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Chapter 563

The elf battle in this game is Menas VS Western Lion and Hairen.

Although both of them have the elf Menas, who is completely the main force and even the ace, only Mikri has the Western Lion Hairen.

Therefore, this Menas is undoubtedly the hand of Xia Chen.

In fact, there is no need to analyze so much. Just from the appearance, you can also know that this is Xia Chen's Meenas——

How can other Menas be so beautiful?

Although for a male elf, the word "beautiful" is somewhat inappropriate, it is absolutely appropriate for Menas.

It was almost evening during the competition, and the not-so-bright winter sunset rays slanted on his translucent sapphire-like scales, reflecting a thrilling and gorgeous light.

At this moment, the entire audience was silent for a second because of his beauty, and even his opponent's eyes showed admiration and admiration unconsciously——

This is true for both Mi Keli and Xishi Hairen.

Xia Chen didn't take advantage of this opportunity to launch a sneak attack, which was too ungraceful.

It wasn't until the elves and trainers on the opposite side came to their senses under the strong self-control that he commanded: "Menas, dragon dance!"

A mediocre strengthening start.

However, it is worth mentioning that Menas has two enhanced moves: Butterfly Dance and Dragon Dance. Xia Chen did not choose the more suitable Butterfly Dance, but instead used the rare Dragon Dance.

Meena's special defense is very high, and it does not lack the improvement of special defense, while Xishi Hairen is a typical elf with high special attack and special defense, but low physical attack and physical defense——

Xia Chen planned to use physical attacks to break through Xishi Hairen's defense line.

Seeing Xia Chen starting to give instructions, Mi Keli also put his thoughts aside and waved his cloak gracefully.

"Western Lion Hairen, the power of the moon!"

It has long been known to everyone that Xia Chen's Menas has strong dragon-type elf characteristics, and Mikri used the power of the moon very specifically.

The Western Lion Hairen, who was leaning on the rock, immediately raised her head and looked up at the sky, trembling with her beautiful singing voice to activate the fairy energy in her body.

Her singing voice is beautiful and gorgeous, like a real siren song, so beautiful and almost magical.

The not-so-obvious moon hanging in the sky seems to have heard the singing of the Western Lion and Hairen. It exudes a soft and strange light and falls straight down. Combined with the fairy energy released by the Western Lion and Hairen, it rushes towards Menas.

Not seeing such a loud roar, the power of the moon poured down, and the sapphire scales on Menas' body turned from green to purple visibly to the naked eye, and at the same time, they kept making crackling sounds.

Under the silent erosion of the elf energy moisturizer, Menas, who had strong special defense and durability, frowned in a rare way.

You know, even the last time he fought against Liu Bo's Messenger Bird, Menas had never been under such great pressure.

Although it has the restraint of the fairy type, the strength of this Western Lion and Hairen is still evident.


But no matter what, Menas stopped spinning despite holding on to the power of the moon.

Dragon Dance enhancement is completed!

Instead of rushing to use self-regeneration or water-flowing rings to slow down, Xia Chen immediately retaliated.

"Strong whipping!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Menas jumped up, soared into the low air, and swam towards the Western Lion and Hairen as if in the water, with the gorgeous tail behind him shining with turquoise light.

No one has any doubts as to why a Menas can master the grass-type move of Powerful Whip.

He is almost a dragon-type elf, and he is proficient in these natural elemental moves, which can only be said to be basic operations.

Menus' body coordination is excellent, and the gorgeous big tail behind him is waving vigorously under control, making this powerful whip astonishingly powerful.

"Western Lion Hairen, continue, the power of the moon!"

Perhaps because he wanted to test the strength of Menas' attack, Mikri did not avoid the battle, but chose to confront him head-on.

The beautiful singing sounded again, but this time it didn't last long. It came to an abrupt end under Menas' powerful whipping, and instead let out a soft and slightly painful moan.

Fortunately, the singing of Xishi Hairen is not the "chanting time" in the game, and if it is interrupted, it will not prevent the release of moves.

The power of the moon landed smoothly, and although the damage caused was not low, and even triggered its additional effect of "reducing the special attack of the person hit", it obviously did not have the power of a strong whip.

Mi Keli frowned slightly and thought carefully in his heart.

As both a top Menas trainer, Mi Keli is very familiar with the strength of this elf's physical attack. No matter how fragile the physical defense of Xishi Hairen is, it won't be like this, right?

