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Chapter 523 Goodbye Xerneas

Time is the antidote that washes away everything, but sometimes it is a poison that gets worse.

Three thousand years, a time scale that is enough for a family to last for a hundred generations, but for Huayedi, she can only live in the infinite longing for AZ.

In that era when the concept of trainers did not yet exist and elves were still called "Warcraft", the relationship between humans and elves went beyond worldly imagination.

It can no longer be described as simple love or hate, they are an indispensable part of their lives.

So today, three thousand years later, when Huayidi heard the news that AZ still existed in the world, hope was rekindled in her heart.

Maybe she hasn't forgiven AZ for what he did three thousand years ago, but Huayedi knows that she wants to see AZ again.

Huayedi looked at Xia Chen with a complicated expression and asked, "Do you... know where he is?"

Xia Chen's answer was subtle: "I don't know his specific location, but I know his current situation."

Huayedi was stunned, "What does this mean?"

Xia Chen explained: "Maybe their families all have violent genes. AZ has a descendant named Vladali. His dream is to use the ultimate weapon to destroy the world, and only AZ knows where the key to the ultimate weapon is, so he was

His descendants are imprisoned."

Huayidi said hurriedly: "Take me to save him quickly!"

"Don't worry, he can't die. Besides, Fradali still needs help from him and won't do anything to him."

It was clear to onlookers that Xia Chen knew that Fradali would not do anything to AZ until he achieved his goal.

"I will take you to find AZ. Of course, you will also help us destroy the ultimate weapon."

After a long period of foreshadowing, Xia Chen finally gave his terms of exchange clearly and clearly.

Although the underground base of the Flame Team in Shixiang Town was destroyed, Xia Chen felt that Vladali, who had absconded with the ultimate weapon, would not give up so easily.

If you have Huayedi's help, you can have one more trump card when facing the ultimate weapon.

Not to mention that the creator of the Eternal Flower is the ultimate weapon, and perhaps there are some connections between them that he doesn't know yet.

For Huayedi, this condition completely fulfilled her wish, and destroying the ultimate weapon was the salvation for her and AZ.

So Huayedi agreed without hesitation, "No problem, I will never let the tragedy of three thousand years ago happen again!"


Xia Chen persuaded Huayedi to temporarily join, but he did not put Huayedi into the elf ball.

This is an elf from AZ. I use the elf ball with the meaning of conquering...it always feels a little weird.

Walking down from Gaotai Mountain, Xia Chen chatted with Huayedi sitting on his shoulder.

"So is this ancient tree so special because of you?"

He previously thought it was related to Xerneas, but now it seems that is not the case.

Huayedi held up the ordinary-looking eternal flower like an umbrella, and replied: "I don't know, every time I get tired from walking, I go back to this tree to sleep, and unknowingly it

He has grown so tall."

Xia Chen nodded thoughtfully. It was probably because the life breath of Huayedi had subtly infected the tree.

He asked again: "Then have you and Xerneas met in these three thousand years?"

Strictly speaking, the source of Huayedi's life energy comes from Xerneas, but Xia Chen doesn't think there may be any connection between the two.

"Lord Xerneas..."

Huayidi looked a little dazed, as if she was caught in a certain memory, "In the past three thousand years, I have met Lord Xerneas three times, and the last time I met... was hundreds of years ago."

Sure enough, there was a connection. Xia Chen was overjoyed and quickly asked: "Then do you have Xerneas's contact information... Well, I mean, do you know how to find it?"

Huayidi thought for a while and replied: "There is no way to find it, but if Lord Xerneas is within a certain range around me, I can sense its breath."

"What is the range?"

Huayedi looked back at the top of the mountain and said, "About... from that tree to here."

Is it just that much? Xia Chen was a little disappointed. He had only walked for more than half an hour, so the sensing range was only two or three kilometers?

"About ten times that of..."

After a long pause, Huayedi continued the second half of the sentence.

Xia Chen: "..."

Sister, who did you learn this habit of breathing heavily? Wait a minute...

"You can't count, can you?"

Xia Chen looked strange.

Huayedi raised her hand and used the eternal flower to hit Xia Chen on the head with a mallet. She looked embarrassed and said, "Are you talking nonsense again?"

