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Chapter 123 A gorgeous performance that shocked the world!

Chapter 123: A gorgeous performance that shocked the world!

Xia Chen marveled at the dazzling light of evolution that was constantly flashing under the sacred tree.

He became more certain in his mind that this tree was related to Xerneas.

Evolution is essentially a jump in life levels, and this "gift of evolution" can be considered a professional counterpart to Xerneas.

But even if it is confirmed that the sacred tree is related to Xerneas, Xia Chen can't do anything now, so he can just think that his worries are unfounded.

After stretching, Xia Chen went downstairs to have breakfast.

Although Ma Xiu is the gym leader in Kalos, she is actually a Kanto native. She likes to eat vegetables, rice, and miso soup for breakfast.

Although Xia Chen was not very used to eating like this in the morning, he could barely accept it.

But when he saw a few green leaves floating on the miso soup, he fell silent.

Looking up at Ma Xiu, who had a normal expression, Xia Chen asked seriously: "Tell me, these are not the leaves I just picked up outside, right?"

"Of course not."

Ma Xiu's answer made his face soften slightly. Just as he raised the bowl and took a sip of soup, Ma Xiu added quietly, "This is the divine leaf I carefully selected~"

Xia Chen's face turned green immediately. Out of politeness, he refrained from spitting out the soup, but he didn't swallow it either. He just stared and waited for Ma Xiu's explanation.

"This is the tradition of the residents of Xiangxuan City. It only happens once a year. I have improved it. Believe me, their approach will only become more abnormal... How dare you chop the leaves and add them to wheat flour to make bread?


Although there were no outsiders, Miss Ma Xiu still lowered her voice, fearing that her bad words would be heard by the locals in Xiangxuan City.

"Oh." Xia Chen reluctantly swallowed the dark food and replied, "But why should I choose one or the other?"

"You want them all?" Ma Xiu showed a disgusted expression, "Mr. Xia Chen, your taste is really unique!"

Xia Chen: "..."


In the end, Xia Chen still implemented his own free-spirited attitude towards life and did not choose to follow the local customs.

Ibrahimovic and La Lulas drank two large bowls without any objection.

After breakfast, Ma Xiu left first, presumably to attend an event. Before leaving, she reminded Xia Chen to remember to come to the Elf Arena under the sacred tree at ten o'clock.

Xia Chen responded, packed up, and went out.

But his direction was different from that of ordinary people. Others were rushing towards the foot of the sacred tree, but he was riding his bike and running away.

After arriving at the park I had been visiting a few days ago, the world finally became peaceful.

After setting the alarm clock, Xia Chen set up the tent and took the elves to catch up on their sleep comfortably.

After sleeping until half past nine, Xia Chen stretched out in front of the rising sun.

“A good day really starts with adequate sleep.”

I rode back to the Aromatherapy Gym, ten minutes away from the ten o'clock appointment made with Miss Ma Xiu.

Holding up an umbrella, Xia Chen walked slowly towards the sacred tree arena that Ma Xiu had mentioned.

It has to be said that ignoring the outside world does require some concentration.

Everyone is happily bathing in Ye Yu, waiting expectantly for the evolution of the elves around them...

He looked at Xia Chen under the umbrella, Ibrahimovic and La Luras on his shoulders with expressions that were either complicated or dull, as if he was seeing a few female perverts who had mistakenly entered the men's bathroom.

Even with Xia Chen's face, he couldn't help but dodge the gazes of passers-by.

He also knew that this behavior was no different from wearing a poncho to participate in the Water Splashing Festival.

He was originally indifferent, but for some reason, Ibrahimovic, who had no objection to the gift of evolution a few days ago, suddenly changed his mind just now.

Xia Chen thought that Ibrahimovic might not be mentally prepared to evolve yet, so he followed her advice.


After all, there are some benefits to holding an umbrella.

Along the way, most people who met Xia Chen would step aside early and pay attention.

Like Moses parting the Red Sea, Xia Chen came to the Sacred Tree Arena without any hindrance.

At this time, the open-air arena that could accommodate ten thousand people was already overcrowded. Everyone looked at the battlefield expectantly and whispered to the people around them from time to time.

"Hey, who will Miss Ma Xiu fight against this year?"

"Didn't you hear that there will be no exhibition match this year, but a show by Miss Ma Xiu?"

"What show?"

"I don't know, it's probably a dance or something, just watch it and that's it."

