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Chapter 312 Still Familiar Taste!

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, combined with the strong wind, which made Ye Feng a little unsteady, let alone the thin Yu Mohan.

Ye Feng guessed that Yu Mohan hadn't run far, and sure enough, he found Yu Mohan lying on the ground a few meters away.

He hurriedly ran over and helped her up. Looking at the mud all over her body, he said distressedly:

"Mo Han, the rain is too heavy. Let's go back to the temple first and wait until the rain subsides before leaving."

Although Yu Mohan just wanted to leave here, he didn't expect the rain to be so heavy!

So he nodded gently and was carried back to the main hall by Ye Feng.

He quickly raised a fire and looked at Yu Mohan who was shaking all over and said:

"Take off your clothes and warm yourself by the fire. I'll give you a few more needles later."


Yu Mohan took off his clothes, Ye Feng took them and wrung them dry, then put them next to the fire to bake.

Seeing her body trembling a little, Ye Feng leaned over and said:

"Lie down first. You won't feel cold after acupuncture."

Yu Mohan nodded and then lay down on the straw.

Ye Feng inserted a few needles into her belly, and she felt that her body began to warm up.

"Senior brother, you are so awesome, you really don't feel so cold anymore."

"Oh, this is my fault. If I had discovered there was something wrong with this palace earlier, I wouldn't have fallen into the illusion, and I wouldn't have made you run out in fear."

Facing Ye Feng's self-blame, Yu Mohan grabbed his hand and said softly:

"Senior brother, it was my willfulness that forced me to leave. It's not your fault."

"Okay, you should get some sleep first. I have destroyed the illusion formation, and nothing will happen again."

Yu Mohan nodded and then closed his eyes.

Seeing that she was only wearing underwear, Ye Feng took out a blanket from the bag and covered her body.

Looking at her haggard face, Ye Feng shook his head.

Looking at the copper coins he threw on the ground, he began to ponder who had set up the illusion here.

Yu Mohan slept more peacefully this time, and she could sleep peacefully without Ye Feng making trouble.

It wasn't until eight o'clock in the morning that Ye Feng woke me up.

"Mohan, are you hungry? I've heated up the self-heating rice, get up and eat it quickly!"

Yu Mohan sat up and saw that it was still raining outside, and said a little depressed:

"Why doesn't it stop raining?"

"Who says it isn't? I have never encountered such heavy rain in the years I lived in the Taoist temple. I just went out to take a look and the road down the mountain was washed away. You take this."

Taking the self-heating rice handed over by Ye Feng, Yu Mohan stirred it with a spoon and found that there was only one box, and asked curiously:

"Senior brother, where is your food?"

"I don't know how many days it will rain. We don't have much food, so we should save some."

"But you can't stop eating!"

"You don't know this, right? I ate so much just to be in this situation. Now I don't eat or drink for ten days and I'll be fine, so just eat your food and don't worry about me!"


Although Ye Feng said so, how could Yu Mohan bear to let him starve.

Glancing at the rice in his hand, Yu Mohan said:

"Then let's each eat half of it!"

"No, you should keep it for yourself, I'm really not hungry!"

"No! Let's take half for each of us. Come over here and I'll feed you!"

Seeing her scooping a spoonful of rice and looking at him, Ye Feng had no choice but to sit next to her.

The two of us just ate our breakfast in one bite.

After Yu Mohan put on his clothes, he walked to the door and looked at the heavy rain outside and said worriedly:

"When will this rain stop? How can we leave?"

"Wait a minute, this kind of heavy rainfall cannot last forever. It will probably stop in the evening."

"But it's already dark, and it has just rained heavily, so the road on the mountain is not easy to walk. How can we walk?"

"It's okay, just leave it to me. You didn't sleep well last night, so go get some sleep again!"

Yu Mohan shook his head, hugged his arm and murmured:

"You worked hard all night last night and then took care of me. You must be very tired. Go to sleep!"

"I'm not tired, I'm full of energy, you should go to sleep!"

"Then, let's sleep together?"

Faced with Yu Mohan's suggestion, Ye Feng smiled and nodded.

"Okay, then let's sleep together."

The two returned to lie down next to the straw. Yu Mohan buried her little head in his chest, took a deep breath and murmured:

"It still smells familiar."

"Silly girl, what do I smell good about?"

"You have a unique masculine flavor, and I have always been fascinated by it."

After Yu Mohan finished speaking, he raised his head and looked at Ye Feng's deep eyes, feeling a little moved.

She hugged Ye Feng's neck and then kissed his thin lips.

Seeing Yu Mohan's red lips getting closer and closer to him, Ye Feng no longer refused.

Anyway, it's his fiancée, and because of the unlocking, the two of them will get to that point sooner or later.

However, there is God’s will in the dark!

What happened to Shen Mengling happened to Yu Mohan again.

Just when their lips touched each other and Ye Feng had not had time to express his feelings, three men in raincoats suddenly ran in from outside!

As soon as they entered the main hall, they loudly said:

"Why is it raining so hard? It started raining yesterday and it won't stop!"

"If you hadn't insisted on calling me, I wouldn't have come out. You'd have to pay me back!"

"I've let you kill me, and now you're raising the price. Do you think I'll give you more money?"

"That won't work, let me tell you..."

The three of them were talking about something, and from the corner of their eyes, they noticed Ye Feng and Yu Mohan who were lying on the straw and watching them.

They didn't expect there were other people here, so they were stunned for a moment!

One of the men with thick eyebrows and big eyes touched the short man next to him, pointed at Ye Feng and Yu Mohan and said:

"Brother, they both heard what we just said."

"Now that you heard it, let them shut up."

Seeing that the two of them were thinking of silencing them, the man who was clamoring for more money hurriedly said:

"Our original plan didn't say there were other people, there's a price to pay!"

"Money, money, money, you will know money every day as you ride a horse! I will give you another hundred thousand and get them two for me!"

"That's pretty much it!"

The man took out a sharp woodcutter from his arms, looked at Yu Mohan and said with a lewd smile:

"This little girl is so handsome. Don't be afraid. I'll kill your man first, and then I'll take care of you!"

Seeing his wretched look, Yu Mohan hurriedly sat up, ran behind Ye Feng, and turned his face to the wall.

She wasn't afraid of Ye Feng by her side, but she was afraid that she would be covered in blood after a while.

Ye Feng also sat up, looked at him and said speechlessly:

"What age is this? Why do people like you still exist?"

"Oh, there is no shortage of people like us in any age, go to hell!"

Seeing him running towards him and swinging a knife, Ye Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed the blade, and then snatched the knife away forcefully!

Under the man's surprised and confused gaze, he struck his Tianling Gai with his backhand.


The remaining two people were shocked when they saw their companions being killed like this!

However, they did not run away. Instead, they each took out a knife from their arms and swung it at Ye Feng without saying a word!

Seeing them rushing toward him desperately, Ye Feng sneered:

“It’s really overestimating one’s abilities!”

This chapter has been completed!
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