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Chapter 52 200m Final

"Huh!" Su Feng looked at his results and let out a sigh of relief. He was finally not embarrassed.

"Congratulations, Su Feng," Hu Kai said with a somewhat complicated expression as he looked at this young man who was not even older than himself.

The 200 meters that I have practiced for many years was surpassed by others just like that.

However, Hu Kai was still convinced, because the opponent showed more than just talent on the last straight line of nearly 100 meters. Every step the opponent took, and even every swing of the arm, was obtained through hard work. As a professional athlete

, he still has this vision.

"Thank you." Su Feng shook hands with Hu Kai politely. The other party finished fourth this time and had almost no chance of advancing to the finals. He couldn't say anything about competing again in the finals.

The two returned to the Chinese team's position on the sidelines. Su Feng was quickly surrounded by the media, and even Hu Kai.

However, Hu Kai's side was mainly composed of Chinese media. Two Chinese were competing in the same field. They also wanted to know how Hu Kai felt about competing against Su Feng.

Hu Kai was quite surprised by this. After pondering for a while, he immediately said: "Su Feng's strength and achievements in the 100 meters are unparalleled. But to be honest, he still lacks some strength in the 200 meters. But

With his physical quality, as long as his skills improve, I believe he will become world-class competitive."

Thinking of the speed Su Feng showed in his final sprint, Hu Kai said with certainty.

It was not yet 5 pm. After returning to the sports village, Su Feng and Chen Zhilong practiced handing over the baton dozens of times again.

At this time, the lineup of the relay team for this competition has been fixed, Chen Zhilong, Liu Yu, Zhang Meng, Su Feng.

Chen Zhilong and Liu Yu are both athletes who have run in the 10s and 2s. Zhang Meng's performance is slightly worse, and his best time is in the 10s and 30s.

Coach Tian’s meaning is very clear.

Chen Zhilong's speed is slightly faster than Liu Yu.

Chen Zhilong will charge first, followed by Liu Yu. The partnership between these two people will not be pulled too far behind by others in Asia.

As long as Zhang Meng can perform normally in the future, no matter how far he falls in the end, Su Feng can chase him.

Coaches from other countries can easily see the simple and crude tactics, but I'm afraid it's useless even if they see it.

There is no player of Su Feng's level who can't stop him at all.

On September 3rd, Su Feng did not compete today, but Liu Yuxiang's 110-meter hurdles was today, but he did not go to the stadium either.

Just like Liu Yuxiang didn't go to see Su Feng's 100 meters, the two of them had no rivals in the Asian Championships in their respective advantageous events, so there was no need to watch.

Liu Xiang is concentrating on practicing his 110-meter hurdles to prepare for the Shanghai Grand Prix in a dozen days. By then, he will be at his doorstep. If he is defeated by Dokuri and Johnson, he will not be able to see the Jiangdong elders.


Su Feng was practicing relay over and over again with several members of the relay team at the training ground of the sports village.

You don’t need to sprint the entire distance every time, just practice the handover part.

Among them, Chen Zhilong and Liu Yu were the most tired, while Zhang Meng was the most nervous.

Chen Zhilong and Liu Yu have worked together for many years, and they no longer need to practice like this. However, the coach asked that four of them work together, so they had to practice together again and again.

And Zhang Meng is really nervous. When Su Feng takes part in the relay race, the eyes of the whole country are watching. If there is something wrong with the handover, I can't imagine how much pressure there will be on public opinion.

Su Feng is well-informed and has good grades, so he is not afraid.

But Zhang Meng is different. Track and field has not been paid much attention by the people in China. In this year, due to the influence of Liu Yuxiang and Su Feng, domestic track and field has become very popular. Even some small municipal competitions have good results.

The attendance rate was even reported by municipal media at the same time.

But Zhang Mengke has never received national attention.

This time it was an international competition, and the competition was for the country's honor. Zhang Meng didn't want to lose track at this time.

So the most positive person here, besides Su Feng, is him.

The people who pay the most attention to the Chinese relay team on the training ground are not the staff of the Chinese team, but the Japanese and Thai teams, especially their head coaches.

