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Chapter 125: A surprise appearance, the Horn of Xerneas!

Chapter 125: A surprise appearance, the Horn of Xerneas!

Three feet of ice cannot be frozen in one day.

Similarly, the construction of the gorgeous competition cannot be completed overnight.

It is too difficult to start a business by one person, so Xia Chen would not miss Ma Xiu, the best partner who has money, connections, and a passion for this industry.

And Ma Xiu's response was also gratifying. Before Xia Chen even fully developed her plan, she agreed without saying a word, so quickly that Xia Chen felt that she was perfunctory.

Regarding this, Ma Xiu said seriously: "Compared with the battle between elves, I prefer this way of showing the charm of elves. Of course, I also hope that [the gorgeous performance] can be loved by more people. It is definitely not enough for me to perform alone.

Yes, if you want it to become a national elf sport, it must be promoted in the form of a competition. So, I will support you!"

As a result, Xia Chen successfully got his first entrepreneurial partner in the gorgeous competition, and the two agreed to make detailed plans after the Shenmu Festival was over.

An important step in his life plan finally took an important step, and Xia Chen felt his whole body relax.

I asked Miss Ma Xiu for some tips on cultivating fairies, and continued to study the information sent by Kaluni with La Luras. Occasionally, I lay on Menas and basked in the sun. It was a leisurely life.

However, Ibrahimovic was not so relaxed. As the end of the Divine Tree Festival gradually approached, the leaves on the sacred tree gradually withered away, and Ibrahimovic rarely felt nervous in his heart.

After all, this was not a trivial adventure like digging for evolutionary stones. It was something related to legendary elves, and it was an event that she had not personally experienced in her previous life. She didn't know if there would be any risks.

But the temptation of Xerneas's horn is so great that it's worth taking the risk!

Late at night on the second day after the Shenmu Festival ended, Ibrahimovic gently took off Xia Chen's arm on his body, opened the window and jumped into the night.


The Aromatherapy Gym was right under the sacred tree. Not far away, Ibrahimovic stepped on the thick fallen leaves on the ground and arrived at the root of the tree.

Although in Ibrahimovic's memory, the news said that at the end of the last day of the Shenmu Festival, local residents discovered the strange branch, but what if the clues can be found today?

Opportunities are only reserved for Ibrahimovic who is prepared!

Walking around the huge tree roots, Ibrahimovic began to search for possible anomalies.

The trunk of the sacred tree is extremely thick. According to the official data of the Aromatherapy Gym, the diameter of the thickest part is 22 meters, and the circumference of the tree is nearly 70 meters.

Searching is inherently time-consuming and energy-consuming, let alone in the dark night.

Fortunately, in the past two days, the leaves have almost fallen off, and the soft clear light is pouring down, so there is still some visibility.

However, after going around in a circle, Ibrahimovic did not find the expected abnormality.

Not to mention the strange branches that emit colorful light, there are not even any ordinary branches, and some are just covered with a thick layer of leaves on the ground.

Ibrahimovic didn't feel depressed at all. After all, there was still one day before the Shenmu Festival, and that was when abnormalities were most likely to occur.

The withering of the sacred tree will inevitably happen, and I just need to wait for tomorrow to come.

If you are too impatient and interfere too much, you may change the future that is about to happen, and you will lose more than you gain.

With this thought in mind, Ibrahimovic returned to the room along the same route.

After running to the bathroom and washing his hands, Ibrahimovic got back into the warm bed.

Putting Xia Chen's hand on himself, Ibrahimovic fell asleep slowly.

Everything seems like nothing happened.


On the last day of the Shenmu Festival, only scattered leaves were left in the tree canopy that was lush two days ago. It looked so bare that it looked like a senior practitioner in a certain industry.

Of course, except for local residents praying in twos and threes, there are no tourists under the sacred tree.

For foreign tourists, apart from Miss Ma Xiu's performance, there is nothing worth looking forward to at the Shenmu Festival.

Just looking at the long queue outside the gate of the Divine Tree Arena, Xia Chen could already imagine the scene of overcrowding inside, so of course he continued to fish in the gym.

However, he didn't realize that Ibrahimovic beside him was already staring at the sacred tree outside the window.

The sun sets late, and for Xia Chen, an ordinary day passes quickly.

Outside the window, under the afterglow of the setting sun, the last leaf of the sacred tree slowly fell.

The residents of Xiangxuan City who gathered under the sacred tree cheered and prepared to welcome the new year.

