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Chapter 235

Speaking of which, Doron Mecia has been in the team for half a year.

He had lived on Dragon Island for a long time before meeting Xia Chen, and his strength improved rapidly after conquering it.

If you think about it carefully, you should prepare for evolution.

Although the evolution conditions for the multi-dragon clan in the game are only limited by level, in reality they are very special.

Each Doronqi and Doronbaruto take care of their own Doron Mecia, the former has one and the latter has two.

Their relationship is very special. They may be said to be the same individual, but each elf has its own consciousness.

But even if they are different elves, they can be put into the same elf ball.

It remains an unsolved mystery in the elf world to this day.

In short, there is no multi-dragon Mecia that can complete evolution without this kind of "fusion" method.

This is also the reason why the elf Doron Baruto is extremely rare. In addition to the quasi-god, two additional quasi-god cubs are needed to evolve into its final form.

The only one with more stringent conditions is the evolved Metagross that is composed of four iron dumbbells.

It is usually difficult to find wild Doron Mecia to complete evolution in the wild, but if you go to Dragon Island, your chances will be much greater.

So if you want to evolve a small dragon before traveling to the Padia region, this is a good opportunity.

But evolution is not only his own business, but also Xiao Duolong's business. Xia Chen decided to give priority to Xiao Duolong's attitude.

Thinking like this, Xia Chen threw the elf ball.

Doron Mecia appeared in mid-air, blinked his yellow bulb eyes, and then fluttered to Xia Chen's head, lying on his head, looking as if he hadn't woken up.

Xia Chen, dumbfounded, picked him up and asked seriously: "Xiao Duolong, do you want to evolve now?"


As soon as he heard the word evolution, Xiao Duolong immediately woke up. After all, this was a major matter for the dragon's life.

But why did Xia Chen suddenly ask this?

Doronmecia looked at his trainer in confusion.

Xia Chen explained: "Mr. Du happens to be going to Dragon Island. If you want to evolve, we can go there together."

Was it the evolution of Huilong Island?

Xiao Duolong suddenly realized, and then he thought about this important question, should he evolve?

To be precise, should we evolve now?


Under the cheers and witnesses of tens of thousands of people, he defeated powerful enemies and won the applause of the audience, the respect of his opponents, and the praise and trust of Xia Chen.

Who doesn’t want to do this?

Frankly speaking, every time he saw Xianbu or Menas dominating the battlefield, Xiao Duolong's heart was filled with envy.

But he also knows that whether he can play or not depends solely on his own strength.

Compared with his brothers and sisters who joined the team before him, apart from his outstanding speed, his offensive and defensive abilities are far behind.

There is no way, the first level form of quasi-god is like this, the race is limited there, and it is impossible to achieve qualitative change without evolution.


The opportunity to evolve was right in front of him, but Xiao Duolong felt a little hesitant in his heart.

He knows his own physical condition best and knows what he is hesitating about. He feels that he has not yet reached the best time to evolve.

The timing of evolution is a very mysterious thing, and it is a feeling that cannot be explained.

If I have to say it, I don’t feel that much is overflowing from my body and I need a bigger container to carry it.

But Xiao Duolong also knows that the evolution of his race is special. If there is no chance to go to Dragon Island in the future, it will be difficult to find a suitable opportunity to evolve in the wild.

Whether to wait patiently for uncertain opportunities or to seize the opportunities in front of you, that is the question.

Xiao Duolong subconsciously looked at Xia Chen, wanting to hear his opinion.

As the Dragon Messenger, Xia Chen sensed Xiao Duolong's hesitation without any hindrance, but did not give him any advice. Instead, he smiled and gave him a sip of chicken soup.

"Listen to your heart."

My heart?

Xiao Duolong was a little confused. If I knew, would I still be confused?

Xia Chen thought for a moment and took out a coin.

"How about if I flip a coin, heads means evolution and tails means no evolution?"

Should we leave it to God to decide? That would be a good idea.

Xiao Duolong nodded and agreed to Xia Chen's proposal.

With a flick of his thumb, the coin spun and flew into the air.

Xiao Duolong nervously watched the coin flipping at high speed, not knowing what the outcome would be. The moment the coin fell into Xia Chen's hand, he suddenly thought, it would be nice if it was tails...

