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Chapter 190 Sironas invitation (6k)

Although he understood the reason why his Zoroa was a ghost type, Xia Chen still had no idea how to explore the secret of the ghost Zoroa.

After all, this is a special form of the Xicui area. You can’t let yourself go back to the Xicui area to study it, right?

how to get to?

Relying on the power of Celebi or Dialga?

No matter how you think about it, this method is too unrealistic.

Xia Chen had a headache, so he could only keep this matter in his mind for the time being and wait until there were further clues before continuing his research.

Blessings come in pairs, and misfortunes never come alone.

He originally thought that this clue would take a long time to wait, but within two days, Xia Chen received the long-awaited reply.

Sirona seemed to have finally crawled out from somewhere deep in the mountains and old forests, and restored herself.

"Let's find out a little bit and talk in detail over the phone."

Do you only know a little bit?

Xia Chen knew that Sirona was not that kind of modest person. If she said it was a little bit, it was really a little bit.

However, there was no further direction to explore for the time being, so Xia Chen could only follow this vine and try to figure it out.

Taking advantage of the fact that Sirona was still free after she had just replied to this message, Xia Chen hurriedly called Sirona.

Sure enough, within two seconds, the call was connected.

"Hey, is this Master Pigeon?"

There was a very recognizable girl on the other end of the phone. She was not sweet, but a little bit hoarse and magnetic, and she sounded very sassy.

Okay, this fits my imagination of Sirona very well.

After silently evaluating in his mind, Xia Chen said: "Yes, you are the new champion of the Sinnoh region, the champion of the eight masters, the champion above the champions, the world's strongest biting land shark trainer, the famous mythologist, Miss Sirona


The other end was silent for two seconds, and then replied with a humorous temperament: "I would rather you put the last title first."

Xia Chen smiled knowingly and said: "No more joking, Miss Sirona, please formally introduce yourself. My name is Xia Chen. I am seventeen years old and I am a student."

A chuckle came from the other end of the phone, "I knew it earlier, classmate Xia Chen, I pay more attention to you than you think."


After a while of pleasantries, the two finally got down to business.

Xia Chen asked seriously: "As I said in Bogamanli, I really want to understand the history of the Sinnoh region about the washing of green. How should I do it?"

After thinking for a few seconds, Sirona replied: "Actually, this period of history is not a well-researched time period in our Sinnoh region. To make an analogy, its existence is like that of our Donghuang region.

Although the Xia Dynasty did not exist as long ago as the Xia Dynasty, archaeologically speaking, there is no definite evidence and its existence is still doubtful."

"What I know is that there were very few humans at that time, and there were only a few social tribes. According to legend, the Washui Period was a period when the relationship between humans and elves changed. From then on, people began to gradually

They were afraid of elves and created the original Poké Ball. There are also legends that people in that period were able to conquer powerful elves on their own without borrowing the power of elves. However, because there is no basis for verification, most scholars believe that this is human beings.


"Furthermore, during that period of time in Xicui, there were many elves that were completely different from modern ones. Not only their appearance, but also their attributes or evolutionary forms would change, which is somewhat similar to the differences between the same kind of elves in many regions today.

Form. But the specific elves are not very clear. What I know is probably these, I hope it can be helpful to you."

Was it helpful?

Yes, but not much.

At least I know what kind of existence Xi Cui is, although most of Sirona's words are "legendary".

But she didn't mention a word about the ghost Zoroa she wanted to know about, and it seemed really unclear.

However, Xia Chen was already very grateful to be able to tell him these secrets of green cleaning.

He sincerely thanked you: "Thank you very much. This is very helpful to me. If you come to Donghuang, please tell me and I will treat you well."

Sirona chuckled and said: "I've written it down, but I don't have much time for the time being. I'm going to a ruins in Tianguan Mountain in a while. It may also be related to the washing of green, but you, do you want to come and have fun?



Relics related to Xicui?

Xia Chen had to admit that he was moved.

He had been exploring the secret of Ghost Zoroa, and this was the only known clue so far. It would be a pity not to see it with his own eyes.

Secondly, although it has only been less than half a month, Xia Chen is already a little tired of college life.

It's not that I should drop out of school or anything, but it would be great if I could go out for a walk.

Furthermore, with Sirona by her side, unless some Dialga or Giratina appears, there will definitely be no danger.

Moreover, I can also meet Kirona

Thinking of this, Xia Chen immediately put aside the idea of ​​living a hard life in school not long ago and asked excitedly: "Of course I am interested. When will we set off?"

Sirona replied: "At the beginning of October, I just came back from near Xuefeng City. I want to take half a month's leave. I'll let you know when the time comes. If nothing happens, just hang up."