"Okay, okay, I'm just talking nonsense."

Xia Chen raised his hands in surrender.

After all, he is a living fossil in the elven world that has lived for three thousand years. It is fine to see through this kind of thing without saying anything.

However, this range really surprised him.

According to Huayidi, the detection range of her and Xerneas is twenty to thirty kilometers, which is quite a large number.

In other words, he could take Huayidi and sit on the Gullton and conduct a carpet-like search over the Carlos area.

At Guluton's speed, it would only take a few days to find Xerneas.

Just do it. After simply calculating the result, Xia Chen immediately summoned Guluton from the elf ball and climbed onto the dragon's back.

Dianxi asked curiously: "Where are we going?"

Xia Chen smiled slightly and said, "Go find the guy you have always wanted to find."

Dianxi said in surprise: "Xerneas?"

Xia Chen smiled and nodded, "That's right!"


Xia Chen's plan to find Xerneas is very simple——

Starting from Biz City, take the spiral inward route and feel the breath of Xerneas through the flower leaves.

Although the method is a bit clumsy, it is actually the most efficient way, not to mention that at Gullton's speed, it only takes more than half a day to completely circumnavigate Carlos.

Biz City happens to be in the northwest corner of the Kalos region, so it is a perfect starting point for the search.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Therefore, Luton easily understood Xia Chen's intention and immediately flew along the outermost ring of Carlos at a constant speed.

Huayedi's induction radar is responsible for searching for Xerneas' "signal".

The first round of search yielded no results, so Xia Chen was not in a hurry and asked Gu Lerton to land in an open area with a water source and start to rest.

After having eaten, drank, and slept, Xia Chen set off again in Gulerton.

This cycle continued until the third day, when Luton flew around Carlos for the fourth time, Huayidi finally made a discovery above a forest.

"Lord Xerneas is right in front!"

Xia Chen nodded, "Gu Ledun, follow Huayedi's guidance."


After responding, Guluton immediately dived in the direction Huayedi was pointing.

Xia Chen took out Rotom's mobile phone and asked, "Rotom, where are we now?"

"Positioning Loto... Report to Xia Chen, our current location is the Muhi Forest southeast of Baitan City."

Baitan City... Xia Chen has some impressions of this city. It is considered a city in the center of the Carlos region, and is only about a hundred or two hundred kilometers away from Miare City.

Didn't expect Xerneas' hiding place to be so close?

Hidden away from the city...

But no matter what, it’s good to find it.

While thinking about it, Luton had already arrived at the place where Huayedi's guidance was.

The Muhi Forest has a low reputation in the Kalos region. It is neither as dangerous and treacherous as the Psychedelic Forest, nor as vast as the Yingxue Forest.

Such an ordinary forest is actually Xerneas' hiding place, and it hasn't been discovered yet?

When Guluton stopped in front of a budding deer, Xia Chen understood the reason.

It turns out that Xerneas also has the ability to become a wild monster?

"No, it's similar to Zoroark's ability to transform. It's not a transformation, but a deception similar to hallucination."

Therefore, Leton explained to Xia Chen thoughtfully.

"It doesn't matter what it is."

Xia Chen complained: "I just didn't expect that the dignified God of Life would have the habit of cosplaying into an ordinary elf."

Therefore, Leton speculated, "Perhaps this is to experience the life feelings of different elves?"

One person and one lizard stood in front of the sprout deer and were discussing, without any intention of lowering their voices.

"Grudge Deer" did not react to this, but looked at Huayedi sitting on Xia Chen's shoulder. The latter also held the Eternal Flower in his hand and bowed to it gracefully.

Judging from their reactions, the two elves are indeed old acquaintances.


After saying hello to Hua Ye Di, Germination Deer nodded slightly towards Xia Chen and said, "Humans, we meet again so soon."

"Your Excellency Xerneas, it has been two years."

Xia Chen reminded the forgetful Xerneas that two years had passed since their last meeting, but he suddenly thought that two years was not very fast for Xerneas...

Xerneas was noncommittal, and his eyes turned to Gullton, "Who is this again?"

