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Chapter 184 If you are from Donghuang, say hello

The so-called on-campus ranking competition is a battle system established by the school to stimulate competition among students.

This system is not limited to students from training families, nearly 20,000 students in the entire school can participate.

It is said that this is Yu Chaohua's first major reform after taking office as the principal, and it was inspired by the ranking system of the Elf League that he often played after retiring.

But he didn't distinguish between bronze, silver, diamond, etc. There were only so many students participating, so there was no need to do so many bells and whistles.

Even so, the rewards at the end of each "season" are much more advanced and practical than the virtual borders in the game.

At the end of each semester, the school will add points to students' campus cards based on the final score ranking. The points can be used to purchase things in specific point malls.

From ordinary Poké Ball energy cubes to rare elves in the training house of Shangjing University, all can be redeemed through points.

Xia Chen browsed the points mall list and saw something like "Principal Yu's Weekly Guidance" at the top.

Points required:, number of redemptions: 16

Xia Chen was surprised. It's so expensive and you have to redeem it sixteen times?

Two million points is a lot, but the number one point in the "end of season" ladder is only one million points.

In other words, a guidance from the principal must be ranked first in the ladder for at least a whole year, or be in the top five for two years before it can be redeemed.

The only thing in the store that's more expensive than the Principal's Guide is a newborn baby Kiras whose parents are king-level.

Based on this calculation, a principal's guidance is worth at least tens of millions.

Is it expensive?

This kind of thing can only be said to be a matter of opinion. Some students with money abilities do not lack elves, but what they lack is the guidance of top trainers.

So the sixteen exchanges are not surprising.

But whether it is the guidance of the principal or the quasi-god cub, it is currently too far away from Xia Chen. Even if he dominates the ladder since the first semester of his freshman year, he will not be able to redeem it until at least his sophomore year.

The most important thing for Xia Chen is to enter the Beijing University team through this channel.


As Teacher Lin Quan said, at the end of each month, the top 50 students in the "Grand Ladder" will be eligible to participate in the school team challenge.

To be precise, it is a substitution match.

After all, there are only so many spots on the school team, so it’s impossible to just get in and not get out.

The competition in the school team is so fierce, naturally because there are many benefits.

Monthly training subsidies in the form of scholarships, larger and more spacious dormitories with better training conditions, more training resources, a more competitive environment, and most importantly -

Entering the school team is also the only way to participate in regional and even international competitions.

For example, Xia Chen wanted to participate in the Donghuang Young Trainer Competition held every year. Even at Beijing University, there were only ten places.

These ten spots are naturally chosen from the school teams with the highest competitive level.

Therefore, if Xia Chen wants to participate in the Young Trainer Competition held at the end of the year, he must meet the following prerequisites.

Enter the school team before the end of the year, and compete for the ten spots in the school team selection competition, and then stand out from the preliminaries and enter the main competition.

It's time to get busy...

There is no rush for on-campus rankings, because the start of school is not over yet.

After Teacher Lin Quan explained the important rules of school study and life, he guided the students to start taking elective courses on the school app.

The graduation requirements for the Shangjing University training family are very simple. Upon graduation, you only need to pass the examination of a senior trainer and earn a certain number of credits.

If you can meet these two conditions, no one will care about you even if you stay in the dormitory every day and don't go out.

There are only a few main sources of credits, such as taking courses, ranking within the school, and winning honors in large-scale competitions outside the school.


Generally speaking, the more difficult the path, the more credits you can earn.

Xia Chen set his credit goal on the latter two, which is to obtain them through battles, so the credits are not considered in which courses he takes, and it is all based on interest.

After careful consideration, he chose the two courses "Advanced Cultivation of Super Power Elves" and "Advanced Cultivation of Ghost Elves".

Needless to say about the latter, although there is Dan Emperor's secret manual on how to cultivate Dorong Baruto, the information is relatively targeted and fails to take care of Zoroa in many aspects.

The former was chosen not only for Chilulian, but also for Xia Chen himself.

After all, he can barely be considered a humanoid super elf now.

Apart from these two courses, Xia Chen did not choose any other courses. Most of the other students did the same and only chose courses with two attributes: their major and their minor.

Those who can stand out from the hundreds of thousands of new trainees in Donghuang and get admitted to Beijing University are all extremely talented people. No one wants to be restricted in the classroom.

After selecting the courses, the first class meeting on the first day of school was almost over, and the students dispersed and left.

Some of them went to training together, some of them just met and went to fight on the battlefield, and most of them went alone like Xia Chen to see the legendary rankings in the school.