"Okay, tell me your choice?"

Xia Chen covered the coin with his hand and looked at Xiao Duolong with a smile.

"When the coin dropped just now, you already had an answer in your mind, right?"


Xiao Duolong suddenly understood, and then shook his head firmly towards Xia Chen.

I don’t want to evolve now, I want to continue to absorb the energy of that golden-orange scale to lay a solid foundation, I want to come from behind, I want to become the dragon that can endure loneliness the most, but also has the last laugh!

Xia Chen smiled slightly, "I understand, then let's not evolve yet."


Xiao Duolong responded happily, then suddenly thought of something and flew to Xia Chen's still covered palm.

Although he has made his choice, he is still a little curious about the coin...or what is God's will?

Xia Chen smiled helplessly, shook his head, and opened his palm.

On the back of the other hand, there is a coin with the reverse side.


Since Xiaoduolong doesn't want to evolve now, Xia Chen has no reason to go to Dragon Island.

After drinking a cup of tea, Du was ready to say goodbye and leave for Dragon Island.

But before leaving, he challenged Tatsuno.

It’s not a gym challenge, but a “fight with all your strength”, these are Du’s original words.

And Tatsuno agreed without any hesitation.

Xia Chen would certainly not miss the opportunity to watch a match of this level live.

The two sisters, Long Yue and Long Li, were sitting on the sidelines of the private battle field in the gym. The three of them looked forward to this match between the strongest gym leader in Donghuang and the Guandu flying type... No, dragon type.

The battle of the kings.

Xia Chen's personal prediction before the game, he felt that the strength of the two was about the same, and maybe Du was slightly stronger.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! On the one hand, Watari has not yet grown to the strongest championship level strength.

On the other hand, although Tatsuno has king-level strength, no matter how strong he is, he is still just a gym leader.

However, the result of this battle was somewhat beyond Xia Chen's expectations...

This 6v6 all-out battle was exciting and spectacular. In Xia Chen's opinion, it was not far behind the battle between Sirona and Cattleya a few months ago.

But the final result ended with Tatsuno crossing with a score of 6:4.

Whether it is the strength of the elves or the tactical command, Long Ye has shown extraordinary level and style.

Recalling the Gym Challenge match he had with him, Xia Chen realized that Tatsuno had simply let go in the Gym Challenge match.

Xia Chen even felt that the difference between the two games was as big as the difference between himself and Sirona.

"With such strength, why not become a champion and become famous in the Eighth Masters Tournament, but instead become the leader of a small gym?"

After the game, Xia Chen asked Long Yue in confusion.

In his opinion, after spending all day "wasting" himself with the challengers in the gym, Tatsuno adjusted his condition and was fully capable of competing with Gu Kunshan for the championship.

Why doesn't he do this?

Long Yue looked a little complicated and said secretly: "I never asked, but it should be to accompany me and my sister."

Yep, it probably has something to do with their mother who never showed up.

Xia Chen nodded and did not continue to ask about other people's family affairs.

Everyone has their own choice. Perhaps in Long Ye's eyes, the so-called higher honor is worthless in the face of being with his daughter.


After treating the elves, Du left.

At Long Ye's suggestion, Xia Chen and Long Yue also participated in an exchange game, and the two naturally agreed.

For Xia Chen, Long Yue has always been the figure he needs to catch up with on his journey to becoming a trainer.

Ever since he first met her in the winter of last year, Long Yue has been the most powerful peer Xia Chen has ever fought against, and this is still the case even now.

As for Yu Longyue, playing against the champion of this Donghuang Youth Competition can be regarded as making up for the regret of not being able to participate last year.

The battle format is still 3v3.

Although Xia Chen now has six elves, the strength of Xiaoduolong and Niannianbao are not at the same level as other elves. 6v6 is about the same as 6v4, so there is no need.

Both sides went all out to field their strongest lineups.

Senbu, Gardevoir, Menas vs. Kuailong, Tanabata Blue Bird, Gill Ichthyosaurus.

One side has absolute attribute advantages, and the other side is stronger. It's hard to say who will win.

Long Yue's strength was stronger than Xia Chen imagined. He had thought that Kuailong could only be at the elite two-star level at most, but in fact, her strength had already reached the elite three-star level, which was close to the gym level.