Although it hid its aura, it was a legendary elf, so it could fully sense that this handsome orange-red lizard was no ordinary elf.

Guluton nodded reservedly, "I am Guluton, from the Padia region."

As he spoke, he let out a little breath.

The boss's self-introduction was so simple and unpretentious. Sensing this aura of strength no less than his own, Xerneas pondered slightly and immediately transformed back into the radiant and handsome divine deer form.

"Welcome to the Kalos region, Lord Leton."

Xerneas was famous for his good temper, so he was naturally very polite to this friendly legendary elf.

Therefore, Leden nodded and glanced sideways at Xia Chen without revealing any trace. His smile was very reserved, but the actual meaning was only understood by Xia Chen——

Look at Xerneas's attitude towards you, and then look at his attitude towards me. Now you know how powerful I am, right?

Xia Chen was speechless and mouthed two words to him, "Childish!"

Xerneas had a clear view of the small movements of one person and one lizard, but despite its powerful mind and experience, it was still somewhat speechless.

How could this elf, who was as powerful as himself, be so... childish?

It felt that Xia Chen's description was very appropriate.

Putting away his thoughts, Xerneas asked: "Human, why did you come to me?"

Although it sounds a bit unpleasant, the implication is, don’t bother me if you have nothing to do.

Of course, with Xerneas's elegant temperament and impressive acting style, he would never say such a thing.

However, Xia Chen still explained the purpose of his visit very convincingly, "First of all, I was entrusted by an elf to ask you a favor."

If there is a first, there must be a second. Xerneas was not bored by Xia Chen's greed and nodded to Xia Chen to continue.

Xia Chen took out the elf ball and released Dianxi, "This is the princess of the diamond mining country, Dianxi."

Dianxi, who had just emerged from the elf ball, raised her head and looked at Xerneas, whose whole body was radiating psychedelic colorful light. Her diamond-like shining eyes were full of shock.

"Lord Xerneas..."

Xerneas stepped lightly, walked slowly to Dianxi, lowered his head and sniffed lightly, and then whispered: "Dianxi, I know you, I have met your [mother]


Xia Chen pulled Gu Ledun and Huayedi aside and ate melon with gusto. As expected, these two legendary elves had an intersection.

"Lord Xerneas, I am not a qualified queen of a diamond mining country."

Dianxi said in shame: "Compared with my mother, I am far behind. I can't even create a holy diamond now. Please help me!"

Xerneas did not immediately agree or refuse, and said softly: "My child, it's not your fault. No one says that it is wrong if you can't do something."

Dianxi looked downcast and said: "But if I can't create a holy diamond, the diamond mining country that has been inherited for thousands of years will be destroyed in my hands... It is my mission to create a new holy diamond!"

"Anyway...please guide me in the right direction!"

Xerneas pondered slightly, "Okay, so, where do you think you are falling short?"

Diancie already had the answer to this question, "The vitality, the holy diamond I created, I cannot feel the breath of life from it like the diamond left by my mother."

"I see..."

Xerneas nodded slightly, and immediately, a dreamlike brilliant and colorful light suddenly bloomed around its body.

Xia Chen's eyes lit up as he was eating melon on the side.

Not only had he seen this beam of light, he had even felt this warm energy full of vitality.

That was Xerneas's blessing when he and Senbu were seriously injured in the battle with Xerneas.

This should be the same energy?

The answer to this question is known only to Xerneas himself.

Bathed in the divine light, Dianxi's face bloomed with a longing and satisfied smile, as if she could create a holy diamond in the next second.

But Xerneas said something meaningful at this time.

"Child, it is you who give birth to life."

Dianxi was stunned for a moment, not understanding the meaning of this sentence.

Xerneas turned his head and took a deep look at Xia Chen.

"Keep traveling with him and you will understand."

The light dissipated, revealing the thoughtful look on Diancie's face.

She nodded obediently and said firmly: "Although... Dianxi doesn't understand it now, Dianxi will listen to Lord Xerneas!"

Xerneas nodded slightly without comment, and then looked at Xia Chen.

"Then, tell me the second thing you are looking for me on this trip, human being."

This chapter has been completed!
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