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Chapter 457: Millerton, Im so hot!

There are too many doubts and too little information. Xia Chen's "prophet message" from the previous life does not include the Padia area.

Therefore, Xia Chen cannot solve this problem at all now.

But all the doubts point directly at the mysterious third god of Padia!

Unable to think clearly, Xia Chen shook his head to clear the cluttered thoughts in his mind, and said: "Forget it, let's forget about it for now. We'll go find Milerton first and help Duolongqi evolve."

Therefore, Leton nodded in agreement, "That's right, don't always think about the things that are available and not available. Sometimes, knowing too much is harmful to your physical and mental health."

Xia Chen curled his lips, ignored its strange aura, and asked instead: "Then where should we look for Milton now?"

Therefore, Luton pondered for a moment, and then said: "I calculated with my fingers, it should be at the top of Area Zero now."

Xia Chen: "..."

Just think about it, is it so mysterious?

Complaints were complaints, but Xia Chen did not doubt Gu Lerton's judgment.

Regarding the matter of seeking revenge from Milton, it was definitely more anxious than itself and would not joke about such a thing.

After knowing the final destination of their trip, Xia Chen and Gu Lerton set off immediately.

The shape of the Padia Crater is very peculiar. The entrances and exits connecting the four levels are not one big hole that runs from top to bottom, but are distributed in different places.

This is another reason why this place is shrouded in fog and extremely mysterious.

Fortunately, Gulerton knew the way and after flying in a winding circle for a long time, they finally returned to the middle level of Area Zero.

Because of the little sunshine and vegetation, Xia Chen felt inexplicably like returning from the underworld to the earth...

Judging from the intensity of the light, it should be close to dusk outside now. Xia Chen discussed with Milton and decided to go to the top floor first, then eat and rest, and then go find trouble with Milton tomorrow.

The passage between the upper floor and the middle floor is much wider. It is right in the center and you can find it by following the light source.

But as the saying goes, Wangshan is a dead horse. A single layer of the huge crater can account for one-fifth of the entire Padia continent. After flying for a long time, Xia Chen finally passed through the dense clouds and fog.

He found a place to land on the ground and looked up. Xia Chen could vaguely see the starry night sky.

Here is the upper level of Area Zero connected to the outside world.


Because of its isolation, Area Zero is a paradise with little human influence.

Xia Chen easily found a suitable place to camp tonight.

Clean water sources, abundant tree fruits, and flat grassland make this a perfect habitat. Of course, the same is true for the wild elves here.

It stands to reason that such a geomantic treasure land should be occupied by one or even a group of powerful elves, but Xia Chen secretly observed for a long time and no elves appeared for a long time, so he couldn't help but feel a little wary.

There is a high probability that there is an elf here, and it is an old coin type elf.

But he wasn't too worried. The boss of all the perverse species was here, who would dare to challenge him?

After letting the elves out for air, who had not been out all afternoon, Xia Chen began to set up camp and prepare dinner.

After a while, in this place where almost no humans have set foot, smoke began to rise slowly, and the earth full of natural atmosphere was tainted with a trace of smoke and smoke.

While cooking, Xia Chen suddenly turned to look at Gu Leton, "By the way, since you can sense Milerton's position, can Millerton also sense you?"

He didn't believe that Gu had calculated that Milton was in the upper echelon. There was a high probability that there was some kind of wonderful connection between these old enemies.

Beef is simmering in the iron pot, and the aroma comes out of the gap in the pot lid with the steam.

Therefore, Leden sniffed and replied: "It won't do it if it doesn't take the initiative, but it doesn't matter, we have to find it anyway, it doesn't matter if it takes the initiative or not... By the way, I'll add more spiciness to mine."

Xia Chen took out the secret spicy seasoning and handed it to Gu Ledun, while muttering: "Why is it not important? What if we are attacked at night?"

Therefore, Leton replied confidently: "Don't worry, that arrogant guy will not do such a thing... Do you want me to help add some fire? I feel that the fire on this stove is too small."

Xia Chen opened his eyes speechlessly and stared at Gu Ledun on the stove, "Do you understand, let it simmer slowly. If you're hungry, just go find some fruit to eat."

The big lizard curled its lips in boredom, swung its tail and ran to the side to lie down.

There are very few ordinary elves in Area Zero. I don’t know why they were exterminated because they couldn’t get in or because they couldn’t defeat the paradox species later on.

It is said that most of the paradoxes have violent and warlike personalities, but this is not impossible.

Usually, Xia Chen cooks outdoors, and the alluring fragrance attracts many elves who are not afraid of humans to come over to eat, but today he didn't see one.

But this is not bad, at least it is much cleaner.

Xia Chen looked around boredly while waiting for the beef to be stewed.


Gardevoir was in the tent, and a slim figure was reflected in the dim light. It looked like she was tidying up the bedding.

