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Chapter forty-ninth no rival

"Su Feng crossed the finish line so easily. Su Feng, who has experienced the baptism of the world championships, showed his appearance as a famous general. He showed an overwhelming advantage on the 100-meter track of the Asian Championships and clearly let off steam in the next ten meters.

Despite the situation, he still got the first place in the group with a time of 10.05 seconds.

Now the results of all the athletes are out. The second place in the group is the athlete from Saudi Arabia, with a time of 10.38 seconds. The gap is really huge.

We saw that at the scene, even some people wearing Korean team uniforms and Korean traditional costumes stood up and applauded Su Feng.

To be able to make proud Koreans applaud a Chinese is a sign of true strength, and it can only be done with absolute strength.

Although it is only the preliminaries, I still want to say that I am really proud of our country to have such an athlete."

After the preliminaries, Su Feng did not stay in the arena much.

After answering questions from several media outlets, including CCTV, he returned to the lounge, put on his clothes, and returned to the sports village.

The semi-finals were in the afternoon. After adequate rest and exercise, Su Feng came to Wenhe Stadium again.

At 2:30 pm on September 1st, the men’s 100m semifinals are about to begin.

The semi-finals are divided into two groups, with eight people in each group, and the top four advance.

Su Feng's entrance naturally caused another round of cheers, and the fiery red color was indeed very easy to identify.

But this time there's more than one fiery red color.

"Brother Jiang." After following the staff to the starting line, Su Feng greeted him.

"Hello, Su Feng. Being able to compete with you on the same stage is really a lot of pressure." The other party was not joking. Several athletes present, whether with or without Su Feng, were under a lot of pressure on the field.

This is Jiang Fan, the sprint veteran of the Chinese team. He is 29 years old. He was in the group behind Su Feng in the preliminaries and entered the semifinals with a time of 10.58 seconds. He Jun has already told Su Feng about this.

As for Su Feng and Jiang Fan, they had met each other when they were at the Nanren training base, so they were considered acquaintances.

Su Feng didn't know what to say. Anything he said at this time might increase the pressure on the athletes, not to mention that the 29-year-old veteran was at the end of his career and there were not many opportunities left.

After thinking about it, Su Feng could only say: "Brother Jiang, run well, I hope I can join you in the finals."

Su Feng was in the fifth lane, and Jiang Fan was in the first lane, so after saying a few words, he returned to his own lane.

In the second shot competition, courses are usually assigned based on performance. Although Su Feng's time of 10.05 seconds was not achieved at his best, he was also the first in all groups, so he was naturally assigned to the best course.

Then there is the fourth lane next to it.

Su Feng looked at the opponent and saw a somewhat square face. This was Shingo Suetsugu, the famous Japanese sprinter.

Even though the organizing committee made special arrangements before the game, the two still met at this time.

Su Feng looked around again. At this time, the other athletes were adjusting mentally and preparing for the game, such as running on the spot with their legs raised to activate their muscles.

Su Feng also jumped briefly, then moved his joints, his eyes slowly focused on the track in front of him, and his heart gradually became calm.

"on your marks!"

The electronic sound of preparing for the competition appeared, and the athletes stepped onto the starting block one after another and took ready postures.



"Game start".

As soon as they set foot on the track, what competitive athletes want is to win, and Su Feng is no exception. He has the belief that he will win and has absolute confidence in himself.

In addition to saving his energy and choosing to let go in the end, he will still run with all his strength in the beginning.

Su Feng's starting reaction was very good this time, within about 0.13 seconds. Coupled with his violent starting mode, he gained a slight lead at the starting stage. This starting mode pioneered by Powell only grabbed the first three.


Except for the top sprinters in Europe and the United States, or those short top 60-meter athletes with fast steps, no one can keep up with him in the first three steps of the Asian Championships! Not even Sutsugo Shingo!

Sutsu Shengo was on the track adjacent to Su Feng, so the feeling was very obvious. He had just started, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw a red figure on the right side of his body flashing past with a strong wind.

"Stay steady." Thinking of what his coach had told him before, "Don't let Su Feng mess up your rhythm on the course adjacent to Su Feng." Sutsu Shingo quickly stabilized himself and ran at his own pace.

"Everyone can see that the athletes are ready.

At the beginning of the race, Su Feng was very fast and gained an advantage over the other sprinters as soon as he started.

Su Feng is still accelerating!"

At this time, thirty meters had passed. Su Feng stood up and raised his head and started the second round of acceleration. With his absolute speed advantage, he quickly opened a distance of more than one meter from the athletes behind him.

After sixty meters, Su Feng reached the highest speed stage of running.

Top 100-meter athletes use about 60 meters in front to fully accelerate before they can reach their ultimate speed in about 20 meters behind.

Like Powell and Gatlin, the time it takes to run ten meters at this stage is between 0.81 seconds and 0.85 seconds!

It can be said that in the blink of an eye, ordinary people have already covered a distance of ten meters!

There is no reason for this absolute speed. As long as there is no strength of the same level, the only result is to be distanced.

After eighty meters, Su Feng's speed also began to decrease. However, there was no one around him at this time, so naturally he no longer needed to accelerate as hard as he could, but he still tried his best to maintain his speed and not fall too fast.

When he reached ninety-five meters, Su Feng really started to let go. Taking advantage of his inertia, he ran a few steps and crossed the finish line.

At the same time, the monitor in the track showed the first place result, 9 seconds 99!

The moment "Buzz" saw this result, a large number of spectators from various countries in the stands, and even a large number of Korean spectators, stood up and applauded Su Feng.

The monitor on the inside of the track will only show the result of the first athlete to cross the line, but in this game, there is a clear gap between Su Feng and the second place, so needless to say, this result is definitely Su Feng's.

Besides, it was impossible for any of the athletes present except Su Feng to achieve this result.

At this time, on the sidelines, an old man wearing traditional Korean clothes also stood up and applauded Su Feng.

He is a relatively stubborn Korean and believes that Korean food is the best because his family conditions are relatively good, so when eating beef, he needs Korean beef, pork must be produced locally, and spicy cabbage is also the same, even if the price is more expensive than imported Chinese beef.

a lot of.

But even he couldn't help but stand up and applaud Su Feng.

There is only one yellow person in the world who can run under ten seconds. Seeing Su Feng run a ten-second time of 9.99 seconds in the atmosphere of the scene, he was also led to forget his original intention and stood up to support Su Feng.


There may be many things without borders, but sports is definitely one of them, especially sports like sprinting that directly point to the limit of human speed.

"Su Jun, congratulations." Moxu Shenwu came over to shake hands with Su Feng and looked at Su Feng with complicated eyes. He was overtaken from the beginning just now. Why couldn't he catch up when he was lagging behind? Instead, he was pulled further and further away.

The feeling, the absolute speed, is really disappointing.

But fortunately, he has gone through many hardships and quickly adjusted his mentality.

Nowadays, sprinters in Japan generally admire Su Feng in their hearts, and they are also excited about it.

Because Su Feng could break the ten-second barrier, it meant that they could too. The ten-second barrier was no joke. It was not just a physical barrier, but also a psychological barrier.

Even after Jim Hines broke the ten-second barrier in 1968, the ten-second barrier has troubled the yellow race for decades. Now that someone has finally broken it, how can we not make these athletes happy, because it also gives them a clear

direction and confidence.

"Congratulations." Su Feng doesn't speak Japanese, but the other party can say "congratulations." If he repeats it, the other party should be able to understand it.

Shingo Sutsugo was second in the group with a time of 10.28 seconds, which should be considered very good among his results this year.

This chapter has been completed!
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