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Chapter 369 World Champion

Chapter 369 World Champion

"Hello, viewers, this is the sports channel. What we are broadcasting for you now is the men's 4×100m final of the upcoming Rio Olympics.

In order to better explain the competition this time, we invited Liu Jueliu, the deputy head coach of the track and field team, and Liu Yuxiang, who just won the Olympic 110-meter hurdles championship, to provide commentary for everyone.

After two rounds of competition, the top eight relay teams in the world have emerged.

What they are going to offer you is the world's top sprinting feast.

Among them, the Chinese team plays one of the most important roles and is widely considered to be the only team that can challenge the Jamaican team.

Cheers suddenly rang out as the athletes began to enter. They entered in reverse order according to the track.

Lane 8, Trinidad and Tobago.

Lane 7, Team Canada.

Lane 6, Japanese team.

Lane 5, Team Jamaica.

Lane 4, Chinese team.

Lane 3, Team USA.

Second lane, Brazil team.

First lane, Team GB.

We can see that in order to deal with Su Feng and Bolt's last push, except for the British team and the Japanese team.

The other teams saved their strongest attack until the end, which proved that they still had the intention to fight for the last time.

Of course, the British team and the Japanese team didn't just give up. They couldn't give up at this point.

But they put all their bets on the first three sticks. Whether this is good or bad is really hard to say.

Because the athletes in the last leg are facing the two fastest runners in human history. Without a certain level, just the pressure will make people perform abnormally.

And if you think about it, if the Chinese team does not have Su Feng, who is the last player, and let an athlete whose speed is not among the top in the team face Bolt, it will really make people feel unsure."

"Yes, Su Feng's role in the Chinese team is to stabilize the sea. Zhang Peimeng, Su Bingtian and I have known each other for a long time, and they are all friends. They have personally said more than once that when Su Feng was around, how far behind they were.

They all have confidence in their hearts and think they have hope of winning.

This is the confidence that Su Feng brings to his teammates as a top athlete. Speaking of which, Su Feng just posted a photo yesterday and was blessed with a baby boy. As an old friend for many years, I want to congratulate him here. It’s really disappointing.

People are envious." Liu Yuxiang took over and said.

"Actually, this time, the Chinese team's hard power has completely surpassed that of the American team. Coupled with its stronger baton handover strength, it shouldn't be a problem to win against the American team.

What we, the leaders and coaches, are discussing privately is whether the Chinese team can beat Jamaica.

Because everyone knows what it means to have Powell, Blake, Bolt, and Carter who can run 9.78 seconds.

Carter, whose best time was 9.78 seconds, turned out to be the weakest link of the Jamaican team, which sounds incredible."

"But the Chinese team is not weak. Bolt and Su Feng can definitely deal with it. Zhang Peimeng can deal with Carter. Su Bingtian is only slightly defeated by Powell.

Regarding Xie Zhenye, the gap between him and Blake is relatively large.

However, the tacit understanding cultivated by the Chinese team over more than ten years is unmatched by the Jamaican team. By handing over the baton, we have every chance to win back." Liu Yuxiang analyzed that he is the one who is most familiar with Su Feng among the four.

"Indeed, this is also the hope that the outside world and our own analysis can defeat Jamaica. Especially when compared with the Japanese team, there are no very powerful athletes, but they can squeeze into the quarterfinals of the Olympic Games with their skilled skills."

On the competition field, athletes from the eight teams have already taken their positions.

Audiences all over the world gradually turned their attention to the eight people who started the race.

"On your marks!"

The instructions for everyone to take their positions sounded. The final game at the Maracanã Stadium, the main stadium of the Rio Olympics, and the penultimate game of the entire Olympic Games, has entered the countdown stage.

After hearing the instructions, the eight first-place athletes were ready to start in a squatting position, ready to rush out at any time.



"Game start!"

"I must win!" The moment the game started, Zhang Peimeng subconsciously glanced at Nestor Carter beside him.

Now, his international ranking is almost the same as Carter's. When I look at Carter again, I no longer have the same feeling of looking up at a mountain as before.

What he wants to do is win!


The reason why Zhang Peimeng has been ranked first for a long time is absolutely inseparable from his ability to accelerate from the start.

This is similar to Nesta Carter's situation.

Of course, the reason for this is also because whether it is Jamaica or China, there are stronger players who can take charge of the last leg.

Most other teams cannot have such luxurious equipment.

"Zhang Peimeng started very well and accelerated quickly and powerfully. Compared with them, Bromel of the American team was a little slower.

At 50 meters and 60 meters, the speeds of Zhang Peimeng and Carter reached their peak. They refused to give in to each other, making it impossible to see the obvious gap.

Eighty meters, ninety meters, enter the relay zone!

Zhang Peimeng and Carter entered the relay area almost at the same time.

Zhang Peimeng and Xie Zhenye!


With more perfect baton handover skills, the Chinese team took the lead in completing the handover. Xie Zhenye had already rushed out of the crowd. Followed by Blake, followed by Tyson Gay of the United States. This should be the most important baton for the Chinese team.

Got it!"

At this time, several people in the studio had already stood up. As they said, Xie Zhenye's strike almost determined the outcome of the game. Now they were so nervous that they could not help but continue to sit there.

