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Chapter 365: I thought I caught a thief, but I didnt expect to stab the old man.

On the vast Cauldron Lake, several speedboats are traveling at high speed on the water.

This is an ordinary scene, but the several people on the speedboat who were wearing tights, with solemn expressions, and controlling some instruments from time to time, did not look like a group of normal trainers traveling and exploring in the wild.

In the back seat of the largest speedboat headed by them, a red-haired woman was staring at the computer interface, whether talking to herself or the man next to her.

"The boat stopped at Island No. 137 in the Western District of Daguo Lake. That should be his first destination."

The blue-haired man sitting in the back row with her rubbed a special elf ball in his hand, narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice: "This is far away from the Cauldron City, it's a good place."

The corner of the red-haired woman's mouth raised, "It's worth spending more than a month hunkering down, far away from the city, far away from the crowd, and alone. There is no better opportunity than this."

The blue-haired man responded cautiously: "You still have to be careful about that Guluton, after all, it is a legendary elf..."

"Tsk, you are still so timid, Zhenxing, that's why Boss Chiri asked me to be the person in charge of this event."

The red-haired woman sarcastically said: "Although that old guy Pluto is not very powerful, his instruments are still reliable. He is just a king-level elf, and... this is not a playfield for elf battles.


The man known as Zhenxing frowned and said: "Don't forget that he is still a superpower, partner! Don't forget that mysterious legendary elf who can only compete with Milton!"

"What are you afraid of? After tracking it for so long, have you ever seen that elf appear once?"

Partner said indifferently: "Don't tell me that the elf can hide in the shadows like Gengar. Legend has it that the elf gives him a personal bodyguard?"

Zhenxing choked on his words for a moment.

It is true that the more powerful the elves are, the more arrogant they are. It is generally difficult to obey those who are not as powerful as themselves, let alone the legendary elves.

"And as I said, this is not a battlefield between elves and elves."

The partner took out two pokeballs and played with them in his hands.

"What elf is this?"

Zhenxing asked with a frown.

"Of course it is, the elf that the child is looking for."

The partner's red lips were slightly raised, and there was a coldness hidden in his smile.

"I hope he will like this gift that Pluto has transformed himself..."


Every time I travel to places like the Great Lakes and the Sea, the happiest place is always Menas.

An elf like him is born to belong to such vast waters that allow him to indulge in indulgence.

On the sparkling lake, the sapphire-like scales of Menas shimmered with golden light under the noon sun. He swam freely in the lake, and every random movement created a picture like that of a top master.

The most wonderful painting.

The wild elves in the lake were all attracted by this special foreign Menas. They gathered around him on the water dozens of meters away, looking at Menas with envy, but they did not dare to step forward.

It's like the subjects are paying homage to their king.

This has nothing to do with appearance or strength, but a unique aura that radiates from the inside out, as if it is one with the surrounding environment.

Although it was a bit exaggerated, Xia Chen felt that this was similar to the impression it left on him when he first met Xerneas last year.

Perhaps because he was always by his side, Xia Chen was not so sensitive to the changes in Menas, but looking at it today, he found that his Menas had changed a lot from when it first evolved.

That awe-inspiring and powerful aura is like a water king who is supposed to rule all the spirits around him.

Letting his mobile phone Rotom capture this scene of "a hundred fishes facing a dragon", Xia Chen decided that he would retire in a place with vast waters nearby.

Water is where the soul of Menas lies.

When Menas came back to eat, there were more than a dozen ordinary fish that followed him ashore. They did not have the wisdom of elves and would only follow their inner desires.

So Xia Chen and the others had more than a dozen fresh and delicious grilled fish on their lunch table today.

Xia Chen didn't want to be so cruel, but through the waveguide he understood the meaning of their opening and closing fish lips, and it turned out to be "Please eat me."

He has never seen such a perverted request in his life. This can't be called a yandere, it's simply insane...

In short, Xia Chen got what they wanted.


After lunch, Xia Chen continued riding Gulton on his journey to find Doron Mecia.

