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Chapter 411 Why not ask about the magical fairy cloth? (6.2k)

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the sun was no longer so strong. After resting and recovering by the nameless lake, Xia Chen and Shijana started their journey again.

Thanks to the warm invitation, Qianli, who was older than Xia Chen, reluctantly joined the group.

As for why it was forced, it had nothing to do with the previous oolong incident, but Qianli felt that the two parties' travel concepts were not consistent.

Xia Chen's trip is called travel, and Qianli is a kind of ascetic practice.

This is very consistent with his personality of pursuing strength.

Despite this, after Xia Chen's reminder, he finally recognized the need to travel in this way. By the time he arrived in Liuli City, the Gorgeous Contest would be held for the third time.

"You can practice at any time, I only have one son."

Xia Chen asked him a multiple-choice question.

After careful consideration, Ruby won this contest without knowing it.

Therefore, Qianli decided to activate [Speed ​​Pass Mode] and flew directly from Zijin City to Liuli City, the venue for this year's World Gorgeous Contest, with Xia Chen.

And starting from his selfishness, walking along the way, he can also use Xia Chen, the father of the gorgeous contest, to explore a problem that has troubled him for a long time——

What is the magic of the glamor contest, and why does it fascinate his son so much?

After talking along the way, Xia Chen also learned some basic information about Qianli in this world, some of which were different from those in the game comics.

Just like in the game, Qianli was originally from Johto. Perhaps because of the high employment pressure in Johto, he brought his family to the Fengyuan area to work as a restaurant owner. It has been seven years now.

Qianli gave birth to babies early. His son Lubi is seventeen years old this year, and he is only thirty-four years old.

In other words, at Xia Chen's age, Qianli is already a father, but Xia Chen doesn't even have a partner.

What a sad story.

Xia Chen suddenly felt a little melancholy.

Qianli said comfortingly: "It's not bad to be like you. You should establish a career first and then start a family, if it weren't for Ruby's sudden arrival."

Xia Chen raised his eyebrows in surprise. Qianli, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, seemed quite honest. Should he get pregnant before we get married and get married?

It’s quite a big game.


Qianli, who knew he had made a mistake, coughed lightly to ease his embarrassment and changed the subject: "Speaking of which, I was very busy in the years when Ruby was growing up. I was busy with gym assessments, the World Gym Leader Competition, and the attribute specialization competition.

Not paying much attention to him may have caused the current situation."

The current situation he was talking about probably refers to Ruby being rebellious and disobeying discipline.

Xia Chen didn't know the whole story and didn't comment. He just suggested, "He's seventeen now. It's hard to control him now. Why don't you and your sister-in-law practice trumpet while you and your sister-in-law are young?"

The relationship between Xia Chen and Xia Chen improved very quickly. It had only been half an afternoon and Lu Bi, who was similar in age to him, had already been promoted to a nephew.

Although he didn't understand young people's Internet buzzwords very well, Qianli still understood the meaning. There was some joy in his reply, "Actually, your sister-in-law Mitsuko has been pregnant for three months. I hope she is a well-behaved girl like Xiaoxi."


Hmm. Shijana is well-behaved. You should be the first person to comment on her in this way.

After being stunned for a moment, Xia Chen said: "Congratulations."

This situation, which was quite different from the game, surprised him. Will the second child be Xiaoyao? Or Yushu?

The chat about family ended here. It must be said that this kind of relatively secretive topic can bring people closer together. By the evening, Qianli had already talked to Xia Chen about some topics that were only discussed among friends.

During the conversation, Xia Chen also talked to Qianli about some things about himself and Shijana. In one afternoon, they changed from strangers to a relationship that could be called friends.

Time passed by quite pleasantly while traveling and chatting.

Hoenn is located in the subtropical zone, so summer nights fall very late, and there are no signs of darkness until six o'clock.

Qianli, who was very familiar with Chenghua Forest, judged the current position and said: "At our current speed, we will be able to leave Chenghua Forest tomorrow morning."