Maybe this is the gold content of the Dragon Island Princess...

Facing his old lover Menas, Kuailong showed no mercy. He relied on the multiple scales on his body that could reduce damage and directly performed the dragon dance. Although Menas could perform the more effective butterfly dance, he could not stop Kuailong's extremely powerful dragon dance.

Claw and Thunder Fist.

Coupled with the enhanced speed of the lightning flash, Menas was beaten extremely painfully.

Xia Chen did not replace Menas because of this. The main players in this game were undoubtedly Xianbu and Gardevoir. The biggest role Menas could play was to drain Kuailong's condition and physical strength as much as possible.

Maybe it was because he hit his ex-husband, but Kuailong hit him particularly hard. Many times, when it was clear that he could have been dealt with in a better way, Kuailong chose to just go ahead and get into it.

Although fighting is refreshing, it will undoubtedly consume more energy and physical strength.

Finally, when Menas was beaten and dying and returned to the Poké Ball, Kuailong was also gasping for air on the battlefield.

Menas's trick was not in vain, and it became much easier to deal with Xianbu against Kuailong after that.

The long-term continuous battle has made Kuailong's [Divine Speed] a bit slower, and the exhausted state also makes Kuailong somewhat unable to withstand Xianbu's long-range moves.

Kuailong, however, does not have the means to deal with the fairy cloth very well.

After a fight, Long Yue had no choice but to switch to a gill ichthyosaur to deal with Xianbu.

Ichthyosaurus is a very handsome elf, not for appearance, but for strength.

The characteristic [Strong Jaw] can increase the power of biting moves by 50%, and the exclusive move [Gill Bite] can allow the Ichthyosaurus to hit before the opponent attacks itself, stimulating double the power.

Basically, if you take one sip, half of an ordinary elf's life will be gone.

If it's double restraint, or even quadruple restraint like Big Rock Snake...

Oh, the sourness of that moment may send the victim directly to heaven.

However, the Senbu is not as bulky as the Big Rock Snake, and its gill bite is very powerful, but it must be able to hit the target.

Senbu firmly grasped the weakness of the ichthyosaurus that it did not have long hands, and used four flexible silk threads to continuously pull against the ichthyosaur.

As a result, Ichthyosaurus ate several bites of the high-speed star, but only took one bite of the senbu.

The resistance of the water dragon type is good, but it still has the weakness of the fairy type.

Soon, under the continuous consumption of Xianbu, the branchial ichthyosaur gradually became exhausted.

Although Ichthyosaurus still forcibly used two earthquakes to severely damage Senbu, it paid the price of losing its fighting ability.

The Fairy system was still too restrained against the Dragon system. In the end, Long Yue lost to Xia Chen 2:3, unable to end her regret.


After playing what was probably the last game before traveling, Xia Chen did not go back to school immediately, but stayed at the Qianlong Gym for a few days.

Of course, what he did was to ask for advice on the cultivation of Xiaoduolong and Niannibao.

Xia Chen had always thought that Long Ye's Nian Meilong could only be at the king level at most, but in that battle with Du, Nian Meilong's heroic performance convinced Xia Chen that it was definitely at the championship level.

In this case, why bother seeking advice from Karuni?

Tatsuno was very happy with Xia Chen's choice to gradually develop into a dragon trainer, and he was naturally not stingy in asking for his advice.

Not only did he share his breeding plan for Nianmei Dragon, he even gave Xia Chen many suggestions on the personal characteristics of this Nianmei dragon.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! The dragon gymnasium, which has been passed down for thousands of years, naturally has its own uniqueness in the study of dragon elves. Xia Chen has benefited a lot from the teachings in the past few days.

Of course, Tatsuno also discovered that the steel-based energy contained a huge proportion in the sticky treasure recipe.

Faced with Long Ye's doubts, Xia Chen responded with a mysterious smile and just revealed that "this is my next research direction."

Long Ye was so smart that he immediately vaguely guessed the content of Xia Chen's research.

And if that conjecture is true...

Thinking of the conjecture that made his heart surge, Long Ye's eyes couldn't help but heat up when he looked at Xia Chen.

If only this guy were his own son...