Listening to the discussion of the people around him, Xia Chen smiled slightly. It seemed that Ma Xiu really liked his "gorgeous contest" proposal.

He originally thought he would play a perfunctory exhibition match first and start again tomorrow.

But what kind of performance could she come up with in just a few hours?

Xia Chen was a little curious and silently turned on the camera of his phone.

He wanted to record the world's first gorgeous performance.

At ten o'clock sharp, as the lights around the battlefield suddenly turned on, the noisy noise in the field gradually subsided.

Everyone knows that Miss Ma Xiu's performance has begun.


There was a crisp cry in the sky, and the audience who were originally looking for Ma Xiu's figure on the stage looked up in surprise, only to see among the flying leaves, a figure wearing a grand costume riding a Togekis descended from the sky.

"Pokkiss, Fairy Wind."

Ma Xiu's voice was soft and soft, but it reached the ears of every audience member clearly. Her voice, as melodious as an oriole, caught everyone's attention at once.

Where their eyes met, Pokkisi's wings flapped.

Immediately, bursts of soft breeze with pink light particles rippled in the air.

At this time, the leaves floating in the air became natural performance props, and the green leaves were wrapped in the seemingly gentle breeze.

Pokkisi's flying height continued to decrease, but her wings continued to flap. Waves of dark pink fairy wind carried the leaves and spiraled downwards, forming a gorgeous storm of flying leaves.

The performance did not end there. Ma Xiu suddenly stood up.

Then, under the disbelieving gazes of the entire audience, she jumped and flew into the gorgeous storm she had carefully constructed.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! The audience was so frightened by her bold move that they held their breath, but kept their eyes wide open, not wanting to miss every moment of this beautiful and exciting performance.

The fairy wind, which seemed gentle but contained powerful power, easily caught Ma Xiu's slender body.

Ma Xiu, who stabilized her figure, unfolded two sleeves as beautiful as butterfly wings, and danced with the gentle but firm wind.

At this moment, she seemed to have really transformed into a beautiful pink butterfly flying among the flowers, showing her amazing beauty to the world.


The wind stops and the leaves fall.

Ma Xiu, who was caught by Togekiss and fell down, stood on the ground, holding Togekiss's wings, and bowed to the audience who were still immersed in the beautiful performance.

After a few seconds of silence, the audience burst into applause, cheers and whistles.


"Miss Ma Xiu, I really want to be your coyote!!"


"Encore! Encore!"

The audience, who had never experienced a gorgeous contest, was excited.

For the first time, they felt that a game with only one person and one spirit, without physical collisions or moves, could be so full of charm.

The door to a new world was pushed open, and the refreshing and comfortable wind blew into the hearts of every audience.

Yes, why do we always think of battles when we mention elves?

Those elves who are naturally weak and those who don't like fighting, why don't they have a stage?

Does the charm of elves have to be shown through strength and battles?

These questions washed over the hearts of the audience over and over again, causing everyone to think.


Xia Chen, who had long understood the answer to this question, silently put down his phone and looked at the girl with a bright smile on the stage with a smile.

Frankly speaking, this performance may be a little different from the gorgeous performance he imagined, and there is too little coordination between moves.

But the level of shock is no less than the performances of top coordination trainers in animation.

Especially since she is a talented artist and has the courage to integrate herself into the performance, she directly pushed the world's first gorgeous performance to a climax.

It can be said that Ma embroidery has opened up more possibilities for the gorgeous competition in this world!

On the stage, Ma Xiu, who was carrying Pokkisi and bowing to the surrounding audience, finally saw Xia Chen, the only one holding an umbrella in the crowd.

She looked deeply at Xia Chen, and then bowed much deeper than the previous times.

Thank you, Xia Chen!

This is the first time I know that showing your truest self in front of so many people can gain so many people's recognition!


After the performance, inside the Aromatherapy Gym.

"Mr. Xia Chen is really funny. It's obviously a gift of evolution, but you still insist on holding an umbrella and acting independently. Is it to let me discover you better?"

Although Ma Xiu was sarcastic, the bright smile on her face could not hide her good mood at the moment.

Xia Chen turned away his eyes, "Don't be too sentimental, it's just that Ibrahimovic doesn't want to evolve yet."

"This kind of lie can deceive others, but it cannot deceive me!"

Ma Xiu covered her mouth and chuckled, then looked at Ibrahimovic, "Eevee?"

Ibrahimovic looked at Ma Xiu thoughtfully and nodded, "Bu Yi!"