Knowing Sirona's temperament, Xia Chen didn't waste any words, "Understood, I look forward to meeting you, so I'll hang up now."

"Bye, see you next month."

With a chuckle, the other end hung up the phone.

Xia Chen let out a long sigh of relief, feeling inexplicably excited in his heart.

I don’t know whether I am happy because I will be able to travel and explore in the near future, or whether I am happy because Soraya’s research has made progress, or whether I am happy because I can meet the legendary Sirona?

Maybe both.

But since I’m going on an adventure trip in early October, I have to get into the top 50 on the ladder, and then join the school team, I have to do it within this month.

If it were November when I came back, it would be difficult for me to make it to the school team before.

The on-campus trials will start in November, and those who have not made the school team are not eligible to participate in this competition.


Xia Chen threw himself on the bed, buried his head on Xianbu's soft body, and took a deep breath.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Senbu, you have to work hard this month!"

Xianbu rolled his eyes and muttered: "Buyi."

We have all worked hard enough, it’s you who should work harder, right?

But are you going to travel far again?

Senbu recalled the thrilling trip to Carlos a few months ago, feeling both hopeful and worried.

Although nothing major will happen in this period of time in my memory, it is not ruled out that there may be small dangers that threaten Xia Chen's safety.

After all, he, Menas and other partners are still not strong enough.

But if Sirona is by your side, there shouldn't be any problem, right?

Forget it, why are you suddenly worried about this kind of thing again?

Some time ago, Senbu did some self-reflection.

She feels that since she has information about the future, she will always be a little hesitant about traveling.

But how can any trainer reach the top without going through danger?

She secretly made up her mind that unless it was a major event like the awakening of a mythical beast, she would never worry so much anymore.

So, don’t think too much about your trip to Sinnoh next month.

Everything has its own way out, I just need to go on with Xia Chen and his friends.


It is said that there is a group of people in this world. If he plans to go out for something at two o'clock in the afternoon, he can't do anything before then.

Xia Chen is not this kind of person. Although he plans to travel to Sinnoh soon, he has not wasted the time before that.

In addition to training and ranking, he also needs to make some preparations before traveling, such as asking for leave in advance from his teachers and principal.

Among the conditions in the admissions competition championship terms, matters related to leave are included.

After all, trainers can't just stay in the ivory tower forever.

However, when Xia Chen applied for a one-month leave of absence, Principal Yu still asked him with concern where he planned to go.

This is the future star of Beijing University and even Donghuang as a whole. It would be bad if he loses it.

"Tianguan Mountain in the Sinnoh region." Xia Chen replied.

Principal Yu pondered for a while and said cautiously: "Although I don't have the power to stop you from going anywhere, I still remind you that Tianguan Mountain is one of the most dangerous areas in the Sinnoh region, so."

Xia Chen thought about it for a while and said, "Excuse me for your trouble. In fact, I went with a friend this time. She is quite strong."

Yu Chaohua kindly reminded: "Yes, I understand, but there are also gym-level and even king-level elves in many areas of Tianguan Mountain."

Xia Chen said quietly: "My friend's name is Sirona."

After being stunned for several seconds, Yu Chaohua coughed lightly and said, "Pretend I didn't say anything."

After saying that, he decisively approved Xia Chen's application for leave.

Looking at Xia Chen's back leaving the office, Yu Chaohua muttered softly: "The things on the forum can't be true, right? Xia Chen can be where he is today because he is eating soft food?"

Although this is a joke, to a certain extent, it is true.

However, the source of Xia Chen's soft rice is not the rich woman, but his elves.


Once the principal's leave has passed, it's time to take leave for the teachers of the two courses.

As for the specialization class in the superpower department, the teacher happily passed it on to Xia Chen, not to mention the specialization class in the ghost department.

When Mo Lan heard that Xia Chen was going to explore the mystery of the "ghost-type Eevee", she gave the green light without saying a word, and even said that it would be okay if she couldn't pass the final exam.

After taking the leave, Xia Chen devoted the rest of the time to sprinting for the ladder rankings.

The opponents who entered the top 100 became stronger and stronger, and Xia Chen's winning rate was no longer as exaggerated as it was at over 80% in the first few days.

As the number of battles increased, Xia Chen's winning rate dropped to more than 60%.

Excluding dragon-type trainers, Xia Chen had defeated the highest-ranked opponent, but he was only ranked 36th, and he couldn't beat any higher.

There are only thirty spots in the school team, and at the end of each month, the top fifty players on the ladder will challenge for the substitution competition.

So in theory, if you want to join the school team, you need to be ranked in the top 30 on the ladder.

Xia Chen is now stuck in a very delicate position, as if he can defeat the top 30 opponents if he works harder or performs better in the battle.