After facing Menas's strength again, Mikri was not in a hurry.

If that's the case, then play slowly.

"Western Lion and Hairen, reflecting wall!"

What should you do if your opponent hurts you?

Opening the wall may not be the optimal solution, but it is certainly a universal solution that will not make mistakes.

Even if the opponent wants to break it, he still has to use split tiles, right?

Amidst the low chanting, a translucent colorless super energy barrier slowly spread out in front of Xishi Hairen.

Facts have proved that Menas is not perfect in the true sense, at least he really can't split tiles.

But it doesn't matter, Xia Chen also immediately changed his mind.

"Meinas, energy ball!"

A detail in the previous battle made Xia Chen choose to change the direction of attack - the power of the moon of Xishi Hairen triggered its additional effect of reducing special attack.

What are the characteristics of Menas?


Whenever its ability is reduced by the opponent, its special attack can be greatly improved!

So the orange light lingering around Menas' body now not only contains Dragon Dance's attack and speed bonus, but also the winning special attack bonus!


The ability enhancement you obtained for free is not in vain. Now that Xishi Hairen has opened the reflective wall, he can break through the opponent's defense line from the special attack end.

The rich grass-type energy condensed into a small ball like a dragon ball under the control of Menus. The surging and beating breath made this energy ball look extremely lively.

However, the rich grass energy sometimes does not represent strong vitality, but violent destructive power.

The top-down attack left no room for Xishi Hairen, who was still building a reflecting wall, to dodge, and the energy ball exploded.

Returning to the familiar special attack field, Menas became even more skillful. The violent explosion directly made a large hole in the location of Xishi Hairen!

Needless to say, Xishi Hairen was directly hit by the double restraint move. After the explosion, her white and clean body was covered with charred scars.

This injury is wrong!

Mikri frowned and immediately noticed something unusual about Menas's energy ball.

Thinking of the purple light that suddenly appeared on Menas' body earlier, Mikri suddenly understood.

Be competitive!

As both an excellent trainer of Menas, he immediately understood the reason for the sudden increase in output of Menas.

Mi Keli couldn't help but feel nervous, he actually forgot about this incident.

Out of the dark mentality under the lamp, he ignored Menas's [conquering] characteristics. Next, moves like the power of the moon must not be used against him.

But without using the power of the moon, what other moves are there to defeat Menas?

The magic sparkle does not have enough damage, and the freezing beam does not enjoy the bonus of the fairy system...

Do we need to change elves now?

No, this will only put yourself into a completely passive situation.

Moreover, the Fairy-type Xishi Hairen is already considered the easiest elf in the team to defeat Menas. Even if we use cruel exchanging tactics, we can still make a profit by exchanging Xishi Hairen for Menas.

Therefore, even if the Western Lion and Hairen are sacrificed, the elves cannot be exchanged.

Mi Keli made up his mind and immediately commanded: "Western Lion Hairen, magic shines!"

The high-power attack moves of the Fairy type are really pitiful, and Magic Shine is already the most selected general among the short ones.

Xia Chen, who saw Xishi Hairen's counterattack, also understood what Mi Keli was thinking——

He wants to use the Western Lion Hairen, who is not very important in the team, to fight against his Menas, a classic horse racing tactic.

Mi Keli was anxious, but Xia Chen was not anxious anymore.

"Meinas, water ring!"

With the current state, it is not difficult for Menas to defeat Xishi Hairen. On this basis, the primary goal is to maintain his state as much as possible to face the next game.

Pure energy condenses into healing water, and the gentle and refreshing water surrounds Menas' body, continuously healing the skin injuries that Menas had suffered previously.

Under the influence of the water flow ring, the magic sparkle, which was not even high in damage, looked even more ordinary.


"Go on, the magic shines!"

Mi Keli shouted flatly.

Menas can play slowly, but West Lion and Hairen can't. The longer you delay, the later your next elf will appear.

As long as he gets past Menas, an elf with four times water resistance, the subsequent battles will be much easier for him.

However, Xia Chen still commanded calmly: "Die Wu."

The more anxious the opponent is, the less anxious he is.

How can you make your opponent more anxious? Naturally, it's about strengthening.

If it were Xianbu or other elves, he would definitely not be so mindlessly strengthened. Mikri's hands were full of water elves, and there would definitely be many people who knew the move [Black Mist].

A black mist went down, oh haha, all the enhanced abilities returned to zero!