Xia Chen suggested: "Then find a place to rest nearby and start again tomorrow?"

Qianli nodded in agreement, and Shijana, a little follower, had no objections.

My luck was not so good at night. There were no small lakes nearby that could bring cool water in the hot summer.

But it doesn’t matter, the temperature at night is much lower than during the day.

As for the water source, if the psychological barriers can be overcome, the purest water created by Menas' water energy will be the purest water.

Xia Chen has long since overcome it, and he doesn't stick to trivial matters. Xijana likes this water elf with pure dragon blood very much, and other elves will not dislike it.

So Menas once again acted as the faucet tonight.


The only elves Qianli brought out were the four he saw at noon, the Leave King, the Happy Egg, the Marsupial and the Big King Swallow.

The other two main Pokémon of his team, one of which is Kirby, stayed in the gym because it was too edible.

The other one is a pregnant bear, currently raising a fetus in the gym.

So there was one more person and four half-elves added to the supper - half just little marsupials in a marsupial's pocket.

Although there is more food to cook, with the help of the new helper, the chef Happy Egg, the cooking process is not more tiring.

After setting up camp and having dinner, it was completely dark.

The soft moonlight penetrates through the gaps between the branches and leaves and pours into this quiet forest. Although it is not fully qualified for the lighting job, it adds a bit of style.

The cool and icy wind passes through the trees - it is not a natural wind. There is no wind in this season. It is the wind of Menas, the freezing wind.

Thanks to the selfless dedication of Menas, Xia Chen and the elves can enjoy the treatment of air-conditioned rooms in this wilderness.

Qianli, who had been hot for several days, couldn't help complaining: "This summer is really abnormal. It's extremely hot here on the mainland, but it's rainy and cool over the islands."

The Fengyuan area consists of a continent to the east and several large islands to the west, among which Liuli City is located on a large island close to the mainland.

Xia Chen, who was visiting the Fengyuan area for the first time, frowned slightly and asked, "You mean, it wasn't this hot in the past few years?"

Qianli nodded and said: "Generally speaking, the maximum temperature is more than 30 degrees. There are very few days that exceed 40 degrees, but this year the days with the highest temperature exceeding 40 degrees are particularly frequent. Damn greenhouse gases."

Although it is an elven world, resources such as coal and oil are widely used in all aspects of society, so this world also has environmental problems such as the greenhouse effect.

However, this serious situation of rapid warming cannot be explained by greenhouse gases. Xia Chen sensitively thought of the legend of the two ultra-ancient Pokémon in the Hoenn region.

Groudon, and Kyogre.

To be precise, it is the original return form of the two elves.


Even among all the cover gods in the past, the two idiots of Fengyuan are the two with the highest sense of presence.

Not only because of the unavoidable jokes and the high level of difficulty in creating the earth and ocean, but also because of their intensity - the intensity of Pokémon game battles.

It can be said that Groudon and Kyogre will always be the two gods that cannot be avoided in the battle of gods. After their original return, they have completely taken the core position in the battle of gods.

There are many reasons for this. Their strong adaptability to the weather team and their excellent racial distribution make their single target strength extremely high.

After the return of the original, they became the icing on the cake, completely dominating the God War environment.

In addition to increasing the racial value like mega evolution, from the already abnormal 670 to the almost peak 770, the more important reason is that the two weather characteristics [rainfall] and [sunshine] have been upgraded and strengthened into [origin]

Sea] and [Land of End].

The two characteristics are diametrically opposed.

Take the Sea of ​​Origin as an example. In addition to all the things that the ordinary [Rainfall] feature can do, it also has two perverted effects——

Cannot be covered by all weather characteristics and moves except [Terminal Land] and [Delta Airflow].

Also, all fire attribute moves in the field are invalid.

The same goes for Primal Return Groudon's [Ending Land].

In comparison, Ho-oh and Lugia's [sense of oppression] and [regenerative power] are all rubbish.

It was precisely because of the special characteristics of the Ending Land that Xia Chen associated the recent extreme weather in the Fengyuan region with this flightless bird.