Although Xia Chen is now considered a celebrity, no one actually wants to talk to him.

After returning to Donghuang, Xia Chen fell silent for several months, barely appearing in public, and the interest in him gradually cooled down.

Walking on campus, apart from being a bit more handsome, he is no different from ordinary students.

Walking all the way to the Beijing University Arena, Xia Chen found that the place was already overcrowded.


The on-campus ranking system set up by Yu Chaohua is very popular.

Everyone is competitive, especially trainers.

Principal Yu firmly grasped this mentality of the students and brought it to light.

Not only can it effectively promote the level of competition among students, it is also a fair and just channel for the distribution of public resources, and it is also extremely interesting.

No, it's only the first day of school, and there are already many students here to "earn points for the new season."

Inside the arena hall.

Xia Chen was amazed when he saw the dense information on "Ladder Ranking" and "Focus Battle" on the big screen.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Principal Yu really knows how to control the students' competitive spirit.

Seeing more and more people coming from behind, Xia Chen stopped watching, took his student card, walked to an idle machine and started to sign up.

"Welcome student Xia Chen to participate in the ladder competition. Since you have not participated in the competition before, the first ten games are placement competitions. After participating in ten games, you will be able to know your ranking. I wish you

The flag is set for victory.”

Hey, there is also a placement match? This is a good thing to increase your score.

Yu Chaohua knows games!

After sighing, Xia Chen confidently clicked on the "Start Matching" button.

Maybe it was because there were so many people at the beginning of the school year, but within half a minute, Xia Chen found his first opponent.

"Battle venue: Site No. 3 in Area E, opponent information: Training family, Yin Li"


Yin Li? Why does this name sound familiar...

Xia Chen thought about it for a while, and finally remembered when he had heard this name. Wasn't it his opponent in the finals of the admissions competition more than half a year ago?

It's quite a fate, the first battle in college was with him.

Xia Chen felt quite emotional.

His nearly senior-level Gengar once suppressed Menas on the field. It was only through his own psychological game and Menas's butterfly dance that Xia Chen won the final victory.

Things have changed. Menas, who was only an amateur at the beginning, now has the strength of a senior and intermediate level. I wonder what will happen to his Gengar?

Forget it, you'll find out after you fight.

After withdrawing his thoughts, Xia Chen walked into the competition venue arranged for him by the system.

Because it has to meet the needs of many students to compete at the same time, the Shanghai University Arena is much larger than an ordinary competition hall.

After walking around for several minutes, Xia Chen finally found the competition venue.

There, Yin Li, whom he had met once before, was already waiting on the opposite side of the battlefield.

Judging from the complex look in his eyes when he looked at me, he probably didn't forget himself. On the contrary, it could be said that he was deeply impressed...

Xia Chen scratched his head and guessed.

Xia Chen quickly walked to the other side of the battlefield and took a stand. He took the initiative to say hello to his opponent, "Hi, Yin Li, long time no see."

After all, they are classmates for the next four years. It is not necessary to have a good relationship, but at least it is not tense. This is Xia Chen's belief in maintaining good popularity.

Yin Li was also a polite and good classmate. He didn't say anything like "People from Donghuang say good things about you." He smiled and replied, "Yeah, it's been a long time, but I've seen you often on videos in the past six months."


Xia Chen said with some helplessness: "The journey is always full of surprises... Forget it, let's talk about it after we finish. There are people waiting in line behind us."

After a while, a lot of people gathered around the court.

They didn't come here specifically to see so-and-so, there was basically a small group of people like this beside every venue.

Some were students or citizens who came over to watch the Elf Battle. Some were students who were also assigned to this venue and were waiting for the venue at the moment.

Yin Li nodded and said no more.

Seeing that both of them were ready, the referee of this match spun Rotom and flew over.

After confirming that the information of both players was correct, a buzzer sounded and Rotom signaled that the game had officially begun.


"Go ahead and snipe the tree owl!"

"The decision is yours, Kirulian!"

After two ceremonial sounds, an ordinary and unusual school qualifying match began.

Two white lights flashed, and elves from both sides appeared on both sides of the battlefield, including Sniper Tree Owl and Chirulian.

The rules of the qualifying match are the most common 3v3 among young trainers, and the elves on both sides are not their respective ace elves, Gengar and Fairy Yinbu.

Undoubtedly, both sides are extremely confident in their own strength.

Although Yin Li lost to Xia Chen in the finals of the enrollment competition, he was determined not to be convinced because of his arrogance.

After all, judging from his performance in the finals, he was defeated because he didn't expect his opponent to have the butterfly dance skill.

