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Chapter 43 Liu Yuxiang wins gold

While Su Feng was thinking, the second group's competition had ended.

In the end, the top three in the first group were the American team, the Jamaican team, and the German team.

The top three in the second group are the British team, the Netherlands team and the Norwegian team.

The Italian team and the Brazilian team entered the finals based on their results.

After that, the staff began to clean up the venue and install the hurdles, and the finals of the 110-meter hurdles were about to begin.

"Dear viewers, the preliminaries of the men's 4×100 meters of the World Championships have ended. Eight of the sixteen teams have stood out and will compete for the final championship tomorrow night.

Our boys from the Chinese team worked very hard, but unfortunately we did not make it to the finals.

But being able to become one of the sixteen strongest teams in the world is enough to make us proud.

And we also have Su Feng.

According to previous interviews, the State Sports General Administration considered the importance of Su Feng's 100 meters and did not let him run the relay race as well.

But now that Su Feng has won the gold medal at the World Championships and proved his strength, I believe that the national team will definitely consider letting Su Feng enter the relay lineup. By then, the level of China's relay will definitely make a qualitative leap.

Well, the athletes in the 110-meter hurdles have already started to appear. In this competition, Liu Yuxiang faces strong opponents. I hope he can withstand the pressure and achieve greater results again."

At this time, under the leadership of the staff, the eight finalists who had completed the inspection entered the competition venue one by one, and then came to the starting line.

They had all received their race numbers in advance. At the same time as the eight of them stood, the track numbers, nationalities, and names of the eight athletes were also displayed on the big screen on the sidelines.

After seeing these people, Su Feng still recognized those Liu Yuxiang's old opponents, even though he was still very face-blind to black people. After all, there were team uniforms to help them identify them.

"Haha, Brother Xiang!" Su Feng smiled for some reason when he saw Liu Yuxiang's current appearance, but then he frowned and became quiet.

At this time, the other seven athletes had already taken off their coats and were doing their final warm-up before the starting line. Some were running on the spot with small steps, while others were squatting on the spot and then jumping up to activate their leg muscles.

Liu Yuxiang was wearing a black Nike hooded sweater and black Nike sweatpants underneath. He was sitting on a chair behind him, with his hands in front of his knees, his wrists stuck on his knees, his head lowered, looking at his legs in front of him.

the ground between.

This action, coupled with Liu Yuxiang's broad frame, looks very impressive.

However, it can also be seen that Liu Yuxiang is definitely under a lot of pressure now.

At this time, the live broadcast began to introduce the eight athletes in sequence, and the camera also simultaneously gave close-ups of the athletes one by one.

In the first lane, Joe Brown, from the United States, had a best time of 13.22 seconds.

Then came the second lane Liu Yuxiang, China, with a best time of 12 seconds 89. At this time, the camera showed Liu Yuxiang, he naturally knew this step, finally raised his head, and then stood up, walking forward, while

He raised his hands to the sky, his face showed a sharp aura, and the feeling of no one else finally appeared.

As a sprinter, Su Feng's feelings at this time are naturally clearer than when he was an audience watching TV in his previous life, and he can better understand Liu Yuxiang's current state.

It seems that he has adjusted his mentality and is probably free of distractions now.

In this World Championships, Liu Yuxiang was originally defeated by Ducoure, but looking at his current state, Su Feng is still full of confidence in him.

The on-site introduction continues. In the third lane, Maurice Wignall, Brazil, has a best time of 13.17 seconds.

Lane 4, Alan Johnson, the United States, with a best time of 12.92 seconds.

In the fifth lane, Lackey Doucouré, France, had a best time of 12.97 seconds. In the original world, Liu Yuxiang would have lost to him.

Doucouré himself is also a very powerful character. He was originally unknown, but he became a blockbuster in the Athens Olympics. He ran personal best times of 13.18 seconds and 13.06 seconds in the preliminaries and semi-finals. However, he was hurdled in the finals.

