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Chapter 219

Sandstorms with special rock energy were flying all over the sky, and the entire battlefield was still shrouded in sandstorm weather, blocking sight from outside the field.

The audience could only see the two elves who had just appeared, one standing quietly meditating and the other dancing excitedly.

Strengthen together without interfering with each other.

Even so, there are differences between reinforcements.

The greatly increased attack power of the Dragon-headed Gopher's Sword Dance can be fully fed back into the battle, while Gardevoir's Meditation adds a balanced balance to special attack and special defense.

Unless you are facing Hu Di, the enhancement of special defense is somewhat wasted.

However, Gardevoir's meditation takes less time and is more effective, so you won't lose much in terms of strengthening it.

Not long after, the results of the alternative "mid-gate confrontation" came out.

The tall figure raised his hand first to break the deadlock, which meant that Gardevoir ended his meditation strengthening first and won.

"Gardevoir, hypnotism!"

Not missing an opportunity to gain an advantage, Xia Chen issued the second instruction the moment before he sensed the end of Gardevoir's meditation.

Gardevoir suddenly opened his eyes, and immediately activated the super energy-condensing moves in his body. At the same time, his body moved and floated towards the place where the dragon-headed gopher was.

She did not use teleportation to get close, not only for the important reason of saving energy, but also to control the distance between herself and the dragon-headed gopher.

Gardevoir and Xia Chen had already learned how terrifying the speed of this dragon-headed gopher with the [Sand Splashing] trait was from watching the game video before the game.

Therefore, every use of teleportation in this duel is crucial.


Although teleportation is not used, this does not mean that Gardevoir's speed will be any slower.

Most of the actions of super elves do not rely on the body, but rely on the power of mind to float. The stronger they are, the faster they are.

With the current strength of Gardevoir, although it is definitely not as good as the dragon-headed gopher in the sandstorm weather, she still floated to a position about five meters away from her opponent before the sword dance ended.

This distance not only ensures the hit rate of Hypnosis, but also allows Gardevoir to have enough time to react and dodge when the dragon-headed gopher attempts to rush in and counterattack.

The invisible hypnotic wave containing special energy suddenly struck out, heading towards the dragon-headed gopher whose body was still dancing and whose momentum was increasing.

Seeing that the hypnotic spell was about to hit, at the critical moment, the dragon-headed gopher stopped dancing and immediately slid to the right.

With sensitive reactions and speed that were not consistent with its sturdy body, this copper-headed and iron-boned mole escaped the almost certain hypnotic spell.

The slippery ice surface on the field made the dragon-headed gopher look a little embarrassed, but for an elite elf, such a scene could only have a slight impact on it.

It is still a bit unrealistic to rely on this to restrain it.

Xia Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, was Jiang Pei playing to the extreme?

If he had been hit by the hypnotic spell just now, he would almost have had no choice but to take back the dragon-headed gopher who had just appeared.

Maybe this is the trust that excellent trainers have in their ace elf...

Before he could express his emotions, Xia Chen immediately shouted: "Gardevoir, prepare to dodge!"

Having just strengthened its attack and escaped the hypnosis spell, everyone knows what the dragon-headed gopher with its increased attack and speed will do to an enemy only a few steps away.

As expected, before the body that had just finished dodging could stand still, the dragon-headed gopher had already turned sharply.

The veins of the solid leg muscles were exposed, and the ice under his feet was broken by the powerful force of the dragon-headed gopher's explosion.

The next moment, I saw him suddenly rise up, the steel drill above his head glowed with silver light, and his whole body rushed towards Gardevoir's position as if half leaping and half flying.

The sharp claws under his feet carved a clean "z" on the ice.

With an indomitable momentum, the dragon-headed gopher who just came on stage has already exposed his sharp fangs, using an iron head to officially sound the horn of counterattack!


The dragon-headed gopher was originally narrow at the top and wide at the bottom. At this moment, he was like a powerful positioning missile, bombing towards the location of Gardevoir.

At this moment, the effect of the distance maintained previously became apparent.

With a burst of strange energy, Gardevoir's body disappeared in the eyes of the dragon-headed gopher.

After all, positioning missiles are not tracking missiles. Even if it is known that Gardevoir may have reached the position behind him through teleportation, the dragon-headed gopher cannot make a U-turn in violation of physics at this time.


The huge sound resounded in the sandstorm, which was the sound made by the dragon-headed gopher who couldn't stop the car when it smashed its iron head into the ice.

Another opportunity.

Although the sandstorm obscured his sight, it could not obscure his spiritual exploration.