What Doronqi and Zoroark were chatting about, Xia Chen felt that it was most likely related to Doron Mecia's sister who was still in a semi-soul state.

The Burning Bug, who was traveling with it for the first time, was very curious about the outside world and crawled slowly on the grass along the tracks left by its crawling wings.

The Cangyan Blade Ghost was nowhere to be found. He was probably looking for any fruit plants that were different from the outside world nearby as materials for his alchemy.

There is a black shadow hovering in the sky, maybe it is Menas flying in the air to guard the surroundings. He likes to fly in the air since he can fly...


Xia Chen suddenly noticed something was wrong.

The shadow is wrong.

When he caught a glimpse of the black shadow that resembled an irregular spherical object, Xia Chen suddenly felt vigilant. This could never be Menas.

Looking back, I saw that Menas was soaking comfortably in the river nearby. The dark shadow in the sky was very suspicious.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Will it be Millerton?

Xia Chen quickly used telepathy to communicate with Milton, "Is that guy in the sky Milton?"

Gu Ledun, who was in a relaxed state, was startled for a moment. He was a little nervous because he was frightened by Xia Chen. He raised his head and glanced at the black shadow, and replied angrily: "It's just an ordinary paradox species. It scares you."


Xia Chen, who saw Gu Ledun's reaction in his eyes, muttered in his heart, you didn't seem to be doing much better just now...

But no matter what, it would be better if Milerton came to attack us secretly.

Although most of the paradox species are very powerful, Xia Chen is definitely not timid at all.

"Menas, go and catch that guy in the sky who is pretending to be a ghost!"

The clear sound of water sounded, and a graceful dragon jumped out of the water and flew straight towards the black shadow in the sky.

Xia Chen raised his head and looked at the two approaching figures, without forgetting to turn his head and said: "Gu Ledun, help me keep an eye on them."

We don't know the specific strength of that paradoxical elf, so it is still risky for Menas to face the enemy alone.

However, things progressed more smoothly than Xia Chen imagined. There was no need for Gullton to take action, and the fight only lasted two rounds before Menas brought the black shadow elf back to the ground.

It is clearly an ancient paradoxical species of dream demon—Flapping Wings.

This was the second paradoxical elf that Xia Chen had come into close contact with. The first was the Iron Tracks of the Treasure Master that scorched the desert. He couldn't help but take a closer look at this elf, which was rumored to be quite bellicose and ferocious.

Flapping Hair looks like an oversized dream monster, except that the hair on its head extends out with several wing-like organs, which is probably why it got its name.

Compared with the dream monsters in this world, Flapping Hair has an additional fairy attribute in addition to the ghost attribute, just like Mimikyu Q.

The flutter in front of me was trembling, with fearful eyes. It didn't look as ferocious as rumored at all. On the contrary, it looked a little cute.

Xia Chen was not too surprised. Racial characteristics are one aspect, and the individual differences of each elf are also an important factor affecting their personality.

He has seen the diligent leave-seeking king, the frustrated warrior eagle, and the timid fluttering hair can only be said to be reasonable.


"What are you doing sneakily in the sky? Are you trying to sneak attack me?"

Xia Chen began the interrogation.

Looking at the guy in front of me who was the first to complain, I almost cried. It said cowardly: "That's ridiculous...(This is where I live...)"

Xia Chen coughed awkwardly, pretending not to understand and said righteously: "You are still quibbling, please tell me your purpose honestly!"

The fairy cloth on the side couldn't stand it anymore. After rolling his eyes at Xia Chen, he comforted the fluttering hair that had been occupied by the dove.

"Bu Yi~ (Sorry, we don't mean any harm. We will leave here early tomorrow morning. As an apology, let's treat you to a meal~)"

The timid Flapping Hair didn't respond. It really didn't understand why the attitudes of these people were so different, and it was stunned for a while not knowing what to say.

Gardevoir poked Xia Chen on the waist to ask him to say something. The latter coughed lightly and softened his expression, "I'm sorry, I just scared you because you are so cute."

Xia Chen said this kind of thing to please the elves very naturally and smoothly, and the fearful look on Zhiyifa's face was obviously reduced a lot, and turned into a slightly shy blush.

Xianbu glanced sideways at Xia Chen and muttered something like "What a scumbag trainer".

Needless to say, after this set of operations that were quite similar to PUA's talking skills, Zhang Yi found that he was obviously not as scared as he was at the beginning.

Xia Chen calmly stretched out the power of the waveguide to test its strength, and was surprised to find that it also had a gym level.

Among ordinary wild elves, this is almost the ceiling of strength that Jiuji can reach in his lifetime. Outside, who is not the overlord who dominates one party?

But in Area Zero, he is just a trembling little weakling?

