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Chapter 537: Immortal Bus Control of the Earth

"Strange noise?"

Dianxi looked at the mysterious Sai Fuhao in front of her and was very confused, "For example?"

Saifuhao's golden body shone in the sun, and it was particularly dazzling. It danced and gestured: "Kudeng - (For example, there is a voice in your head that only you can hear, and it says it can help you.

Make you stronger.)"

Dian Xi was confused and shook her head: "No, doesn't it sound weird?"

Sai Fuhao retorted: "Ding--(No, in our house, it would be strange if there are no elves.)"

Dian Xi looked increasingly confused.

Seeing her innocent and flawless expression, Sai Fuhao had no choice but to believe what Diancie said.

It shook its head and turned around, muttering in its mouth: "Crack--(There is no strange sound... This is too strange.)"

Dian Xi only felt that Sai Fuhao was a bit baffled, but she did not think about it carefully and soon put the matter behind her.

On the other side, Saifuhao, who returned with the inquiring information, immediately shared this information with the gossip group headed by Xianbu.

"Buy? (There is none?)"

Xianbu frowned, talking to himself and asking for the opinions of his companions.

Doronbaruto nodded, his mung bean eyes also pretending to think, "Ruto——(Yes, it seems that Deoxys and Gulton-senpai don't either.)"

Although he joined the team much earlier in the morning, these two are truly legendary powerhouses, and even many dragons would not dare to rely on their senior status to make them stronger.

Zoroark leaned next to the training equipment and analyzed calmly: "Zo-(It is known that the Blue Flame Blade Ghost and the Burning Insect sandwiched between them have obvious abnormalities, so they have nothing to do with a certain time node, and they

The three have one characteristic in common...)"

"Sanai (are they all legendary elves?)"

Gardevoir gave this obvious answer.

"Fuwu——(Then everything makes sense.)"

Menas nodded clearly, "Fuwu——(Because we have a low starting point, so we get help? And they are born to be at the pinnacle that ordinary elves can't reach in their lifetime, so there is no need?)"

This view aroused the unanimous agreement of other elves.

Although it is unfounded, this seems to be the most logical explanation, but it is based on the premise that——

The various "stunt skills" they possess are subjective arrangements made by humans or "gods" and are not naturally generated.

All elves firmly believe in this premise and tacitly understand it, so based on this basis, this inference seems to be confirmed.


The reasons why the three legendary elves were incompatible with them were found out, and the elves no longer struggled with this issue.

Xianbu turned around and said: "Buyi——(But no matter what, sister Dianxi's current strength is still not enough. As a big family, I think we have an obligation to help the newcomers keep up.)"

This problem does exist. Unlike Guluton and Deoxys, two old monsters of unknown age, the energy intensity of Dianxi, the new legendary elf, is obviously far behind.

Although the strength of the Taoist level is not bad for wild elves who have never been cultivated and have been raised naturally, the mainstream strength in Xia Chen's team has reached the king level.

Especially after Xerneas gave their group a "parting gift", the elves clearly noticed that not only their energy intensity had improved, but the solidification of their quality had also jumped to a higher level.

It is conceivable that although Xerneas did not say it, it definitely gave away the little life energy left in its body before falling into a deep sleep again.

The God of Life is capable, and he really shares good things when he has them.

In short, the elves of Xia Chen's family have benefited a lot from this experience, especially Xianbu, Gardevoir and Dianxi, the three fairy elves whose energy is extremely compatible with them.

When it comes to Dianxi, energy intensity is only a less important aspect. What needs to be supplemented more is her combat strength.

Undoubtedly, Dianxi, who has only played one serious elf battle until now, is very lacking in actual combat experience.

Not only the control of moves and on-the-spot reaction, but also the tacit understanding of cooperation with Xia Chen is basically zero.

If Dianxi wants to shine in the Donghuang Conference, it is crucial to improve her battle experience in the past few months.

The good news is that the most important thing in Xia Chen's team is top sparring partners.

Each has its own characteristics, style, and varying strengths. The elves basically meet Dianxi's practical training from scratch.


In fact, Xia Chen also understood Dianxi's current needs without the need for Xianbu and the others to remind her.

Not only that, the Burning Insect and the Blue Flame Blade Ghost also have the same problem, but the difference is just a shallower one due to lack of actual combat experience.