As for Xie Zhenye, he was running at his own pace.

At around 30 meters, Blake had already caught up with him due to his speed, and at around 40 meters, Tyson Gay of the US team had already surpassed him.

However, Xie Zhenye still has no intention of giving up, because these were originally in the coach's plan.

Fifty meters, sixty meters, seventy meters, Xie Zhenye's speed also reached the fastest range, and he was constantly calculating the gap between himself and the two people in front of him.

Eighty meters, ninety meters, enter the relay zone!

At this time, Xie Zhenye was about one and a half meters away from Blake, and the gap between him and Tyson Gay was about one meter.

Pass the baton!

Su Bingtian had already started the process. He just stretched out his hand and took the baton from Xie Zhenye's hand, holding it firmly in his own hand.

"Su Bingtian, Su Bingtian and Powell almost rushed out of the relay area at the same time. The American team's Lambelli was about 0.5 meters slower than the two! In this game, the Chinese team has great hopes. Come on, Su Bingtian."

When Su Bingtian held the baton and accelerated with all his strength, he already had a good idea of ​​the competition.

As long as he doesn't lose too much to Powell, Su Feng will surely win the final victory in the hands of Bolt.

This is the belief that all Chinese team members have in their hearts!

Other teams are afraid of Bolt, but the Chinese team is the only one who is not afraid!


Su Bingtian's acceleration ability in the first half of the race was even better than Bolt's in his previous life.

In this life, Su Bingtian's ability in the second half was stronger, but his ability in the first half did not drop at all.

In the first fifty meters, Su Bingtian and Powell were neck and neck.

However, starting from 60 meters, the absolute speed gap between the two finally became apparent, and Powell began to gradually widen the gap with Su Bingtian.

However, for Su Bingtian and the Chinese team, it is already too late to widen the gap at this time.

Because the relay area will be here soon.

Seventy meters, eighty meters, ninety meters, enter the relay area.

Su Feng and Bolt were already waiting there at the same time and started starting almost at the same time.

However, the difference between the two is that Powell handed over the baton first, but Bolt took a look first and then determined the position of the baton.

As for Su Feng, after Su Bingtian entered the relay area, Su Feng turned around and started to accelerate without looking back at all. When he was approaching the end of the relay area, Su Feng just stretched his hand back slightly and grasped the baton.

It's firmly in hand.

At this time, Bolt had just held the baton in his hand.

Su Feng and Bolt, the competition between the two peerless 100-meter kings begins again in the relay field!

"Su Feng and Bolt rushed out of the chaotic relay area almost at the same time. With such unparalleled speed, other fourth-place players had no chance at all.

Twenty meters, thirty meters! The two of them are running neck and neck.

Su Feng, come on, this is the opportunity for the Chinese team!

"This is an opportunity that everyone worked hard for!" No need for the commentator to say more, Su Feng knew better than any of them that this opportunity was hard-won.

Forty meters, fifty meters, sixty meters, Su Feng finally entered his absolute speed range.

Bolt, at almost the same time, entered the peak stage of his speed.

Seventy meters, eighty meters, ninety meters, one hundred meters, cross the line!

Su Feng didn't know what Bolt was thinking. He only knew that after about sixty meters, he no longer had any thoughts in his mind and could only keep accelerating and sprinting.

It wasn't until he crossed the finish line more than thirty meters later that he suddenly stopped.

At this time, the audience at the scene was completely excited. Especially in the direction where the five-star red flags were concentrated, the bright red color was like gushing lava, constantly rolling.

"The Chinese team won. The Chinese team is the world champion. With unparalleled talent and unremitting efforts, the Chinese team defeated the incomparable Jamaican relay team. Finally, at this moment, the Chinese sprint team stood on top of the world!"

At this time, the results of the finals of the eight participating teams were clearly displayed on the big screen.

First place, the Chinese team, with a time of 36.75 seconds.

Second place, Jamaica, time 36.82 seconds.

The third place was Team USA with a time of 37.20 seconds.

The Chinese team not only won the relay world championship, but also broke the record of the Jamaican team that was considered impossible to break.

At this moment, the Chinese relay team is truly standing on top of the world!

Take photos with the world record, award awards on the spot, and receive medals.

When Su Feng and the four boys from the relay team jumped on the podium, the whole audience applauded them.

Especially the Chinese people and staff, their hands were numb from the action, but they had no intention of stopping.

This is a crazy and miraculous day for the Chinese team.

The next day, the Chinese relay team collectively received a congratulatory letter from the leader, which was also signed by the leader and had three big red seals.

Su Feng and Zhang Peimeng spent a long time fighting over it, but they still couldn't decide who should own this congratulatory letter.

In the end, it was He Jun, Coach Tian, ​​Coach Sun Ping and team leader Liang Zhenghua who came forward together and decided to regard it as the collective honor of the track and field team and mount it in the most conspicuous position in the honor room of the track and field team.

The Rio Olympics is almost over here. In the end, the Chinese team ranked second in the gold medal list with 30 gold medals, which can be regarded as a reasonable explanation to the Chinese people.

Before the plane back to China took off, Su Feng opened the video, hung the three gold medals around his neck together, and asked his wife to hold his son and take a good look. This was a proud moment for his father.

Let your son remember it well.

(End of chapter)

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