He didn't know if Groudon had that ability, but since Xerneas's fairy aura when he woke up could affect fairy elves around the world, it was not impossible for Groudon to heat up the entire land of Hoenn.

But, didn’t Team Lava’s meteorite awakening plan fail?

No, the unusually high temperature weather in the Hoenn area had been forming for some time before that.

Is it a previous activity of Team Lava and Team Ocean? Or is this just a normal weather phenomenon and has nothing to do with the Hoenn Twin Fools?

Or is Groudon recovering naturally, just like Xerneas and Yveltal?

I have no clue at all.

There was no way out by just relying on his own ideas, so Xia Chen decided to find an opportunity to ask Huo Yan.

It is not necessary to get the correct answer, but it is good to eliminate the first wrong answer.


It's night, in a black-tech tent that has been in use for nearly two years.

After covering Shijana, who was kicking the quilt around in her sleep, and looking around at the elves who had fallen asleep, Xia Chen walked out of the tent.

The night is as dark as ink.

Beside the bonfire that burned all night in the camp, Xianbu and Wang Wang were chatting away - they were the guard partners in the first half of the night.

Xia Chen listened to a few sentences of their chat. It was probably that Xianbu wanted to ask this king-level big brother for some battle knowledge.

However, the leave-seeking king scratched his butt and answered with his experience on how to fish in training.

Xia Chen was not worried that the immortal cloth that rewarded Qin would be led astray by the lazy King of Leave Asking, so he didn't care about them.

He walked to a quiet place behind the camp and prepared to contact Huo Yan.

Seeing Xia Chen's figure disappearing into the darkness, Xianbu hesitated for a moment and followed him.

What if there is any danger to this fool?

In the woods, in the dead of night, Xia Chen contacted Huo Yan.

"It's so late, what do you want from me?"

Huo Yan yawned, his voice a little lazy, "If you care about me, please rest assured that my status here has not been reduced."

"I'm not worried about that, you're a smart, beautiful woman."

Smart, beautiful, such people have a strong ability to protect themselves.

Xia Chen said: "I want to ask you something about Team Lava and Team Ocean."

"Okay, you say."

Huo Yan understood that Xia Chen wanted to talk about business.

Xia Chen didn't waste any time and asked directly: "How much information do you know about Groudon and Kyogre, including how to wake them up and where they sleep."

There was silence on the other end for a while, and then Huo Yan came talking.

"In fact, the meteorite mission I was assigned is only one of the A-level missions. There are two equally important missions as mine, carried out by Huo Cun and Hokage respectively. Chi Yansong is a very vigilant person, and I don't

Know what their mission is.”

The important task is to snatch the vermilion orb that can awaken and control it?

Xia Chen frowned and asked: "When did the mission start? Did they succeed?"

Huo Yan replied: "It started at the same time as me a month ago. As for whether it was successful or not, I don't know. I haven't seen them since I returned to the Lava Team base."

A month ago. So the occurrence of abnormal weather had nothing to do with them?


After pondering for a moment, Xia Chen said, "I understand. The last question, does the recent abnormal weather have anything to do with your Lava team?"

"Unusual weather?"

Huo Yan's tone was very surprised, "Why do you think it has something to do with us?"

She seemed to understand something, "You mean, this is a sign that Groudon has awakened?"

Huo Yan's surprise surprised Xia Chen. Team Lava didn't know Groudon could change the weather?

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! However, it is not incomprehensible

After all, their source of information is only the legend of the creation of continents and oceans, but their understanding of Groudon comes from various complete information from previous lives.

Thinking like this, Xia Chen replied: "I can't be sure, but the possibility is not small."

This sudden news made Huo Yan a little silent. After a while, she said, "Is there anything you need me to do?"

".Protect yourself and wait for Team Lava to really start moving."

After hanging up the phone, Xia Chen fell into deep thought.

Although he didn't get the answer from Huo Yan, he also learned a lot of information.

