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Chapter 97 The Second Station Champion

Standing on the track, Su Feng silently made the final preparations. The preparation at this time was, on the one hand, the final activation of the body, and on the other hand, it was to overcome the pressure and concentrate all the mental energy.

As for other people, not only the spectators on the field were staring at this player with a different skin color, but other athletes were also looking at Su Feng and Powell with cautious expressions.

With these two people around, the possibility of others wanting to win the championship is undoubtedly greatly reduced.

Even if it is not to the level that Bolt was when he participated in the competition in later generations, the pressure brought by the two is even greater. After all, based on the results of the two, other players still feel that they have a chance, and the gap will not be enough to give up directly.


"On your marks!" The prompt sounded, and eight people, including Su Feng, stepped onto the starting block one after another and took the starting position.



Game start!

With a uniform starting movement, the eight athletes were like eight cheetahs, jumping forward the moment the gunshot sounded!

This game is indeed a contest between Su Feng and Powell!

Obikwelu is over 1.9 meters tall and can practice his starting reaction, but his starting speed, even for Bolt, is slower than other runners due to his size.

And Obikewelu is not Bolt. He does not have the inhuman acceleration ability of his opponent. He can close the gap behind in a few steps. On this track, once he falls behind Su Feng and Powell, unless

The other party made a mistake, otherwise he would never have a chance to recover.

From the beginning of the race, Su Feng and Powell were neck and neck, and even their starting reactions should be almost the same.

The same explosive acceleration and the same strong and powerful lower limbs allowed the two to obtain almost the same acceleration ability from the beginning.

Ten meters, twenty meters, thirty meters.

In the first acceleration stage, there was no winner between the two!

As soon as thirty meters passed, the two of them raised their chests and raised their heads at the same time, and started accelerating in the second stage of the run!


Incredibly fast!

Two of the world's top sprinters presented a top speed feast to more than 100,000 spectators here!

In this game, a pair of friends, Lewandowski and Bill, also came to the arena. Lewandowski had already become a fan in the previous game and strongly requested to watch Su Feng's next game with Bill.

The same is true in the audience now. I don’t know how many people who are not track and field enthusiasts, but are just interested or come to join in the fun, are attracted by Su Feng and Powell’s speed ability that represent the top of mankind, and have become fans of them and the 100-meter race.


Forty meters, fifty meters, sixty meters.

The long strides, high-frequency running, powerful arm swings, and the resulting extreme speed all stirred up the nerves of the audience.

At 60 meters, Su Feng and Powell had already opened a distance of more than one meter from Obikwelu behind them, and the remaining players could only be regarded as the third group.

As soon as the distance of about sixty meters passed, Su Feng and Powell reached the peak of their personal speed, which was also the peak of human speed at this time. After the game, it was calculated that the time it took for the two to run 10 meters was only 0.81.


Seventy meters, eighty meters, ninety meters!

The peak speed has passed, and the speed of the two people has inevitably slowed down, but the pace is still firm and powerful, especially Su Feng. Against the background of Powell's faster speed decay, Su Feng seemed to have suddenly accelerated.

One position ahead!

Gu Kui



First, Powell was shocked, and then the whole audience roared.

Cross the line!

Visible to the naked eye, even ordinary people can see that Su Feng once again won the championship ahead of Powell!

"su" "su" The audience at the scene shouted Su Feng's name in unison, and Su Feng's new fan Lewand waved his hat excitedly.

"Hoo" Su Feng gasped, listening to the collective shouts of 100,000 people, he once again stretched out a finger and pointed directly at the sky!

"su" "su" Under Su Feng's domineering response, the audience on the field became even more crazy, shouting Su Feng's name desperately.

And on the sidelines, a pretty and ridiculous girl was jumping along with everyone to cheer for Su Feng!

She had time again, so she came to the scene again to cheer for Su Feng. She didn't expect to see Su Feng in such a domineering and majestic scene again. Her face turned red with excitement. If her friends saw it, they would never think that this was the case.

That girl who usually looks gentle and quiet, even a little cold.

9 seconds 82! This is the result Su Feng ran this time! Although the system shows that Su Feng’s speed is more than that, that is only theoretically, and in reality, every athlete’s performance has ups and downs. Su Feng’s performance is ups and downs.

The wind is already extremely stable.

After accepting interviews with some media on the sidelines of the competition, Su Feng took a shower, had a massage and then took the car back to the hotel.

"Su Feng, good job!" Wang Zongfang patted Su Feng's shoulder excitedly, and then returned to his room. After Su Feng and He Jun discussed the next trip in the room, He Jun also

After leaving, Su Feng was the only one left in the room.

Su Feng turned on the computer and saw the familiar QQ light up again. He opened it with a smile and told the other party his results. Then the two started chatting about everything.

And as Su Feng won the Golden League twice in a row, European public opinion began to gradually change.

You know, although there have always been athletes in the Golden League who won five races or all six subsequent required races, there is one thing: there is no men's 100-meter event in it!

Even in the men's sprint event, no one could win the final gold medal.

Those who won five events or won all the competitions were mostly in events such as discus or shot put.

As for men's sprint, there is none!

Therefore, the track and field craze brought about by Su Feng this time gradually shifted from his amazing results every time to the expectation of whether he can win a complete victory and win the gold medal as a male sprinter.

The media is the most sensitive. After noticing this trend of public opinion, they naturally would not let go of such a good opportunity to gain traffic, and immediately stirred up the topic.

Naturally, the IAAF would not miss such a good opportunity to promote track and field, and these stakeholders, including the organizers of subsequent events, quickly joined in.

In particular, the IAAF, as the most authoritative organization in international track and field, is equivalent to a semi-official organization. Its participation will undoubtedly make this fire more intense.

The problem that He Jun was worried about emerged in such a more direct way.

Even in a state of obscurity, athletes will become more nervous as the game progresses.

Now that these issues have been openly discussed, the pressure on athletes has increased exponentially.

While bringing attention, Su Feng's next few stops will be even more difficult!

This chapter has been completed!
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