In fact, Xia Chen also participated in the Donghuang Conference with the intention of training troops.

It’s not arrogant to say that even if you don’t send out Guluton and Deoxys, two super elves that can be called dimensionality reduction attacks, with the strength of Xia Chen’s current main lineup, it will not be difficult to win the Donghuang Conference.


With absolute strength at their side, these three elves who had not performed much in previous games would have a chance to show off their ambitions.

Xia Chen didn't have high requirements for them. The Burning Bug tried to evolve into the Vulcan Moth before the start of the conference, while Dianxi wanted to be proficient in all the moves she needed to master.

As for the Blue Flame Blade Ghost, Xia Chen doesn't have any hard targets. Not only does this guy use unique moves, but his daily practice methods are also mysterious. Even among all his elves, he is a very special one.

What Xia Chen didn't know was that the special person in his mind was now stuck in a bottleneck.

The training hut of the Blue Flame Blade Ghost.

The fireworks were the same as in the past.

On weekdays, few people come here, and even Xia Chen only comes here occasionally.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! It is not that Cangyan Blade Ghost is secretive, on the contrary, every time he refines the elixir, he will not hesitate to share it with his friends, but he does not

People are just interested in the process of refining medicine.

The Blue Flame Blade Ghost, which had been going smoothly for more than half a year, finally encountered a relatively big bottleneck.

It sounds complicated, but the underlying reason is very simple. Both the Burning Jue and the refining medicine caused by the restriction of the alien fire cannot break through.

Although the bone spirit cold fire inherited from the previous life is powerful, it is not omnipotent after all. The essence of Fen Jue is to increase the upper limit by absorbing strange fire.

Blue Flame Blade Demon once guessed that the flames of the legendary fire elves in this world were similar to strange fires. This was confirmed three months ago when he met the Flame Bird in the Galar region.

However, the Flame Bird is an enemy rather than a friend, and the situation at that time did not allow him to absorb the flames from the Flame Bird, so he had to give up.

What is most likely to be realized at present is the magical flame on the burning insect.

Although the Burning Bug is not a legendary spirit, it is strange that the flame is extremely special, but Fen Jue's perception is unmistakable.

Now that he is familiar with the Burning Bug, the Burning Bug has passed its infancy, and he has also fallen into a bottleneck. It is time to seek fire.

No, to be precise, it is through a series of equivalent exchanges with it through the best elixirs, bone spirit cold fire residual flames, and fighting skills.

The blood brothers are still settling accounts. The Blue Flame Blade Ghost is a kind spirit and will never do anything to deceive his friends.

Putting several recently refined top-grade elixirs into the energy cube box, he went to look for burning insects.


Fire elves, Blue Flame Blade Demon and Burning Insect are neighbors. They all live in this huge greenhouse ecological park where the average temperature is ten degrees higher than the island.

Burning bugs are easy to find. They are either sleeping in the room or cooking, or they are on the way to do these two things.

The Blue Flame Blade Ghost specially chose the time to cook, and as expected, he found the Burning Insect, which was showing off the energy cube with its mouthful.

Xia Chen is also here.

"Haha, it's rare to see you out. I happen to be looking for you soon."

Xia Chen waved to him and said with a smile: "Come here and try my newly developed energy cube. The hot and sour powder flavor is made from two secret seasonings, sour and spicy. Help me test the taste."

The Blue Flame Blade Ghost nodded, walked over, controlled the sword blade in his hand and forked a piece to taste. The soft sourness and the exciting spiciness blended perfectly.

Even the Cangyan Blade Ghost, who didn't pay much attention to his oral desires, couldn't help but eat another piece.

"How's it going? Is it okay?"

Xia Chen said: "If it's good, I'll make more and take it with me to eat on the road."

After resting for a while, he will go to various places in Donghuang to collect eight gym badges. It is estimated that he will have to sleep in the open air for a while, and the necessary energy cube reserves are indispensable.

Cangyan Blade Ghost nodded and said calmly: "Kalu——(Well, I like it very much.)"

Although the tone was dull, for him, this was already the highest level of praise.

Xia Chen smiled slightly, put away the remaining energy cubes, then stood up and said, "Okay, you guys eat slowly, I'll leave first."

