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Chapter 8 100m Final (2)

Su Feng withdrew his gaze, briefly jumped on the track, and stared at the end of the track.

His current theoretical limit is 9.88 seconds, which is one hundredth of a second slower than the 9.87 seconds that ranked third in the Athens Olympics. But that doesn’t mean there is no chance at all. He already has what it takes to compete with the top players.

As for strength, the rest includes starting, accelerating, and crossing the line. As long as he does everything to the extreme, he has every chance of winning a medal.

What athletes want on the field is confidence over others.

To his left, Sean Crawford crossed himself twice in a row on his chest.

To his right, Powell is a little distracted, perhaps due to over-nervousness, which has always been Powell's problem. The two times he broke the world record were not in top competitions surrounded by strong opponents, but in some

In a competition with a weak opponent, it is exactly the opposite of other athletes performing extraordinarily well under the stimulation of a strong opponent.

Looking further to the right, Justin Gatlin has his eyes closed at this time, muttering something in his mouth, completely ignoring the external environment, and his expression is very serious and cold.

“on your marks”

As the instructions sounded, the eight athletes ended their self-adjusting movements and silently stepped onto the starting block.

The noisy sound of the entire Olympic Games venue also subsided, and everyone's eyes were focused on the eight athletes in front of the starting line.

"As you can see, the athletes have begun to prepare to start, and the competition is about to begin."

Commentator Yang Jian's voice sounded along with the athletes' movements, transmitting the tension of the stadium to the TV sets in the motherland through sound.

Su Feng pressed his hands on the rough track, adjusted his movements, and then stepped on the starting block. The moment he stepped on the starting block, his figure was already bowed, like a cheetah, gathering momentum.

Ready to go.

After checking that there were no problems with the movements of the eight people, the referee at the starting line made a confirmation gesture to the referee on the field.

The internationally accepted preparatory command "set" sounded, and all eight athletes once again bent down and prepared for the sprint.


"Game start!"

It was Yang Jian who brought the tension of live games into thousands of households with his passionate voice.

Su Feng's reaction was extremely fast, coupled with the super acceleration ability of the violent starting method, even in the Olympic finals, at the beginning of the game, Su Feng's body immediately bounced out after the gunshot, allowing him to start again.

In the first position!

"Su Feng!" The 100-meter race was changing rapidly. Even the professional commentator Yang Jian had to temporarily stop explaining Su Feng's lead at the start, because at this time the other runners had also begun to exert their strength and seize the starting position.

The advantage may be gone in less than a second.

However, the only disadvantage of Su Feng's way of starting is that it requires strong lower body strength and core strength. As long as the strength in this area is top-notch, it will not be easy for others to surpass him, even if he is stronger than Powell, Gatlin, and Green.

The first ten meters of distance passed by in an instant. Su Feng was just running with his head down, not caring about the position of others at all.

But in the eyes of the audience at the scene and in front of the TV, within this ten-meter distance, only Gatlin and Green could keep up with Su Feng, and they were not even half a body apart.

Twenty meters, thirty meters,

In a 100-meter race, the first thirty meters are generally the acceleration distance in the first stage. Although the distances between competitors are different, the differences are minimal.

Now there are only Su Feng and Gatlin, and Green is one body away from the others.

Speed ​​up! Speed ​​up!

As soon as thirty meters passed, Su Feng's instinctive muscle memory made Su Feng naturally raise his head, stand up, and start a second acceleration.

Entering the high-speed mid-running stage, Su Feng's full acceleration in the previous stage made Su Feng's second acceleration even more powerful. He accelerated with big strides and landed heavily with extremely fast frequency and powerful steps.

Su Feng's lead once reached fifty meters.

However, once the fifty meters passed, Justin Gatlin, Green and Obikewelu had gradually caught up. Other players, including Alpha Powell, were at least one body length behind, but they were also chasing fiercely.


Sixty meters, seventy meters, eighty meters, Su Feng unleashed his speed without reservation. From the corner of his eye, he could already feel someone catching up.

"Su Feng is still in the first position, unbelievable, unbelievable!" Yang Jian's excited and trembling voice came out clearly. He didn't care that someone was approaching and was about to surpass Su Feng, but he was surprised that Su Feng could actually do so.

Leading all the athletes in the Olympic finals was exciting.

"Two American players are quickly catching up with Su Feng, but can they catch up? Come on Su Feng, keep it up!"

One hundred meters!

Cross the line!

The fastest runners, Gatlin, Green and Su Feng, all crossed the finish line. Because their speed was so fast, the three of them ran twenty or thirty meters before stopping.

At this time, the three of them all turned their heads in unison and looked at the results displayed on the big screen in the distance.

People were not kept waiting for too long. First the result of 9.85 seconds appeared, and then after a few seconds, the screen flashed, and the results of the eight athletes in the men's 100 final of the 28th Athens Olympics appeared one by one.

First place, lane 4, Justin Gatlin, USA, reaction 0.185, time 9.85 seconds.

Second place, Lane 6, Morris Green, USA, reaction 0.172, time 9.86 seconds.

Third place, second lane, Su Feng, China, had a reaction of 0.121 and a time of 9.87 seconds.

Fourth place, lane 5, Francis Obikeweru, Portugal, reaction 0.156, time 9.88 seconds.

Fifth place, first lane, Sean Crawford, USA, reaction 0.155, time 9.90 seconds.

Sixth place, lane three, Alpha Powell, Jamaica, reaction 0.192, time 9.92 seconds.