Not every Doron Mecia is as ferocious as their own little Doron, most of this race are still timid.

Therefore, Xia Chen did not release all the elves with great fanfare, but simply asked Gardevoir, who was also capable of mental detection, to accompany him.

Menas also asked the aquatic elves all the way in the water about the traces of Doron Mecia.

Who would have thought that Menas would actually find out some information.

"Fuwu (one Marilu said that half an hour ago she saw a yacht chasing two dragon Mecia, because those humans seemed to be elf poachers, so she was very impressed.)"

Elf poacher?

Xia Chen frowned slightly. This was not good news. In the wild, elf poachers were more dangerous than wild elves.

But in the final analysis, he is not too worried, as most elf poaching groups are not particularly strong.

Like the elite poaching group he encountered in the forests of the Carlos Albis Mountains last year, they were already considered relatively advanced poachers.

After all, the next step up is the gym level. If you have the strength of the gym level, you will not be short of money or social status. Why do you commit poaching crimes?

Of course, there are also some powerful trainers with antisocial personalities, or elf poachers who have risen from the bottom to the gym level and cannot turn back.

In any case, Xia Chen will never take it lightly when facing the vicious poachers.

Having said that, Xia Chen didn't want to take care of this kind of thing in the wild. After all, he was not a messenger of justice.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! But the elf they are hunting is Doron Mecia, so they cannot ignore it.

Two multi-dragon Mecia, small enough to evolve into multi-dragon Baruto...

He couldn't refuse this temptation.


After retracting his thoughts, Xia Chen asked: "Did the Marilu tell where they ran to?"

Menas nodded, "About ten minutes ago, two Doronmesia ran from the lake to the shore. The poachers chased them, and then they probably went somewhere on the island."

Xia Chen frowned and murmured to himself: "Two dragon Mesia chased them from the lake to the shore for more than ten minutes... Is this something a professional poacher can do?"

Menas hesitated for a moment, seemed to understand something, and subconsciously looked at Gulton.

Therefore, Luton frowned slightly.

[You mean, that was bait? And their target... was me?]

Xia Chen nodded lightly, "Otherwise I can't think of any other more reasonable explanation."

Therefore, Leden narrowed his eyes slightly.

[Then let them come!]

Do you really think that if a dragon swims in shallow water, it will be tricked by shrimps?

Xia Chen nodded, he had the same idea, but his confidence did not lie in the king-level Guluton, but in the legendary Deoxys.

The thoughtful Gardevoir asked, "Sanai? (Is it possible that this is also part of their trap?)"

Xia Chen understood what she meant, but he still shook his head and said: "As long as one side is strong enough, it can break out of this game cycle. We have a king-level Gullton, and the advantage is mine."

He was afraid that those guys with unknown origins had installed bugs on him or sent some elves to monitor him, so he didn't tell his trump card.

But in fact, Xia Chen also understood that since they dared to come, they must be prepared to face the king-level Guluton.

So, will they be ready to face Deoxys?

Xia Chen touched the crystal core of Deoxys in his pocket, and the latter responded with brainwaves of "understanding" the meaning.

In any case, with Deoxys in hand, it would be unreasonable to be cowardly.

Avoiding and giving in here will never solve the problem, it will only make those rats in the gutter rush up to bite you one after another.

They can choose to do something here to make it difficult for them to fly. Isn't this the best place for them to be buried?

Therefore, whether they are real elf poachers or members of some dark organization, he must eradicate them here and kill the chickens to serve as a warning to the monkeys.


Just as he was making up his mind, Xia Chen suddenly felt Gardevoir beside him reaching out to touch him.

"What's wrong?"

Xia Chen's heart moved slightly and he asked calmly.

He remembered that before Gu Lerton came last month, she seemed to have touched him, and then he learned a lot of information about Gu Lerton.

There is reason to suspect that this is her ability to predict the future.

Gardevoir slowly opened his eyes, the expression on his face was one of shock and anger.

She said in a deep voice: "Sanai... (They... did something to those two Doron Mecias. When we "defeated" those "poachers" and rescued the unconscious Doron Mecia

, they will... explode and produce violent toxic gases...)"