When she didn't get a positive answer, Ma Xiu had to change the question, "Okay, then, Mr. Xia Chen, you should have filmed the performance just now, right?"

Xia Chen shook his phone and said with a smile: "Of course, I must record such a precious thing."

When I become the father of the gorgeous contest in the future, this will be the most precious raw material.

I don’t know what Ma Xiu was thinking, but she suddenly blushed and said nonchalantly: "Oh...oh, thank you, please send me a copy later."

Wait, Ma Xiu, you are blushing like a bubble teapot!

Looking at the rosy-faced Ma Xiu, Xia Chen felt that she must have misunderstood something.

He coughed slightly and changed the subject, "Although your performance just now was great and shocking, I think there is still a lot of room for improvement."

As expected, Ma Xiu was attracted by this topic and asked curiously: "Tell me."

There is a sequence of learning, and there is a specialization of skills.

Although Ma Xiu is a gym-level trainer, her ability in fighting against elves is countless times stronger than that of herself who just left the novice village.

But when it comes to the gorgeous competition, Xia Chen thinks he still has some say.

"First of all, the way you perform is still too simple..."


After dinner, Ma Xiu rarely went to her fashion design studio, but returned to her room.

Sitting in front of the computer, she thought about the introduction of the video she was about to publish.

As a world-famous fashion designer and non-famous gym leader, in addition to the trumpet called [Aromatherapy Girl], Ma Xiu also has her own official account on the p station.

I usually post some inspiration for clothing design and my experience in cultivating fairies.

Although the popularity is not as high as Qishu, Lulina, Xiaojuer, Nazi and other popular gym owners, it still has more than one million fans.

The video to be posted tonight is exactly the gorgeous performance that Xia Chen shot during the day.

Xia Chen is a long-time uploader, and the video is very stable, so it doesn’t take much effort from Ma Xiu to edit it.

The title has also been chosen, it is simply "Dance".

When I got to the introduction, I suddenly ran into trouble.

"This video is indebted to the director, creative person, photographer, and audience, Mr. Xia Chen@I am not a cuckoo pigeon [Pokkisibixin.jpg]"

There is nothing to worry about in front of you. The key is the heart-to-heart expression. Isn’t it a bit ambiguous...

Ma Xiu's fair cheeks were inexplicably stained with blush.

Xia Chen's little girlfriend... No, where did Xia Chen get his girlfriend? They are just childhood sweethearts!

After thinking about it, Ma Xiu suddenly felt confident. She raised her hand that was pressing the delete button and placed it on the publish button.

The screen flashed.

This night, the world's first gorgeous performance video was displayed in front of the whole world.

On the same night, a unique performance video that had never been shown before became popular on the p station.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!…………

The next morning, Xia Chen was awakened by the long-lost sunshine.

After sleeping until he woke up naturally, he walked to the bedside, opened the curtains, and let the sunlight pour into the room.

The most lively first day of the Sacred Tree Festival was over, and not many people went crazy under the sacred tree before dawn. Xia Chen's sleep quality that night was excellent.

Likewise, the fallen leaves on the first day made the room enveloped in sunshine for the first time in a long time.

Thinking about it this way, Ma Xiu is really pitiful. There are only two days in the year where she can get sunshine. No wonder she is as white as a vampire...

But no matter what, it was a wonderful morning.

Xia Chen stretched out and turned on his phone out of habit.

Then I saw the Bogaman news pushed to my homepage.

[The Shenmu Festival, the traditional festival of Xiangxuan City, opens, and Miss Ma Xiu dances all over the city]

Xia Chen was a little surprised. It had only been one night and he had become popular so quickly?

He didn't know that after the performance yesterday morning, many people uploaded their own videos to the Internet. Although the definition was not good, the expressiveness of Ma Xiu and Pokkisi in the picture was still shocking.

It had already become a little popular at that time, and it was only in the evening that Ma Xiu personally released the "official version", completely detonating the topic.

Overnight, this short but stunning dance became the focus of elf lovers all over the world.

Many well-known trainers have expressed their opinions on this novel, unique and shocking elf performance.

Lijia: "I never thought that the charm of elves can be displayed in this way. Miss Ma Xiu's beauty is really touching."

Xiaoxia: "Miss Ma Xiu's performance provides us with a good idea. Our four Hualan sisters will also try this kind of performance!"

Xiaogang: "It's an amazing performance. Well, it is indeed Xia Chen's idea and creativity."

Mi Keli: "Elegance, so elegant!"

This chapter has been completed!
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