Xia Chen doesn't know whether Zhan Yifa's timidity comes from his personality or his lack of strength, so it's hard to judge.

In short, he decided to have a good chat with this elf during dinner, firstly to get more information, and secondly, to make up for occupying its home.

As for fluttering your wings or not?

Xia Chen is confident that no elf can resist the temptation of the delicacies made by himself.

Letting Sai Fuhao, who was also a ghost elf, accompany Fluttering the Wings, Xia Chen continued to return to the stove to cook while not forgetting to observe Fluttering the Wings' condition.


"Diplomatic Ambassador" Sai Fuhao lived up to Xia Chen's expectations. In more than half an hour, he had become friends with the lonely and timid Zhan Yifa.

The dinner started in a pleasant atmosphere.

Xia Chen has bred several ghost elves himself and knows the taste preferences of ghost elves very well.

As expected, the few dishes specially placed in front of Zhenyifa were very popular with him. Although he was a little timid at first, as the atmosphere became more harmonious, a smile slowly began to appear on his face.

Xia Chen found the right moment and started talking at the right time, "Have you always been an elf here?"

At this moment, Zhu Yifa had obviously let down his guard, so he ate and replied: "That's ridiculous~ (Yes, it's been like this since I came up from over there.)"

Xia Chen nodded thoughtfully. Over there, it should be the bottom floor of Area Zero.

He then asked tentatively: "Is that a dark place covered with crystal light flowers? Do all you elves come up from there?"

Zhan Yifa nodded in response, "Miu~ (well, we all came to this world from the passage over there)"

Xia Chen's expression perked up, and the key information came. There is a [channel] on the bottom layer that connects this place to the world where the Paradox species originally lived. There is a high probability that it is what Olin calls a time machine.

He asked: "Then what was your original world like? And why did you come to this world through the passage?"

"It's ridiculous...(The original world...is almost the same as here, so we ran up there later. As for why we came to this world...)"

A trace of confusion suddenly appeared on the fluttering face, "It's ridiculous...(it seems to be a call from a certain voice...)"

Needless to say, it must be the third god of Padia. If we think about it further, the formation of the Padia crater must be closely related to it.

Later, Xia Chen asked for more information about the sound. Naturally, Zhanyifa knew nothing about it, so Xia Chen stopped embarrassing it and stopped the inquiry.

There was no entertainment in the wild, and there were no facilities such as training equipment. After dinner and some meditation and practice, Xia Chen returned to the tent early to rest and recharge for tomorrow's battle.

The outside of the tent became deserted again, with only slight popping sounds coming from the campfire that still had some warmth left. He fluttered his wings and flew to a tall tree, staring blankly at the dimly lit tent, not knowing what he was thinking.


The next morning.

When Xia Chen came out of the tent, he found no trace of Fei Yifa and didn't know where he went.

He didn't care, and took out the automatic stove and started making breakfast, preparing an extra portion for Zhan Yifa who didn't know if he would see her again.

Perhaps because the surrounding steep peaks blocked the cold current, the climate inside the Padia Crater was much warmer than outside. In the winter morning, Xia Chen, who was only wearing pajamas, did not feel the slightest chill.

The elves got up one after another, and the camp became noisy and lively, but until the end of breakfast, Fluttering Hair was not seen.

Xia Chen ignored it, packed up his things and set off again to continue looking for Milton.

Needless to say, the area of ​​the giant crater is really quite large, so it took Luton more than half an hour to reach the edge of the giant crater as he flew in one direction from the central hole at high speed.

You can see from a distance that the valley next to the edge of the mountain is covered with clouds and electric currents. It is most likely Milerton's habitat.

Gu Ledun did not stop and flew straight in that direction. Xia Chen originally wanted to rest for a while and discuss tactics, but Gu Ledun underneath him was as stubborn as a donkey and rushed straight over.

Xia Chen had no choice but to take out Deoxys' crystal core and prepare for the battle that might start at any time.

The battle came faster than he thought.

There were still several kilometers away from the valley, and thunderclouds suddenly filled the sky, and the roar of thunder could not be heard.

Apparently, Milerton had sensed the arrival of his old enemy.

At the densest place of electricity in the valley, a purple figure sprang out like lightning. Every time it took a step forward, there was a huge silver-white thunder behind it.

It only took Xia Chen a blink of an eye, and Milerton had already rushed in front of him from several miles away. In front of him was a terrifying lightning chain containing majestic energy.

Therefore, Luton frowned slightly and put up a transparent energy barrier in front of him, blocking the sudden attack in time.


The crackling sound of the lightning chain drowned out the thunder and lightning in the sky, and Xia Chen, who was at a close distance, was temporarily deafened by the loud sound.

This guy is so ignorant of martial ethics that he just takes action without even saying hello!

Xia Chen, whose head was buzzing, thought bitterly in his heart.