For example, the occurrence of abnormal weather has nothing to do with Team Lava, and they may be looking for the vermilion orb.

So, will Groudon really be about to wake up naturally?

Xia Chen was not sure, what if it was really just extreme weather?

Forget it, the soldiers will come to cover up the water and earth. If the sky falls, there will still be tall people who can hold it up.

Wait, that's not right.

It seems like you are the taller one?

Xia Chen was a little sad when he realized this.

If it were really just Team Lava and Team Ocean that were causing trouble, I could go deep into the enemy camp with Gullerton and kill him seven times in and seven out.

Well, so Ludun is Zhao Yun, and Xia Chen is Adou in his arms.

Coupled with the "steed" Deoxys under them, Xia Chen believed that as long as he wanted to, these two organizations would not see the sun the next day.

But since the awakening of the two fools has little to do with them, it is completely meaningless to do so.

So the question is, should I evacuate Hoenn before Groudon and Kyogre wake up?

Xia Chen, who had seen the power of Xerneas and Yveltal, knew that it was difficult to compete with either of them with the current Gullton alone, even with his own transformed Deoxys.

So reason told him that retreating was the best option for himself and the elves.

But a certain voice in the bottom of my heart was strongly refuting this avoidance behavior.


Just when Xia Chen felt a little hesitant, a piece of silk quietly wrapped around his hand.

You don't need to look to know that it must be Senbu who was on duty outside just now.

"Buyi? (Are you worried about Groudon and Kyogre waking up?)"

Xianbu jumped lightly into Xia Chen's arms and cupped his cheek, trying to soothe his sadness with her plush body.

Xia Chen smiled bitterly, "Did you hear everything just now?"

Senbu replied: "Buyi - (I heard that part of what you said, do you think this weather has something to do with Groudon and the others?)"

Xia Chen nodded and murmured: "Well, I'm not afraid of people doing tricks, I'm just afraid that waking up is inevitable."

Xianbu raised his little face and approached his trainer, who looked a little troubled, and smiled with narrowed eyes.

"Bu Yi? (Why not ask about the magical fairy cloth?)"

Xia Chen was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly remembered that he, the original elf, had shown many things that were different from ordinary elves from the very beginning.

He placed the fairy cloth on the ground, squatted down and looked into the eyes that were shining with light blue light in the darkness, "So, what do you think?"

Senbu squatted with four small paws close together, and said with a serious look: "Buyi - (In recent years, those legendary elves have become more and more active. In fact, you already have the answer in your heart. Groudon and Guy

Oka’s awakening is a matter of time.)”

The thin layer of window paper was pierced by the fairy cloth, and Xia Chen lowered his head and remained silent.

Xianbu continued: "Buyi - (not just Groudon and Kyogre, but more legendary elves, Palkia and Dialga, Reshiram and Zekrom, they will all reappear sooner or later,

What are you going to do?)"

"Bu Er - (The world has its own way out. Whether you go for it or not, there will be other people and other elves standing in the way of ordinary people. There may be some sacrifices, but in the end, peace will be restored. It's just a matter of sacrifice.

The price might have been smaller.)"

Xianbu's long speech was finally coming to an end. She walked closer and looked at Xia Chen, who was in a daze.

"Bu Er. (But how to do it is up to you, and no matter what you choose, I will be with you, even in the end.)"

She seemed to have thought of something, her eyes flashed with sadness, and she remained silent.

Xia Chen was a little confused by Xianbu. One second he was talking about the truth, and the next second he was emo at the speed of light. What was going on? He hurriedly comforted Xianbu with his favorite touch on the head.

"Really, why are you still feeling sad? It seems like you have experienced this kind of thing."

Xianbu slid into Xia Chen's arms and muttered softly: "Buyi. (Idiot.)"

In this forest with only the faint moonlight shining, one person and one cloth are nestled together.


The next morning, the three of them set off again.

The morning sun seemed bright, but not that intense. Xia Chen felt that he no longer felt as irritated by the sun as he did yesterday.