Xia Chen was suddenly startled. He had thought that the other party would lay a trap of elves and even an ambush with thermal weapons. Who would have thought that the other party would actually transform the elves into self-destructive biological weapons...

He understood the entire battle plan of that group of people.

First, he installed poisonous gas bombs into the bodies of the two Doron Mecias, and then followed him, letting the two unsuspecting Doron Mecias stage a poacher's act of capturing elves in front of him.

Then according to their script, they can arrive by themselves, so that they can be saved. Or, without the need for a good deal, just Senbu and the others can take action, and then they can "defeat" them and save Doron Mecia.

Then when he was rescuing two multi-dragon Mecia, he pressed the detonation button of the gas bomb... How could he, an ordinary human, resist it?

Xia Chen tried his best to keep his face calm, but his heart was filled with turmoil, and the flames of anger couldn't help but swell and burn.

If it weren't for Gardevoir's foreknowledge reminder, I would never have imagined that those people would have such ruthless and insidious methods.

It would be okay if he had Deoxys' crystal core as a trump card, but if Gardevoir or Senbu were around at that time...

Xia Chen felt a chill in his heart, followed by endless anger and the determination to kill them.

Such a method could never be planned by an ordinary elf poaching group.

There is no doubt that this is something that can only be done by those notorious dark groups.

It's unlikely that Team Plasma would do such an inhumane thing since their purpose is to liberate the elves.

So, is it Team Rocket? Team Galaxy?

Or... Team Flare?


[Guluton, those two dragon Mecias, are you able to save them?]

As Xia Chen headed deeper into the island, he used the power of the waveguide to ask Guluton.

Although theoretically speaking, the Deoxys he can transform into is stronger, he is not the original Deoxys after all. Apart from passive self-regeneration, he does not know how to use many methods.

For example, the split body used by Deoxys in the movie version can cover the entire city.

Now he has only learned the simplest attack moves such as mental shock and mental force under the guidance of Gardevoir.

Undoubtedly, this method could not save the two dragons Mecia.

Therefore, Luton also shook his head, [If it is an attack from the outside, I can block it, but according to what Gardevoir said, the gas bomb detonated from within... Even I in my heyday, there is nothing I can do.]

Xia Chen was silent. He also understood that in a situation like this, only Xerneas and the Phoenix King could save them.

To be honest, he really wanted to save those two dragons.

From the perspective of Our Lady, these are two living lives.

From a selfish perspective, two multi-dragon Mecias are really hard to find. Even if they are on Dragon Island, it is still uncertain whether they are willing to go with you.

But it seems that there is really no good way.

Xia Chen sighed secretly in his heart.

At the same time, his waveguide power is also continuously radiating and detecting in all directions.

With his current mental strength, the area he can cover is close to 500 meters in radius, which is certainly not that far.

But the area of ​​this island is not very large, and this distance is enough.

After walking for about twenty minutes from the lake, the power of the waveguide finally detected the human figure, and what existed with it was the two multi-dragon Mecia.

[Gardevoir, do you know how many people there are on the other side besides the people on the surface?]

What is certain is that he will definitely borrow the power of Deoxys today, and the secret of his ability to become Deoxys will also be exposed.

Therefore, no one of them can be allowed to leave here alive.

Then it is crucial to determine how many there are in total.

However, Gardevoir, who could predict the future, shook his head and replied: "Sanai... (I don't know this, all I can...see is the explosion of Doron Mecia.)"

Xia Chen had no choice but to act out a scene with them first and draw out all the enemies.

Thinking like this, he asked: [Guluton, when Dulong Mexia explodes later, you should have time to defend it, right?]

Faced with Xia Chen's doubts, Luton was very unhappy.

[Oh, what are you worried about? If I can't react, I'll... just...]

It only took a long time, so Luton didn't come up with a reason, but the meaning was expressed well.

Xia Chen didn't laugh at it, but looked ahead with burning eyes.

In the field of vision, four figures suddenly appeared.

This chapter has been completed!
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