But Menas is different - very competitive!

Still competitive!

Even if the black mist elimination ability is improved, the desire to win can still be triggered.

Menas, the Queen of Butterfly Dance, is definitely the most fearsome creature for her opponents.

Mikri had no choice but to let Xishi Hairen use magic to shine to consume more of Menas's status.

But at this time, Menas's attack ability has reached a level of "significant improvement", and he is not afraid of confrontation with his moves at all.

Following the sound of booming and exploding, green and pink energy particles turned into flames and filled the air.

The most primitive and pure elf battle made the audience on the sidelines let out wave after wave of cheers.

Most of the audience actually didn't know that the outcome of this battle between moves and bombs was already decided, but it didn't matter, it was enough that the match was good to watch.

Time passed quickly amidst repeated energy bombings, and another energy ball hit Xishi Hairen's body, taking away her last remaining vitality.

The referee hurriedly rode the Shield Sword Monster forward to check the status of the Western Lion and Hairen.

Soon, there was a crisp whistle.

"The Western Lion Hairen has lost the ability to fight, the game continues!"

For experts who understand the game, this is an expected ending. Even at this time, Menas is still far away from the so-called "candle in the wind" state.

The water ring wrapped around Menas' body was still continuously healing his injuries. Mikri did not dare to delay for another half second. After taking back the Western Lion Hairen, he immediately threw another elf ball.

White light flashed, and the elf that Mi Keli used to fight Menas appeared, and it turned out to be...another Menas!


The entire audience was in an uproar. Mikri actually sent out his ace elf so early?

And after the uproar came excitement.

Menas VS Menas, perhaps the two best Menas in the world finally meet.

Just this gimmick is enough to make people excited!


On the battlefield, two Menas with very different appearances faced off from afar.

One is curled up on the ground, and the other is floating in the air.

The comparison with ordinary Menas makes the "beauty" of Xia Chen's Menas even more prominent.

Of course, this does not mean that the Menas carefully cultivated by Michaeli are ugly.

On the contrary, the milky white scales, the gorgeously colored tail, and the supple long eyebrows undoubtedly reflect the excellence of Mikri's breeding.

But everything is afraid of comparison. If the appearance of Mikoli's Menas can be said to be 100 points, it is because the perfect score is only 100 points. However, the appearance of Xia Chen's Menas has directly raised the perfect score to two.

Hundreds, and it’s still rising!

The upper limit of Menas' appearance is the limit of beauty!

But this is a battlefield, and everything still depends on strength.

Xia Chen's Menas had just experienced a fierce battle, and his strength was not as good as his opponent's.

In the audience's opinion, it is difficult to win this civil war in Menas!

Perhaps in order to end the civil war faster, Mikri just released Menas from the Poké Ball, but even used Dynamax on it.


The huge Menas was thrown out of the gigantic and expanded Poké Ball for the second time, and its curled body almost occupied less than half of the space on the battlefield.

Under the dark red clouds mixed with energy lightning, Menas, who was dozens of meters away, raised his head and roared, letting out a high-pitched dragon roar that was a little too loud.

How could he become Dynamaxed so decisively?

Although it is indeed better to use Dynamax as early as possible, Xia Chen was still a little surprised by Mikri's decisiveness.

After thinking for a moment, he gave up the idea of ​​​​confronting him with the same Dynamax or Tai Jinghua.

Gigantamax has other uses, and Crystalline... It's a bit late to use it now. Not to mention, Menas's Crystalline attribute is still Crystalline Water, which is not a good choice against opponents.

I had no choice but to bite the bullet and fight.

The most important result is to drag down the three giant moves of the Dynamax Meenas, and then confront her head-on.

Although it sounds like a fantasy, there seems to be a way. It just depends on whether Mi Keli cooperates.

"Giant Goblin!"

While thinking about it, Mikri had already commanded his Menas to use the first extremely powerful move.

The additional effect of the Giant Fairy is to turn on the mist field for a period of time, which will prevent the fairies on the battlefield from falling into an abnormal state, and the power of dragon-type moves will be halved.

The reason why Mikri started like this is probably focused on the latter. Xia Chen's extremely special Menas is proficient in dragon-type moves, and the mist field can effectively restrict this.

But at the same time, Xia Chen, who heard Mikri's command, smiled slightly, is it a giant goblin... If that's the case, then it should be no problem to survive Menas's giant transformation.

This chapter has been completed!
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