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Chapter 160: Mortal body, facing the gods!

Chapter 160: Mortal body, facing the gods!

Xia Chen said calmly: "Caluni, let's act separately. First, find out who Yveltal is chasing!"

This was the simplest and most effective method at the moment. Karuni was not the kind of person to be pretentious, so she immediately agreed to Xia Chen's proposal.

Immediately, the two of them parted ways, one heading northwest and the other heading southwest.

And as the two separated, Yveltal also made its choice.

It did not hesitate to chase after Xia Chen, who was flying to the southwest on Bi Diao!

Looking back, Xia Chen was completely numb when he saw this scene.

I'm in Kalos and I'm being hunted by Yveltal. What should I do?

Waiting online, urgent!


Xia Chen didn't know the reason why he was chased by Yveltal, but the fairy cloth in his arms vaguely guessed something.

There is a high probability that the Horn of Xerneas caused the trouble.

Life and death represented by Xerneas and Yveltal are like two infinite ends of a line.

They are a pair that can never get along, but they are also the ones who can best perceive each other's existence.

Therefore, it was probably the antlers he carried that attracted Yveltal's attention.

So, if you throw it away now...can you get away with it?

Xianbu didn't know, and she didn't dare to do it rashly.

It's not because she is greedy and reluctant to part with this legendary elf treasure, but because the Horn of Xerneas, which has almost infinite energy, may be the only thing she and Xia Chen can use to deal with Yveltal.

And what if it was not the antlers that attracted Yveltal, but himself who had absorbed a large amount of energy from the antlers?

Senbu cannot rule out this possibility, which is also not small.

Throwing away the antlers is tantamount to throwing away hope!

So now, before Yveltal catches up, he has to hurry up and communicate with Antlers.

With the howling wind blowing beside him, Xianbu took out the branch he had been carrying with him.

Sure enough, compared to the past, the antlers of the deer flashed very quickly today, and I don't know whether it was scared or excited.

Xianbu grabbed it tightly and whispered: "Bu Yi - (You should be able to feel that the breath of your mortal enemy is getting closer and closer to us. It is coming for you, but I will not abandon it."


The light on the branches became softer and seemed to relax a little.

Senbu understood that Shikaku was still somewhat afraid of Yveltal.

After pinching this thread, Xianbu's confidence became much stronger, and she continued: "Bu'er - (Xerneas will arrive soon, so we need to persist through this period of time, I

Need your strength!)"

After hesitating for a while, the light flickered, which seemed to mean that it agreed to Senbu's proposal.

Xianbu felt slightly calm. Although it was still difficult to face Yveltal with only this support, he at least felt confident.


Xianbu was thinking about how to drag Xerneas over, but suddenly he noticed Xia Chen taking out the elf ball in his hand.

Xianbu was speechless for a while. This fool must have wanted to take himself back to avoid Yveltal's attack.

I'm so stupid, I don't even think about how a luxurious ball can withstand the moves of such a legendary elf?

Gently pressing Xia Chen's hand with silk, Xianbu stopped his movement.

She looked up at Xia Chen, whose face was full of astonishment, with extremely firm eyes, "Bu Yi! (Don't even think of taking me back at this time! Even if you take me back, I will come out on my own!)"

Xia Chen was stunned. He had never seen such a resolute look in Xianbu's eyes.

He still persuaded without giving up: "Go back to the ball first. This way you can fly faster than the eagle. Don't worry, Xerneas will appear soon, and we will be fine."

Seeing Xia Chen who was treating him like a fool, Xianbu was very happy. No matter how fast Bi Diao was, could he still be faster than Ypeltar?

She shook her head slowly, and put the satin on Xia Chen's body, conveying her emotions that were firmer than a rock.

"I will never, never leave you!"

Silently, Xia Chen understood the words conveyed by Xianbu.

Xia Chen smiled with relief, held up the silk fabric of the fairy cloth with his fingers, and said softly: "I understand."

He patted Bi Diao again and said, "Take us down. Your mission is over."


Although Bi Diao was confused, since his employer had said so, he would definitely have no objection.

Adjusting the angle, the wings flapped, and Bi Diao immediately dived straight down towards the ground.


In the live broadcast room of [Direct Attack on Yveltal], the drone was trying its best to speed up, trying to keep up with Yveltal's flight path, but the latter's speed was too fast, and the drone simply couldn't do it.

Even at the fastest speed, the drone could only watch Yveltal in the field of vision gradually turn into an ever-smaller black dot.