But no one knows that the day they are looking forward to may never come again.

Except Ibrahimovic.

Looking at the crowd gradually dispersing below, Ibrahimovic knew it was time for him to take action.

In the room, Xia Chen and Ma Xiu were talking in detail about the grand construction plan for the gorgeous contest, La Lulas was playing with the big-mouthed kid she met a few days ago, and Menas was supposed to be soaking in the pond in the courtyard.

Ibrahimovic felt that his disappearance for half an hour would not attract attention.

With this thought in mind, Ibrahimovic tiptoed to the balcony and took another leap of faith.

The setting sun hung slanting on the skyline, dyeing the surrounding clouds orange-red.

Taking advantage of the still bright daylight, Ibrahimovic quickly ran to the roots of the tree and continued to circle according to yesterday's route.

Although the Shenmu Festival has ended, there are still some local elderly people chatting and walking in twos and threes under the sacred tree.

Most of them were accompanied by elves such as Miao Miao, Dong Dong Mouse, and Calling Paw. Although a little Eevee circling around the sacred tree looked a bit strange, her appearance did not attract anyone's attention.

Winter night always falls very early. Just now it was a beautiful sunset, but soon it became dark.

The old people walking gradually dispersed, and fewer and fewer people and elves still stopped under the sacred tree.

No one noticed that the Eevee that had been circling the tree trunk had not left yet.


Ibrahimovic gradually stopped.

It wasn't that she was tired. Such a short distance was not even a warm-up for Ibrahimovic now. It was just that she felt that her method seemed a bit stupid.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Since someone will find that thing sooner or later, and will not go get it, why can't you lock in the person who may find it first?

After understanding this, Ibrahimovic began to pace around the sacred tree unhurriedly, looking for that person.

Although I don't know what he looks like, Ibrahimovic remembers that he is an old man in the news.

This eliminates many potential targets. In addition, he must be heading towards the sacred tree, so there are fewer and fewer suspicious targets.

Soon, the great detective Ibrahimovic discovered a key target, an old man with a pink incense on his shoulder and walking slowly towards the sacred tree on crutches.

Could it be him?

Ibrahimovic looked at the other old people walking towards home under the sacred tree and felt that the possibility was very high.

There was no one else around, so Ibrahimovic circled around and followed him quietly.

"Feng Xiangxiang, you will be one year older tomorrow..."


"Fortunately, you and the Arrow Eagle have been with me all these years. When I die one day, you can just go back to this tree."


"Don't be sad, life will lead to death again. This is the destined cycle of life, just like this sacred tree. Tomorrow morning, she will exude vitality again."


The old man who knew everything about life and death walked slowly in front, chatting with the pink fragrance on his shoulder.


Ibrahimovic followed them quietly, keeping a distant distance.

Suddenly, the old man's figure froze, as if he had discovered something extraordinary. The crutch in his hand trembled uncontrollably, and then fell to the ground with a splat.

Even Fenxiangxiang on his shoulder shouted in surprise, "Chirp!"

Seeing the unusual reaction of one person and one bird, Ibrahimovic's eyes flashed.

She knew that what seemed to be the Horn of Xerneas had appeared!

In fact, there is no need to look at their reactions. Under the pile of green leaves, the colorful light that cannot be hidden is dazzling enough in the dim environment of the approaching night.

Ibrahimovic suppressed his excitement and rushed over without haste.

Since the old man did not choose to take it away in his previous life, there is no reason for him to change his mind this time.

If you are impatient, you may be regarded as "blaspheming the sacred tree" by the old man. At that time, the established future will be changed.

Ibrahimovic didn't want to conflict with this old man. Whether he wanted to or not was one thing. According to what the old man said, he also had a Fierce Arrow Eagle, and he might not be able to beat him.

So she patiently stopped where she was, waiting for the old man to leave.


As if receiving some kind of guidance and stimulation, Fenxiangxiang reacted violently to the burst of light.

She flapped her little wings and flew towards the light buried under the leaves.

However, the next second, her behavior was stopped by the old man.

"Feng Xiangxiang, come back!"

The old man's tone was full of majesty at this moment, "This is a miracle. Don't do such things that blaspheme the sacred tree, you will be punished by God!"


Fenxiangxiang listened to the old man's words and only hesitated for a moment before flying back to the old man's shoulder, her eyes still filled with nostalgia for the burst of light.

The old man slowly picked up the crutch that had fallen on the leaves, stared silently at the place where the light was buried for a while, then turned around and walked away with hobbling steps.