Seventh place, Lane 7, Kim Collins, St. Kitts and Nevis, reaction 0.141, time 10.12 seconds.

Eighth place, Lane 8, Aziz Zachary, Ghana, reaction 0.144, time 10.23 seconds.

"This, unbelievable, unbelievable, Su Feng, who ran into the Olympic men's 100-meter final for the first time, Su Feng of China, actually won the bronze medal. This is really unbelievable. This is the first time a Chinese has won the bronze medal.

It is the most important men's sprint medal in the Olympic Games. It can be said that the weight and significance of this bronze medal are no less than a gold medal! Here, we congratulate Su Feng and also congratulate our motherland for working hard with the speed of the wind.

Getting better and better!"

Yang Jian could hardly contain himself at this time. He couldn't hide his excitement and pride in his explanation, and even the audience in front of the TV could hear it.

But they don't care anymore, it's all because of the meaning of this medal.

At this time, not far from the Olympic finish line, Su Feng looked at his results and was silent for a while.

When he knew his limit reached 9.88 seconds, he knew he had a chance to try for the medal, but when he actually got it, he was so excited that he couldn't control his thinking at all.

"Bronze medal? Oops, it seems like my calf is a little painful." Su Feng murmured to himself and noticed that his right calf was a little painful.

At this time, dozens of reporters ran directly from the media area into the stadium. Because this was the finals and there were no other games going on in the stadium, the referee did not stop them and shouted twice in English to pay attention to order.

Then it was left to them.

They all feed on sports, and most of them are also sports enthusiasts in private. Why should we be so strict when it's harmless?

Remember, most of this group went to chase Gatlin, but Su Feng looked and saw that Gatlin's madness had not passed yet, and it was impossible for them to catch up for a while.

As for the rest, most of them went after Green. After all, he holds the world record, but this time he lost to a relative newcomer. This is still a topic.

The people surrounding Su Feng were all reporters with Asian faces. After all, Su Feng's achievements were more recognizable to them who were also of the yellow race, and they also had some guiding significance.

"Su Feng, congratulations on winning the bronze medal in the Olympics. Is there anything you want to say to the viewers in front of the TV?"

When Su Feng saw that he was a reporter from Yangma, he answered his question first to show his dignity.

"I would like to thank my parents, oh by the way, my sister, my coach, and the coaching staff after joining the national team. With their help, I can further improve myself and achieve the results I have now.

, thank you, and thank you to all my friends who watched my game."

"Susan, do you think the yellow race can do better in the Olympic men's 100 meters?"

Su Feng knew that this was a Japanese reporter as soon as he heard it, but the questions he asked were quite normal. Therefore, after thinking about the achievements of Su Fei people in the original world, Su Feng said with certainty: "Of course, I think no matter what race they are,

As long as you work hard, you can achieve good results."

"Okay, let's go here first, the coach is calling me over."

At this time, where the Chinese team members were, the excitement had long passed. It could be seen that the commotion was so intense that even Zhang Guozheng’s head turned into a honeycomb. I don’t know if he caught him himself or someone else took the opportunity to arrest him.


However, after everyone was excited for a while, they found that Su Feng hadn't come yet. How could this be done? The excitement was not seen by the real owner. Wasn't this excitement in vain, so they quickly called He Jun to call Su Feng over.

Moreover, after such intense exercise, it is easy to catch a cold when the cool breeze blows at night. Now Su Feng, no need to think about it, is definitely a national treasure. If something goes wrong here, he will come back with a cold and fever.

In China, a group of people like myself were beaten to death by the masses before they were even at the airport.

When Su Feng saw Lao He waving to him desperately, he didn't say anything more. Anyway, there would be a press conference later, so let's talk about it then.

After squeezing his way out of the way, Su Feng trotted towards where the Chinese team members were. He was actually a little dazed just now, but now he felt excited as he ran.

"Su Feng will win!"

"Su Feng, I love you!"

The Chinese team members were located next to a group of Chinese and overseas Chinese in the stands. There was also a five-star red flag there. Someone threw one to Su Feng, and Su Feng politely asked to put it on his body.

"Su Feng, give me your clothes. I'm an international student. I'll take it back as a souvenir." Seeing Su Feng take his national flag, the international student with eyes said directly.

Su Feng smiled, put the national flag at his feet, took off his shirt and threw it over. On a whim, he made a classic celebration gesture pioneered by Cristiano Ronaldo in 2013.

I saw Su Feng leaping high, spinning around in the air, raising his hands high, and saying "yes" in his mouth. After landing, he stood on the ground with very strong feet, and spread his hands backwards. His sharp edges were not inferior to anyone else's.

His muscles were exposed like a god of war.

At this time, a camera happened to be nearby and recorded this classic scene. The on-site director was very discerning and connected the live broadcast signal. This gesture was transmitted to all parts of the world through photoelectricity in an instant.

After doing this, Su Feng touched his head, waved to the Chinese audience not far away, then put on the national flag and jogged to where the Chinese team members were.

"You are so handsome," Lao He looked at Su Feng with a serious look on his face. As he said this, he put his coat under the national flag.

Perhaps because of his experience in the military, Lao He had very strict requirements on Su Feng's behavior in the past. After the competition, not only could he not take off his clothes, he had to put them on immediately.

Normally Su Feng might be really scared at this time, but this time Su Feng was not scared, instead he looked smiling.

The results were obtained. Besides, although Lao He looked serious now, he couldn't hide the smile in the corners of his eyes. He didn't look really angry.

This chapter has been completed!
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