However, some attentive viewers discovered that the black spot did not seem to fly directly towards Baike City. It seemed that it... turned a corner?

"Did you see it? Yveltal seems to have turned a corner!"

"I saw it, it seems like it really turned a little bit to the west! No, it turned again, this time to the south!"

"How do you feel... Yveltal is chasing something?"

"Yes, at first it obviously wanted to go to the nearby Yingxue City, but then it seemed to feel something and went north. Now it seems that it was not Baike City that attracted it at that time."

"Is it possible that it's Xerneas? Isn't it the only one that can make Yveltal so excited?"

"Impossible. This is obviously a chase between one strong and one weak prey. If it were Xerneas, he would never be so embarrassed."

"It doesn't matter. There is no city in the west, so just let it go."

"So many trainers in the Albili Mountains are no longer human? What if Yveltal never stops its pace of destruction?"

"That's better than coming directly to a densely populated city like Yingxue City or Baike City, right?"

"Stop arguing, Yveltal seems to have... landed in the forest!"

The noisy barrage suddenly fell silent.

Yveltal actually... stopped?

For the people of Yingxue City and Baike City, the Sword of Damocles hanging above their heads has temporarily disappeared, which is undoubtedly great news.

The Carlos Alliance is also temporarily relieved. In any case, this means that there should be no mass casualties in a short period of time.

After solving the temporary security needs, the next step is deep doubts and curiosity.

What is it that is attracting Yveltal's attention?

This question appeared in everyone's mind at the same time.

As if aware of the audience's doubts, the anchor also increased the speed of the drone and flew towards the place where Yveltal landed with the audience's curiosity.


It can be seen that this up has spent a lot of money on this drone, and it has outstanding performance in terms of speed and battery life.

After a journey of thirty kilometers, the drone arrived in just ten minutes.

Soon, in the dense forest, a bare place with crushed flowers, plants and trees appeared in the camera carried by the drone.

Undoubtedly, this is where Yveltal landed just now.

In the clearing filled with tree "remains" and leaf debris, a shrunken version of Yveltal caught everyone's eyes.

The audience was surprised. Is it because there is not enough energy? Or is it because the legendary elves have the ability to change size at will forever?

But this doesn't seem to be the focus right now. In the open space, opposite Yveltal, there is a man and an elf!

The audience in the live broadcast room was shocked. It turned out that Yveltal really chose not to go to Yingxue City in order to track down a person!

It is no exaggeration to say that this person is simply the hero of the entire Yingxue City!

Who is this hero?

The champion who arrived early? Or a certain king?

The curiosity in people's hearts is getting stronger and stronger.

The anchor didn't say anything nonsense and immediately controlled the drone to keep approaching the person.

As the camera kept zooming in, the appearance of the hero and his elf appeared in front of the audience.

It is not the Carlos champion Cenares that everyone imagined, but an extremely young and handsome face and an elf that is also not understood by so many people.

But a small number of people I knew immediately exclaimed.

"Xia Chen!"

"Fairy Eevee!"


Xia Chen?

This name is all too familiar to the people in the live broadcast room. It was he who issued the warning that "Yveltal is about to wake up" this morning, but was questioned and abused by everyone.

It was him again, after Yveltal regained consciousness, with his fearless spirit, he used his body to attract the approach of the God of Death, and saved Yingxue City from despair!

The barrage instantly boiled!

"Damn it, I thought Master Pigeon's character would have evacuated after giving the warning, but he actually..."

"Master Pigeon, why do you do such a stupid thing? The Carlos people are not worthy of you at all! How can you repay kindness with evil?"

"As an ordinary person who mocked him this morning and is now trapped in Yingxue City, I really...can only say I'm sorry and thank you..."

"One person dies or a city dies. Faced with this enlarged version of the tram problem, Xia Chen, a bystander who was not tied to the track, chose to sacrifice himself in exchange for precious support time. He is a true


"Fairy Ibrahimovic stood in front of Yveltal, with a calm expression as if he was just fighting an ordinary elf battle. Such a psychological quality cannot be achieved by many king-level elves, right?"

"mdThe more I think about it, the angrier I get. If the Yingxue City officials can help, is it necessary for Xia Chen and Master Yi to be like this???"

"Xia Chen and Fairy Ibrahimovic are the heroes of Carlos!"

"The title of hero is useless. I just hope that Master Ge and Master Yi are alive and well. I haven't seen enough of your live broadcasts yet..."