The two of them could indeed see the strategy of Coach Tian, ​​their old rival, at a glance, but they still had a headache.

The overall performance of the Thai team is relatively average, and there is nothing to change.

However, the Japanese team has two of Asia's top generals, Suetsugu Shingo and Asahara Nobuharu, so they need to be well allocated.

Therefore, on this day, the training intensity of the Japanese relay team members was second only to the Chinese team.

10 a.m. on September 4th, Munhak Stadium, South Korea.

The men's 200m final is about to begin.

Su Feng was placed in the fourth lane, and the fifth lane was Sutsugo Shingo, who ranked first in the preliminaries.

"Su Jun."


The two briefly exchanged greetings without saying much. After the match the day before yesterday, Su Feng was not sure of beating the opponent, but Sutsu Shengo was not absolutely sure of beating Su Feng either.

He must establish enough advantages in the previous curves. Otherwise, judging from the game the day before yesterday, once he reaches the straight, Su Feng's speed combined will make him absolutely unbeatable.

"CCTV, CCTV, the live broadcast for you now is the men's 200m final of the Asian Championships in Incheon, South Korea.

After winning the men's 100m, Chinese player Su Feng entered the final of the 200m.

In this game, Su Feng's main opponent was Japan's famous sprinter Shingo Suetsugu.

Okay, we see the game is about to start."

"On your marks!" After the contestants completed their final warm-up and mental preparation on the track, the electronic sound of the preparatory competition sounded.

Su Feng and the other seven people stepped onto the starting block one after another and were ready to start.



"The game begins!"

Su Feng rushed out the moment the gun rang out, and slowly began to accelerate according to the established rhythm.

Although it doesn't matter if he loses this game, he still wants to win.

According to the conditions of the 200-meter course, if Su Feng in the inner circle is at the same speed as Sutsugo Shingo, he should be able to catch up with the opponent given the short distance in the inner circle.

But the current situation is exactly the opposite. Not only did Su Feng fail to close the distance with Sutsu Shengo, but he was pulled away by the other party!

Although the speed of being pulled away was not fast, it also meant that Su Feng had to catch up with the opponent for a distance of more than 3 meters on the final straight.

"Rhythm" Seeing that the distance between him and Susu Shengo was getting further and further away, Su Feng tried his best to suppress his desire to speed up and maintain the rhythm. Sprinting at full speed at this time would only cause him to make mistakes, without any benefit.

Finally, after turning into a straight line, the results of the eight people were clearly displayed in the eyes of the audience.

Su Feng was ranked third, and was separated by more than six meters from Susu Shengo, who was ranked first!


The moment he entered the straight road, Su Feng remembered this voice in his mind. His body could no longer suppress it, and his speed suddenly increased.

It only took fifteen meters for Su Feng to catch up with the Thai athlete in second place, but at this time he was still more than five meters away from Sutsugo Shingo.

Getting closer to the finish line.

Fifty meters, forty meters, thirty meters.

Su Feng's absolute speed was much faster than Sutsu Shengo's, and the straight line distance between them was shortened visibly to the naked eye.

Thirty meters, twenty meters, ten meters.

At this time, Su Feng and Suxu Shenwu were still two body heights apart!

Finally, cross the line.

Su Feng and Su Xu Shenwu used the line pressing technique at the same time, but due to the difference in position, Su Feng used his head to press the line after taking the last step.

Mosu Shingo, on the other hand, used the last big step to press the line.

The two of them crossed the finish line like the wind.

20 seconds 20!

"Who won?" After seeing the time displayed on the courtside timer, the two of them looked up at the big screen at the same time.

After more than ten seconds, the athlete's results are displayed.

The first place was Shingo Sutsutsu, Japan, with a time of 20.20 seconds.

The second place was Su Feng, China, with a time of 20.21 seconds.

Third place, Gabon, Thailand, time 20.42 seconds.

Su Feng lost to Suetsugu Shingo by one hundredth of a second and won the silver medal in the 200m at the Asian Championships.

This chapter has been completed!
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