But there is also the possibility that he will never be able to cross that hurdle and be just a hair away from the school team.

In order to prevent this kind of failure from happening, Xia Chen worked harder in the following training, not only for the elves, but also for his own meditation training.

As his mental power continued to grow, Xia Chen increasingly felt the help of superpowers in commanding battles.

Sometimes whether a move can hit the target, or whether the elf can avoid a key move, or the trainer's game, the trainer's reaction speed has a great impact on the battle on the field.

When trainers and elves work together, what they achieve is definitely the effect of one plus one greater than two.

Therefore, Xia Chen believes that fake trainers can only train elves, but real trainers must even train themselves!

So, with the unremitting efforts of Xia Chen and the elves, on September 25th, after three consecutive victories, Xia Chen finally climbed to the 51st position.

With one more game, he can enter the top 50 and qualify to participate in the substitution competition.


Although the battle ended at around three o'clock in the afternoon, Xia Chen decided to fight this crucial battle again the next day out of concern for the next battle.

I went back to the dormitory and prepared a table of delicacies that each elves liked to eat to reward the soldiers, and then brought them a one-stop service of bathing, bathing, spa and massage.

Xia Chen and the elves were in perfect condition and faced the crucial battle on the second day.

The next morning.

Xia Chen opened an app called [Shangjing University] on his mobile phone. As usual, he entered the ranking system interface and pressed Match.

This is a convenient function newly developed by the school. Because the higher the ranking, the fewer opponents you can match.

There are many "high-scoring players" who reported that when they went to the arena to queue up, they sometimes couldn't even queue up for half an hour.

After all, everyone has their own life, training, classes, eating, and dating. Many people's ranking times will be staggered.

Therefore, the school designed such a new function to facilitate students' journey to improve their scores.

With Xia Chen's current ranking, it was estimated that he would have to queue for at least an hour or two early in the morning, so after entering the matching state, he took the elves downstairs to have breakfast.

Unexpectedly, half an hour later, Xia Chen heard a message notification sound from his mobile phone.

"The match is successful. The battle will begin in half an hour. Please go to the designated battle area as soon as possible."

Xia Chen, who was eating fruit muffins, quickly took out his mobile phone to check the information.

"Opponent information: Yang Zengyan, ladder ranking: 24, battle venue: No. 3 battle zone in E area."


The opponent ranked 24th

Xia Chen smacked his tongue slightly, it would be a bit difficult to deal with such an opponent in the "promotional competition".

Forget it, he's only at the bottom of the school team. If he can't beat him, there's no chance of him getting into the school team.

Besides, if you beat someone with a high ranking, your ranking will also rise a lot. If you win this match, you might be able to rise five or six places.


I've got Yang Zengyan's share, even Arceus can't keep him, I said so!

After cheering himself up, Xia Chen ate the remaining breakfast without hesitation, and then led the elves to the Shangjing University Arena.


After all, regarding this opponent, we still need to check the information that should be checked.

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and the enemy, you can fight a hundred battles without danger.

Sitting on the shared Duduli, Xia Chen held the reins with his left hand and searched for information about Yang Zengyan on the forum with his mobile phone in his right hand.

After all, he is a master of the school team. Although his popularity is not as high as those of the top players, the information on the main elves is still quite complete.

Relying on his current "quantum reading" speed, the fast-moving Duduli had already completely analyzed the opponent's information before sending Xia Chen to the arena.

Yang Zengyan, male, 21 years old, a third-year student from the Cultivation Family, mainly steel-type elves, supplemented by ground-type elves.

The initial elf, also the ace elf, is the dragon-headed gopher known as the rat-headed earth dragon.

The other main elves include the steel-type and rock-type Boss Cordora, the insect-type and steel-type Giant Claw Mantis. As well as the ground-type and rock-type Shakiras, the super-type Hu Di, and the flying-type Blue Crow.

Among them, the three elves, Dragon-headed Gopher, Boss Cordora and Giant Claw Mantis, possess elite-level strength, and are also the three elves he uses most frequently during competitions.

Tsk, if you are proficient in the steel type, it will be even harder to fight.

Xia Chen frowned. When it comes to which type of elves his lineup is most afraid of, the steel type would undoubtedly rank first.

Its excellent resistance allows it to only be weak against moves with three attributes: fighting, fire, and ground, and its resistance is up to ten!

This does not include the poison-type moves that are completely immune.

Among the moves that Xia Chen's three main elves are proficient in, fairy, super and dragon-type moves are all resisted by the steel type.

The only move of this type that can produce an effect is Menas' Waterborne.

As for the three attribute moves that can restrain the steel type, except for the magic flame of Xianbu, other elves can't do it at all.

It's not that Xia Chen doesn't want to make up for his blind spots, but the skill pool is just like that.