In addition, he has never slackened in training for more than half a year. Yin Li feels that this is his best chance for revenge!

As for Xia Chen, since his goal is the Donghuang Young Trainer Competition at the end of the year, how can a student of the same level become his truly serious opponent?

But a certain great man said it well: strategically, you should despise the enemy, but tactically, you should pay attention to the enemy.

Although Xia Chen did not send Menas or Fairy Yin Bu, it did not mean that he did not fight with all his strength.

His Kirulian is not weak at all!

"Kirulian, meditate!"

"Snipe the tree owl and slit the shadow!"

Almost at the same time, the voices of the two trainers reached the battlefield.

The two elves with excellent tactical skills immediately responded to the trainer's command.

The Sniper Tree Owl, who had just emerged from the Poké Ball, had not even had time to fly before he skillfully circulated the ghost energy in his body, spread his wings, and drew his bow and arrows.

In an instant, the purple-black energy arrows appeared on the opened wings of the Sniper Tree Owl. Before it could completely solidify, the Sniper Tree Owl released its wings and let the arrows of the slit shot towards Qilu.

Lianne just got out of the elf ball and whizzed away.

In just two seconds after Rotom sounded the whistle to start the battle, all this happened quietly.

Undoubtedly, such hastily completed moves can hardly gather much energy and can't do any damage.

Yin Li asked the sniper tree owl to shoot this arrow just to bring out another effect of the seam shadow, so that the elves hit by the seam shadow could not end!


As soon as the arrow was released, bursts of noise could be heard from the battlefield.

"This junior named Yin Li has a very clear mind. He knows that sniping Tree Owl and defeating Chilulian is an advantageous match, so he uses Slit Shadow as quickly as possible to keep his opponent on the field."

"Didn't Chirulian's trainer read this? It's a little inappropriate. Let alone Chirulian, it's hard for her to fight the sniper Tree Owl when she evolves into Gardevoir."

"Maybe it's because I'm not familiar with the sniper tree owl elf. After all, Shadow Stitch is an exclusive move, but using meditation...Jiang Zitan?"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Holy shit, do you know how to play Kirulian? If you can't play, let me play! This is a strange Kirulian!"

"Hey, wait a minute, Qi Lulian, why does this junior named Xia Chen look familiar?"

Regarding the first round of confrontation between the two elves, almost no one thought that Xia Chen took advantage.

Although this seam shadow cannot deal much damage due to its short charging time, once it hits, Kirulian will not be able to run away.

The ghost type's double restraint on Kirulian is no joke.

The special defense added by meditation cannot play a defensive role for the sniper tree owl. Whether it is a shadow seam or a sneak attack, the sniper tree owl can directly take advantage of Chirulian's weak physical defense.

Therefore, the function of meditation is just to add some insignificant special attacks.

Comparing the two, Yin Li and Sniper Tree Owl perfectly achieved their strategic goals, while Xia Chen and Qilulian only used a meditation that only had half the effect.

Which one is better or worse can be seen by anyone with a discerning eye.

But is this really the case?


Xia Chen looked at the purple-black arrows that were shooting at rapid speed and just smiled.

Doesn’t he know the strategic role of Shadow Seam, the exclusive move for sniping tree owls?

of course I know.

Although the title of Elf Encyclopedia is something he boasts about, his understanding of elves is real.

And did he anticipate this trick?

No doubt he also read it.

Ability to control the field, double restraint, and Chirulian's weak physical move Seam Shadow, only a fool would not use it.

But Xia Chen didn't care about this seam.

To be precise, he doesn't care about this and doesn't pursue harm, just to keep Kirulian's shadow.

If the opponent's Seam Shadow also has output, Xia Chen would be a little worried, because the damage of this move is really good.

But if that is the case, there is no way to deal with it.

Such a seam shadow must have accumulated momentum for a long time, and when the arrow flew over, it was enough for Kirulian to use [teleportation] to open a distance and escape.

Although the energy consumption is a bit high, if you can avoid the damage of the seam shadow, it is still worth it.

Fortunately, this assumption is not established. This seam shadow is just to create the effect of "the elf cannot be replaced".

But if that's the case...am I afraid of this?

Xia Chen sneered in his heart.

Since he asked Chirulian to use meditation, it means that he has no intention of replacing the elves!


On the battlefield.

Just when the Shadow-stitching arrow was about to hit Kirulian, a strange energy wave filled the air.

Kirulian suddenly opened her eyes, letting out a heart-warming aura.

Meditation strengthening has been completed.

The hunting time is about to begin!

This chapter has been completed!
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