It seems that the contradiction between the two of them has indeed reached an irreconcilable point.

"Throw me down and we'll go separate ways."

Faced with the sound of hunting wind and the continuous explosion of thunder in front of him, Xia Chen gritted his teeth and shouted.

Therefore, Milton understood what Xia Chen meant, and after throwing him off his back, he bravely faced Milton, who unexpectedly came in without any sense of martial ethics.

Xia Chen, who was falling rapidly from a height of hundreds of meters, felt like he was in a tokusatsu drama. He held onto the transformer in his hand...the energy crystal.

"Please, Deoxys!"


In the air, the two dragons were already fighting fiercely.

Gullton used Defend to resist the first wave of attacks and immediately activated his special feature [Crimson Pulse], and the bright sunlight pierced half of the thunderclouds in the sky.

Therefore, Luton's wingspan was fully extended, and the crimson energy sheen circulated on its body, making its body more muscular and graceful.

Milton, who had made a surprise attack earlier, was no longer in a hurry now. He stood under the dark clouds with an indifferent expression and looked at the opposite side. The area on his chest that looked like a tire was shining with electric light.

Crimson and purple, sunny days and dark clouds, sunshine and thunder.

Everywhere in the composition of the sky reveals the fateful opposition between the two.

The wind stopped, and the crimson figure flashed for an instant, energy condensed crazily on his body. In the blink of an eye, Gulton was like a huge fireball burning with raging flames that crashed into Milton under the black clouds.

At the same time, the bright electric light on Milton's chest suddenly erupted, and the silver dragon formed by the majestic power of thunder roared towards Milton.

Without any tactics or plans, this is the most primitive and pure competition of strength that they have all been waiting for.

Perhaps the recovery these days was not in vain, or perhaps the dragon's resistance to electric moves had an effect. After a slight stalemate, Guluton defeated the Thunder Dragon that stood between it and Milton.


The extreme energy collision once again triggered a loud explosion, so Luton finally rushed in front of his old enemy, exhausted all the energy condensed in his body, and unleashed the punch that he had been waiting for ten years.

The airflow in the sky made a harsh sound under this earth-shaking punch, forming a chaotic vortex.

The red fist came out from the chaotic vortex and hit Milton's proudly raised dragon head. The latter only shook slightly, but did not take half a step back!

It's unimaginable that such terrifying force failed to cause any considerable damage!

The wind continues to blow.

But neither Oldton nor Milton paid attention to these details. They stared at each other with surprise and horror in their eyes.

It recovered so quickly!

This was the thought that arose in their minds at the same time.

Obviously, the opponent's strength exceeded each other's expectations.

According to Gu's thinking, with so much external assistance, even if he fails to overtake Millarton, he will never be too far behind.

But now Milton is in a state that is almost close to his peak!

The same is true for Milerton. More than half a year ago, it was beaten by him to the point where it was only an ordinary elf. But when they met again, it was shocked to find that its strength was about to catch up!

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! How is it done?

It has to be said that there is a reason why these two became rivals. They acted together with highly synchronized ideas, and now they were thinking about the same problem.

While all this was happening, in the midair beneath the two elves, a superhero from the universe quietly appeared!


It had been more than two months since the last transformation. This time they merged again. Xia Chen could clearly feel that Deoxys's energy had increased a lot.

Although it couldn't be measured by the level classification currently known to mankind, Xia Chen felt that it was no worse than Rayquaza before the Mega Evolution.

Looking up, he happened to see the scene where Gulton's punch failed to break through Milton. Xia Chen frowned and quickly transformed into an offensive form to support him.

After not transforming for a long time, Xia Chen couldn't adapt to the surging energy in his body, so he shot out a powerful mental thought at will to test the waters.

In the offensive form, Deoxys swings his arms like noodles, and when he lunges upward, a powerful mental energy ball has been formed.

As soon as the powerful energy wave was formed, it was discovered by the two elves confronting each other above.

Milton lowered his head and found that it was the mysterious elf that had interfered with its fight with Milton. A trace of boredom appeared on his unruffled face.

It knew that this mysterious elf was on Guluton's side, and it also knew that this elf had some strength. This was the most annoying part.

No wonder that guy dared to come back and cause trouble for himself...

Compared to the somewhat agitated Milerton, Milerton naturally began to gather energy again without hesitation, preparing to cooperate with Deoxys to attack from both sides.

On both claws, rich crimson energy pulses surged, and in an instant, a pair of huge claws that looked like living creatures were formed—dragon claws!

The crimson blood-like dragon claws slashed vertically from top to bottom, and the silent and invisible mental force thrust from bottom to top. The two moves carried a majestic and suffocating momentum, locking Milton in with a two-sided attitude.


Apart from retreating or holding on, it has no way to escape.

This chapter has been completed!
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