You can't break through the genetic limitations of the elves and let Chirulian or Senbu learn a ground-type special attack move, right?

In short, before Soraya and Xiao Duolong grew up, Xia Chen really had no choice in getting a team that majored in steel.

Xia Chen scratched his head a little irritably, "Why does the steel type have such annoying attributes?"

Complaints are complaints, but we still have to fight.

I parked Duduli and stuffed two high-grade energy cubes into each of its three heads as fare.

Xia Chen walked into the arena of Beijing University amid the clattering farewells.


Xia Chen's "promotion match" attracted a lot of attention.

When he received the information on his mobile phone, the battle information of this game also appeared on the big screen in the arena hall.

Xia Chen has been a hot topic on the forum recently, and there weren't many battles in the morning.

Therefore, many students or citizens who went out for a walk in the morning and wanted to watch a game have locked their eyes on this focus game.

When Xia Chen walked into the battle arena arranged by the system, dozens of people were already scattered in the surrounding auditorium, most of whom were lively and cute seniors.

Although Xia Chen's reputation is somewhat subtle in school forums, it does not affect the popularity of this rich, handsome, famous and powerful junior.

It would be better to say that his reputation as "the most affectionate person in college" only boosted his popularity.

After all, if Xia Chen is really a scumbag, he might also scumbag them?

It's a pity that Xia Chen doesn't have any experience now. It's commonly known as:

In short, Xia Chen stepped onto the battlefield amidst fairly enthusiastic calls.

Yang Zengyan arrived before Xia Chen. He looked up and down at this junior student who was in the spotlight, and joked: "This junior student is very popular. There can be so many spectators in an ordinary qualifying match."

This is not a strange statement. Unless the top ten players are matched up, no one really pays attention to this kind of competition.

When he usually plays ranked games, it would be overwhelming to have more than a dozen people watching him, but it is rare for him to have a battle like this.

Xia Chen was speechless for a moment, "Let's just make do with it. I can still vote."

It is not up to him to decide whether the audience will stay or not, and having the audience's support will not increase his strength.

Yang Zengyan smiled, did not make any sarcastic remarks or said anything harsh, and just waited for the game to begin.

His main business is cultivating families, so he certainly understands the value of Xia Chen's achievements in this field.

His final assignment for the course on elf evolution last semester was based on Xia Chen's research paper on the evolution of fairy cloth.

By the way, nearly half of their class's final assignments were related to Senbu, and a small half of the rest were related to Xia Chenmenas's research on evolution.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Xia Chen were from a nurturing family, he would be the kind of boss that teachers would ask him for advice.

So Yang Zengyan still had some subtle emotions towards Xia Chen.

You crush me in my main business field, and I defeat you in your main business field. It shouldn't be too much, right?

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Xia Chen’s idea is very simple.

Win this game and enter the top 50 on the ladder, that's it.

The players on both sides were thinking about their own thoughts, and with the electronic whistle of the spinning Rotom, the battle officially began.


"Come out, dragon-headed gopher!"

"Leave it to you, Menas!"

Calling the elf's name when throwing the ball is an established rule on the battlefield.

Following two shouts, two white lights flashed, and the elves from both sides appeared.

Yang Zengyan was not surprised that Xia Chen chose Menas.

Dragon-headed Gopher and Boss Cordora are both twice as resistant to water, so Xia Chen has no reason to bite the bullet and send out Senbu or Kirulian, which are counter-restrained.

Xia Chen was a little surprised by Yang Zengyan's choice. Was it directly the ace elf dragon-headed gopher?

It seems that the opponent has no intention of letting go.

Although it seems that the Giant Pincer Mantis, the only one that is not weak to water, is the best choice for the elves.

But in fact, if you want to attack, a dragon-headed gopher with stronger strength, higher output, faster speed, and the ability to dig holes to get closer is a better option.

Once Xia Chen's Menas was broken through, Senbu and Chirulian in the back row could no longer stop the impact of these steel elves.

So for Xia Chen, who has little room for error, the first battle is the decisive battle!

After quickly analyzing these, Xia Chen quickly formulated the main strategy for this battle, which was to defend and counterattack.

"Dragon-headed gopher, use Dig!"

While Xia Chen was thinking, Yang Zengyan had already issued the first order.

He wants to dig a hole to get close to Menas!

Xia Chen instantly realized the significance of digging a hole.

Menas does not experience earthquakes and cannot pose a threat to the burrowing dragon-headed gophers. Once the dragon-headed gophers approach Menas, Menas's water cannon cannot find a good angle to attack.

By then, Menas will be in danger.

After his thoughts suddenly changed, Xia Chen decisively commanded: "Menas, please rain!"

This chapter has been completed!
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