Xia Chen immediately noticed that due to the huge impact of the iron head, the smaller half of the body of the dragon-headed gopher was stuck in the ice.

To be precise, the head is on the inside and the lower body is on the outside.

There is no doubt that the stuck gopher needs help.

Xia Chen, who likes to help others, immediately felt that he could help others, "Gardevoir, magic flame!"

The place where Gardevoir was hiding was not far away. She even played in the dark and flashed to the place where the dragon-headed gopher suddenly attacked.

At such a short distance, with almost no need to move, a flame burst out from Gardevoir's chest and roared towards the exposed lower body of the dragon-headed gopher.

Jiang Pei is not like Xia Chen, who can turn on the clairvoyant to clearly see the situation inside the sandstorm.

After Xia Chen's command came out, he vaguely guessed what was happening, and resolutely commanded: "Dragon-headed gopher, dig a hole!"

Since the jam is too deep and there is no way to get out, it is better to use the best method of ground elves to avoid it!

Xia Chen smiled slightly and let you escape so easily?

At this moment, the foreshadowing that Menas had laid with the freezing beam was finally recovered.

The dragon-headed gopher is good at digging, but that doesn't mean he's good at shaving ice.

The essence of the digging move is to use the ground energy in the body to loosen the earth, making it easier for the elves to dig.

As a result, the thick ice condensed on the ground became an obstacle to the dragon-headed gopher's escape.

Gardevoir's magical flames burned the back half of his body mercilessly, but the dragon-headed gopher could only grit his teeth and endure the pain caused by the flames, and waved the steel claws on his hands to break the ice.

However, no matter how hard the ice is, it is still not as strong as the sharp claws of a dragon-headed gopher.

Finally, after eating an entire stream of magical flames, the dragon-headed gopher finally got under the ground and got a chance to breathe.


Jiang Pei frowned. He had thought that the dragon-headed gopher's first iron head would be dodged by Gardevoir's teleportation. After all, he had a Hu Di and knew that this was the most annoying thing about super elves in battle.

But he didn't expect that he would suffer such a big loss due to such a strange reason as being stuck in the ice.

He originally wanted the dragon-headed gopher to fight back...

Now he was in trouble. Not only was he burned extremely uncomfortable by a double restrained magical flame, but he was also forced to drill into the ground. The ground above his head was even more tightly wrapped with a layer of ice barrier that was difficult to break through.

Looking at Gardevoir standing quietly in the sandstorm, Jiang Pei pressed his temples to suppress the irritability in his heart.

He knew that the dragon-headed gopher could not hide underground for too long. Although the enemy was no longer within the attack range, Gardevoir would not be idle.

She just needs to meditate and wait for the dragon-headed gopher, or even Jiang Pei himself, which will be a dead end.

"Gardevoir, meditate!"

As expected, the unhurried command voice came from across the venue, making Jiang Pei feel even more depressed.

Sure enough, how could Xia Chen let go of such an almost free opportunity...

Helpless, he could only respond: "Dragon-headed gopher, come out and organize the attack again!"

As soon as the dragon-headed gopher got into the ground and his body was still warm, he heard the trainer's command.

Although his mind was still a little dizzy from the magical flames just now, he also understood how dangerous it was to leave Gardevoir outside, so he had no choice but to return the way he came.

Fortunately, the pit was not too deep or too far. Along the newly dug tunnel, the dragon-headed gopher quickly emerged from the ground again.

Just as his eyes regained sight, he suddenly discovered that... what was reflected in the child's hole was not the meditating Gardevoir, but a familiar purple-red flame.

So, before the body's temperature could cool down, the magic flame roared and swallowed up the dragon-headed gopher's body again.

It's just that it was the butt just now, and now it's the head...

The dragon-headed gopher, who was roasted all over, was thinking about a problem with his almost-roasted brain.

Didn’t you say it’s good to meditate?

Why did it turn into magical flames when it came out...


Jiang Pei felt even more helpless when he heard the miserable cries coming from his ace elf on the battlefield.


In fact, it's not a surprise. The ground is covered with solid ice. It would be even more difficult to get out from other places. Gardevoir is too good at sitting back and waiting.

On the contrary, Jiang Pei felt vaguely relieved.

Thinking on the bright side, although the dragon-headed gopher ate another magical flame, doesn't this also prove that Gardevoir is not meditating?

After taking a look at the sandstorm weather with significantly improved visibility, Jiang Pei understood that there was not much time left for the dragon-headed gopher.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Pei suppressed his increasingly impetuous mood and commanded: "Dragon-headed gopher, metal claws!"