In Long Yimei's mind, he silently came up with the idea of ​​"giving birth to a child like Xia Xiaochen".

Unfortunately not.

Not to mention the son, the son-in-law has no chance.

Who is Xia Chen's rumored girlfriend?

Far away there is Ma Xiu, one of the founders of the gorgeous contest, nearby there is the world champion Sirona, and there is a childhood sweetheart with deep feelings.

No matter how it seems, the two little girls in my family have nothing to do. The three of them have known each other for so long. If there were any signs, they should have been there long ago...

Stopping his thoughts, Tatsuno did not think any more.

In addition to Xia Chen benefiting a lot from Long Ye, Nian Nian Bao also learned a lot from Nian Mei Long.

[Peerless]'s talent is not false. In just a few days, Nian Nian Bao learned most of the moves that she could learn from Nian Mei Long from Nian Mei Long.

It even includes Meteor Swarm, which is the most powerful and most difficult to learn among dragon-type moves!

As a result, Niannibao collected praises from another champion-level elf in his honor book.


February 22nd is the first day of school at Beijing University.

Because there are no hassles such as changing the school year and welcoming new students, the start of school after the winter vacation is much less stressful than the summer vacation.

After a brief report, Xia Chen immediately went to the principal's office to apply for a long leave.

Yu Chaohua rubbed his brows helplessly, "I asked for leave just after the report. Is there a student like you? It's still an indefinite leave!"

Xia Chen glanced at the "Championship of the 71st Donghuang Youth Trainer Competition" trophy displayed in the most conspicuous position in the honor cabinet behind the principal, and felt confident.

He said confidently: "I feel that I can gain more from traveling than from school."

Yu Chaohua said angrily: "Then you can just drop out of school. You don't need to ask for leave from me to travel wherever you want."

Xia Chen laughed and said, "Aren't we still fighting for honor for our alma mater?"

Xia Chen smiled in his heart, if he didn't take credit now, then when would he?

But Yu Chaohua was startled for a moment, and his face suddenly looked a little strange. Before he could say anything, Xia Chen took the initiative to bump into him.

In this case, don't blame me for being rude.

With a slight cough, Yu Chaohua knocked on the table and said: "Since you have such a heart, I am embarrassed to refuse. There is indeed a competition here that is suitable for you to participate."

Xia Chen: "..."

I just said casually that I wanted to remind myself of the great contribution I have made to the school. Is there really a competition?

Didn’t he win the highest-level Donghuang Youth Competition by himself? What other competitions could there be?

Yu Chaohua paused for a moment and introduced: "You should have heard of this competition, the World Youth Championship. As the champion of this Donghuang Youth Competition, you have the priority to represent the Donghuang region."

Xia Chen suddenly realized.

Yes, above the region, it is naturally a global competition, a competition between different regions.

In my impression, this competition also appeared in the Super Wish generation animation, so it was natural for Ash to participate.

Then he won the second place without any suspense, the old runner-up...

The winner of that competition seemed to be Xiaozhi's great rival in the Hezhong region, Emperor Xiu.

However, the competition in the anime was relatively small in value, at least Shinji did not come. In terms of strength, Shinji was definitely the leader in his age group.

As for the World Youth Championship in the real world, only the current age group champions of each region can participate, which is enough to show the gold content.

After retracting his thoughts, Xia Chen thought for a moment and asked: "Is the competition format the same as the Eight Masters Tournament, with each region sending a champion player to participate?"

Yu Chaohua nodded, "That's right, just like the Eight Masters Tournament, the Kanto region and the Johto region are regarded as one region to participate together."

Due to historical reasons, many regional competitions in these two regions are held together, and even the championship is shared by one person.

Compete against the best peers from various regions...

Not bad.

But what Xia Chen is more concerned about is whether he will encounter those familiar figures in his memory.

Shinji, Iris, Ellan, Gladion... these trainers that I liked very much in their previous lives, with vivid personalities and powerful abilities, what would it look like when they come together?

Just thinking about it, Xia Chen felt a little excited.

He thought for a moment and replied: "Okay, I will participate. When will the competition be held?"

Yu Chaohua smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, it's only for July and August. You can travel with peace of mind first."

This chapter has been completed!
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