It was rare to see the Blue Flame Blade Ghost go out. Xia Chen knew that he probably had something to say to the Burning Insect. He never interfered too much in matters between elves.

The Cangyan Blade Ghost nodded silently and sat cross-legged, watching Xia Chen leave with a warm feeling in his back.

The clueless Burning Bug is still busy cooking, and it seems that this hot and sour powder-flavored energy cube is very appetizing to it.

The Blue Flame Blade Ghost solemnly took out another box of energy cubes and placed it in front of the Burning Worm. The latter raised his head in confusion and looked at him with a strange expression.

We are all partners. Of course, the Burning Insect will not have the idea of ​​​​"showing courtesy for nothing, committing adultery or stealing", but he doesn't know what the Blue Flame Blade Ghost is going to do.

The Blue Flame Blade Ghost opened the lid of the box with his sword and said, "Kalu——(These medicines can help you improve your strength and speed up the process of evolution.)"

One ghost and one insect looked at each other in silence.

After the Cangyan Blade Ghost was silent, he added: "Kalu——(There are no side effects, they are all good products.)"

The Burning Bug sniffed the fragrance emitted by the elixir, but still felt a little confused. He tilted his head and asked, "Rava? (So?)"

The Cangyan Blade Ghost put his hands on his knees and said seriously: "Kalu——(I want to ask you something.)"

The Burning Bug was stunned for a moment, and then naturally replied: "Rava - (No problem, I will help wherever I can, we are partners, why are you so polite.)"

During this period, Burning Worm received a lot of help from his partners, especially the elixir shared by Blue Flame Blade Ghost, which benefited his various abilities and the purity of fire energy.

Now was the opportunity to repay the favor, so the Burning Bug naturally agreed.

But the Cangyan Blade Ghost shook his head and said solemnly: "Kalu——(This matter is very important to me, and it may have some impact on you, so you still need to think about it carefully.)"

Hearing what he said, the Burning Bug's blue eyes became more and more curious, "Lawa? (So what exactly is going on?)"

The Blue Flame Blade Ghost said slowly: "Kalu——(I want to borrow your original fire.)"


The new generation, the Burning Insect and the Blue Flame Blade Demon, had a great time communicating and helping each other, and the "oldies" headed by Senbu did not stand still.

Especially Xianbu, since receiving the blessing from Xerneas a few days ago, she has found that the purity of the fairy energy in her body has become more and more refined.

The growth rate is not even less than when I was blessed by Xerneas for the first time two years ago. This speed is actually quite exaggerated.

Because Senbu had just evolved at that time, its strength was not even at the elite level, and it was in the most efficient period of rapid growth.

But now, even without the use of super evolution, her energy intensity has firmly entered the realm of the king level, and theoretically her growth rate will only become slower.

However, this blessing was like a strong dose of medicine, and the growth rate of Xianbu's strength directly rejuvenated it!

If it can be maintained at this speed, Senbu is even confident that he can defeat Sirona's biting land shark in a year's time, and that's without using super evolution!

The good news is not just this. The increasingly pure fairy energy reminds Senbu of a very distant past event.

Two years ago, after finishing his trip to Kalos, Senbu seemed to have understood Xerneas' exclusive move, Earth Control, but he failed to master it.

But now that it has been nourished by Xerneas' original life energy, is it possible to succeed?

The idea is bold, but once it succeeds, the benefits will be unparalleled.

If the control of the earth can be successfully released, all abilities will be greatly improved. This kind of enhancement can directly increase the combat power of Super Immortal Bu by two levels!

This is true even without super evolution.

There was no cost to try, so Xianbu found an energy guidance method that had been buried in his memory for a long time and started this extremely profitable experiment.

With four feet on the ground, Xianbu closed his eyes naturally, calmed down, and tried to use life energy to communicate with the land under his feet.

An unprecedented energy emerged from the ground beneath his feet, and Senbu carefully guided it into his body.

This process is extremely long.

Wisps of energy merged into warm currents and flowed through her body. Xianbu felt a strange power growing vigorously in her body, and then exploded.

The rich orange light that represented the success of strengthening suddenly shone, and Xianbu opened his eyes, filled with excitement.


This chapter has been completed!
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