He didn't dare to use all-or-nothing moves like Tietou anymore, otherwise he was guaranteed to burn his butt again.

In fact, with the blessing of sword dance, the strength of the metal claw is actually enough.

Not only that, but the metal claw, a less powerful but more agile move, was a choice for Xia Chen.

There's no need to teleport to dodge, it's hard to dodge the dragon-headed gopher when it's splashing sand.

But once he uses teleportation to dodge, Jiang Pei will definitely seize this opportunity and let the dragon-headed gopher use his iron head to kill him.

And as long as the iron head hits once, Gardevoir's body will definitely not be able to catch the dragon-headed gopher's second move!

Xia Chen's response was, "Gardevoir, continue the magic flame!"

Jiang Pei raised his eyebrows, Xia Chen wanted to fight with him?

Thinking about it, it's not impossible. After all, the dragon-headed gopher has eaten two magic flames. From his perspective, if there is a head-to-head confrontation, Gardevoir has a higher chance of winning.

After getting rid of the core thug Dragonhead Gopher, a weather player Hippopotamus who is in poor physical condition, and a Hu Di who Xia Chen's lineup is not afraid of, there is nothing to worry about.

However, are you so confident that Gardevoir will definitely win against the Dragon-headed Gopher?

A confident smile appeared on Jiang Pei's lips.

Letting the frail Gardevoir and the dragon-headed gopher face off, wouldn't it be too much to underestimate my ace elf?

While thinking about the game, on the battlefield, in the sandstorm, the dragon-headed gopher charged again.

The coming magical flames did not make him want to give up.

Shushu, I not only have a body of steel, but also an ambition of steel!


The silver light shined brightly on its claws as sharp as daggers. Under the influence of the sandstorm, in the blink of an eye, the dragon-headed gopher rushed in front of Gardevoir.

The sharp blade was unsheathed, a cold light flashed through, and the dragon-headed gopher's sharp claws, as sharp as drills, had already left a deep blood mark on Gardevoir's body.

At the same time, the magical flames engulfed his body as expected.

Maybe it was because he had been roasted twice that he had developed some kind of resistance inexplicably, or maybe it was because the claws finally hit his opponent that his adrenaline surged.

At this moment, although the body of the dragon-headed gopher was in unbearable pain, the information fed back by his brain was more of excitement.

"Go on, Metal Claw!"

Jiang Pei, who was always paying close attention to the situation on the field, clenched his fists and couldn't suppress the excitement in his voice, commanding the leading gopher to pursue the victory.

So, as soon as the left claw fell, the dragon-headed gopher's right claw, which contained steel-type energy, went over his head and swung towards Gardevoir in front of him. He was about to stage a crazy clawing attack with metal claws.

At the critical moment, the strange super power flashed again, and Gardevoir's figure disappeared for the second time in front of the dragon-headed gopher.

The sound of the whistling steel claws piercing the air reached his ears, but the dragon-headed gopher was not much surprised.

Is this guy trying his old trick again and flashing behind me?

Do you want to hit me twice with the same move?

With a chuckle in his heart, the dragon-headed gopher quickly turned around on the spot and then slashed backwards with his steel claws.

Gardevoir, I found you!

However...the expected feeling of contact between the steel claws and the body was not felt.

The dragon-headed gopher was shocked to find that Gardevoir was not hiding behind him, preparing for a sneak attack, as he had imagined.

So where is she?

The dragon-headed gopher was at a loss.

"Dragon-headed gopher, turn around and look into the distance!"

Jiang Pei's voice reached his ears, and the dragon-headed gopher followed the sound, only to see a graceful and tall figure standing almost thirty meters away from him, close to the edge of the battlefield.

It's Gardevoir!


What was Gardevoir doing there teleporting to?

The dragon-headed gopher was puzzled, but Jiang Pei understood the intention of doing this.

Why else could it be... stalling for time!

At this time, the visibility on the battlefield is getting higher and higher, which means that the end of the sandstorm is not far away.

Once the sandstorm ends, the speed of the core dragon-headed gopher will be greatly reduced.

Without the Sandstorm Team in sandstorm weather, how can we still call it the Sandstorm Team?

Jiang Pei, who came out of the Huangsha Dojo, understood that if that situation really happened, the end of the game would not be far away.

Clenching the Poke Ball in his hand, Jiang Pei was ready to change into the Hippopotamus at any time and start the sandstorm again.

This chapter has been completed!
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