I tripped over the frame, so there was no grade.

However, in the subsequent World Championships, Doucouré defeated Liu Yuxiang and Alan Johnson of the United States and won the championship.

Lane 6, Terrence Rammel, United States, best time 13.02 seconds.

Lane 7, Matthaus, Brazil, best time 13.33 seconds.

Lane 8, Dominic Arnold, United States, best time 13.01 seconds.

Among these eight people, Liu Yuxiang, Alan Johnson, Doucouré, Trammell, and Arnold are all top stars in the world. News from previous lives also called this final "the most peak competition in the history of the 110-meter hurdles." Although

There are elements of exaggeration, but it is well deserved.

After introducing the last athlete, the TV camera showed Samaranch on the sidelines, and then returned to the track.

At this time, Liu Yuxiang had already taken off his long clothes and trousers, clasping his hands and hanging them naturally on his sides, with an expressionless face.

"On your marks!" The voice of preparing for the competition sounded. Liu Yuxiang jumped on the spot a few times, and then came to the starting line, pressing the track with his hands and stepping on the starting blocks.

The referee at the starting line held a red flag and passed behind the eight people one by one. After confirming that the eight people did not violate the rules, the referee put down the red flag and raised the white flag in his other hand. This was to inform the starter.

Signal that the match can begin.

Seeing this, Su Feng suddenly felt nervous.

He clearly remembered that in the previous game, Liu Yuxiang still maintained an advantage when he crossed the last hurdle, but after he crossed all the hurdles, his speed weakened, and then he was surpassed by Ducoure.

The reason was that his previous movements were uncoordinated. Although he successfully maintained an advantage in the hurdle stage, he had to adjust after the hurdle. It was at this moment that his speed dropped, and he did not win the championship.

"No!" Su Feng shook his head. He was an audience now, so what's the use of thinking so much.



"Game start!"

The eight runners ran out at the same time the moment the gun rang out, but from Su Feng's perspective, Liu Yuxiang's starting reaction was either first or second.

One step, two steps, three steps..., get on the rails!

When Liu Yuxiang passed the first hurdle, Su Feng lost half of his nervousness.

It's very smooth, even smooth. It's definitely much better than the previous start.

Sure enough, after that, Liu Yuxiang's movements became lighter and lighter, and his speed became faster and faster. When he crossed the last hurdle, he was already one meter ahead of Ducoure, without any pause, and his speed did not slow down at all.

Doucouré will never be able to catch up!

One step, two steps, three steps, cross the line!

Liu Yuxiang crossed the finish line first. Even without a high-speed capture camera, the general audience at the scene could see it!

At the same time, Yang Jian's passionate voice also sounded in front of the TV: "Liu Yuxiang's start was very good. He crossed the first hurdle very smoothly. Liu Yuxiang, Liu Yuxiang, Liu Yuxiang, Liu Yuxiang won!"

12 seconds 95!

Incredibly, after Su Feng won the 100-meter gold medal, Liu Yuxiang once again won a precious gold medal for the Chinese team. At this moment, all the pressure turned into passion, and the five-star red flag will be raised again at the Olympic Stadium.

, it's all worth it.

We saw that Liu Yuxiang could no longer restrain his excitement, running and shouting on the sidelines.

The overseas Chinese at the scene threw a national flag to Liu Yuxiang, and Liu Yuxiang draped it on his body and ran around the field.

It's not easy, it's really not easy.

Whether it is Liu Yuxiang or Su Feng, they have defeated their respective powerful opponents.

Su Feng's Gatling, Morris Green.

Alan Johnson, Doucouré of Liu Yuxiang.

It’s hard to imagine how much pressure they withstood to achieve this incredible result and finally win the gold medal for their motherland.

Congratulations to the Chinese team, congratulations to Liu Yuxiang, and congratulations to Su Feng.

They have won the attention and respect of the whole world for their motherland. We are the strongest!"

(One chapter today, three chapters tomorrow)

This chapter has been completed!
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