Looking at the old man's back, Ibrahimovic let out a long sigh of relief, his patience finally paid off.

Then, I, Lord Ibrahimovic, will accept the inheritance of the sacred tree!

With an excited heart and trembling hands, Ibrahimovic moved towards the burst of light with cheerful little steps.

As she got closer and closer to the light, she finally understood why Fenxiangxiang flew past involuntarily just now.

Because the aura exuded by this item is so attractive to elves.

Ibrahimovic can clearly feel the restlessness of the fairy energy in his body, and that breath is guiding the surge of energy!

Ibrahimovic, who has seen many precious elven items, is extremely sure that even if this thing is not the Horn of Xerneas in his imagination, it is definitely a unique and precious treasure in the world.

Looking around, there was no one, no elves. Ibrahimovic felt relieved, lowered his head and used his small paws to dig open the leaves that covered the light.

The treasure that may be related to the legendary elf Xerneas was finally presented to Ibrahimovic in its entirety.


Under the light, there is a beige branch roughly as thick as Eevee's hind leg...or rather the Horn of Xerneas.

There are two branches at the upper end of the horn, and the entire horn is intertwined and decorated with colorful protrusions of orange, red, purple, and aqua blue. The light emanates from those beautifully colored protrusions.

Feeling the approach of Ibrahimovic, the Horn of Xerneas flickered and breathed as if alive.

I don’t know whether it means “Don’t come over here!” or “Come on, be happy~”

Ibrahimovic didn't want to understand its opinion. The only thing she had to do now was to take this thing back to avoid long nights and nightmares.

She had not forgotten the second half of the news. When the old man came back the next day, he found that the strange branch had disappeared.

There is no doubt that someone or an elf must have taken it away during this period.

It may have happened during the time when the old man came to the sacred tree twice, but its strength is unknown.

Therefore, he must take away the Horn of Xerneas immediately.

All four legs are used for running, and it is inconvenient to hold it with claws. Ibrahimovic tried to open his mouth and bite the top of the horn, preparing to just take it back.

But what she didn't expect was that she couldn't bite the seemingly weightless object.

Only then did Ibrahimovic realize that the other half of this thing was actually buried underground, or in other words, it turned out to grow out of the soil.

No wonder I couldn't find it after searching for so long...

Eevee figured it out and immediately dug a hole into the ground around the branch. After a while, she pulled out the entire horn from the soil.

The Horn of Xerneas emits a rapid light, as if it is dissatisfied with Ibrahimovic's rude actions.

Eevee didn't care, she bit it again, this time in her mouth. Just when she was about to turn around and run towards the Aromatherapy Gym, she smelled an unusual stench in the air.


Like something rotten and fermented, the stench is enough to make any elf who smells it feel physically uncomfortable.

Ibrahimovic, who is experienced in combat, immediately judged that this was the stench emitted by aromatic essence!

Ibrahimovic became wary. She knew that the person coming here must be evil, and most likely he was attracted by the things in her mouth.

I just don’t know if they are wild elves or those with trainers...

The foul smell continued to fill the air, but instead of holding his breath, Ibrahimovic calmly sniffed the unpleasant smell.

After ten years of combat experience, Ibrahimovic has long been immune to this kind of thing that is not a move. Although it smells bad, she needs it to judge the enemy's position.

Ibrahimovic's long ears twitched slightly, not missing any disturbance around him.

At the same time, she did not stop walking towards the gym. Although the enemy was in the dark and we were clear, it seemed like a disadvantage, but this was not a battle between elves. As long as she could run back to the gym, the enemy would do anything to her.

there is none left.

What should be anxious should be the fragrance lurking in the dark.

Sure enough, seeing Ibrahimovic continuing to run unmoved, Xiangjing finally couldn't sit still.

To the front left of Ibrahimovic, a smaller pink Xiangxiang emerged from a thick pile of fallen leaves. By coincidence, it blocked the path that Ibrahimovic must pass back to the gym.

Ibrahimovic squinted his eyes slightly, I thought it was a fragrance, but it turned out to be just a powder fragrance?

You, a little man, still want to steal the inheritance of the sacred tree from me?

She was just a little relieved when she saw that behind the pink fragrant scent, powdery fragrant scents and fragrance essences were springing up from the thick pile of leaves.

And at the very back is an aromatic essence that is much larger than similar individuals!

Ibrahimovic: "..."

This chapter has been completed!
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