acceleration stage.

Su Feng and Bolt are the strongest representatives in this aspect. As long as they take the lead in the corners, even if it is a tie, the remaining nearly 100 meters of straight will become another 100-meter final.


On the field, eight athletes stood in their positions one after another.

The 200-meter starting line is not on the same line, so each athlete can easily see the status of others by looking left and right.

Although this 200-meter final was not far different from the 100-meter final, and the main characters on the field did not change much, everyone's expressions were a little different.

Like Bolt, he has been praying non-stop since he stood on the track, as if he has no other thoughts anymore.

Gatlin, Powell and others all have cold faces, a bit bitter and resentful, but if you look closely at their eyes, they are more determined than when they ran 100 meters.

As for Blake, his 9.65 seconds in the 100 meters almost put him on the altar.

Not only did Jamaica officially recognize him as Bolt's successor.

Even around the world, he is considered to be the only person who can change the situation of Su Feng and Bolt's struggle for hegemony.

So for Blake, 9.65 seconds and a 100-meter bronze medal almost made him the third person in the world.

This bronze medal is not a failure for him, but an affirmation of his status.

The 200 meters was Blake's first training event, so he was looking forward to this competition.

His advertising value in the world has now surpassed that of many celebrities. Once he can beat Bolt or Su Feng, his value will undoubtedly skyrocket again.

This is quite attractive to Blake, who is already familiar with the life of luxury and luxury.

Su Feng took in all this and then looked at his runway calmly.

Although these people have different psychology, there is no look of giving up in their eyes. It seems that everyone has their own ideas about this game, and they even still want to win the championship.

"Let's fight." Su Feng shrugged his shoulders and immediately opened his coat.

He is never afraid of any challenge.

When he was a newcomer and challenged Gatlin and Powell, who were both at their peak, he was not afraid, let alone now that he is already the best in the world.

"On your marks!" everyone's voice sounded, and the entire audience focused their attention on the eight people on the field.

To be precise, most of them focused on Su Feng and Bolt.



"The game begins!"

Su Feng's start was as fast as ever. After accelerating, he quickly entered the corner and continued to accelerate along the tangent line of the curve!

Fifty meters later, the scene was quite chaotic at this time, because there was already a forward extension of the track, and this time Gatlin and others were well prepared and tried their best to increase their speed.

Among them is Blake, a guy second only to Su Feng and Bolt.

Therefore, even the audience from God's perspective cannot see the pros and cons of each person from this chaotic scene.

Seventy meters, eighty meters, ninety meters!

As the forward numbers disappeared, the situation gradually became clearer, and the cheers on the field gradually became excited.

One hundred meters, turn into a straight road!

Su Feng and Bolt rushed out of the curve area at the lead, and behind them was Bolt's junior brother, Youhan Blake, who was only about one meter away from the two.

"Awesome!" Although Blake can't be seen, the momentum brought by the athletes when running can still be felt.

Although it was a curve, he was only pulled away by about one meter by himself and Bolt at a distance of more than 100 meters. It seems that if Blake had not been injured in the previous life, Blake might have become a weakened version of Bolt! Instead of

It will disappear like a comet.

However, the weakened version is just a weakened version.

Trailing behind himself and Bolt on the straightaway with less than 100 meters left, for him, the overall situation of this game was decided and it was impossible for him to win.

Bolt naturally felt the momentum brought by his junior brother, and could also feel that his position was not far away from him.

But he also didn't care at all.

On the 100-meter straight road, the only person who could compete with him was Su Feng beside him.

He also has this confidence!

"Su Feng and Bolt took the lead out of the corner area, followed closely by Blake. But the two were still accelerating, 150 meters, 160 meters. After entering the straight, the two quickly pulled away.

With the distance between them and the people behind them, no one can stop them now.

One hundred and eighty meters, one hundred and ninety meters, Su Feng's eyes suddenly changed, and he squeezed out the last strength in his body. While accelerating again, he pressed his body forward, pressing his body directly to rush through.

reached the finish line.

18 seconds 98! This time Su Feng’s finishing movement was not disturbed in any way. Even the spectators on the field could see clearly that he was the first to cross the finish line.

The result of 18.98 seconds also broke the world record again, pushing the human record forward by 0.12 seconds again! Within an incredible 19 seconds!

(End of chapter)

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