Xijana suddenly said: "Brother Xia Chen, why do I feel that you are very happy today?"

Xia Chen, who was observing the shadows of the elves with great interest, asked: "Is there any? No?"

Qianli also said in agreement: "People feel refreshed when happy events happen, and their energy and spirit can completely reflect a person's state. Something good should have happened to me last night."

"Ah, that's right"

Xia Chen nodded reluctantly, "I probably figured out some things that have been bothering me subconsciously."

In the past, he always had a solitary mentality. Even if he faced the legendary elves twice, it was because he had to, rather than taking the initiative.

But last night, under the guidance of Xianbu, he figured it out.

There are always things that need to be done by people. They may be champions, kings, or gym leaders who may step forward.

And when I see the people I care about, such as Sirona, Ma Xiu, Chihong, or Qishu, standing on the front line, will I remain indifferent?

Definitely not.

Then, there is only one final choice.

In the current crisis, we have only responsibility!

After figuring this out, Xia Chen naturally felt refreshed.

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Just like what Qianli said last night, after setting off at seven in the morning and walking for more than three hours, they walked out of the Orange Flower Forest.

Outside the forest is Highway 117, which connects Zijin City. At the starting point of the straight and clean highway, there is a large elf center.

Seeing the temperature gradually rising, Xia Chen and the others decided to spend the hottest part of the day in a comfortable air-conditioned room.

Perhaps they all had the same idea as Xia Chen, there were quite a few people in the elf center.

Although it is not as full as a concert, the presence of many large elves such as the Big Steel Snake, Super Armored Rhinoceros, and Boss Cordora also makes the place very crowded.

At this moment, the power of the waveguide came into play. After a rough sweep, Xia Chen found a relatively clear corner.

The three of them took back the elves and squeezed in that direction.

Strange trainers chatted in twos and threes along the way. In addition to their respective elves, most of the remaining topics were related to the damn weather, and some were talking about the upcoming gorgeous competition.

Obviously, these two things are the hottest topics in Fengyuan area these days.

When Qianli heard this, his expression was a little complicated. Apparently, he thought of his "incompetent son" again.

But there is nothing you can do about it. The popularity of the gorgeous contest is just like the weather, it is something that will not change due to personal will.

Squeezing left and right, the three of them finally broke out of the encirclement and came to this open corner.

Although it was almost noon, Xia Chen didn't need to cook today.

Taking out the automatic stove and cooking in the Elf Center is a bit too much of a performance art no matter how you think about it.

So they just released the elves and took a rest.

However, the tree wanted to be quiet but the wind didn't stop. Before sitting down for two minutes, something unexpected happened.

When Xia Chen was holding the fairy cloth to clean the bow of her headdress, in his sight, another fairy Eevee suddenly ran over with an excited look.

Looking at its direction, it seems to be on Xia Chen's side.

Behind him, a beret girl with long brown hair followed carelessly. She apologized to the passers-by she bumped into while panting and chasing after Fairy Ibrahimovic.

It wasn't until Fairy Eevee stopped in front of a pair of legs and rubbed her pants affectionately that she was finally able to stop and rest.

The girl put her hands on her knees and panted slightly, then apologized to the strange man who had been inexplicably attached to her fairy Eevee.

"I'm sorry, my fairy Eevee, for causing you trouble."

After apologizing, she had time to raise her head and look at the man who was stroking her fairy Eevee with a skillful technique.

The familiar face she had only seen in videos made her exclaim.

"Eh - Senior Xia Chen?"

Recommend books

"The Elf World Starting from Being Picked Up by Gardevoir"

Bai Feng had been living in a state of confusion for several years. One day he accidentally hit his head and suddenly remembered the memories of his previous life, and his thinking suddenly became clear.

At this time, a Gardevoir came over and said, "Baby, mommy is back."

Wait...why is my mother a Gardevoir? Also, why can I understand what a Gardevoir is saying? Is there really nothing wrong with my head?

Title of the book "The Pokémon World Starting from Being Picked Up by Gardevoir"

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