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Chapter 372 The Second Master!

After Stuer's little follower walked out of the bar, he stretched out his hand to ask Ye Feng for something!

Ye Feng smiled and hugged his shoulders, and said while running to the alley next to him:

"This thing of mine is very valuable, and I wouldn't give it to most people."

"Quick, give it to me!"

Seeing no one around, Ye Feng nodded.

"Then you have to pick it up. If it falls to the ground and breaks, it will be your loss!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Feng condensed a ball of white flame in his palm!

Seeing a ball of flame appear out of thin air in Ye Feng's palm, Stuer's little follower's eyes widened!

Seeing him like this, Ye Feng weighed the flame in his hand and threw it to him.

"Catch it, don't drop it on the ground!"

Although he realized that this thing was somewhat dangerous, he still hurriedly took it in his hands!

However, the moment the flame touched his palm, it suddenly burst into flames. In just one second, his whole body was surrounded by flames!

He was burned to ashes without even uttering a scream!

Ye Feng stretched out his hand and waved the smoke in front of him, and said disdainfully:

"I gave you my treasure, but you don't have the luxury to enjoy it!"

Shaking his head slightly, Ye Feng returned to the bar.

Seeing that he was back alone, Stuart let go of the woman in front of him and asked curiously:

"Where's little Guli?"

"Oh, he said he was going back to get something."

"Why are you fetching anything so late?"

"I don't know either, why don't you call him and ask?"

Facing Ye Feng's suggestion, Stuer muttered something in a low voice, and then continued to touch the woman in front of him.

Ye Feng stayed in the bar for a while, saw that the time was almost up, and said to Stuer:

"I'm going to pee."

"go Go!"

Ye Feng walked out of the bar and saw a car parked not far away. He took out a crumpled cigarette from his pocket and lit it, then walked into the alley next to it and started to use the toilet.

At this time, the car drove over, the door opened, and a group of heavily armed soldiers jumped out and rushed into the bar with guns in hand!

Three seconds later, gunfire rang out in the bar!

Ye Feng shook, pulled up his pants and threw the cigarette butt on the ground.

"about there."

As soon as he finished speaking, the group of heavily armed soldiers walked out of the bar, got in the car and left quickly!

Seeing them leaving, Ye Feng slowly entered the bar!

Compared with the excitement just before leaving, the bar at this time is a hell on earth!

Looking at the scattered corpses, Ye Feng began to search carefully.

Seeing a woman lying motionless on the ground, Ye Feng walked over and picked her up!

The woman has lost her breath, but Stuer underneath her is still alive!

He had at least three gunshot wounds, and one shot hit him in the chest!

Ye Feng pretended to be anxious and patted his face and said loudly:

"Hey! How are you?"

Facing Ye Feng's call, Stuer slowly opened his eyes.

"Tao, he's from the Tao Corps."

"How could this happen? How did they know we were here?"

"I, I don't know either."

"Someone must have told the secret! By the way! I remembered it. Little Guli seemed to have called someone when he left just now. Could it be that he told the secret?"

Facing Ye Feng's inquiry, Stuart sat up with his arms and gritted his teeth and said:

"This little bastard, don't let me catch him, or I'll have to skin him!"

"Okay, now is not the time to talk about this. I will help you go back and quickly report this matter to Sister Jiaoran!"

Situ Jiaoran looked at the dying Stuer lying in front of him, and asked in a hoarse voice after being silent for a long time:

"Who did it?"

Facing Situ Jiaoran's inquiry, Ye Feng sighed deeply and said in a low voice:

"Stuer said it was the Taoist Corps that did it, and Little Guli left in the middle of the trip, so it's very likely that he tipped off the Taoist Corps."

After hearing Ye Feng's answer, Situ Jiaoran turned his attention to him.

Seeing that he was unscathed, even his hair was not messed up, and he still looked like a dog licking, he frowned and asked:

"They are dead and injured, how come you are okay?"

Hearing what she said, Ye Feng secretly thought that he was careless and forgot to put on makeup!

But such a small problem couldn't trouble him.

I saw him pointing to his pants, and then said happily:

"I was in urgent need of urination at that time, and when I went out to use the toilet, I heard gunshots coming from inside. You didn't equip me with a gun, so I didn't dare to rush in and fight with them!"

"Then why do you happen to need to pee so urgently?"

"Actually, I had an urge to urinate when I was drinking before, but my kidneys were so good that I couldn't hold it in until I drank two bottles of beer in the bar and couldn't hold it in any longer, so I survived! Otherwise, I would be with you now.

They are the same!"

Seeing Ye Feng's condition for the rest of his life, Situ Jiaoran didn't ask this question again!

"How many of us died?"

"Except for Stuer and Little Guli who walked away halfway, everyone else is dead!"

Hearing that so many people died at once, Situ Jiaoran clenched his fists unconsciously!

After a long time, she unclenched her fists, looked at the doctor who was operating on Stuart and said:

"Rescue him no matter what."

After Situ Jiaoran finished speaking, she turned around and left.

Ye Feng looked at her slender back and raised the corners of his mouth.

The next day!

Situ Jiaoran called all the remaining people over for a meeting and prohibited them from going to any entertainment venues!

Even if you have to go out, be careful!

And a wanted man was issued for Xiao Guli. As long as he is caught, whether he is alive or dead, he can get a reward of 500,000 yuan!

Although Stuer was rescued, his body could not recover in a short time, so his position as second boss was taken over by Ye Feng, who had just arrived a few days ago!

Ye Feng was a little surprised when he heard that Situ Jiaoran asked him to be the second in charge!

"Sister Jiaoran, isn't it a bit against the rules for me to be the second in charge?"

"Rules? I am the rule. Do you have any questions?"

Seeing her cold look, Ye Feng could only shake his head.

After the meeting, Ye Feng shook his head helplessly when he looked at the crooked subordinates in front of him.

"Sixth Senior Sister still expects these crooked melons and split dates to do anything big. It's really pitiful!"

After a rough count, there were exactly twenty people.

How to eliminate these twenty people without making Situ Jiaoran suspicious is the most important thing.

After thinking for a moment, Ye Feng looked at them and said:

"I know that many of you are not convinced. I will give you a chance now. Whoever can beat me can become the second boss! But I will tell you the ugly things in front of you, and I will not show mercy!"

Faced with Ye Feng's arrogance, the group of crooked melons and jujubes looked at each other, and then a relatively fat man stood up!

Seeing that someone had indeed been tricked, the corners of Ye Feng's mouth raised slightly!

"Okay, it's time to start!"

As Ye Feng finished speaking, the man shouted and rushed towards Ye Feng like a ferocious wild boar!

Looking at his fat body, Ye Feng shook his head.

"It's bad! It's too bad! Who are these Sixth Senior Sister looking for!"

He complained and stretched out his arms to hug the man who rushed to him!

He picked him up with all his strength, put him on his shoulders, and threw him down hard on the cold ground!


Seeing that the man was so thrown by Ye Feng that his neck was broken, the rest of the people were frightened!

This chapter has been completed!
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