Everyone was shocked to see a man and a cloth, with a mortal body, facing the divine beast.

Moved, regretful, guilty, sad...complex emotions were revealed through the barrage.

Obviously, everyone regarded them as the heroes who saved Yingxue City.

At the same time, everyone believed that they had almost no chance of survival.


Xia Chen didn't know that there was a drone filming him in this ghostly place deep in the mountains and old forests, and he didn't know that he, who was forced into the situation at this moment, was already regarded as a hero by everyone in Carlos.

Even if he knew it, his current mood would not be much disturbed. If possible, he would like to use this bullshit hero's name to change his way of life.

Because, the sense of oppression brought by Yveltal is too much.

Xia Chen felt as if he was standing on a single-plank bridge, and below the single-plank bridge was an abyss that would lead to eternal destruction if he fell down.

He swallowed, wanting to say hello to this indifferent-looking legendary elf, but his throat seemed to be sealed by cement and he couldn't speak.

And Yveltar didn't seem to be in a hurry to do anything to Xia Chen and the others, she just stared at Xian Bu standing in front of Xia Chen with an expressionless face.

Its target is not me, but Senbu?

Xia Chen was stunned, but he did not relax at all. After more than half a year of companionship, Xianbu had already become his inseparable and important companion.

So important...

Xia Chen took a few steps forward, blocked the fairy cloth behind him, and looked at Yveltar fearlessly.

His mentality at the moment is no different from that of a broken jar.

If you die, just die. It's not like you haven't died before. Being able to spend such a wonderful year in the elf world that you dream of means that this trip is not in vain.

I just hope that if there is still a chance for reincarnation, Arceus can throw himself into a less dangerous world.

Xia Chen's move attracted Yveltal's attention, and it glanced at Xia Chen, but it remained expressionless.

There is no need to care about a person who has no energy fluctuations in his body and poses no threat to himself.


Xianbu was moved but helpless and pulled Xia Chen back with silk and satin.

What a fool, can you withstand its Death Wing or Evil Wave?

She stood in front of Xia Chen again and met Yveltal's eyes again.


Ten years of accumulation and the confidence of the Horn of Xerneas made Xianbu not so afraid. She took the initiative and asked: "Buyi - (Dear Xerneas, what do you want to do?)"

Although he didn't panic, Xianbu still kept his posture very low. It would not be embarrassing to be cowardly when facing a mythical beast of this level.

Suddenly, a voice came out of Yveltal's throat, "Err? (What is your relationship with Him?)"

This voice sounded ancient and mysterious, like the whisper of an ancient god from the abyss.

Xianbu's heart tightened, was he asking himself and Xerneas?

She pondered slightly, thinking about this issue that might affect Yveltal's attitude.

A pair of old enemies who love and kill each other, facing an elf whose aura is very similar to that of its enemy, what kind of relationship would Yveltal hope that she and Xerneas would have?

Successor? Challenger?

Senbu has no clue at all.

But she didn't dare to think for too long, and she was afraid that legendary elves like Yveltar would have the ability to see through truth and lies, so she could only reply straightforwardly: "Bu'er - (It doesn't have anything to do with it, I just picked up Zernii."

Just the lucky guy from Yas Corner.)”

For a moment, the forest fell into silence.

Yveltal silently stared at Senbu who was nervously waiting for a response, and suddenly said: "Er-(Then let me see if you have the qualifications.)"

Before he finished speaking, Yveltal's bright red blood-like wings that were still in mid-air vibrated slightly, and they curved and spread like branches, and then suddenly erupted with an extremely terrifying energy aura.

In just a split second, evil energy as dark as a black hole burst out from the blood wing crazily, and then quickly condensed into energy balls containing explosive energy in the air, roaring like an evil dragon and trying to devour the target in front of it.


Fairy Eevee!

"Ibrahimovic, get out of the way!"

Xia Chen, who was nervous, was the first to react, but at this moment, all he could do was serve as a reminder.

However, Yveltal, who has no martial ethics, releases his moves too fast, almost in microseconds. How can a veteran-level elf face the power of a divine beast?

Seeing that the waves of evil that seemed to be able to swallow all things were about to engulf the fairy cloth, at this moment, Xia Chen almost fell into despair.

But at this moment, Xianbu suddenly erupted with a burst of bright multi-colored light that was no less powerful than the wave of evil!

This chapter has been completed!
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